Duncker Diagram Prob..

CIS144 – Weekly Work
1. Create a PowerPoint that would be suitable for me to show to the class discussing the Duncker Diagram
method of problem solving.
2. From what you have learned about the Duncker Diagram method, create a diagram for the following
You have had a very hectic morning, so you leave work a little early to relax a bit before you meet your
supervisor, who is flying into a nearby airport. You have not seen your supervisor from the home office for
about a year now. He has written to you saying that he wants to meet with you personally to discuss the last
project. Through no fault of yours, everything went wrong: The oil embargo delayed shipment of all the key
parts, your project manager met with a skiing accident, and your secretary enclosed the key files in a parcel that
was sent, by mistake, to Japan via sea mail. Your supervisor thinks that you have been so careless on this
project that you would lock yourself out of your own car.
As you are driving through the pleasant countryside on this chilly late fall afternoon, you realize that you will be
an hour early. You spot a rather secluded roadside park about 600 ft away. A quiet stream bubbles through the
park, containing trees in all their autumn colors. Such an ideal place to just get out and relax. You pull off into
the park, absentmindedly get out and lock the car, and stroll by the stream. When you return, you find the keys
are locked in the car. The road to the airport is not the usual route; there are cars about every 10 to 15 minutes.
The airport is over 5.5 miles away; the nearest house (with a telephone) is .6 miles away. The plane is due to
arrive in 20 minutes. Your car, which is not a convertible, is such that you cannot get under the hood or into the
trunk from the outside. All the windows are up and secured.
Apply the Duncker Diagram to help decide what to do.
3. How many faces in this picture?