history - St. Paul's Catholic School

St Paul’s Catholic School
Entry Requirements
Five GCSES grades A-C including English Language and History if studied at GCSE Level.
Specifications For AS level
Unit One: British History: 1815-65
This unit provides an overview of a key period in British History when Britain emerged as the
leading industrial and trading power in the world. This period opens with widespread unrest
following the conclusion of the Napoleonic wars and ends during the mid-Victorian boom
when Britain had appeared to have mastered the divisions which had threatened it through a
mixture of judiciously timed reforms, such as the Great Reform Act and brutal repression
meted out to political protestors. It also deals with Foreign Policy in a period in which Britain
was becoming the worlds leading economic and political power.
Unit Two: The USA and Vietnam: 1961-75
This module builds on knowledge obtained at GCSE. It provides an opportunity to investigate
the problems faced by the United States both at home and abroad, as a result of increasing
involvement in Vietnam. It will cover the period from the inauguration of JFK to the Paris
peace accords of 1975. Students will need to have a firm grasp of a chronology of events both
in America and Vietnam. This will tie in with the wider picture of international relations in the
cold war period, which is covered in more detail in Year 13.
Assessment at AS Level
Both Units are examined in 90 minute papers. With 2 questions of 45 minutes of each.
Specifications for A2
Unit Three: Aspects of International Relations 1945-2004
This unit promotes an understanding of change and continuity over 50 years. Through the
study of key events in depth such as the introduction of containment as the foundation of US
Foreign Policy after 1947. Topics covered range from the building of the Berlin wall in 1961
and the Cuban Missiles crisis of the following year to the end of the cold war and US
involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Unit Four: Historical Enquiry (Personal Study):
Students write an extended essay (about 3,500 words) that tests understanding over 100
years. This will be based around the topic of Why wars begin: the great powers and the
origins of two world wars, 1815-1941.
Assessment at A2 Level
Unit three is examined in a 90 minute paper with two questions of 45 minutes each
Unit Four will be marked by teacher and submitted to exam board for moderation.
For further information see Mr Curran / Mr Williams / Mrs Gillespie