Sederunt 3

At the Althouse Auditorium, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, on Tuesday, June seventh, two
thousand and eleven at two o’clock in the afternoon, the Assembly met pursuant to adjournment. The Moderator
constituted the Assembly with prayer.
The Assembly called for the report of the Committee on Business, which was presented by E.E.G. Allen, convener.
H. Bradley moved, duly seconded, that the agenda for the third sederunt be approved as presented. Adopted.
(cont’d on p. XXX)
The Principal Clerk presented a second commissioner orientation session. He explained the different types of
motions that arise in church courts, describing a situation which, while real, had humorous overtones.
The Assembly called for the report of the Presbyterian Church Building Corporation, which, as printed on p. XXX,
was presented by T.G. Vais, a member of the corporation.
Receive and Consider
T.G. Vais moved, duly seconded that the report be received and considered. Adopted.
Recommendation No. 1 (p. XXX) was moved by T.G. Vais, duly seconded. Adopted.
Report as a Whole
T.G. Vais moved, duly seconded, that the report as a whole be adopted. Adopted.
The Moderator called forward The Rev. Rodger Hunter who, during the luncheon presentation, received the 2011
E.H. Johnson Award on behalf of Boarding Homes Ministry. Mr. Hunter spoke of the ministry and gave thanks for
the recognition it received through this General Assembly. He said, “Thank you for this day and for the medallion.
I am able to tell my co-workers the wider church is thinking of them.”
The Moderator said, “We commend you and pray for your continued ministry.”
The Moderator then called H.F. Gale forward. Mr. Gale explained that six weeks ago he invited Presbyterians to
knit prayer shawls to be used by Boarding Homes Ministry. Forty-five congregations responded to date with 245
shawls that will be used to comfort the sick, bereaved and lonely. These were paraded before the Assembly in
fourteen large buckets. “The women knit prayer and love into each shawl,” said Mr. Gale.
The Moderator dedicated the shawls with prayer.
The Assembly called for the report of the Committee on Theological Education which, as printed on p. XXX, was
presented by B. Ellis, convener.
Receive and Consider
S.V. Clarke moved, duly seconded, that the report be received and considered. Adopted.
Motion to Consider
Pursuant to the notion of motion given in the first sederunt (p. XXX), H. Bradley moved, duly seconded, that the
dissolution of the Committee on Theological Education be considered (Committee on Theological Education,
Recommendation No. 1, p. XXX). Adopted.
Recommendation No. 1 (p. XXX) was moved by S.V. Clarke, duly seconded. Adopted.
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Recommendation No. 2 (p. XXX) was moved by S.V. Clarke, duly seconded. Adopted.
Recommendation No. 3 (p. XXX) was moved by S.V. Clarke, duly seconded.
P. Wolstenholme moved, duly seconded, that the membership of the Theological Education Liaison Group be
amended to include one member of The Presbyterian Church in Canada at large elected each year at General
Assembly. Members at large, so elected, may be re-elected for up to four consecutive terms. Defeated.
Recommendation No. 3 was adopted.
Recommendation No. 4 (p. XXX) was moved by S.V. Clarke, duly seconded. Adopted.
Recommendation No. 5 (p. XXX) was moved by S.V. Clarke, duly seconded. Adopted.
Recommendation No. 6 (p. XXX) was moved by S.V. Clarke, duly seconded. Adopted.
Recommendation No. 7 (p. XXX) was moved by S.V. Clarke, duly seconded. Adopted.
Recommendation No. 8 (p. XXX) was moved by S.V. Clarke, duly seconded. Adopted.
Recommendation No. 9 (p. XXX) was moved by S.V. Clarke, duly seconded. Adopted.
Minutes of Appreciation: The Rev. Dr. H. Glen Davis and The Rev. Joyce I. Davis
B. Ellis expressed the gratitude of the church for the life, faith and work of both The Rev. Dr. H. Glen Davis and
The Rev. Joyce I. Davis as they retire from their service to St. Andrew’s Hall and Vancouver School of Theology as
Presbyterian Director of Denominational Formation and Field Education Supervisor respectively. The Assembly
saluted them with applause.
Report as a Whole
S.V. Clarke moved, duly seconded, that the report as a whole be adopted. Adopted.
The Assembly called for the report of the Assembly Council, which as printed on p. XXX, was presented by
B. Vancook, convener.
Receive and Consider
B. Vancook moved, duly seconded, that the report be received and considered. Adopted.
Recommendation No. 1 (p. XXX) was moved by B. Vancook, duly seconded. Adopted.
Recommendation No. 2 (p. XXX) was moved by B. Vancook, duly seconded. Adopted.
Recommendation No. 3 regarding 2012 budget was presented for information and it was agreed that this would be
dealt with at a later sederunt.
Recommendation No. 4 (p. XXX) was moved by B. Vancook, duly seconded. Adopted.
Recommendation No. 5 (p. XXX) was moved by B. Vancook, duly seconded. Adopted.
Recommendation No. 6 (p. XXX) was moved by B. Vancook, duly seconded. Adopted.
Recommendation No. 7 (p. XXX) was moved by B. Vancook, duly seconded. Adopted.
Recommendation No. 8 (p. XXX) was moved by B. Vancook, duly seconded.
D. Eaglesham moved, duly seconded, that the words “to renovate an existing facility and/or to build a new building,
which represents” be inserted between the words “repairs” and “more”. Adopted
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Recommendation No. 8 as amended was adopted as follows:
That funds raised for major repairs, to renovate an existing facility and/or to build a new building, which represents
more than 10% of normal annual expenditures, be deducted from the amount raised for congregational use
(statistical form line 20) and the statistical forms accommodate this change.
Recommendation No. 9 (p. XXX) was moved by B. Vancook, duly seconded.
D. Jennings moved, duly seconded, that “.1%” be replaced with “a percentage sufficient to” and the words “as
determined by actuaries advising the Pension and Benefits Board” be added to the end of the recommendation.
Recommendation No. 9 as amended was adopted as follows:
To recommend to the Pension and Benefits Board that the contribution rate be raised for the pension fund by a
percentage sufficient to offset the change in dollar base calculation due to the removal of the cost of major repairs as
determined by actuaries advising the Pension and Benefits Board.
(cont’d on p. XXX)
Recommendation No. 1 was moved by I.D. Fraser, duly seconded, adopted.
That Overture No. 9 (p. XXX) re denominational self insurance be referred to The Assembly Council in consultation
with Financial Services.
Recommendation No. 2 was moved by I.D. Fraser, duly seconded, adopted.
That Overture No. 10 (p. XXX) re expanded pulpit supply insurance be referred to the Pension and Benefits Board
in consultation with the Assembly Council.
Recommendation No. 3 was moved by I.D. Fraser, duly seconded, adopted.
That Overture No. 11 (p. XXX) re broadening denominational participation in shared ministries be referred to the
Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations Committee in consultation with the Committee on Church Doctrine.
Recommendation No. 4 was moved by I.D. Fraser, duly seconded.
That Overture No. 12 (p. XXX), Overture No. 16 (p. 28.1.3-4), and Overture No. 18 (p. 28.1.4-5) re restructuring of
Assembly agencies be referred to the Assembly Council.
Motion to Defer
J. Patterson moved, duly seconded, that Recommendation No. 4 be deferred until Assembly Council
Recommendation No. 11 is being considered. Adopted.
Recommendation No. 5 was moved by I.D. Fraser, duly seconded, adopted.
That Overture No. 13 (p. XXX) re General Assembly budget approval process be answered in terms of the response
of the Clerks of Assembly to Clerks of Assembly Additional Motion (A&P 2010, p. 24) re budget considered after
financial matters take place (p. XXX).
Recommendation No. 6 was moved by I.D. Fraser, duly seconded, adopted.
That Overture No. 14 (p. XXX), Overture No. 15 (p. XXX) and Overture No. 17 (p. XXX) re Reformation
celebrations from 2011-2017 be referred to the Committee on History.
Recommendation No. 7 was moved by I.D. Fraser, duly seconded, adopted.
That Overture No. 19 (p. XXX) re Theological framework for Aboriginal spirituality be referred to a conversation
circle including the Committee on Church Doctrine, the Life and Mission Agency (Canadian Ministries/The Vine –
National Native Ministries Committee) and Justice Ministries (also serving as facilitator).
Recommendation No. 8 was moved by I.D. Fraser, duly seconded, adopted.
That Overture No. 20 (p. XXX) re Federal government’s transparency and accountability in decision-making be
referred to a special committee of five to be named by the Moderator, including representation from the Presbytery
of East Toronto, in consultation with the Associate Secretary of Justice Ministries, to report before the end of this
General Assembly.
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Preamble to Recommendation No. 9 was moved by I.D. Fraser, duly seconded.
Overture No. 21 (p. XXX) requests permission to place The Rev. D. Griffiths on the Constituent Roll of the
Presbytery of Newfoundland. The reason given is for the conducting of business. We are aware of other
presbyteries with even fewer clergy, who are able to conduct their business. We encourage the ongoing
participation of Ms. Griffiths in the life of the presbytery while not seeing the need to have her name placed on the
Constituent Roll.
Recommendation No. 9
That Overture No. 21 (p. XXX) re placing D. Griffiths on constituent roll be not granted.
Amendment Adopted
I.S. Wishart moved, duly seconded, that the word “not be granted” be replaced with “granted”. Adopted.
Recommendation No. 9 as amended reads:
That Overture No. 21 (p. XXX) re placing D. Griffiths on constituent roll be granted.
Amendment Adopted
H. Currie moved, duly seconded, that Overture No. 21 re placing D. Griffiths on the constituent roll, be granted with
the provision that her position on the roll be reviewed every two years by the Synod of the Atlantic Provinces.
Recommendation No. 9 as amended was adopted as follows:
That Overture No. 21 re placing D. Griffiths on the constituent roll, be granted with the provision that her position
on the roll be reviewed every two years by the Synod of the Atlantic Provinces. Adopted
(cont’d on p. XXX)
M.H. Smith, convener, introduced a video demonstrating the work of the Life and Mission Agency that is available
for use across the church.
Ms. Tori Smit was called forward by the Moderator.
Recommendation No. 21 (p. XXX) was moved by G. Jackson, duly seconded. Adopted.
Minute of Appreciation: Ms. Tori Smit
H. Smith presented a minute of appreciation for Ms. Tori Smit, Associate Secretary, The Vine/Canadian Ministries.
Ms. Smit responded by acknowledging that it has been a joy and a delight to serve the church in this way and gave
thanks for the opportunity.
Motion to Reconsider
Pursuant to the notice of motion given in the first sederunt (p. XXX), H. Bradley moved, duly seconded, that the
mandate of the Life and Mission Agency be reconsidered (Life and Mission Agency Committee, Recommendation
Nos. 1 and 2, p. XXX and XXX). Adopted.
Recommendation No. 1 (p. XXX) was moved by G. Jackson, duly seconded. Adopted.
Recommendation No. 2 (p. XXX) was moved by G. Jackson, duly seconded. Adopted.
Additional Motion
L. Brice moved, duly seconded, that the General Assembly urge the Life and Mission Agency to creatively
introduce the Gospel to Canadians and build a stronger church over the next five years by leading, along with
recognized authorities in the media, regional and nation conferences, to enable, show opportunities for, and inspire
ministers and lay people, for such ministries as found in the social media, newspapers journalism and publishing,
and radio and television outreach. Creatively presenting the Gospel can result in a life-time of benefits to both the
church and the nation. Defeated.
(cont’d on p. XXX)
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The Assembly called for the report of the Committee on Church Doctrine which, as printed on p. XXX, was
presented by D.F. Robinson, convener.
Receive and Consider
J. Cameron moved, duly seconded, that the report be received and considered. Adopted.
Recommendation No. 1 (p. XXX) was moved by J.L. Cameron, duly seconded.
Motion to Refer
D. Jennings moved, duly seconded, that Overture No. 9, 2007 be referred back to the Church Doctrine Committee in
consultation with the Clerks of Assembly and retained legal counsel for the purpose of considering and including in
a future written response disclosure regarding potential legal implications of clergy acting as agents of the state for
the solemnization of marriage in Canada, and to report back to a future General Assembly. Carried.
Recommendation No. 2 (p. XXX) was moved by J.L. Cameron, duly seconded. Adopted.
Recommendation No. 3 (p. XXX) was moved by J.L. Cameron, duly seconded.
B. Mack moved, duly seconded, that the following paragraphs replace the eighth paragraph of the “Statement of The
Presbyterian Church in Canada on our Relationship with the Jewish People”.
It is always good for us to confess our sins to God. We acknowledge with shame and penitence the Church’s long
complicity in the persecution, exclusion and expulsions of the Jews through the “teaching of contempt”, beginning
in the first centuries of the Christian era, gathering strength during the Crusades and culminating in the Shoah or
Holocaust. As Christians we have failed to demonstrate to the Jewish community and to individual Jews that love
which Jesus Christ commanded us to show. Of this lack of love and teaching of contempt and the attitudes and acts
which proceeded from it, we humbly repent.
It is also, however, a matter of historical record that countries in which the Reformed tradition and its “one covenant
of grace” theology took root have provided refuge for this persecuted people. The Spanish and Portuguese Jewish
community has lived in the Netherlands (and Dutch colonies like Curacao) with full citizenship rights since the 17th
century. There were no pogroms in Scotland. During the Puritan Commonwealth Jews were re-admitted to England
and have flourished as a community both there and in what became the United States. We are thankful for
Christians, of all traditions throughout the ages, who have stood in solidarity with Jews. We call upon our people to
eschew the use of language and innuendo which may disparage, slander and harm Jews and we urge Christians to
show solidarity with Jews when acts of hatred, such as the desecration of graves, synagogues and schools are
perpetrated against them.
(cont’d on p. XXX)
The Assembly called for the report of the Pension and Benefits Board which, as printed on p. XXX, was presented
by T. Fischer, Convener.
Receive and Consider
N. Athanasiadis moved, duly seconded, that the report be received and considered. Adopted.
Recommendation No. 1 (p. XXX) was moved by N. Athanasiadis, duly seconded. Adopted.
Recommendation No. 2 (p. XXX) was moved by N. Athanasiadis, duly seconded. Adopted.
Motion to Reconsider
Pursuant to notice of motion given in the first sederunt (p. XXX), H. Bradley moved, duly seconded that the
constitution of the Pension Plan be reconsidered (Pension and Benefits Board, Recommendation Nos. 3 and 4, p.
XXX and XXX). Adopted.
Recommendation No. 3 (p. XXX) was moved by N. Athanasiadis, duly seconded. Adopted.
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Recommendation No. 4 (p. XXX) was moved by N. Athanasiadis, duly seconded. Adopted.
Report as a Whole
N. Athanasiadis moved, duly seconded, that the report as a whole be adopted. Adopted.
Announcements having been made, the Moderator adjourned the Assembly to meet in the Althouse Auditorium,
University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, on Tuesday, June seventh, two thousand and eleven, at seven
o’clock in the evening, of which public intimation was given. The sederunt closed with prayer by the Moderator.