Faculty Faculty Beasley School of Law Scott C. Burris, Professor, Department of Center for Health Law, Policy and Practice; J.D., Yale University. David A. Hoffman, Professor, Department of Dean's Office; J.D., Harvard Law School. Laura E. Little, Professor, Department of Dean's Office; J.D., Temple University School of Law. Gregory N. Mandel, Professor, Department of Dean's Office; J.D., Stanford Law School. Boyer College of Music and Dance Charles Abramovic, Professor, Department of Keyboard Studies; D.M.A., Temple University. Mitos Andaya, Associate Professor, Department of Choral Activities; D.M.A., University of Kansas. Christine L. Anderson, Associate Professor, Department of Voice and Opera; D.M.A., University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music. Luis O. Biava, Professor Emeritus, Department of Instrumental Studies; M.M., Manhattan School of Music. Beth Bolton, Associate Professor, Department of Music Education and Music Therapy; Ph.D., Temple University. Karen E. Bond, Associate Professor, Department of Dance; Ph.D., La Trobe University. Darlene M. Brooks, Associate Professor, Department of Music Education and Music Therapy; Ph.D., Temple University. Matthew Brunner, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Instrumental Studies; D.M.A., Indiana University. Nathan Buonviri, Assistant Professor, Department of Music Education and Music Therapy; Ph.D., Temple University. David B. Cannata, Associate Professor, Department of Music Studies; Ph.D., New York University. Deborah A. Confredo, Professor, Department of Music Education and Music Therapy; Ph.D., Florida State University. Andreas Delfs, Professor, Department of Instrumental Studies; M.M., The Juilliard School. Marcus DeLoach, Assistant Professor, Department of Voice and Opera; D.M.A., Rice University. Alexander deVaron, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Music Studies; D.M.A., Temple University. Cheryl L. Dileo, Professor, Department of Music Education and Music Therapy; Ph.D., Louisiana State University. Rollo A. Dilworth, Associate Professor, Department of Music Education and Music Therapy; D.M.A., Northwestern University. Sherril Dodds, Professor, Department of Dance; Ph.D., University of Surrey. Vladimir Dyo, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Instrumental Studies; D.M.A., Temple University. Alexander E. Fiorillo, Professor, Department of Keyboard Studies; M.M., Catholic University of America. Edward Flanagan, Associate Professor, Department of Music Studies; Ph.D., Temple University. Cynthia J. Folio, Professor, Department of Music Studies; Ph.D., Eastman School of Music. Mark Franko, Professor, Department of Dance; Ph.D., Columbia University. Shana Goldin-Perschbacher, Assistant Professor, Department of Music Studies; Ph.D., University of Virginia. Lorie A. Gratis, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Voice and Opera; D.M.A., Temple University. Matthew J. Greenbaum, Professor, Department of Music Studies; Ph.D., City University of New York. Jillian Harris, Assistant Professor, Department of Dance; M.F.A., New York University Tisch School of the Arts. Andrea McGraw Hunt, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Music Education and Music Therapy; Ph.D., Temple University. Lawrence R. Indik, Associate Professor (Practice), Department of Voice and Opera; D.M.A., Manhattan School of Music. 1 2 Temple University Bulletin 2015-2016 John F. Johnson, Professor, Department of Music Studies; M.M., University of Texas. Laura E. Katz Rizzo, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Dance; Ph.D., Temple University. Gregory S. Kettinger, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Music Studies; B.M., Temple University. Joann M. Kirchner, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Keyboard Studies; Ph.D., University of Oklahoma. Michael Klein, Professor, Department of Music Studies; Ph.D., State University of New York at Buffalo. Allen M. Krantz, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Instrumental Studies; M.A., Stanford University. Steven Kreinberg, Associate Professor, Department of Music Studies; Ed.D., Temple University. Jan L. Krzywicki, Professor, Department of Music Studies; M.M., Philadelphia Musical Academy. Edward D. Latham, Associate Professor, Department of Music Studies; Ph.D., Yale University. Kun-Yang Lin, Associate Professor, Department of Dance; M.F.A., New York University Tisch School of the Arts. Joyce Z. Lindorff, Professor, Department of Keyboard Studies; D.M.A., The Juilliard School. Wendy Magee, Associate Professor, Department of Music Education and Music Therapy; Ph.D., University of Sheffield. Yukiko Mitsudome, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Music Education and Music Therapy; Ph.D., Temple University. Phillip R. O'Banion, Assistant Professor, Department of Instrumental Studies; M.M., University of Colorado. Richard D. Oatts, Professor, Department of Music Studies. Lambert T. Orkis, Professor, Department of Keyboard Studies; M.M., Temple University. Elizabeth C. Parker, Assistant Professor, Department of Music Education and Music Therapy; Ph.D., University of Nebraska-Lincoln. David Pasbrig, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Music Studies; D.M.A., Temple University. Paul Rardin, Associate Professor, Department of Choral Activities; D.M.A., University of Michigan. Alison M. Reynolds, Associate Professor, Department of Music Education and Music Therapy; Ph.D., Temple University. Valery Ryvkin, Associate Professor, Department of Voice and Opera; M.M., The Juilliard School. Benjamin A. Schachter, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Music Studies; M.M., New England Conservatory. Eduard Schmieder, Professor, Department of Instrumental Studies. Helen Shoemark, Associate Professor, Department of Music Education and Music Therapy; Ph.D., University of Melbourne. Jeffrey C. Solow, Professor, Department of Instrumental Studies; B.A., University of California Los Angeles. Merián Soto, Professor, Department of Dance; M.A. Terell L. Stafford, Professor, Department of Music Studies; M.M., Rutgers University. Robert T. Stroker, Professor, Department of Music Education and Music Therapy; Ph.D., Michigan State University. Maria del Pico Taylor, Professor, Department of Keyboard Studies; M.M., Northwestern University. Emily C. Threinen, Associate Professor, Department of Instrumental Studies; D.M.A., University of Michigan. Adam Vidiksis, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Music Studies; Ph.D., Temple University. Lindsay Weightman, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Music Studies; D.M.A., Manhattan School of Music. Kariamu Welsh, Professor, Department of Dance; D.A., New York University. Stephen A. Willier, Associate Professor, Department of Music Studies; Ph.D., University of Illinois. Maurice W. Wright, Professor, Department of Music Studies; D.M.A., Columbia University. Steven D. Zohn, Professor, Department of Music Studies; Ph.D., Cornell University. Faculty College of Education Gregory Anderson, Professor, Department of Policy, Organizational, and Leadership Studies; Ph.D., City University of New York. Janelle M. Bailey, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Teaching and Learning; Ph.D., University of Arizona. Cynthia S. Belliveau, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Policy, Organizational, and Leadership Studies; Ph.D., Temple University. Julie L. Booth, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychological Studies in Education; Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University. Jean A. Boyer, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Psychological Studies in Education; Ph.D., University of Cincinnati. Joseph Boyle, Associate Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning; Ph.D., University of Kansas. Carol B. Brandt, Assistant Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning; Ph.D., University of New Mexico. Wanda M. Brooks, Associate Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning; Ed.D., University of Pennsylvania. James P. Byrnes, Professor, Department of Psychological Studies in Education; Ph.D., Temple University. Corrinne A. Caldwell, Professor Emerita, Department of Policy, Organizational, and Leadership Studies; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Robert W. Clark, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Teaching and Learning; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University. Sarah A. Cordes, Assistant Professor, Department of Policy, Organizational, and Leadership Studies; Ph.D., New York University. Maia Bloomfield Cucchiara, Assistant Professor, Department of Policy, Organizational, and Leadership Studies; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. James Earl Davis, Professor, Department of Policy, Organizational, and Leadership Studies; Ph.D., Cornell University. Meixia Ding, Assistant Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning; Ph.D., Texas A and M University. Joseph P. DuCette, Professor, Department of Psychological Studies in Education; Ph.D., Cornell University. Richard M. Englert, Professor, Department of Policy, Organizational, and Leadership Studies; Ed.D., University of California Los Angeles. Frank H. Farley, Professor, Department of Psychological Studies in Education; Ph.D., University of London. Catherine A. Fiorello, Professor, Department of Psychological Studies in Education; Ph.D., University of Kentucky. Amanda G. Fischer, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychological Studies in Education; Ph.D., Ohio State University. Joseph P. Folger, Professor, Department of Policy, Organizational, and Leadership Studies; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison. Timothy P. Fukawa-Connelly, Assistant Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning; Ph.D., University of Maryland. William Fullard Jr., Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychological Studies in Education; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Steven Jay Gross, Professor, Department of Policy, Organizational, and Leadership Studies; Ed.D., University of Pennsylvania. John Hall, Assistant Professor, Department of Policy, Organizational, and Leadership Studies; Ph.D., University of California Berkeley. Shanta Hattikudur, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Psychological Studies in Education; Ph.D., University of WisconsinMadison. Joseph Haviland, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Teaching and Learning; Ed.D., Temple University. Annemarie H. Hindman, Associate Professor, Department of Psychological Studies in Education; Ph.D., University of Michigan. Shana Hornstein, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Teaching and Learning; Ph.D., Arizona State University. Portia L. Hunt, Professor Emerita, Department of Psychological Studies in Education; Ph.D., Indiana State University. Vivian W. Ikpa, Associate Professor, Department of Policy, Organizational, and Leadership Studies; Ph.D., University of Maryland College Park. Will J. Jordan, Associate Professor, Department of Policy, Organizational, and Leadership Studies; Ph.D., Columbia University, Teachers College. Yasuko Kanno, Associate Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning; Ph.D., University of Toronto. 3 4 Temple University Bulletin 2015-2016 Avshalom Kaplan, Associate Professor, Department of Psychological Studies in Education; Ph.D., University of Michigan. Novella E. Keith, Associate Professor Emerita, Department of Teaching and Learning; Ph.D., Rutgers University. Julie Beth Kessler, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Teaching and Learning; Ph.D., Temple University. Larry J. Krafft, Professor, Department of Policy, Organizational, and Leadership Studies; Ph.D., Michigan State University. Peshe C. Kuriloff, Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Teaching and Learning; Ph.D., Bryn Mawr College. Janice C. Laurence, Associate Professor, Department of Policy, Organizational, and Leadership Studies; Ph.D., George Mason University. Yoon H. Lee, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Teaching and Learning; Ed.D., Columbia University. Doug Lombardi, Assistant Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning; Ph.D., University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Christopher W. McGinley, Associate Professor, Department of Policy, Organizational, and Leadership Studies; Ed. D., University of Pennsylvania. Kristina Najera, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Teaching and Learning; Ph.D., University of Delaware. Kristie Jones Newton, Associate Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning; Ph.D., University of Maryland College Park. Timothy J. Patterson, Assistant Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning; Ph.D., Columbia University. Aneta Pavlenko, Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning; Ph.D., Cornell University. Laura Pendergast, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychological Studies in Education; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University. Ivan J. Quandt, Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning; Ed.D., Indiana University. Elizabeth Richard, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Teaching and Learning; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University. Jayminn S. Sanford-DeShields, Associate Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning; Ed.D., Harvard University. Kenneth G. Schaefer, Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning; Ph.D., Columbia University. Catherine C. Schifter, Associate Professor, Department of Psychological Studies in Education; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Joan Poliner Shapiro, Professor, Department of Policy, Organizational, and Leadership Studies; Ed.D., University of Pennsylvania. Lauren Smith, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Psychological Studies in Education; Ph.D., University of Miami. Michael W. Smith, Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning; Ph.D., University of Chicago. Tamara Sniad, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Teaching and Learning; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Cathleen S. Soundy, Associate Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning; Ed.D., Rutgers University. Sarah I. Springer, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Psychological Studies in Education; Ph.D., Montclair State University. Judith C. Stull, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Policy, Organizational, and Leadership Studies; Ph.D., Boston College. Francis J. Sullivan, Associate Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Jill May Swavely, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Teaching and Learning; Ed.D., Temple University. Neil Theobald, Professor, Department of Policy, Organizational, and Leadership Studies; Ph.D., University of Washington. S. Kenneth Thurman, Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning; Ph.D., Vanderbilt University. Matthew J. Tincani, Associate Professor, Department of Psychological Studies in Education; Ph.D., Ohio State University. Gregory M. Tucker, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Psychological Studies in Education; Ph.D., Temple University. Nathaniel von der Embse, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychological Studies in Education; Ph.D., Michigan State University. Matthew J. Elvis Wagner, Associate Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning; Ed.D., Columbia University. Barbara A. Wasik, Professor, Department of Psychological Studies in Education; Ph.D., Temple University. Meredith Weber, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Teaching and Learning; Ph.D., Temple University. Faculty 5 Keith Witham, Assistant Professor, Department of Policy, Organizational, and Leadership Studies; Ph.D., University of Southern California. Christine A. Woyshner, Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning; Ed.D., Harvard University. College of Engineering Bechara E. Abboud, Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Ph.D., Drexel University. Berk Ayranci, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; M.S.M.E., Temple University. Li Bai, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Ph.D., Drexel University. George Baran, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering; Ph.D., University of Michigan. Leonard K. Bernstein, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; M.S., University of Pennsylvania. Saroj K. Biswas, Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Ph.D., University of Ottawa. Robert M. Brooks, Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Ph.D., Indian Institute of Technology. David S. Brookstein, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering; Sc.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Shih-Jiun Chen, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering; Ph.D., Drexel University. Harsh Deep Chopra, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering; Ph.D., University of Maryland College Park. Joseph Thomas Coe Jr., Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Ph.D., University of California Los Angeles. Richard S. Cohen, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering; Ph.D., Princeton University. Kurosh Darvish, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering; Ph.D., University of Virginia. Zdenka J. Delalic, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Dmitriy A. Dikin, Associate Professor (Research), Department of Mechanical Engineering; Ph.D., National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering. Oleksandr Diloyan, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Mechanical Engineering; Ph.D., Donetsk National Technical University. Ahmed Faheem, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin. Omar Z. Fisher, Assistant Professor, Department of Bioengineering; Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin. Bojana Gligorijevic, Assistant Professor, Department of Bioengineering; Ph.D., Georgetown University. Yah-el Har-el, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Bioengineering; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University. John J. Helferty, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Ph.D., Drexel University. Robert Hughes, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering; Ph.D., McMaster University. Parsaoran Hutapea, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering; Ph.D., North Carolina State University. Mohammad F. Kiani, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering; Ph.D., Louisiana Tech University. Sanghun Kim, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Ph.D., Syracuse University. Peter Lelkes, Professor, Department of Bioengineering; Ph.D., RWTH Aachen University. Michel Lemay, Professor, Department of Bioengineering; Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University. Haijun Liu, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering; Ph.D., University of Maryland College Park. Muruganandham Manickavachagam, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Ph.D., Annamalai University. Erica R. McKenzie, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Ph.D., University of California at Davis. William C. Miller, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Svetlana Neretina, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering; Ph.D., McMaster University. 6 Temple University Bulletin 2015-2016 Iyad Obeid, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Ph.D., Duke University. Ruth Ochia, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Bioengineering; Ph.D., University of Washington. Ralph Oyini Mbouna, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Ph.D., Temple University. Chetan A. Patil, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Bioengineering; Ph.D., Vanderbilt University. Vallorie J. Peridier, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering; Ph.D., Lehigh University. Joseph Picone, Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Ph.D., Illinois Institute of Technology. Shriram Pillapakkam, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Mechanical Engineering; Ph.D., New Jersey Institute of Technology. Nancy Pleshko, Professor, Department of Bioengineering; Ph.D., Rutgers University. Songgang Qiu, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering; Ph.D., University of Minnesota. David Reiser, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Mechanical Engineering. Fei Ren, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering; Ph.D., Michigan State University. Shenqiang Ren, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering; Ph.D., University of Maryland College Park. Steven M. Ridenour, Professor Emeritus, Department of Mechanical Engineering; Ph.D., University of Miami. Robert J. Ryan, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Ph.D., Drexel University. Keyanoush Sadeghipour, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering; Ph.D., University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology. Sergio E. Serrano, Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Ph.D., University of Waterloo. Dennis A. Silage, Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Andrew Spence, Associate Professor, Department of Bioengineering; Ph.D., Cornell University. Won Hyuk Suh, Assistant Professor, Department of Bioengineering; Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Thomas E. Sullivan, Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University. Rominder Suri, Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Ph.D., Michigan Technological University. Rouzbeh Tehrani, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Ph.D., Temple University. Philip D. Udo-Inyang, Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Ph.D., University of Missouri-Columbia. Felix F. Udoeyo, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Ph.D., Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University. Dmitri Vainchtein, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering; Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Benoit Van Aken, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Ph.D., Catholic University of Louvain. Evelyn Walters, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Ph.D., Technische Universität München. Wenhai Wang, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Mechanical Engineering. Chang-Hee Won, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Ph.D., University of Notre Dame. Jie Yin, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering; Ph.D., Columbia University. Hui Yu, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Huichun Judy Zhang, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology. Yimin Daniel Zhang, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Ph.D., University of Tsukuba. Ying Julie Zhu, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Ph.D., Princeton University. Faculty College of Liberal Arts Zain Abdullah, Associate Professor, Department of Religion; Ph.D., The New School for Social Research. Carolyn T. Adams, Professor Emerita, Department of Geography and Urban Studies; Ph.D., Washington University. Howard Addison, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Intellectual Heritage; Ph.D., Graduate Theological Foundation. Hiram Aldarondo, Associate Professor, Department of Spanish and Portuguese; Ph.D., University of Chicago. Joseph D. Alkus, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Criminal Justice; M.S., National Louis University. David Allen, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Sociology; Ph.D., University of California Berkeley. Lauren B. Alloy, Professor, Department of Psychology; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Rebecca T. Alpert, Professor, Department of Religion; Ph.D., Temple University. Michael Altimore, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Sociology; Ph.D., University of Iowa. Elizabeth Alvarez, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Intellectual Heritage; Ph.D., University of Chicago Divinity School. Nilgün Anadolu-Okur, Associate Professor, Department of African American Studies; Ph.D., Hacettepe University. Max Andrucki, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Geography and Urban Studies; Ph.D., University of Leeds. Kevin T. Arceneaux, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science; Ph.D., Rice University. Molefi Kete Asante, Professor, Department of African American Studies; Ph.D., University of California Los Angeles. Alira Ashvo-Munoz, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Spanish and Portuguese; Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin. Philip Atkins, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Philosophy; Ph.D., University of California Santa Barbara. Kathleen Auerhahn, Associate Professor, Department of Criminal Justice; Ph.D., University of California Riverside. James D. Bachmeier, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology; Ph.D., University of California Irvine. Marcia B. Bailey, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Intellectual Heritage; Ph.D., Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity. Debra Bangasser, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology; Ph.D., Rutgers University. Steven R. Belenko, Professor, Department of Criminal Justice; Ph.D., Columbia University. Jamal Benin, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Intellectual Heritage; M.A., Temple University. Paul Benzon, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Writing Program; Ph.D., Rutgers University. Daniel W. Berman, Associate Professor, Department of Greek and Roman Classics; Ph.D., Yale University. Lila Corwin Berman, Associate Professor, Department of History; Ph.D., Yale University. Susan Bertolino, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Intellectual Heritage; M.A., University of Chicago. Kathleen A. Biddick, Professor Emerita, Department of History; Ph.D., University of Toronto. Marcus Bingenheimer, Assistant Professor, Department of Religion; Dr.Phil., Wurzburg University. Erwin A. Blackstone, Professor, Department of Economics; Ph.D., University of Michigan. Khalid A. Y. Blankinship, Associate Professor, Department of Religion; Ph.D., University of Washington. Michael L. Bognanno, Associate Professor, Department of Economics; Ph.D., Cornell University. Aryeh I. Botwinick, Professor, Department of Political Science; Ph.D., Princeton University. Gary W. Bowman, Associate Professor, Department of Economics; Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University. Lucy Bregman, Professor, Department of Religion; Ph.D., University of Chicago Divinity School. Lisa A. Briand, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology; Ph.D., University of Michigan. 7 8 Temple University Bulletin 2015-2016 Sheldon R. Brivic, Professor, Department of English; Ph.D., University of California Berkeley. Seth C. Bruggeman, Associate Professor, Department of History; Ph.D., College of William and Mary. Andrew Buck, Professor Emeritus, Department of Economics; Ph.D., University of Illinois. Sarah Sunn Bush, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science; Ph.D., Princeton University. Gregory Byala, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Writing Program; Ph.D., Yale University. Michelle D. Byng, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology; Ph.D., University of Virginia. Niambi Carter, Assistant Professor, Department of African American Studies; Ph.D., Duke University. Sanjoy Chakravorty, Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Studies; Ph.D., University of Southern California. Colin Chamberlain, Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy; Ph.D., Harvard University. Isabelle Chang, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Psychology, Temple University. Linda Chavers, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Intellectual Heritage; Ph.D., Harvard University. Jason M. Chein, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology; Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh. Eunice Y. Chen, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology; Ph.D., University of Sydney. Rujuta P. Chincholkar-Mandelia, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Women's Studies, Temple University. Fletcher Chmara-Huff, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Geography and Urban Studies; Ph.D., Ohio State University. Daniel Chomsky, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Political Science; Ph.D., Northwestern University. Steven E. Cole, Associate Professor, Department of English; Ph.D., University of Washington. Bettye Collier-Thomas, Professor, Department of History; Ph.D., George Washington University. Gretchen A. Condran, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Whitley Cooke, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Writing Program; Ph.D., University of Oklahoma. Norma Corrales-Martin, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Spanish and Portuguese; Ph.D., Ohio University. Lindsay Craig, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Philosophy; Ph.D., University of Cincinnati. Nyron Crawford, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science; Ph.D., Ohio State University. Paul Crowe, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Philosophy; Ph.D., Catholic University of Louvain. Alicia Aileen Cunningham-Bryant, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Intellectual Heritage; Ph.D., Yale University. Beth K. Curran, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of French, German, Italian and Slavic; Ph.D., Rutgers University. Roman A. Cybriwsky, Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Studies; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University. Amanda Czerniawski, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Sociology; Ph.D., Columbia University. Tirthatanmoy Das, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Economics; Ph.D., State University of New York at Binghamton. Heath Fogg Davis, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science; Ph.D., Princeton University. Barbara A. Day-Hickman, Associate Professor, Department of History; Ph.D., University of California Irvine. Richard E. Deeg, Professor, Department of Political Science; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Kevin J. Delaney, Professor, Department of Sociology; Ph.D., State University of New York Stony Brook. Samuel R. Delany, Professor, Department of English; Ph.D., The Bronx High School of Science. John A. Dern, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Intellectual Heritage; Ph.D., Lehigh University. Dimitrios I. Diamantaras, Associate Professor, Department of Economics; Ph.D., University of Rochester. Faculty Nguyen Thi Dieu, Associate Professor, Department of History; Ph.D., Aix-en-Provence. Kenneth M. Dossar, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Intellectual Heritage; Ph.D., Temple University. Myrna Douzjian, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Intellectual Heritage; Ph.D., University of California Los Angeles. Hope N. Doyle, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Spanish and Portuguese; Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin. Deborah A. G. Drabick, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology; Ph.D., State University of New York Stony Brook. Jayne Kribbs Drake, Associate Professor, Department of English; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University. Douglas Duckworth, Assistant Professor, Department of Religion; Ph.D., University of Virginia. William C. Dunkelberg, Professor Emeritus, Department of Economics; Ph.D., University of Michigan. Rachel Blau DuPlessis, Professor Emerita, Department of English; Ph.D., Columbia University. Jaime Duran, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Spanish and Portuguese; Ph.D., Temple University. Michael M. Eisman, Associate Professor, Department of History; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. David B. Elesh, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology; Ph.D., Columbia University. Lauren Ellman, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology; Ph.D., University of California Los Angeles. Eugene Ericksen, Professor Emeritus, Department of Sociology; Ph.D., University of Michigan. Julia Ericksen, Professor Emerita, Department of Sociology; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Rosario R. Espinal, Professor, Department of Sociology; Ph.D., Washington University-St. Louis. Jamie J. Fader, Assistant Professor, Department of Criminal Justice; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Mohsen Fardmanesh, Associate Professor, Department of Economics; Ph.D., Yale University. Paul Farnsworth, Professor, Department of Anthropology; Ph.D., University of California Los Angeles. Robert L. Fauber Jr., Associate Professor, Department of Psychology; Ph.D. Daniel Featherston, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Writing Program; Ph.D., University of Arizona. Barbara Ferman, Professor, Department of Political Science; Ph.D., Brandeis University. Kenneth Finkel, Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of American Studies; M.A., Temple University. K. Orfeo Fioretos, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science; Ph.D., Columbia University. Alexa Firat, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Languages and Studies; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Ariane Fischer, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Intellectual Heritage; Ph.D., George Washington University. Talissa Ford, Assistant Professor, Department of English; Ph.D., University of California Berkeley. Joseph S. Foster, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Intellectual Heritage; Ph.D., Temple University. Sergio R. Franco, Associate Professor, Department of Spanish and Portuguese; Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh. Amy L. Friedman, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Writing Program; Ph.D., University of London. Joseph Friedman, Professor, Department of Economics; Ph.D., University of California Berkeley. Yukari Fujiwara, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Languages and Studies; M.A., Eastern Michigan University. Akim Gabriel, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of French, German, Italian and Slavic; M.A., Temple University. Carmelo A. Galati, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of French, German, Italian and Slavic; Ph.D., Rutgers University. 9 10 Temple University Bulletin 2015-2016 Inmaculada M. García-Sánchez, Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology; Ph.D., University of California Los Angeles. Timothy Garelick, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Psychology; Ph.D., Lehigh University. Paul B. Garrett, Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology; Ph.D., New York University. Suzanne Gauch, Associate Professor, Department of English; Ph.D., State University of New York at Buffalo. James R. Getz, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Intellectual Heritage; Ph.D., Brandeis University. Maurizio Giammarco, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Intellectual Heritage; Ph.D., Temple University. Melissa R. Gilbert, Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Studies; Ph.D., Clark University. Tania Giovannetti, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology; Ph.D., Drexel University. Joseph Giuffre, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Intellectual Heritage, Rutgers University. Kristin Gjesdal, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy; Ph.D., University of Oslo. Travis F. Glasson, Associate Professor, Department of History; Ph.D., Columbia University. Petra Goedde, Associate Professor, Department of History; Ph.D., Northwestern University. Eli C. Goldblatt, Professor, Department of English; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison. Luis T. González del Valle, Professor Emeritus, Department of Spanish and Portuguese; Ph.D., University of Massachusetts Amherst. Cynthia M. Gooch, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Psychology; Ph.D., Princeton University. Judith Goode, Professor Emerita, Department of Anthropology; Ph.D., Cornell University. Alex Gottesman, Assistant Professor, Department of Greek and Roman Classics; Ph.D., University of Chicago. Thomas J. Gould, Professor, Department of Psychology; Ph.D., Indiana University. Kimberly Ann Goyette, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology; Ph.D., University of Michigan. Cristina Gragnani, Assistant Professor, Department of French, German, Italian and Slavic; Ph.D., Harvard University. Peter Gran, Professor, Department of History; Ph.D., University of Chicago. Sherri L. Grasmuck, Professor, Department of Sociology; Ph.D., University of Texas. Douglas Greenfield, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Intellectual Heritage; Ph.D., Columbia University. Leonard O. Greenfield, Professor, Department of Anthropology; Ph.D., University of Michigan. Elizabeth Groff, Associate Professor, Department of Criminal Justice; Ph.D., University of Maryland. Rachael Groner, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Writing Program; Ph.D., Purdue University. Lisa Grunberger, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Writing Program; Ph.D., University of Chicago Divinity School. Alexandra Guisinger, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science; Ph.D., Yale University. Elizabeth Gunderson, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology; Ph.D., University of Chicago. Michael G. Hagen, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science; Ph.D., University of California Berkeley. Simon Hakim, Professor, Department of Economics; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Raymond Halnon, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Sociology; B.A., Boston College. Espen Hammer, Professor, Department of Philosophy; Ph.D., The New School for Social Research. Patricia Hansell, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Anthropology; Ph.D., Temple University. Donald A. Hantula, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology; Ph.D., University of Notre Dame. Carissa M. Harris, Assistant Professor, Department of English; Ph.D., Northwestern University. Faculty M. Kay Harris, Associate Professor Emerita, Department of Criminal Justice; M.A., University of Chicago. Philip W. Harris, Associate Professor Emeritus, Department of Criminal Justice. Carol Harris-Shapiro, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Intellectual Heritage; Ph.D., Temple University. Allison Hayes-Conroy, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Studies; Ph.D., Clark University. Richard G. Heimberg, Professor, Department of Psychology; Ph.D., Florida State University. Katherine Henry, Associate Professor, Department of English; Ph.D., Rutgers University. Kevin A. Henry, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Studies; Ph.D., McGill University. Karen Klaiber Hersch, Associate Professor, Department of Greek and Roman Classics; Ph.D., Rutgers University. Michael Hesson, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Anthropology; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Matthew L. Hiller, Associate Professor, Department of Criminal Justice; Ph.D., Texas Christian University. Kathryn A. Hirsh-Pasek, Professor, Department of Psychology; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. William L. Holmes, Associate Professor, Department of Economics; Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Jonathan C. Holmquist, Associate Professor, Department of Spanish and Portuguese; Ph.D., Princeton University. Kathy M. Houff, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Writing Program; Ph.D., University of Georgia. Alistair Q. Howard, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Political Science; Ph.D., George Washington University. Roselyn Hsueh, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science; Ph.D., University of California Berkeley. Shuchen Susan Huang, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Languages and Studies; Ph.D., University of Massachusetts. Richard H. Immerman, Professor, Department of History; Ph.D., Boston College. Michael Ingram, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Writing Program; M.F.A., University of Iowa. Cheryl L. Irons-Guynn, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Criminal Justice; J.D., Temple University. Andrew C. Isenberg, Professor, Department of History; Ph.D., Northwestern University. Jessie B. Iwata, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Intellectual Heritage, Temple University. Alesha Jackson, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Writing Program; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Peter James, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Psychology; Ph.D., Lehigh University. Stephen Jankiewicz, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Intellectual Heritage; Ph.D., Rutgers University. Wilbert L. Jenkins, Associate Professor, Department of History; Ph.D., Michigan State University. Jayasinhji Jhala, Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology; Ph.D., Harvard University. Kareem J. Johnson, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Psychology; Ph.D., University of Michigan. Peter R. Jones, Professor, Department of Criminal Justice; Ph.D., Aberystwyth University. Priya Joshi, Associate Professor, Department of English; Ph.D., Columbia University. Joyce A. Joyce, Professor, Department of English; Ph.D., University of Georgia. Nyasha Junior, Assistant Professor, Department of Religion; Ph.D., Princeton Theological Seminary. Hana Muzika Kahn, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Spanish and Portuguese; Ph.D., Rutgers University. Andrew Karpinski, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology; Ph.D. Deborah Karr, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Writing Program; Ed.D., Temple University. 11 12 Temple University Bulletin 2015-2016 Robert L. Kaufman, Professor, Department of Sociology; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin. Michael W. Kaufmann, Associate Professor, Department of English; Ph.D., Columbia University. Charles Kaylor, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Geography and Urban Studies; M.U.P., University of Michigan. Gabriella Kecskes, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Writing Program; Ph.D., Temple University. Philip C. Kendall, Professor, Department of Psychology; Ph.D., Virginia Commonwealth University. Dustin Kidd, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology; Ph.D., University of Virginia. Han-Kyul Kim, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Philosophy; Ph.D., University of York. Jacob Kim, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Religion; Ph.D., Temple University. Sook Kyung Kim, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Writing Program; Ed.D., Temple University. Susan Klepp, Professor Emerita, Department of History; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Joshua Klugman, Professor, Department of Sociology; Ph.D., Indiana University. Robin A. Kolodny, Professor, Department of Political Science; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University. Kyriakos M. Kontopoulos, Professor, Department of Sociology; Ph.D., Harvard University. Rita Krueger, Associate Professor, Department of History; Ph.D., Harvard University. Fyodor I. Kushnirsky, Professor, Department of Economics; Ph.D., Plekhanov Institute of the National Economy. Kenneth L. Kusmer, Professor, Department of History; Ph.D., University of Chicago. George M. Lady, Professor, Department of Economics; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University. Peter Lavelle, Assistant Professor, Department of History; Ph.D., Cornell University. Anne Layman-Horn, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Writing Program; Ph.D., New York University. Mindie Lazarus-Black, Professor, Department of Anthropology; Ph.D., University of Chicago. Don Lee, Professor, Department of English; M.F.A., Emerson College. Jeffrey Ethan Lee, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Intellectual Heritage; Ph.D., New York University. Sue-Im Lee, Associate Professor, Department of English; Ph.D., University of Illinois at Chicago. Michael A. Leeds, Professor, Department of Economics; Ph.D., Princeton University. Frank Leib, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Intellectual Heritage; M.D., Temple University. Mark A. Leuchter, Associate Professor, Department of Religion; Ph.D., University of Toronto. Heather Levi, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Anthropology; Ph.D., New York University. Judith A. Levine, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology; Ph.D., Northwestern University. Laura S. Levitt, Professor, Department of Religion; Ph.D., Emory University. Richard L. Libowitz, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Intellectual Heritage; Ph.D., Temple University. Vasiliki M. Limberis, Professor, Department of Religion; Th.D., Harvard University. Jay B. Lockenour, Associate Professor, Department of History; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Peter Logan, Professor, Department of English; Ph.D., University of California Berkeley. Sheree Logue, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Psychology; Ph.D., Indiana University. Gerardo Augusto Lorenzino, Associate Professor, Department of Spanish and Portuguese; Ph.D., Graduate Center, City University of New York. Hilary Iris Lowe, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of History; Ph.D., University of Kansas. Faculty Joshua Lukin, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Writing Program; Ph.D., State University of New York at Buffalo. Meghan Foster Lynch, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science; Ph.D., Yale University. Johanna Catherine Maclean, Associate Professor, Department of Economics; Ph.D., Cornell University. Louis S. Mangione, Associate Professor, Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Languages and Studies; Ph.D., Cornell University. Benny C. Marcus, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Sociology; Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin. Joseph Margolis, Professor, Department of Philosophy; Ph.D., Columbia University. David L. Margules, Professor, Department of Psychology; Ph.D., University of Michigan. Peter J. Marshall, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology; Ph.D., University of Cambridge. James Martin, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Writing Program; Ph.D., Binghamton University. John Masker, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Political Science; Ph.D., Boston College. Robert J. Mason, Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Studies; Ph.D., Rutgers University. Michele Masucci, Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Studies; Ph.D., Clark University. Melinda Mattingly, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Psychology; Ph.D., Saint Louis University. Ama Mazama, Associate Professor, Department of African American Studies; Ph.D., La Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris III. Walter Thomas McAllister, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Writing Program; M.F.A., University of Iowa. Patricia M. McCarthy, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of English; M.A., Temple University. Michael S. McCloskey, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology; Ph.D., University of Southern Mississippi. Stanley McDonald, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Writing Program; M.F.A., Brown University. Joan Mellen, Professor, Department of English; Ph.D., City University of New York. Patricia Melzer, Assistant Professor, Department of French, German, Italian and Slavic; Ph.D., Clark University. Ming Meng, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Economics; Ph.D., University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa. Jeremy Mennis, Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Studies; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University. Joanne C. Metzger, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Criminal Justice; J.D., Widener University School of Law. Aldona Middlesworth, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Intellectual Heritage; M.A., Temple University. Marina Mikhaylova, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Anthropology; Ph.D., University of Chicago. Juris M. Milestone, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Anthropology; Ph.D., Temple University. Nichole E. Miller, Assistant Professor, Department of English; Ph.D., University of California Irvine. Robin N. Mitchell-Boyask, Professor, Department of Greek and Roman Classics; Ph.D., Brown University. Pamela Beth Monaco, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Intellectual Heritage, Temple University. Patricia A. Moore-Martinez, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Spanish and Portuguese; Ph.D., Temple University. Hortensia R. Morell, Professor, Department of Spanish and Portuguese; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison. Thomas Morton, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Spanish and Portuguese; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Geoffrey Moss, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Sociology; Ph.D., Columbia University. Andrew R. Mossin, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Intellectual Heritage; Ph.D., Temple University. Gary A. Mucciaroni, Professor, Department of Political Science; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison. Srimati Mukherjee, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Writing Program; Ph.D., University of Louisiana. 13 14 Temple University Bulletin 2015-2016 Shigenori Nagatomo, Professor, Department of Religion; Ph.D., University of Hawaii. Michael Neff, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Intellectual Heritage; M.A., University of Pennsylvania. Harvey R. Neptune, Associate Professor, Department of History; Ph.D., New York University. Nora S. Newcombe, Professor, Department of Psychology; Ph.D., Harvard University. Steven L. Newman, Associate Professor, Department of English; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University. David Nickerson, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science; Ph.D., Yale University. Daniel T. O'Hara, Professor, Department of English; Ph.D., Temple University. Thomas Olino, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology; Ph.D., Stony Brook University. Ingrid Olson, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology; Ph.D., Yale University. David J. Organ, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Geography and Urban Studies; Ph.D., University of California Berkeley. Richard Orodenker, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Intellectual Heritage; M.A., Johns Hopkins University. Miles D. Orvell, Professor, Department of English; Ph.D., Harvard University. Jena Osman, Professor, Department of English; Ph.D., State University of New York at Buffalo. Lara Ostaric, Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy; Ph.D., University of Notre Dame. Sharon C. Ostrow, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Criminal Justice; M.A., Rutgers University. Willis F. Overton, Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychology; Ph.D., Clark University. Randall J. Pabich, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Intellectual Heritage, Temple University. Christine Palumbo-De Simone, Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Writing Program; Ph.D., Temple University. Catherine Panzarella, Associate Professor (Clinical), Department of Psychology; Ph.D., Temple University. Marcela Pardes, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Spanish and Portuguese; Ph.D., Temple University. Vinay Parikh, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology; Ph.D., Punjabi University. Nicolette Parisi, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Criminal Justice; J.D., Temple University. Anna L. Peak, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Intellectual Heritage; Ph.D., Temple University. C. Hamil Pearsall, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Studies; Ph.D., Clark University. Elizabeth W. Pearson, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Intellectual Heritage, Sarah Lawrence College. José Manuel Pereiro Otero, Associate Professor, Department of Spanish and Portuguese; Ph.D., University of Colorado Boulder. Donna Marie Peters, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Sociology; Ph.D., The New School for Social Research. Sonja Peterson-Lewis, Associate Professor, Department of African American Studies; Ph.D., University of Florida-Gainesville. Carolyn Phipps, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Spanish and Portuguese; Ph.D., Princeton University. Montserrat Piera, Associate Professor, Department of Spanish and Portuguese; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University. Mark A. Pollack, Professor, Department of Political Science; Ph.D., Harvard University. Lori Pompa, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Criminal Justice; M.S.W., Rutgers University. Gary D. Pratt, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Intellectual Heritage; M.A., Brandeis University. Olia Prokopenko, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of French, German, Italian and Slavic; M.A., Karazin National University. Peter Puchek, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Writing Program; Ph.D., Lehigh University. Victor M. Pueyo Zoco, Assistant Professor, Department of Spanish and Portuguese; Ph.D., State University of New York Stony Brook. Faculty David E. Racker, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Intellectual Heritage; Ph.D., Tulane University. John C. Raines, Professor Emeritus, Department of Religion; Ph.D. Anthony Ranere, Professor Emeritus, Department of Anthropology; Ph.D., University of California Davis. Jerry H. Ratcliffe, Professor, Department of Criminal Justice; Ph.D., University of Nottingham (UK). Elliot A. Ratzman, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Religion; Ph.D., Princeton University. Aunshul P. Rege, Assistant Professor, Department of Criminal Justice; Ph.D., Rutgers University. George F. Rengert, Professor Emeritus, Department of Criminal Justice; Ph.D., University of North Carolina. Terry Rey, Associate Professor, Department of Religion; Ph.D., Temple University. Eunsook Ha Rhee, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Writing Program; Ed.D., Temple University. Monica Ricketts, Assistant Professor, Department of History; Ph.D., Harvard University. Moritz Ritter, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics; Ph.D., University of Toronto. Paula D. Robison, Associate Professor, Department of English; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. L. Christie Rockwell, Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology; Ph.D., University of California Davis. Norman Roessler, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Intellectual Heritage; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Wilbert J. Roget, Associate Professor, Department of French, German, Italian and Slavic; Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh. Caterina Gouvis Roman, Assistant Professor, Department of Criminal Justice; Ph.D., American University. Jessica Roney, Assistant Professor, Department of History; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University. Christina Rosan, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Studies; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Cathryn Jo Rosen, Associate Professor, Department of Criminal Justice; LL.M., Temple University. Christopher Roy, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Anthropology; Ph.D., Princeton University. Eileen Ryan, Assistant Professor, Department of History; Ph.D., Columbia University. James Salazar, Associate Professor, Department of English; Ph.D., University of California Berkeley. Rickie Sanders, Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Studies; Ph.D., Ohio State University. Sheryl Sawin, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Intellectual Heritage, University of Rochester. Jeremy Schipper, Associate Professor, Department of Religion; Ph.D., Harvard University. Kolson Schlosser, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Geography and Urban Studies; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University. Joseph M. Schwartz, Professor, Department of Political Science; Ph.D., Harvard University. Jordan Shapiro, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Intellectual Heritage, Pacifica Graduate Institute. Pamela J. Shapiro, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Psychology; Ph.D., Temple University. Jacob Shell, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Studies; Ph.D., Syracuse University. Adam Joseph Shellhorse, Assistant Professor, Department of Spanish and Portuguese; Ph.D., University of California Berkeley. Thomas F. Shipley, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Muffy E. Siegel, Associate Professor, Department of English; Ph.D., University of Massachusetts. Jill K. Sigman, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Intellectual Heritage; Ph.D., Brown University. Marilyn Silberfein, Professor Emerita, Department of Geography and Urban Studies; Ph.D., Syracuse University. Pedro Silos, Associate Professor, Department of Economics; Ph.D., University of Iowa. 15 16 Temple University Bulletin 2015-2016 Daniel A. Silverman, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Criminal Justice; J.D., Temple University. Bryant Simon, Professor, Department of History; Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Alan S. Singer, Professor, Department of English; Ph.D., University of Washington. Matthew Smetona, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Intellectual Heritage; Ph.D., Temple University. Hillel David Soifer, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science; Ph.D., Harvard University. Miriam Solomon, Professor, Department of Philosophy; Ph.D., Harvard University. John A. Sorrentino, Associate Professor, Department of Economics; Ph.D., Purdue University. C. Christopher Soufas, Professor, Department of Spanish and Portuguese; Ph.D., Duke University. Teresa Scott Soufas, Professor, Department of Spanish and Portuguese; Ph.D., Duke University. Laura Spagnoli, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of French, German, Italian and Slavic; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Howard Spodek, Associate Professor, Department of History; Ph.D., University of Chicago. Gerald J. Stahler, Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Studies; Ph.D., Temple University. Damien Stankiewicz, Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology; Ph.D., New York University. Laurence D. Steinberg, Professor, Department of Psychology; Ph.D., Cornell University. R. Michael Stewart, Professor Emeritus, Department of Anthropology; Ph.D., Catholic University. Mary Stricker, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Sociology; Ph.D., Temple University. Dorothy Stringer, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Writing Program; Ph.D., University at Albany, State University of New York. William J. Stull, Professor, Department of Economics; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Sandra L. Suárez, Professor, Department of Political Science; Ph.D., Yale University. Charles E. Swanson, Associate Professor, Department of Economics; Ph.D., University of Minnesota. Elizabeth Sweet, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Geography and Urban Studies; Ph.D., University of Illinois at Chicago. Leonard J. Swidler, Professor, Department of Religion; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin. Benjamin Talton, Associate Professor, Department of History; Ph.D., University of Chicago. Ralph B. Taylor, Professor, Department of Criminal Justice; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University. Ronald D. Taylor, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology; Ph.D., University of Michigan. Brian Teare, Assistant Professor, Department of English; M.F.A., Indiana University. Rebbeca Tesfai, Professor, Department of Sociology; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Kimberly Thomas, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Writing Program; Ph.D., Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Ruth P. Thomas, Professor, Department of French, German, Italian and Slavic; Ph.D., Yale University. Barbara E. Thornbury, Associate Professor, Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Languages and Studies; Ph.D., University of British Columbia. Teshale Tibebu, Professor, Department of History; Ph.D., State University of New York at Binghamton. Paul D. Toth, Assistant Professor, Department of Spanish and Portuguese; Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh. LaTosha Traylor, Assistant Professor, Department of Criminal Justice; Ph.D., University of Illinois at Chicago. Tara N. Tripp, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Criminal Justice; M.S., St. Joseph's University. Kathleen S. Uno, Associate Professor, Department of History; Ph.D., University of California Berkeley. Faculty Gregory J. W. Urwin, Professor, Department of History; Ph.D., University of Notre Dame. Nicole Martorano Van Cleve, Assistant Professor, Department of Criminal Justice; Ph.D., Northwestern University. Ryan Vander Wielen, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science; Ph.D., Washington University-St. Louis. Lawrence Venuti, Professor, Department of English; Ph.D., Columbia University. Pablo S. Vila, Professor, Department of Sociology; Ph.D., University of Texas Austin. Gerald A. Vision, Professor, Department of Philosophy; Ph.D., University of Michigan. E. Rely Vîlcicã, Assistant Professor, Department of Criminal Justice; Ph.D., Temple University. Thomas J. Waidzunas, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology; Ph.D., University of California San Diego. David L. Waldstreicher, Professor, Department of History; Ph.D., Yale University. Shannon Walters, Assistant Professor, Department of English; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University. Grant H. Ward, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Intellectual Heritage; Ph.D., Temple University. Jeffrey T. Ward, Assistant Professor, Department of Criminal Justice; Ph.D., University of Florida. Owen J. Ware, Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy; Ph.D., University of Toronto. Donald Wargo, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Economics; Ph.D., Temple University. Anthony Waskie, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of French, German, Italian and Slavic; Ph.D., New York University. David Harrington Watt, Professor, Department of History; Ph.D., Harvard University. David Waxler, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Psychology, Rutgers University. Ronald W. Webb, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Latin American Studies; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University. Douglas Webber, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics; Ph.D., Cornell University. Marsha A. Weinraub, Professor, Department of Psychology; Ph.D., University of Michigan. Robert W. Weisberg, Professor, Department of Psychology; Ph.D., Princeton University. Charles A. Weitz, Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University. Susan Wells, Professor, Department of English; Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin. Wayne N. Welsh, Professor, Department of Criminal Justice; Ph.D., University of California Irvine. Sharon White, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Writing Program; Ph.D., University of Denver. Sydney D. White, Associate Professor, Department of Religion; Ph.D., University of California Berkeley. Catherine Wiley, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of English; Ph.D., Temple University. Kimberly D. Williams, Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology; Ph.D., Ohio State University. Roland L. Williams Jr., Associate Professor, Department of English; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Gregory Winch, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Writing Program; Ph.D., Southern Illinois University. Brad Windhauser, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Writing Program; M.F.A., Queens University of Charlotte. Gordon Witty, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Languages and Studies; M.A., University of Pennsylvania. David Wolfsdorf, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy; Ph.D., University of Chicago. Jennifer D. Wood, Associate Professor, Department of Criminal Justice; Ph.D., University of Toronto. Matt Wray, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology; Ph.D., University of California Berkeley. 17 18 Temple University Bulletin 2015-2016 Hongling Xie, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology; Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Philip R. Yannella, Professor, Department of English; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Sean Yom, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science; Ph.D., Harvard University. Reiko Yoshida, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Languages and Studies; M.A., West Chester University. Ralph F. Young, Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of History; Ph.D., Michigan State University. Yuan Yuan, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Economics; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison. Lu Zhang, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University. Shanyang Zhao, Professor, Department of Sociology; Ph.D., University of Maryland. Yun Zhu, Assistant Professor, Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Languages and Studies; Ph.D., University of South Carolina. Rebekah Zhuraw, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Intellectual Heritage, University of Pennsylvania. Dai Zusai, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison. College of Public Health William Aaronson, Associate Professor, Department of Health Services Administration and Policy; Ph.D., Temple University. Ann B. Addis, Instructor (Clinical), Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders; M.A., Northwestern University. Robin Aronow, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders; M.A., University of Delaware. Sarah Bauerle Bass, Associate Professor, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences; Ph.D., Temple University. Katherine W. Bauer, Assistant Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics; Ph.D., University of Minnesota. Keesha Benson, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Social Work; Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Kristin Berg, Assistant Professor, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences; Ph.D., University of Chicago. Algie Lakesa Bond, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Health Services Administration and Policy; M.H.A., St. Joseph's University. Casey M. Breslin Murphy, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Kinesiology; Ph.D., Auburn University. Kathryn Brzozowski, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Social Work; D.S.W., University of Pennsylvania. Heather J. Burket, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Rehabilitation Sciences; M.Ed., Temple University. Scott Burns, Associate Professor (Clinical), Department of Physical Therapy; D.P.T., University of Colorado Denver. Lois A. Butcher, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Kinesiology; Ph.D., Temple University. William Cabin, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Social Work; Ph.D., City University of New York-Hunter College. Stephen J. Carp, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Physical Therapy; Ph.D., Temple University. Cheri E. Carter, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Social Work; Ph.D., University of Delaware. Bradley N. Collins, Associate Professor, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences; Ph.D., State University of New York at Binghamton. James Corbin, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Social Work; M.S.W., Temple University. Ronald W. Costen, Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Social Work; Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh. Catherine Coyle, Professor, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences; Ph.D., Temple University. Adam Davey, Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University. Claudia J. Dewane, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Social Work; Ed.D., Pennsylvania State University. Susan B. Dickey, Associate Professor, Department of Nursing; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Faculty Elizabeth A. Dieckman, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Nursing; D.N.P. Patricia DiGiacomo, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Nursing; M.S.N., Temple University. Ann E. Dolloff, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Rehabilitation Sciences; M.Ed., Temple University. Jeffrey N. Draine, Professor, Department of Social Work; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Levent Dumenci, Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics; Ph.D., Iowa State University. William E. Egan, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Physical Therapy; D.P.T., Regis University. Karin Eyrich-Garg, Associate Professor, Department of Social Work; Ph.D., Washington University-St. Louis. Jane Fagan, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Physical Therapy; D.P.T., Simmons College. Jay S. Fagan, Professor, Department of Social Work; Ph.D., Columbia University. Ruth Farber, Associate Professor Emerita, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences; Ph.D., Temple University. Jennifer Orlet Fisher, Professor, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University. Cathy A. Flite, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Health Services Administration and Policy; M.Ed., Widener University. Margaret M. Foley, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Health Services Administration and Policy; Ph.D., Temple University. Nikki V. Franke, Associate Professor, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences; Ed.D., Temple University. Anne Frankel, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences; Ph.D., Florida International University. Laurie A. Friedman, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Social Work; M.S.W., University of Pennsylvania. Anne K. Galgon, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Physical Therapy; Ph.D., Drexel University. Kimberly Gargin, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Rehabilitation Sciences; O.T.D., Chatham University. Jeffrey Gehris, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Kinesiology; Ph.D., Temple University. Letitia G. Gembala, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Nursing; M.S.N., Villanova University. Thomas F. Gordon, Professor Emeritus, Department of Public Health; Ph.D., Michigan State University. Susan Gresko, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Nursing; M.S.N., University of Pennsylvania. Clara S. Haignere, Associate Professor, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences; Ph.D., University of Denver. Christopher Harris, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Social Work; M.S.W., Widener University. Kyle Harris, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Kinesiology; M.S., Temple University. Chantelle Hart, Associate Professor, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences; Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University. Elaine Hatala, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Rehabilitation Sciences; Ph.D., Temple University. Alice J. Hausman, Professor, Department of Health Services Administration and Policy; Ph.D., State University of New York at Binghamton. James Hoffmann, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Kinesiology; Ph.D., East Tennessee State University. Pei-Chun Hsieh, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Rehabilitation Sciences; Ph.D., Indiana University, Bloomington. Matthew Bryant Hudson, Assistant Professor, Department of Kinesiology; Ph.D., University of Florida-Gainesville. Cheryl A. Hyde, Associate Professor, Department of Social Work; Ph.D., University of Michigan. Jennifer K. Ibrahim, Associate Professor, Department of Health Services Administration and Policy; Ph.D., University of California Berkeley. Larry D. Icard, Professor, Department of Social Work; Ph.D., Columbia University. Roger I. Ideishi, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Rehabilitation Sciences; J.D., Temple University. John Jeka, Professor, Department of Kinesiology; Ph.D., Florida Atlantic University. 19 20 Temple University Bulletin 2015-2016 Monika Jelic, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Nursing; M.P.H., Boston University. Zebulon V. Kendrick, Professor, Department of Kinesiology; Ph.D., Temple University. Emily Keshner, Professor, Department of Physical Therapy; Ed.D., Columbia University. Moya Kinnealey, Associate Professor Emerita, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences; Ph.D., Temple University. Francine P. Kohen, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders; M.S., Pennsylvania State University. Rena A. Krakow, Associate Professor, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders; Ph.D., Yale University. Ann Kriebel-Gasparro, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Nursing; M.S.N., Hahnemann University. Joseph A. Kumi, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Social Work; M.S.W., Florida State University. Richard Lauer, Associate Professor, Department of Physical Therapy; Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University. Stephen J. Lepore, Professor, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences; Ph.D., University of California Irvine. Beth A. Levine, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders; M.S., Boston University. Grace Xueqin Ma, Professor, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences; Ph.D., University of Oklahoma. Edwin Maas, Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders; Ph.D., San Diego State University. Bridget B. Mancano, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders; M.A., Temple University. Jamie Mansell, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Kinesiology; Ph.D., Temple University. Cindy Joy Marselis, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Health Services Administration and Policy; M.B.A., Temple University. Nadine Martin, Professor, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders; Ph.D., Temple University. Carlene A. McAleer, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Nursing; M.S.N., Hahnemann University. Karen McBride, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Health Services Administration and Policy; M.S., Philadelphia University. Brian D. McHugh, Associate Professor, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders; Ph.D., University of California Los Angeles. Michael McIntosh, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Nursing; Ph.D., Temple University. Rochelle Mendonca, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Rehabilitation Sciences; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Lois Millner, Associate Professor, Department of Social Work; Ph.D., Bryn Mawr College. Deborah L. Mills, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Social Work; M.S.W., Temple University. C. Daniel Moser, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Kinesiology; Ph.D., Temple University. Sheila L. Moyle, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Rehabilitation Sciences; M.S., University of the Sciences. Heather Murphy, Assistant Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics; Ph.D., University of Guelph. Maria F. Murt, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Nursing; M.S.N., Widener University. Miguel Muñoz-Laboy, Associate Professor, Department of Social Work; Dr.P.H., Columbia University. Deborah B. Nelson, Associate Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics; Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh. Rhonda Nelson, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Rehabilitation Sciences; Ph.D., Temple University. Bernie Sue Newman, Associate Professor, Department of Social Work; Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh. Duy Nguyen, Associate Professor, Department of Social Work; Ph.D., Columbia University. Emeka Nwadiora, Associate Professor, Department of Social Work; J.D., Hofstra University School of Law. Cheryl B. Oakman, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Social Work; Ph.D., Bryn Mawr College. Heidi Ojha, Assistant Professor (Clinical), Department of Physical Therapy; D.P.T., University of Southern California. Faculty Joon Young Park, Associate Professor, Department of Kinesiology; Ph.D., University of Maryland College Park. Alan Pfeffer, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Social Work; M.S.W., Temple University. Elizabeth A. Pfeiffer, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Rehabilitation Sciences; Ph.D., Nova Southeastern University. Lok R. Pokhrel, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics; Ph.D., East Tennessee State University. Heather Porter, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Rehabilitation Sciences; Ph.D., Temple University. John T. Raffin, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Kinesiology; Ph.D., Temple University. Meghan Rainone, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders; J.D., Temple University. Jodi Reich, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders; Ph.D., Yale University. James J. Reilly, Associate Professor, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Christen J. Rexing, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Health Services Administration and Policy; Ph.D., Temple University. Anne Richard, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Rehabilitation Sciences; M.S., Pennsylvania State University. Jin-Sook Roh, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Kinesiology; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Thomas P. Rooney, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Kinesiology; Ph.D., Temple University. Jo-Ellen Ross, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Rehabilitation Sciences; Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Nancy L. Rothman, Professor, Department of Nursing; Ed.D., Temple University. Anne C. Russ, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Kinesiology; Ph.D., Temple University. Scott E. Rutledge, Associate Professor, Department of Social Work; Ph.D., University of Washington. Kim Sabourin, Instructor (Clinical), Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders; M.A., University of Maryland. Michael L. Sachs, Professor, Department of Kinesiology; Ph.D., Florida State University. Mark Salzer, Professor, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences; Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Susan E. Santalucia, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Rehabilitation Sciences; M.S., Temple University. Mayra C. Santiago, Associate Professor, Department of Kinesiology; Ph.D., University of Minnesota. David B. Sarwer, Professor, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences; Ph.D., Loyola University Chicago. Michelle C. Scarpulla, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences; M.P.H., Temple University. Mark F. Schmitz, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Social Work; Ph.D., Iowa State University. Rosalie Schofield, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Social Work; Ph.D., Brandeis University. Jay S. Segal, Professor, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences; Ph.D., Ohio State University. Anjali B. Shah, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Health Services Administration and Policy; Ph.D., Rutgers University. Laura Siminoff, Professor, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University. Jonathan Singer, Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work; Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh. Mary C. Sinnott, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Physical Therapy; D.P.T., MGH Institute of Health Professions. Michael R. Sitler, Professor, Department of Kinesiology; Ed.D., New York University. Gretchen A. Snethen, Assistant Professor, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences; Ph.D., Indiana University. Doris Fallon Snyder, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders; M.A., Temple University. Mary Stec, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Nursing; Ph.D., Widener University. Gerry A. Stefanatos, Associate Professor, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders; D.Phil., Oxford University. 21 22 Temple University Bulletin 2015-2016 Barbara A. Stephens, Assistant Professor (Clinical), Department of Nursing; M.S.N., Temple University. Ricky L. Swalm, Associate Professor, Department of Kinesiology; Ph.D., Temple University. Elizabeth Diane Thompson, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Physical Therapy; D.P.T., Temple University. Ryan T. Tierney, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Kinesiology; Ph.D., Temple University. Heather M. Traino, Associate Professor, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences; Ph.D., State University of New York-Buffalo. Carole Tucker, Associate Professor, Department of Physical Therapy; Ph.D., State University of New York at Buffalo. Sylvia Twersky-Bumgardner, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Health Services Administration and Policy; M.P.H., Tulane University. Gena B. Vargas, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Rehabilitation Sciences; Ph.D., Clemson University. Sheldon O. Watts, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences; Ph.D., New York University. Mark H. Weir, Assistant Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics; Ph.D., Drexel University. Donna Weiss, Associate Professor Emerita, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences; Ph.D., Temple University. Robert C. Whitaker, Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics; M.D., Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Andre Williams, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics; Ph.D., Virginia Commonwealth University. Caitlin N. Wolak, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences; M.P.H., Temple University. W. Geoffrey Wright, Associate Professor, Department of Physical Therapy; Ph.D., Brandeis University. Andrew Yannaccone, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Physical Therapy; Ph.D., Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine. Cindy Yascavage, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Nursing; Ph.D., Capella University. Marsha Zibalese Crawford, Associate Professor, Department of Social Work; D.S.W., Howard University. Lisa S. Zoll, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Social Work; M.S.W., Temple University. Dolores M. Zygmont, Associate Professor (Clinical), Department of Nursing; Ph.D., Temple University. College of Science and Technology Abraham Abebe, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Ergin H. Ahmed, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Physics; Ph.D., Temple University. Robert M. Aiken, Professor Emeritus, Department of Computer and Information Sciences; Ph.D., Northwestern University. Ola Ajaj, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Computer and Information Sciences; Ph.D., Florida Atlantic University. Shohreh Amini, Professor, Department of Biology; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Edwin J. Anderson, Professor Emeritus, Department of Earth and Environmental Science; Ph.D., Brown University. Rodrigo B. Andrade, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Eleni Anni, Associate Professor (Research), Department of Biology. Alla Arzumanyan, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Biology; Ph.D., Yerevan State University. Leonard B. Auerbach, Professor Emeritus, Department of Physics; Ph.D., University of California Berkeley. Jessica Babcock, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Mathematics; M.Ed., Temple University. Darius Balciunas, Associate Professor, Department of Biology; Ph.D., Uppsala University. Jorune Balciuniene, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Biology; Ph.D., Uppsala University. Michael Joseph Balsai, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Biology; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Faculty 23 Giora Baram, Associate Professor Emeritus, Department of Computer and Information Sciences; Ph.D., University of Toledo. Ershaad Basheer, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Mathematics; M.S., Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research. Suman Batish, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Biology; Ph.D., University of Cambridge. Mary A. Beasten, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Chemistry; M.A., Temple University. Richard Beigel, Professor, Department of Computer and Information Sciences; Ph.D., Stanford University. Gianfranco Bellipanni, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Biology; Ph.D., University of Palermo. Shiferaw S. Berhanu, Professor, Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., Rutgers University. Dorothy B. Berner, Professor Emeritus, Department of Biology; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Md Zakirul Alam Bhuiyan, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Computer and Information Sciences. Christopher J. Biehl, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Computer and Information Sciences; M.B.A., Temple University. James L. Bloomer, Associate Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., University of London. James D. Bloxton, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., Temple University. Silvia Boffo, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Biology. Vassil Boiadjiev, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Eric U. Borguet, Professor, Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Elena Borovitskaya, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Physics; Ph.D., Institute of Applied Physics, Nizhnii Novgorod, Russia. Angela L. Bricker, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Biology; Ph.D., University of Cambridge. William S. Brinigar, Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., University of Kansas. Theodore W. Burkhardt, Professor, Department of Physics; Ph.D., Stanford University. Ilya V. Buynevich, Assistant Professor, Department of Earth and Environmental Science; Ph.D., Boston University. Jeffrey Campbell, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., University of California Berkeley. Vincenzo Carnevale, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Biology; Ph.D., International School for Advanced Studies, Trieste. Frank N. Chang, Professor, Department of Biology; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin. Farzana Chaudhry, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., Oxford University. Orin N. Chein, Professor Emeritus, Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., New York University. Steven M. Chemtob, Assistant Professor, Department of Earth and Environmental Science; Ph.D., California Institute of Technology. Hua Chen, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Biology; Ph.D., University of California Berkeley. Je-Wei Chen, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., State University of New York Stony Brook. Ke Chen, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics; Ph.D., Chinese Academy of Sciences. Paul Christner, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Biology; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Francis T. Christoph Jr., Associate Professor Emeritus, Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., Rutgers University. Bruce P. Conrad, Associate Professor Emeritus, Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., University of California Berkeley. Erik Cordes, Associate Professor, Department of Biology; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University. Raymond F. Coughlin, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., Illinois Institute of Technology. Edward T. Crotty, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Computer and Information Sciences. Shumo Cui, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Mathematics. 24 Temple University Bulletin 2015-2016 Hai-Lung Dai, Professor, Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., University of California Berkeley. David R. Dalton, Professor, Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., University of California Los Angeles. Boris A. Datskovsky, Professor, Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., Harvard University. Alexandra Krull Davatzes, Assistant Professor, Department of Earth and Environmental Science; Ph.D., Stanford University. Nicholas Davatzes, Associate Professor, Department of Earth and Environmental Science; Ph.D., Stanford University. Bruce A. Davidson, Professor (Research), Department of Physics. Franklin A. Davis, Professor, Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., Syracuse University. Timothy S. Davis, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Earth and Environmental Science. Nanjie Deng, Associate Professor (Research), Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., Hyderabad University. Louis F. Devicaris, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Chemistry; M.S., Villanova University. Graham Dobereiner, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., Yale University. Vasily Dolgushev, Professor, Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Marilena Downing, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Mathematics; M.A., Temple University. Eduard Dragut, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer and Information Sciences; Ph.D., University of Illinois at Chicago. Xiaojiang Du, Associate Professor, Department of Computer and Information Sciences; Ph.D., University of Maryland College Park. Leroy W. Dubeck, Professor Emeritus, Department of Physics; Ph.D., Rutgers University. Zbigniew Dziembowski, Associate Professor, Department of Physics; Ph.D., Warsaw University. Nina Edelman, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Mathematics; M.A., University of Pennsylvania. Khaled M. Elokely, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Chemistry. Jennifer Emtage, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Biology; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University. Ivan N. Erdelyi, Professor Emeritus, Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., Victor Babes University of Cluj, Roumania. Ananias A. Escalante, Professor, Department of Biology; Ph.D., University of California Irvine. Sarah R. Evangelista, Associate Professor Emeritus, Department of Mathematics; M.A., Temple University. Mark A. Feitelson, Professor, Department of Biology; Ph.D., University of California Los Angeles. Aleksey Filin, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., Institute for Solid State Physics. John Fiore, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Computer and Information Sciences; M.S., University of Pennsylvania. Giacomo Fiorin, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Biology; Ph.D., International School for Advanced Studies, Trieste. Steven Fleming, Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin. Natalie P. Flynn, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Earth and Environmental Science; M.A., Temple University. Dieter Forster, Professor, Department of Physics; Ph.D., Harvard University. Jerrold Franklin, Professor Emeritus, Department of Physics; Ph.D., University of Illinois. Seema Freer, Associate Professor (Practice), Department of Biology; Ph.D., Thomas Jefferson University. Amy Freestone, Assistant Professor, Department of Biology; Ph.D., University of California Davis. Frank L. Friedman, Professor Emeritus, Department of Computer and Information Sciences; Ph.D., Purdue University. Ser-Wei Fu, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. David Futer, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., Stanford University. Faculty Janos Galambos, Professor Emeritus, Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., Eotvos University, Budapest, Hungary. Leonard J. Garrett, Professor Emeritus, Department of Computer and Information Sciences; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Edward T. Gawlinski, Associate Professor, Department of Physics; Ph.D., Boston University. Mohamed Ghalwash, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Computer and Information Sciences. Jayakumar G. Gilbert, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., Drexel University. Jose Gimenez, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Mathematics; B.S., Temple University. Antonio Giordano, Professor, Department of Biology; Ph.D., University of Trieste. Antonio M. Goncalves, Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., University of Chicago. Harry B. Gottlieb, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Chemistry; M.S., Villanova University. Yury Grabovsky, Professor, Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., New York University. David E. Grandstaff, Professor, Department of Earth and Environmental Science; Ph.D., Princeton University. Alexander Gray, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics; Ph.D., Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Davis. Edward R. Gruberg, Professor Emeritus, Department of Biology; Ph.D., University of Illinois. Yuhong Guo, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer and Information Sciences; Ph.D., University of Alberta. Cristian E. Gutiérrez, Professor, Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., University of Buenos Aires. Raymond Habas, Professor, Department of Biology; Ph.D., State University of New York Stony Brook. Seymour Haber, Professor Emeritus, Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Peter Hagis Jr., Professor Emeritus, Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Nahed Hamid, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Mathematics; M.S., Kean University. Jun Han, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., Texas A and M University. Thomas E. Hanson, Professor Emeritus, Department of Biology; Ph.D., Michigan State University. William R. Harvey, Professor Emeritus, Department of Biology; Ph.D., Harvard University. Zameer U. Hasan, Professor, Department of Physics; Ph.D., Australian National University, Canberra. Stephen Blair Hedges, Professor, Department of Biology; Ph.D., University of Maryland. Meredith M. Hegg, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Mathematics. Emanuel B. Hey, Professor, Department of Biology; Ph.D., State University of New York Stony Brook. Omar Hijab, Professor, Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., University of California Berkeley. S. Robert Hilfer, Professor Emeritus, Department of Biology; Ph.D., Yale University. David R. Hill, Professor, Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh. David T. Hill, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., Temple University. Ralph Hillman, Professor Emeritus, Department of Biology; Ph.D., Yale University. S. Tonia Hsieh, Assistant Professor, Department of Biology; Ph.D., Harvard University. Anthony Hughes, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Computer and Information Sciences; Ph.D., University of Illinois. Maria Iavarone, Associate Professor, Department of Physics; Ph.D., University of Napoli Federico II. Giorgio P. Ingargiola, Associate Professor Emeritus, Department of Computer and Information Sciences; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Robert L. Intemann, Professor Emeritus, Department of Physics; Ph.D., Stevens Institute of Technology. 25 26 Temple University Bulletin 2015-2016 Susan A. Jansen-Varnum, Professor, Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., University of Missouri-St. Louis. Serge Jasmin, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Chemistry; B.S., Temple University. Bo Ji, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer and Information Sciences; Ph.D., Ohio State University. Kelli Shepard El Jones, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Mathematics. Sunnie Joshi, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., Texas A and M University. Joseph Jupin, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Computer and Information Sciences. Qing Kang, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Chemistry. Krishna Kant, Professor, Department of Computer and Information Sciences; Ph.D., University of Texas at Dallas. James S. Karra, Associate Professor Emeritus, Department of Physics; Ph.D., Rutgers University. Gurpreet Kaur, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Biology; Ph.D., Temple University. Roy A. Keyer, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., University of California Irvine. Bojeong Kim, Assistant Professor, Department of Earth and Environmental Science; Ph.D., Cornell University. Isaac Klapper, Professor, Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., New York University Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences. Michael L. Klein, Professor, Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., University of Bristol. Elliot B. Koffman, Professor Emeritus, Department of Computer and Information Sciences; Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University. Axel Kohlmeyer, Professor (Research), Department of Mathematics. James F. Korsh, Professor, Department of Computer and Information Sciences; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Svetlana Kotochigova, Professor (Research), Department of Physics; Ph.D., St. Petersburg State University. V. Sankrithi Krishnan, Professor Emeritus, Department of Mathematics. Grant R. Krow, Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., Princeton University. Rob J. Kulathinal, Assistant Professor, Department of Biology; Ph.D., McMaster University. Sudhir Kumar, Professor, Department of Biology; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University. Eugene Kwatny, Professor, Department of Computer and Information Sciences; Ph.D., Drexel University. Sally Kyvernitis, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Computer and Information Sciences; M.S., Indiana University. Mortimer M. Labes, Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Paul S. LaFollette Jr., Associate Professor, Department of Computer and Information Sciences; M.D., Temple University. Rolf Lakaemper, Associate Professor, Department of Computer and Information Sciences; Ph.D., University of Hamburg. Savio Laricchia, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Physics. Sigurd Y. Larsen, Professor Emeritus, Department of Physics; Ph.D., Columbia University. Longin Jan Latecki, Professor, Department of Computer and Information Sciences; Ph.D., University of Hamburg. Michael Lawlor, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology. David Lefkovitz, Professor Emeritus, Department of Computer and Information Sciences; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Edward S. Letzter, Professor, Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., University of Washington. Robert J. Levis, Professor, Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University. Ronald M. Levy, Professor, Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., Harvard University. Zhihai Li, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., University of Aachen. Faculty David A. Liberles, Associate Professor, Department of Biology; Ph.D., California Institute of Technology. Chyanlong Lin, Associate Professor, Department of Physics; Ph.D., Temple University. Haibin Ling, Associate Professor, Department of Computer and Information Sciences; Ph.D., University of Maryland College Park. Seymour Lipschutz, Professor Emeritus, Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., New York University. Maria E. Lorenz, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., University of Southern California. Martin W. Lorenz, Professor, Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., Universität Giessen. Sheryl L. Love, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Biology; Ph.D., Temple University. A. Marjatta Lyyra, Professor, Department of Physics; Ph.D., University of Stockholm. Marcella Macaluso, Associate Professor (Research), Department of Biology; Ph.D., University of Palermo. Christopher M. MacDermaid, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Chemistry. C. Jeffrey Martoff, Professor, Department of Physics; Ph.D., University of California Berkeley. Spiridoula Matsika, Professor, Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., Ohio State University. Kathleen E. Mc Kinley, Instructor (Practice), Department of Mathematics; M.S., Saint Joseph's University. Rose Marie McGinnis, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Computer and Information Sciences; M.B.A., Temple University. Michelle Hedwig McGowan, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Biology; Ph.D., Rutgers University. George Mehler, Assistant Professor (Practice), Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., Temple University. Jatinder S. Mehta, Professor, Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin. Gerardo A. Mendoza, Professor, Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Bernard Meth, Professor Emeritus, Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh. Andreas Metz, Associate Professor, Department of Physics; Ph.D., Institut Für Kernphysik Universität Mainz. Zein-Eddine Meziani, Professor, Department of Physics; Ph.D., Université de Paris XI. Ted W. Mihalisin, Professor Emeritus, Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., University of Rochester. Richard L. Miller, Professor Emeritus, Department of Biology; Ph.D., University of Chicago. Irina Mitrea, Professor, Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., University of Minnesota. Sayaka Miura, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Biology; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University. Shahram Mohrekesh, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Computer and Information Sciences. Karl Morris, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Computer and Information Sciences; Ph.D., Florida International University. Michael I. Mote, Professor Emeritus, Department of Biology; Ph.D., University of California Los Angeles. Sudipto Mukherjee, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Chemistry. Atsuhiro Muto, Assistant Professor, Department of Earth and Environmental Science. George H. Myer, Professor Emeritus, Department of Earth and Environmental Science; Ph.D., Yale University. James Napolitano, Professor, Department of Physics; Ph.D., Stanford University. William D. Nathan, Professor Emeritus, Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., Syracuse University. Stuart E. Neff, Professor Emeritus, Department of Biology; Ph.D., Cornell University. Donald E. Neville, Professor Emeritus, Department of Physics; Ph.D., University of Chicago. Matthew Newby, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Physics. 27 28 Temple University Bulletin 2015-2016 Allen W. Nicholson, Professor, Department of Biology; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Rhonda H. Nicholson, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Biology; Ph.D., Wayne State University. John Noel, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Physics; Ph.D., Texas A and M University. John T. Nosek, Professor, Department of Computer and Information Sciences; Ph.D., Temple University. Jonathan Nyquist, Professor, Department of Earth and Environmental Science; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin. Zoran Obradovic, Professor, Department of Computer and Information Sciences; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University. Johanan Odhner, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Chemistry. Elmer L. Offenbacher, Professor Emeritus, Department of Physics; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Michael Opferman, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Physics. Charles Osborne, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., Temple University. Maria A. Pacheco, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Biology. Karen B. Palter, Associate Professor, Department of Biology; Ph.D., Princeton University. Ellen Panofsky, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., Lehigh University. Michael Paolone, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Physics; Ph.D., University of South Carolina Columbia. Christopher Pascucci, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Computer and Information Sciences; M.S., University of Pennsylvania. Eli A. Passow, Professor Emeritus, Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., Yeshiva University. Susan Patterson, Associate Professor, Department of Biology; Ph.D., University of Washington. John A. Paulos, Professor, Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin. Haowei Peng, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Physics. John P. Perdew, Professor, Department of Physics; Ph.D., Cornell University. Isaak Pesenson, Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., Academy of Science of the ASSR. Hala O. Pflugfelder, Professor Emeritus, Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau. Claudia Pine-Simon, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Computer and Information Sciences; M.S., University of Pennsylvania. Alexander Platt, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Biology; Ph.D., Harvard University. Arthur T. Poe, Professor Emeritus, Department of Computer and Information Sciences; Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Sergei L. Kosakovsky Pond, Professor, Department of Biology. Andrew Price, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., Purdue University. Sean Gillian Queisser, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics. K. Raghunandanan, Professor Emeritus, Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., Colorado State University. Daniele Ramella, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Chemistry. Yi Rao, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Harry P. Rappaport, Professor Emeritus, Department of Biology; Ph.D., Yale University. Robert Rarig, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., University of Michigan. Sujith Ravi, Assistant Professor, Department of Earth and Environmental Science; Ph.D., University of Virginia. Louis Raymon, Professor Emeritus, Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., Yeshiva University. Daniel Reich, Professor Emeritus, Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., Princeton University. Faculty 29 Brian Rider, Professor, Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., New York University Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences. Peter S. Riseborough, Professor, Department of Physics; Ph.D., Imperial College London. Igor Rivin, Professor, Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., Princeton University. Flavio Rizzolio, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Biology; Ph.D., University of Pavia. Shepherd K. Roberts, Professor Emeritus, Department of Biology; Ph.D., Princeton University. Dmitri Romanov, Professor (Research), Department of Physics; Ph.D., Novosibirsk Institute of Semiconductor Physics, USSR Academy of Sciences. Charles W. Ross, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Chemistry. Adele Ruosi, Associate Professor (Research), Department of Physics. Prakash C. Rushi, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Mathematics; M.Ed., Temple University. Adrienn Ruzsinszky Perdew, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics; Ph.D., Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Douglas T. Saladik, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Biology; Ph.D., Temple University. Robert E. Salomon, Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., University of Oregon. Robert W. Sanders, Professor, Department of Biology; Ph.D., University of Georgia. Christian E. Schafmeister, Professor, Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., University of California San Francisco. John J. Schiller, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. William F. Schmitt, Professor Emeritus, Department of Computer and Information Sciences; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Robert L. Searls, Professor Emeritus, Department of Biology; Ph.D., University of California Berkeley. Benjamin Seibold, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., University of Kaiserslautern. Arun Sethuraman, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Biology; Ph.D., Iowa State University. Cinzia Sevignani, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Biology; Ph.D., University of Modena. Brent Sewall, Assistant Professor, Department of Biology; Ph.D., University of California Davis. Yunfeng Shan, Department of Biology. Joel B. Sheffield, Professor, Department of Biology; Ph.D., University of Chicago. Yuan Justin Shi, Associate Professor, Department of Computer and Information Sciences; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Scott M. Sieburth, Professor, Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., Harvard University. Jeromy Sivek, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh. Jonathan Smith, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., Weslayan University. Gregory S. Smutzer, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Biology; Ph.D., State University of New York at Buffalo. Daniel D. Spaeth, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Biology; Ph.D., Temple University. Francis C. Spano, Professor, Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., Princeton University. Nikolaos Sparveris, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics; Ph.D., University of Athens. Rachel Spigler, Assistant Professor, Department of Biology; Ph.D., University of Georgia. Avinash Srinivasan, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Computer and Information Sciences; Ph.D., Florida Atlantic University. Ranganatha Srinivasan, Professor, Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., Wayne State University. Robert J. Stanley, Professor, Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University. Leon Steinberg, Professor Emeritus, Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. 30 Temple University Bulletin 2015-2016 Matthew Stover, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin. Daniel R. Strongin, Professor, Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., University of California Berkeley. Deborah Stull, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Biology; Ph.D., Yale University. Jianwei Sun, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Physics; Ph.D., Tulane University. Yugang Sun, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., University of Science and Technology of China. Bernd Surrow, Associate Professor, Department of Physics; Ph.D., University of Hamburg. Daniel B. Szyld, Professor, Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., New York University. Raza A. Tahir-Kheli, Professor Emeritus, Department of Physics; Ph.D., Oxford University. Stephen T. Takats, Professor Emeritus, Department of Biology; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison. Chiu Chiang Tan, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer and Information Sciences; Ph.D., College of William and Mary. Jacqueline C. Tanaka, Associate Professor, Department of Biology; Ph.D., University of Illinois. Hong Tang, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Physics; Ph.D., Northwestern Polytechnical University. Rongjia Tao, Professor, Department of Physics; Ph.D., Columbia University. Dennis O. Terry Jr., Associate Professor, Department of Earth and Environmental Science; Ph.D., University of Nebraska. Allan E. Thomas, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., Temple University. Jesse Thornburg, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Earth and Environmental Science; M.S., Temple University. H. Frank Thornton, Associate Professor Emeritus, Department of Mathematics; M.A., Princeton University. Laura Toran, Professor, Department of Earth and Environmental Science; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin. Darius H. Torchinsky, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Georgia Triantafillou, Professor, Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., University of Bonn, Germany. Tsvetelin D. Tsankov, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Physics; Ph.D., Drexel University. Allison Tumarkin-Deratzian, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Earth and Environmental Science; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Gene C. Ulmer, Professor Emeritus, Department of Earth and Environmental Science; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University. Wendy Urban, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Computer and Information Sciences; M.B.A., Temple University. Shivaiah Vaddypally, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., Hyderabad University. Ann M. Valentine, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Elena Ya Vishik, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., Moscow Pedagogical Institute. Vladimir Visnjic, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., University of Bonn, Germany. Evelyn Vleck, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Biology; M.A., William Paterson College. Vincent Voelz, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., University of California San Francisco. Slobodan Vucetic, Associate Professor, Department of Computer and Information Sciences; Ph.D., Washington State University. Doreen Wald, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Mathematics; M.Ed., Temple University. Chelsea Walton, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics. Anduo Wang, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer and Information Sciences. Charles Wang, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Computer and Information Sciences. Faculty Pei Wang, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Computer and Information Sciences; Ph.D., Indiana University. Richard B. Waring, Associate Professor, Department of Biology; Ph.D., Essex University. Stephen S. Washburne, Associate Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Patrick Waters, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Mathematics. Bradford B. Wayland, Professor, Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., University of Illinois. Weerasiri Arachchige Kushan Weerasiri, Instructor (Research), Department of Chemistry. Robert B. Weinberg, Professor Emeritus, Department of Physics; Ph.D., Columbia University. Richard C. Weisenberg, Professor Emeritus, Department of Biology; Ph.D., University of Chicago. Sarah Wengryniuk, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., Duke University. Vladimira V. Wilent, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Michael Wilhelm, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Katherine A. Willets, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry. John R. Williams, Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., University of Western Australia. Matthaeus Wolak, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Physics. Paul Wolfgang, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Computer and Information Sciences; B.S.E.E., University of Pennsylvania. Jie Wu, Professor, Department of Computer and Information Sciences; Ph.D., Florida Atlantic University. Wei Wu, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., University of Leuven. Xifan Wu, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics; Ph.D., Rutgers University. William Wuest, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Stephanie L. Wunder, Professor, Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., University of Massachusetts. Xiaoxing Xi, Professor, Department of Physics; Ph.D., Peking University and Institute of Physics. Junchao Xia, Associate Professor (Research), Department of Physics. Xiaojun Xu, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Physics; Ph.D., Chinese Academy of Sciences. Wei-Shih Yang, Professor, Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., Cornell University. Weidong Yang, Associate Professor, Department of Biology; Ph.D., Fudan University. Zenghui Yang, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Physics. Alexander P. Yates, Associate Professor, Department of Computer and Information Sciences; Ph.D., University of Washington. Jingjie Yu, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Biology. Liping Yu, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Physics. Tan Yuen, Associate Professor, Department of Physics; Ph.D., Temple University. Michael J. Zdilla, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry; Ph.D., Princeton University. Qiang Zeng, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer and Information Sciences. Bin Zhang, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Physics; Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh. Dong Zhou, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., Temple University. David E. Zitarelli, Professor Emeritus, Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University. Matthew Zumbrum, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Mathematics; Ph.D., University of Delaware. 31 32 Temple University Bulletin 2015-2016 Fox School of Business and Management Joan Allatta, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Strategic Management; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Andrew Allmond, Assistant Professor (Practice), Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management; M.J., Temple University. Ronald Anderson, Professor, Department of Finance; Ph.D., Texas A and M University. Lynne M. Andersson, Associate Professor, Department of Human Resource Management; Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Paul K. Asabere, Professor, Department of Finance; Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Hilal Atasoy, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Accounting; Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Craig Atwater, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management; Ph.D., Temple University. Cynthia Axelrod, Assistant Professor (Practice), Department of Finance; M.B.A., Drexel University. Steven Balsam, Professor, Department of Accounting; Ph.D., City University of New York. Rajiv D. Banker, Professor, Department of Accounting; D.B.A., Harvard University. Sudipta Basu, Professor, Department of Accounting; Ph.D., University of Rochester. Gary J. Blau, Professor, Department of Human Resource Management; Ph.D., University of Cincinnati. Misty P. Blessley, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management; Ph.D., Temple University. Jeffrey R. Boles, Assistant Professor, Department of Legal Studies in Business; Ph.D., University of California Berkeley. Edward C. Boyer, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Finance; Ph.D., Temple University. Lawrence Brown, Professor (Research), Department of Accounting; Ph.D., University of Rochester. Dmitri Byzalov, Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting; Ph.D., Harvard University. Dwight Carey, Assistant Professor (Practice), Department of Strategic Management; B.S., Farleigh Dickinson University at Madison. Alexandra D. Carides, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Statistics; Ph.D., Temple University. Debra Casey, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Human Resource Management; Ph.D., Rutgers University-New Brunswick. Steven J. Casper, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Finance; Ph.D., Temple University. Boyoun Chae, Assistant Professor, Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management; Ph.D., University of British Columbia. Rajeswararao S. Chaganti, Professor, Department of Strategic Management; Ph.D., State University of New York. Rajan Chandran, Professor, Department of Dean's Office; Ph.D., Syracuse University. Hua Chen, Assistant Professor, Department of Risk, Insurance and Healthcare Management; Ph.D., Georgia State University. Pallavi Chitturi, Associate Professor (Research), Department of Statistics; Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin. J. Jay Choi, Professor, Department of Finance; Ph.D., New York University. George Chressanthis, Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Risk, Insurance and Healthcare Management; Ph.D., Purdue University. Teresa Gill Cirillo, Assistant Professor (Practice), Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management; M.A., Rowan University. Shira Cohen, Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting; Ph.D., Columbia University. Mary Conran, Assistant Professor (Practice), Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management; M.B.A., Temple University. J. David Cummins, Professor, Department of Risk, Insurance and Healthcare Management; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Kathleen A. Davis, Assistant Professor (Practice), Department of Human Resource Management; J.D., University of California Berkeley. John R. Deckop, Professor, Department of Human Resource Management; Ph.D., University of Minnesota. Mercedes Delgado, Assistant Professor, Department of Strategic Management; Ph.D., Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Faculty 33 C. Anthony Di Benedetto, Professor, Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management; Ph.D., McGill University. Angelika Dimoka, Associate Professor, Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management; Ph.D., University of Southern California. Yuexiao Dong, Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University. Martin J. Doyle, Assistant Professor (Practice), Department of Management Information Systems; M.S., University of Phoenix. Rob B. Drennan, Associate Professor, Department of Risk, Insurance and Healthcare Management; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Leora F. Eisenstadt, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Legal Studies in Business; J.D., New York University School of Law. Eric Eisenstein, Assistant Professor, Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Elyas E. Elyasiani, Professor, Department of Finance; Ph.D., Michigan State University. Philip English, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Finance; Ph.D., University of South Carolina. Kevin J. Fandl, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Legal Studies in Business; Ph.D., George Mason University. Susan Feinberg, Associate Professor, Department of Strategic Management; Ph.D., University of Minnesota. Stuart H. Fine, Associate Professor (Practice), Department of Risk, Insurance and Healthcare Management; Ph.D., Medical University of South Carolina. Jennifer M. Fitzgerald, Instructor (Practice), Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management; M.B.A., Temple University. Laurie J. Fitzpatrick, Assistant Professor (Practice), Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management; M.F.A., Temple University. Richard Y. Flanagan, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Management Information Systems; Ph.D., Temple University. Nathan Fong, Assistant Professor, Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Jane H. Frankel, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Strategic Management; M.S., University of Pennsylvania. Mary Anne Gaffney, Associate Professor, Department of Accounting; Ph.D., University of Maryland. Deanna Geddes, Associate Professor, Department of Human Resource Management; Ph.D., Purdue University. Mark E. Gershon, Professor, Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management; Ph.D., University of Arizona. Katherine W. Gerst, Assistant Professor (Practice), Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management; M.B.A., Temple University. Melissa Glenn-Fleming, Assistant Professor (Practice), Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management; M.A., La Salle University. Elizabeth A. Gordon, Associate Professor, Department of Accounting; Ph.D., Columbia University. Isaac Gottlieb, Professor (Clinical), Department of Statistics; Ph.D., Columbia University. Brad Greenwood, Assistant Professor, Department of Management Information Systems; Ph.D., University of Maryland College Park. Manak C. Gupta, Professor, Department of Finance; Ph.D., University of California Los Angeles. Terry Ann Halbert, Professor, Department of Legal Studies in Business; J.D., Rutgers University. Robert D. Hamilton III, Professor, Department of Strategic Management; Ph.D., Northwestern University. Xu Han, Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Crystal M. Harold, Assistant Professor, Department of Human Resource Management; Ph.D., George Mason University. Roie Hauser, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Finance; Ph.D., University of Chicago. Richard M. Heiberger, Professor Emeritus, Department of Statistics; Ph.D. Theodore L. Hill III, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Strategic Management; Ph.D., Temple University. Arthur Hochner, Associate Professor, Department of Human Resource Management; Ph.D., Harvard University. Samuel D. Hodge Jr., Professor, Department of Legal Studies in Business; J.D., Temple University. Brian C. Holtz, Assistant Professor, Department of Human Resource Management; Ph.D., George Mason University. 34 Temple University Bulletin 2015-2016 H. Donald Hopkins, Associate Professor, Department of Strategic Management; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University. Andrea Hornett, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management; Ph.D., George Washington University. Forrest E. Huffman, Professor, Department of Finance; Ph.D., University of South Carolina. James M. Hunt, Associate Professor, Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management; Ph.D., University of Cincinnati. James Hutchin, Associate Professor (Practice), Department of Strategic Management; M.B.A., American Graduate School of International Management. Daniel Isaacs, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Legal Studies in Business; J.D., Brooklyn Law School. Alan J. Izenman, Professor, Department of Statistics; Ph.D., University of California Berkeley. Cheng Jiang, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Finance; Ph.D., University of California Riverside. Kose John, Professor, Department of Finance. Darin Kapanjie, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Statistics; Ed.D., Temple University. Satyajit Karnik, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Finance; Ph.D., University of Michigan. Howard Keen, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Finance; Ph.D., Bryn Mawr College. Ron Kershner, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Statistics; Ph.D., Cornell University. You Jin Kim, Assistant Professor, Department of Human Resource Management; Ph.D., Michigan State University. Harold E. Klein, Associate Professor, Department of Strategic Management; Ph.D., Columbia University. Masaaki Kotabe, Professor, Department of Strategic Management; Ph.D., Michigan State University. Robert T. Krafty, Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. A. J. Kreimer, Assistant Professor (Practice), Department of Accounting; M.B.A., Temple University. Jagannathan Krishnan, Professor, Department of Accounting; Ph.D., Ohio State University. Jayanthi Krishnan, Associate Professor, Department of Accounting; Ph.D., Ohio State University. Seok-Woo Kwon, Assistant Professor, Department of Strategic Management; Ph.D., University of Southern California. Nandini Lahiri, Assistant Professor, Department of Strategic Management; Ph.D., University of Michigan. James M. Lammendola, Assistant Professor (Practice), Department of Legal Studies in Business; J.D., University of Tulsa College of Law. Richard A. Lancioni, Professor Emeritus, Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management. Vanessa J. Lawrence, Associate Professor, Department of Legal Studies in Business; J.D., University of Pennsylvania School of Law. Xi Li, Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting; Ph.D., London Business School. Yan Li, Assistant Professor, Department of Finance; Ph.D., Cornell University. Yuanzhi Li, Assistant Professor, Department of Finance; Ph.D., New York University. Andrea B. Lopez, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Human Resource Management; Ph.D., Temple University. Diane S. Luedtke, Assistant Professor (Practice), Department of Risk, Insurance and Healthcare Management; M.A., University of Pennsylvania. Xueming Luo, Professor, Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management; D.B.A., Louisiana Tech University. Marco Malandra, Assistant Professor (Practice), Department of Accounting; M.S., Golden Gate University. Barbara B. Manaka, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Risk, Insurance and Healthcare Management; Ph.D., Temple University. Munir Y. Mandviwalla, Associate Professor, Department of Management Information Systems; Ph.D., Claremont Graduate University. Faculty Connie Xiangdong Mao, Associate Professor, Department of Finance; Ph.D., Cornell University. Elizabeth G. Matthew, Assistant Professor (Practice), Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management; M.A., Pennsylvania State University. John A. McClendon, Associate Professor, Department of Human Resource Management; Ph.D., University of South Carolina. Michael McCloskey, Assistant Professor (Practice), Department of Risk, Insurance and Healthcare Management; M.B.A., Drexel University. Robert C. McNamee, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Strategic Management; Ph.D., Rutgers University. James P. Miller, Assistant Professor (Practice), Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management; Ph.D., University College Cork. Martina Mincheva, Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics; Ph.D., Princeton University. Neha Mittal, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management; Ph.D., Rutgers University. Christopher Monos, Assistant Professor (Practice), Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management; Ph.D., Columbia University. Christopher Moore, Instructor (Practice), Department of Risk, Insurance and Healthcare Management; M.S., University of Akron. Maureen Morrin, Professor, Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management; Ph.D., New York University. Michael Moughan, Assistant Professor (Practice), Department of Accounting; Ph.D., University of Delaware. James C. Moustafellos, Assistant Professor (Practice), Department of Management Information Systems; M.Arch., Princeton University. Shreeram R. Mudambi, Professor, Department of Strategic Management; Ph.D., Cornell University. Susan Mudambi, Associate Professor (Research), Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management; Ph.D., University of Warwick. Subhadeep Mukhopadhyay, Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics; Ph.D., Texas A and M University. David Nash, Assistant Professor (Practice), Department of Strategic Management; M.S., University of Pennsylvania. Lalitha Naveen, Associate Professor, Department of Finance; Ph.D., Arizona State University. Katherine Nelson, Instructor (Practice), Department of Human Resource Management; M.S., Temple University. E. Carey O'Donnell, Assistant Professor (Practice), Department of Management Information Systems; B.A., Colgate University. In-Sue Oh, Associate Professor, Department of Human Resource Management; Ph.D., University of Iowa. Bora Ozkan, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Finance; Ph.D., University of New Orleans. Min-Seok Pang, Assistant Professor, Department of Management Information Systems; Ph.D., University of Michigan. Arvind Parkhe, Professor, Department of Strategic Management; Ph.D., Temple University. Paul Pavlou, Professor, Department of Management Information Systems; Ph.D., University of Southern California. Tony Petrucci, Assistant Professor (Practice), Department of Human Resource Management; Ph.D., Regent University. M. Moshe Porat, Professor, Department of Dean's Office; Ph.D., Temple University. James D. Portwood, Professor, Department of Human Resource Management; Ph.D., University of Michigan. Robert S. Pred, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Statistics; Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin. Eric G. Press, Professor, Department of Accounting; Ph.D., University of Oregon. Bruce B. Rader, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Finance; Ph.D., University of Houston. Marc Ragin, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Risk, Insurance and Healthcare Management; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison. Crystal Reeck, Assistant Professor, Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management; Ph.D., Duke University. Laureen Regan, Associate Professor, Department of Risk, Insurance and Healthcare Management; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Sheri Risler, Assistant Professor (Practice), Department of Accounting; B.S., Boston University. Michael J. Rivera, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Strategic Management; Ph.D., Purdue University. 35 36 Temple University Bulletin 2015-2016 Edward C. Rosenthal, Professor, Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management; Ph.D., Northwestern University. David H. Ryan, Associate Professor, Department of Accounting; Ph.D., University of South Carolina. Oleg Rytchkov, Assistant Professor, Department of Finance; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Mitrabarun Sarkar, Professor, Department of Strategic Management; Ph.D., Michigan State University. Sanat K. Sarkar, Professor, Department of Statistics; Ph.D., Calcutta University. Pavel G. Savor, Assistant Professor, Department of Finance; Ph.D., Harvard University. Stuart M. Schmidt, Professor, Department of Human Resource Management; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison. David Schuff, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Management Information Systems; Ph.D., Arizona State University. Jonathan A. Scott, Professor, Department of Finance; Ph.D., Purdue University. Anthony Louis Seeton, Assistant Professor (Practice), Department of Strategic Management; M.B.A., Temple University. Andrew Sfekas, Assistant Professor, Department of Risk, Insurance and Healthcare Management; Ph.D., Cornell University. Jeremy J. Shafer, Assistant Professor (Practice), Department of Management Information Systems; M.S., Temple University. Amir Shoham, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Finance; Ph.D., Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Jagbir Singh, Professor, Department of Statistics; Ph.D., Florida State University. Indrajit Sinha, Associate Professor, Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management; Ph.D., University of Michigan. S. J. Sklar, Assistant Professor, Department of Legal Studies in Business; J.D., Temple University. Michael F. Smith, Associate Professor, Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management; D.B.A., Indiana University. Sheryl Winston Smith, Assistant Professor, Department of Strategic Management; Ph.D., Harvard University. Marcus J. Sobel, Associate Professor, Department of Statistics; Ph.D., University of California Berkeley. John A. Soss, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Finance; Ph.D., Northwestern University. Alexander Stein, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management; Ph.D., Temple University. Cheng Yong Tang, Associate Professor, Department of Statistics; Ph.D., Iowa State University. Lucas Threinen, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Accounting; Ph.D., University of Chicago. Michael Valenza, Associate Professor, Department of Legal Studies in Business; J.D., Temple University. Vinod Venkatraman, Assistant Professor, Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management; Ph.D., Duke University. Krupa S. Viswanathan, Associate Professor, Department of Risk, Insurance and Healthcare Management; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Sunil Wattal, Associate Professor, Department of Management Information Systems; Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University. Ellen Weber, Assistant Professor (Practice), Department of Strategic Management; B.S., University of Pennsylvania. William W. S. Wei, Professor, Department of Statistics; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison. Howard J. Weiss, Professor, Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management; Ph.D., Northwestern University. Mary A. Weiss, Professor, Department of Risk, Insurance and Healthcare Management; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Guntram Werther, Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Strategic Management; Ph.D., Washington University. Jean K. Wilcox, Assistant Professor (Practice), Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management; Ph.D., University of Chicago. Storm Wilkins, Assistant Professor (Practice), Department of Risk, Insurance and Healthcare Management; J.D., University of Pennsylvania. Jacqueline Volkman Wise, Assistant Professor, Department of Risk, Insurance and Healthcare Management; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Christian E. Wurst, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Accounting; Ph.D., Temple University. Faculty Youngjin Yoo, Professor, Department of Management Information Systems; Ph.D., University of Maryland. Yuchi Zhang, Assistant Professor, Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management; Ph.D., University of Maryland College Park. Zhigen Zhao, Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics; Ph.D., Cornell University. Jacqueline S. Zinn, Associate Professor, Department of Risk, Insurance and Healthcare Management; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Rebecca Anne Zinn, Assistant Professor (Practice), Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management; M.B.A., Temple University. M. Michael Zuckerman, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Risk, Insurance and Healthcare Management; J.D., John Marshall Law School. Kornberg School of Dentistry Jasim M. Albandar, Professor, Department of Periodontology and Oral Implantology; D.M.D., Temple University. Vinodh Bhoopathi, Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Community Oral Health Sciences; D.Sc.D., Boston University. Kenneth G. Boberick, Associate Professor, Department of Restorative Dentistry; D.M.D. Daniel W. Boston, Associate Professor, Department of Restorative Dentistry; D.M.D., University of Pennsylvania. Jeffrey H. Godel, Associate Professor (Clinician Scholar), Department of Orthodontics; D.D.S. Michael J. Horton, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Orthodontics; Ph.D. Amid Ismail, Professor, Department of Restorative Dentistry; Dr.P.H., University of Michigan. Steven R. Jefferies, Professor, Department of Restorative Dentistry; D.D.S., University of Maryland Baltimore. Laurie MacPhail, Professor, Department of Oral Maxillofacial Pathology, Medicine and Surgery; D.M.D. Shannon Myers Virtue, Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Community Oral Health Sciences; Psy.D., La Salle University. Matthew Palermo, Assistant Professor (Clinician Scholar), Department of Restorative Dentistry; D.D.S. Thomas E. Rams, Professor, Department of Periodontology and Oral Implantology; D.D.S., University of Maryland. James J. Sciote, Professor, Department of Orthodontics; Ph.D., University of Michigan. Roy H. Stevens, Professor, Department of Endodontology; D.D.S., Columbia University. Jon B. Suzuki, Professor, Department of Periodontology and Oral Implantology; D.D.S., Loyola University Chicago. Marisol Tellez-Merchán, Associate Professor, Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Community Oral Health Sciences; Ph.D., University of Michigan. Orhan C. Tuncay, Professor, Department of Orthodontics; D.M.D. Eugene J. Whitaker, Associate Professor Emeritus, Department of Restorative Dentistry; D.M.D. Jie Yang, Professor, Department of Oral Maxillofacial Pathology, Medicine and Surgery; D.M.D., Temple University. Maobin Yang, Assistant Professor, Department of Endodontology; Ph.D., University of Connecticut. Lewis Katz School of Medicine Mary E. Abood, Professor, Department of Center for Substance Abuse Research; Ph.D., University of California San Francisco. Tasuku Akiyama, Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology; Ph.D., University of Toyama. Barrie Ashby, Professor, Department of Pharmacology; Ph.D., University of Leeds. Raghbir S. Athwal, Professor, Department of Fels Institute for Cancer Research; Ph.D., University of Missouri. Michael V. Autieri, Professor, Department of Cardiovascular Research Center; Ph.D., Hahnemann University. S. Ausim Azizi, Professor (Clinician Scholar), Department of Neurology; M.D., Southwestern Medical School. Mary F. Barbe, Professor, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology; Ph.D., Wake Forest University. 37 38 Temple University Bulletin 2015-2016 Mark M. Black, Professor, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology; Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University. Bettina A. Buttaro, Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology; Ph.D., University of Minnesota. Roberto Caricchio, Associate Professor (Research), Department of Microbiology and Immunology; M.D., Catholic University of Sacred Heart. Marion M. Chan, Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology; Ph.D., Cornell University Medical College. Sow-Yeh Chen, Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine; Ph.D. Xiongwen Chen, Assistant Professor, Department of Cardiovascular Research Center; Ph.D., Temple University. Joseph Y. Cheung, Professor, Department of Medicine; M.D., Duke University. Mario P. S. Chin, Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology; Ph.D., University of Hong Kong. Seo-Hee Cho, Assistant Professor, Department of Shriners Hospitals Pediatric Research Center; Ph.D., Rutgers University. Eric T. Choi, Associate Professor, Department of Surgery; M.D., University of Chicago. Parkson Lee-Gau Chong, Professor, Department of Medical Genetics and Molecular Biochemistry; Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Philip L. Cohen, Professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology; M.D., Yale University. Alan Cowan, Professor Emeritus, Department of Pharmacology; Ph.D., University of Strathclyde. Peter B. Crino, Professor, Department of Shriners Hospitals Pediatric Research Center; M.D., Yale University. Judith Daniels, Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology; Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Prasun Datta, Assistant Professor, Department of Neuroscience; Ph.D., University of Calcutta. Konstantinos Drosatos, Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology; Ph.D., Boston University. Nahum J. Duker, Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine; M.D., University of Illinois College of Medicine. Nae Dun, Professor, Department of Pharmacology; Ph.D., Loyola University Chicago. Satoru Eguchi, Professor, Department of Cardiovascular Research Center; M.D., Tohoku University School of Medicine. Toby K. Eisenstein, Professor, Department of Center for Substance Abuse Research; Ph.D., Bryn Mawr College. John W. Elrod, Assistant Professor, Department of Center for Translational Medicine; Ph.D., Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Nora Engel, Associate Professor, Department of Fels Institute for Cancer Research; Ph.D., University of Buenos Aires. Scott H. Faro, Professor (Clinician Scholar), Department of Radiology; M.D., Rutgers University. Arthur M. Feldman, Professor, Department of Physiology; M.D., Louisiana State University. Toby Ferguson, Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology; M.D. Tracy Lee Fischer-Smith, Assistant Professor, Department of Neuroscience; Ph.D., Temple University. Thomas L. Force, Professor, Department of Center for Translational Medicine; M.D., Harvard Medical School. Gianluca Gallo, Associate Professor, Department of Shriners Hospitals Pediatric Research Center; Ph.D., University of Illinois. Stefania Gallucci, Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology; M.D., Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. Ana M. Gamero, Assistant Professor, Department of Medical Genetics and Molecular Biochemistry; Ph.D., University of South Florida. Doina Ganea, Professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology; Ph.D., University of Illinois at Chicago. Glenn Stephen Gerhard, Professor, Department of Medical Genetics and Molecular Biochemistry; M.D., Pennsylvania State University. Kathleen M. Giangiacomo, Associate Professor, Department of Medical Genetics and Molecular Biochemistry; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Lawrence E. Goldfinger, Assistant Professor, Department of Sol Sherry Thrombosis Research Center; Ph.D., Northwestern University Medical School. Jennifer C. Gordon, Associate Professor, Department of Neuroscience; Ph.D., MCP Hahnemann University School of Medicine. Faculty Xavier Graña, Associate Professor, Department of Fels Institute for Cancer Research; Ph.D., University of Barcelona. Charles Grubmeyer, Professor, Department of Medical Genetics and Molecular Biochemistry; Ph.D., University of Alberta. Dale S. Haines, Associate Professor, Department of Fels Institute for Cancer Research; Ph.D., Hahnemann University. James L. Heckman, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology; Ph.D., Temple University. Earl E. Henderson, Professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology; Ph.D., University of Chicago. Wen-Zhe Ho, Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine; M.D., Wuhan University School of Medicine. Barbara Hoffman, Professor, Department of Fels Institute for Cancer Research; Ph.D., University of Michigan. Steven R. Houser, Professor, Department of Cardiovascular Research Center; Ph.D., Temple University. Wenhui Hu, Associate Professor, Department of Neuroscience; Ph.D., Peking Union Medical College and Chinese Academy of Medical Science. Yang Hu, Assistant Professor, Department of Shriners Hospitals Pediatric Research Center; M.D., Beijing Medical University. Jian Huang, Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine; M.D., Peking University Health Sciences Center. Jean-Pierre Issa, Professor, Department of Fels Institute for Cancer Research; M.D., The American University of Beirut. Liselotte E. Jensen, Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology; Ph.D., University of Aarhus. Nora L. Jones, Assistant Professor (Research Center), Department of Center for Bioethics, Urban Health and Policy; Ph.D., Temple University. Kamel Khalili, Professor, Department of Neuroscience; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. Laurie Kilpatrick, Associate Professor, Department of Center for Inflammation, Translational and Clinical Lung Research; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Kwang Chul Kim, Professor, Department of Physiology; Ph.D., Ohio State University. Seonhee Kim, Assistant Professor, Department of Shriners Hospitals Pediatric Research Center; Ph.D., Rutgers University. Lynn Kirby, Associate Professor, Department of Center for Substance Abuse Research; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Raj Kishore, Professor, Department of Pharmacology; Ph.D., Lucknow University. Walter J. Koch, Professor, Department of Center for Translational Medicine; Ph.D., University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. Beata Kosmider, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology; Ph.D., University of Lodz. Warren D. Kruger, Professor, Department of Pharmacology; Ph.D. Barbara Krynska, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Shriners Hospitals Pediatric Research Center; Ph.D., Medical University of Silesia. Satya P. Kunapuli, Professor, Department of Physiology; Ph.D., Indian Institute of Science. T. Dianne Langford, Associate Professor, Department of Neuroscience; Ph.D., University of Alabama. Dan A. Liebermann, Professor, Department of Fels Institute for Cancer Research; Ph.D., Weizmann Institute. Lee-Yuan Liu-Chen, Professor, Department of Center for Substance Abuse Research; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology. John S. Martin, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology; Ph.D., Thomas Jefferson University. Feroze B. Mohamed, Associate Professor (Clinician Scholar), Department of Radiology; Ph.D., Drexel University. Marc Monestier, Professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology; M.D., University of Lyon. M. Alexandra Monroy, Associate Professor (Research), Department of Cardiovascular Research Center; Ph.D., Boston University School of Medicine. Madesh Muniswamy, Assistant Professor, Department of Center for Translational Medicine; Ph.D., Wellcome Trust Research Laboratory. John W. Muschamp, Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology; Ph.D., Florida State University. Matthew O'Brien, Assistant Professor (Clinician Scholar), Department of Medicine; M.D., Brown University. 39 40 Temple University Bulletin 2015-2016 Hemant K. Parekh, Professor (Clinician Scholar), Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine; Ph.D., Bombay University, Cancer Research Institute. Henry P. Parkman, Professor, Department of Medicine; M.D., Case Western Reserve University. Vickas Patel, Associate Professor, Department of Medicine; M.D., University of Colorado. Helen E. Pearson, Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology; Ph.D., Medical College of Pennsylvania. Yuri Persidsky, Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine; M.D., Kiev State Medical Institute. Patrick J. Piggot, Professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology; Ph.D., University of London. Stephen H. Pilder, Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology; Ph.D., Princeton University. Richard Pomerantz, Assistant Professor, Department of Fels Institute for Cancer Research; Ph.D., State University of New York Downstate Medical Center. Steven N. Popoff, Professor, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology; Ph.D., Loyola University. Raghava Potula, Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine; Ph.D., Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research. Domenico Praticò, Professor, Department of Center for Translational Medicine; M.D., University of Roma, La Sapienza Medical School. Xuebin Qin, Associate Professor, Department of Neuroscience; M.D., Wannan Medical College. Joseph Rabinowitz, Assistant Professor, Department of Center for Translational Medicine; Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University. Servio Ramirez, Associate Professor (Research), Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine; Ph.D., University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry. A. Koneti Rao, Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine; M.D. Jay Rappaport, Professor, Department of Neuroscience; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Scott M. Rawls, Associate Professor, Department of Center for Substance Abuse Research; Ph.D., East Carolina University School of Medicine. Fabio Recchia, Professor, Department of Cardiovascular Research Center; M.D., University of Baria. Victor Rizzo, Professor, Department of Cardiovascular Research Center; Ph.D., University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, New Jersey Medical School. Pamela C. Roehm, Associate Professor (Clinician Scholar), Department of Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery; M.D., Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Thomas J. Rogers, Professor, Department of Pharmacology; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison. Brad S. Rothberg, Associate Professor, Department of Medical Genetics and Molecular Biochemistry; Ph.D., University of Florida. Michael R. Ruggieri, Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Abdel Karim Sabri, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology; Ph.D., Rene Descartes University. Mahmut Safak, Associate Professor, Department of Neuroscience; Ph.D., Thomas Jefferson University. Carmen Sapienza, Professor, Department of Fels Institute for Cancer Research; Ph.D., Dalhousie University. Ilker K. Sariyer, Assistant Professor, Department of Neuroscience; Ph.D., Temple University. Bassel E. Sawaya, Professor, Department of Fels Institute for Cancer Research; Ph.D., Rene Descartes University. Rosario Scalia, Professor, Department of Physiology; M.D., University of Catania. Michael Selzer, Professor, Department of Shriners Hospitals Pediatric Research Center; M.D./Ph.D., New York University. Scott K. Shore, Associate Professor, Department of Fels Institute for Cancer Research; Ph.D., Drexel University. Michael A. Sirover, Professor, Department of Pharmacology; Ph.D., State University of New York Stony Brook. Faculty 41 Tomasz Skorski, Professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology; M.D., Medical Academy of Warsaw. George Smith, Professor, Department of Shriners Hospitals Pediatric Research Center; Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University. Jonathan Soboloff, Associate Professor, Department of Medical Genetics and Molecular Biochemistry; Ph.D., University of Ottawa. Young-Jin Son, Associate Professor, Department of Shriners Hospitals Pediatric Research Center; Ph.D., University of Texas Austin. Dianne R. Soprano, Professor, Department of Medical Genetics and Molecular Biochemistry; Ph.D., Rutgers University. Ronald J. Tallarida, Professor Emeritus, Department of Pharmacology. Italo Tempera, Assistant Professor, Department of Fels Institute for Cancer Research; Ph.D., Sapienza University of Rome. Ying Tian, Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology; Ph.D., Temple University. Douglas G. Tilley, Assistant Professor, Department of Center for Translational Medicine; Ph.D., Queen's University. Allan L. Truant, Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine; Ph.D., University of Oregon. Emily Joy Tsai, Assistant Professor (Clinician Scholar), Department of Medicine; M.D., Harvard Medical School. Alexander Y. Tsygankov, Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology; Ph.D., Bach Institute of Biochemistry, Moscow. Ronald F. Tuma, Professor, Department of Center for Substance Abuse Research; Ph.D., Temple University. Çagla Tükel, Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology; Ph.D., Ankara University. Ellen M. Unterwald, Professor, Department of Center for Substance Abuse Research; Ph.D., Boston University School of Medicine. Hong Wang, Professor, Department of Center for Metabolic Disease Research; Ph.D., University of Montreal. Sara Jane Ward, Assistant Professor (Research Center), Department of Center for Substance Abuse Research; Ph.D., Wake Forest University. Martyn K. White, Assistant Professor (Research Center), Department of Neuroscience; Ph.D., University of Oxford. Marla R. Wolfson, Professor, Department of Center for Inflammation, Translational and Clinical Lung Research; Ph.D., Temple University. Weidong Xiao, Professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology; Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Xiao-Feng Yang, Professor, Department of Cardiovascular Research Center; Ph.D., University of Montreal. Gil Yosipovitch, Professor, Department of Dermatology; M.D., Tel Aviv University. M. Raza Zaidi, Assistant Professor, Department of Fels Institute for Cancer Research; Ph.D., Rutgers University, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. Yi Zhang, Associate Professor, Department of Fels Institute for Cancer Research; M.D. Marvin Ziskin, Professor Emeritus, Department of Radiology; M.D. School of Environmental Design Kate E. Benisek, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Landscape Architecture and Horticulture; M.L.A., Cornell University. William J. Cohen, Associate Professor (Practice), Department of Community and Regional Planning; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Jeffrey Doshna, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Community and Regional Planning; Ph.D., Rutgers University. Sasha Eisenman, Assistant Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture and Horticulture; Ph.D., Rutgers University. Jeffrey P. Featherstone, Professor (Research), Department of Community and Regional Planning; Ph.D., Temple University. Deborah Anne Howe, Professor, Department of Community and Regional Planning; Ph.D., University of Michigan. Pauline Hurley-Kurtz, Associate Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture and Horticulture; M.L.A., University of Pennsylvania. Robert T. Kuper, Associate Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture and Horticulture; M.L.A., Auburn University. Baldev S. Lamba, Associate Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture and Horticulture; M.L.A., University of Pennsylvania. Lynn A. Mandarano, Associate Professor, Department of Community and Regional Planning; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. 42 Temple University Bulletin 2015-2016 Eva Monheim, Instructor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Landscape Architecture and Horticulture; M.A.E., Arcadia University. Mary E. Myers, Associate Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture and Horticulture; Ph.D., Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh College of Art. Michael Olszewski, Associate Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture and Horticulture; Ph.D., University of Delaware. Lolly Tai, Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture and Horticulture; Ph.D., Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh College of Art. School of Media and Communication Osei Appiah, Professor, Department of Advertising; Ph.D., Stanford University. Geoffrey Baym, Professor, Department of Media Studies and Production; Ph.D., University of Utah. David Boardman, Professor, Department of Journalism; M.A., University of Washington. Deborah Cai, Professor, Department of Strategic Communication; Ph.D., Michigan State University. Guillermo G. Caliendo, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Strategic Communication; Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh. John Edward Campbell, Assistant Professor, Department of Media Studies and Production; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Amy L. Caples, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Media Studies and Production; B.A., Temple University. Jessica Castonguay, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Advertising; Ph.D., University of Arizona. William B. Cook, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Advertising; M.A., Pennsylvania State University. Brian Creech, Assistant Professor, Department of Journalism; Ph.D., University of Georgia. Sherri Hope Culver, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Media Studies and Production; M.L.A., University of Pennsylvania. Fabienne L. Darling-Wolf, Associate Professor, Department of Journalism; Ph.D., University of Iowa. Jason del Gandio, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Strategic Communication; Ph.D., Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. Abbe S. Depretis, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Strategic Communication; Ph.D., University of Maryland, College Park. Brooke E. Duffy, Assistant Professor, Department of Advertising; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Alison Ebbecke, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Strategic Communication; B.A., Temple University. Thomas E. Eveslage, Professor, Department of Journalism. Gregg C. Feistman, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Strategic Communication; M.A., Marist College. Jan L. Fernback, Associate Professor, Department of Media Studies and Production; Ph.D., University of Colorado. Matthew R. Fine, Assistant Professor (Practice), Department of Media Studies and Production; M.S., Columbia University. Edward L. Fink, Professor, Department of Strategic Communication; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison. Jennifer Lovrinic Freeman, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Advertising; B.S., Northwestern University. Joseph Glennon, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Advertising; B.A., University of Massachusetts. Paul Gluck, Associate Professor (Practice), Department of Media Studies and Production; B.A., Temple University. Scott Gratson, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Communication Studies; Ph.D., University of Denver. Bruce W. Hardy, Assistant Professor, Department of Strategic Communication; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Christopher Harper, Professor, Department of Journalism; M.J., Northwestern University. Stacey J. Harpster, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Advertising; M.B.A., Temple University. R. Lance Holbert, Professor, Department of Strategic Communication; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison. Thomas L. Jacobson, Professor, Department of Media Studies and Production; Ph.D., University of Washington. Peter Jaroff, Assistant Professor (Practice), Department of Media Studies and Production; B.A., Grinnell College. Faculty 43 Tricia S. Jones, Professor, Department of Strategic Communication; Ph.D., Ohio State University. Sheryl D. Kantrowitz, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Advertising; BFA, Syracuse University. Carolyn L. Kitch, Professor, Department of Journalism; Ph.D., Temple University. John S. Klotz, Associate Professor (Practice), Department of Media Studies and Production; M.S., Rosemont College. Lauren Kogen, Assistant Professor, Department of Media Studies and Production; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Magdalena Konieczna, Assistant Professor, Department of Journalism; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison. Heather LaMarre, Assistant Professor, Department of Strategic Communication; Ph.D., Ohio State University. John A. Lent, Professor Emeritus, Department of Media Studies and Production; Ph.D., University of Iowa. Tony C. Liao, Assistant Professor, Department of Media Studies and Production; Ph.D., Cornell University. Matthew Lombard, Associate Professor, Department of Media Studies and Production; Ph.D., Stanford University. Michael L. Maynard, Associate Professor, Department of Advertising; Ph.D., Rutgers University. George W. Miller III, Associate Professor (Practice), Department of Journalism; M.J., Columbia University. Logan K. Molyneux, Assistant Professor, Department of Journalism; Ph.D., University of Texas-Austin. Bryan Monroe, Professor, Department of Media Studies and Production. William J. Mooney, Assistant Professor (Practice), Department of Media Studies and Production; B.A., Goddard College. Nancy E. Morris, Professor, Department of Media Studies and Production; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Katherine A. Mueller, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Advertising; B.F.A., Moore College of Art and Design. Patrick D. Murphy, Associate Professor, Department of Media Studies and Production; Ph.D., Ohio University. Howard A. Myrick, Professor, Department of Media Studies and Production; Ph.D., University of Southern California. Maida Odom, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Journalism; M.L.A., University of Pennsylvania. Wazhmah Osman, Assistant Professor, Department of Media Studies and Production; Ph.D., New York University. Donnalyn Pompper, Associate Professor, Department of Strategic Communication; Ph.D., Temple University. Hector Postigo, Associate Professor, Department of Media Studies and Production; Ph.D., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Cornelius B. Pratt, Professor, Department of Strategic Communication; Ph.D., University of Minnesota. Dana K. Saewitz, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Advertising; M.L.A., University of Pennsylvania. Adrienne Shaw, Assistant Professor, Department of Media Studies and Production; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Larry Stains, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Journalism; M.J., Columbia University. Lori L. Tharps, Assistant Professor, Department of Journalism; M.S., Columbia University. Edward J. Trayes, Professor, Department of Journalism; Ph.D., University of Iowa. Karen M. Turner, Associate Professor, Department of Journalism; J.D., Northwestern University School of Law. Elizabeth Leebron Tutelman, Professor, Department of Media Studies and Production; Ph.D., Northwestern University. Barry Vacker, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Media Studies and Production; Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin. Francesca A. Viola, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Journalism; J.D., Widener University. Linn Washington, Associate Professor, Department of Journalism; M.A., Yale Law School. Kristine Trever Weatherston, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Media Studies and Production; Ph.D., Virginia Commonwealth University. 44 Temple University Bulletin 2015-2016 Tracey Weiss, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Strategic Communication; Ph.D., Temple University. Thomas Wright, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Strategic Communication; Ph.D., Purdue University. Soo Min Yu, Assistant Professor, Department of Journalism; Ph.D., Simon Fraser University. Laura Zaylea, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Media Studies and Production; M.F.A., San Francisco Art Institute. School of Pharmacy Magid Abou-Gharbia, Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Benjamin E. Blass, Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences; Ph.D., University of Rochester. Michael R. Borenstein, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences; Ph.D., Temple University. Daniel J. Canney, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences; Ph.D., Temple University. Wayne E. Childers, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences; Ph.D., University of Georgia. Jon H. Condra, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences; Ph.D., University of California Riverside. A. Reza Fassihi, Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences; Ph.D., Brighton University. Marc A. Ilies, Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences; Ph.D., University of Bucharest. Marlene A. Jacobson, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences; Ph.D., University of Delaware. Kenneth R. Korzekwa, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences; Ph.D., University of Washington. Evgeny Krynetskiy, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences; Ph.D., Moscow State University. David B. Lebo, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences; Ph.D. Salim Merali, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences; Ph.D., City University of New York. Swati V. Nagar, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences; Ph.D., University of Minnesota. Robert B. Raffa, Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences; Ph.D., Temple University. Ellen A. Walker, Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences; Ph.D., University of Michigan. Albert I. Wertheimer, Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice; Ph.D. Ho-Lun Wong, Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences; Ph.D., University of Toronto. School of Theater, Film and Media Arts Nora Alter, Professor, Department of Film and Media Arts; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Maggie Anderson, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Theater; M.F.A., University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music. Allan S. Barber, Assistant Professor, Department of Film and Media Arts; M.F.A., Temple University. Warren F. Bass, Professor, Department of Film and Media Arts; M.F.A. Nancy Boykin, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Theater; M.F.A., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Chris Cagle, Assistant Professor, Department of Film and Media Arts; Ph.D., Brown University. Marie Anne Chiment, Professor, Department of Theater; M.F.A., New York University Tisch School of the Arts. Roderick L. Coover, Associate Professor, Department of Film and Media Arts; Ph.D., University of Chicago. Peter P. d'Agostino, Professor, Department of Film and Media Arts; M.A. Sarah Drury, Associate Professor, Department of Film and Media Arts; M.A. Fred Duer, Associate Professor, Department of Theater; M.F.A., Ohio University. LeAnn Erickson, Associate Professor, Department of Film and Media Arts; M.F.A. Faculty Robert Hedley, Professor, Department of Theater; M.F.A. David Ingram, Associate Professor (Practice), Department of Theater; M.F.A. Lynne Innerst, Associate Professor, Department of Theater; M.F.A., University of Southern California. Melanie Julian, Assistant Professor (Practice), Department of Theater; M.F.A., Point Park University. Michael J. Kuetemeyer, Assistant Professor, Department of Film and Media Arts; M.F.A., Temple University. Andrew Laine, Assistant Professor (Practice), Department of Theater; M.F.A., University of Texas at Austin. Deirdre S. Maitre, Assistant Professor, Department of Film and Media Arts; M.F.A., Temple University. Matthew Miller, Assistant Professor (Practice), Department of Theater; M.F.A., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Moon Molson, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Film and Media Arts; M.F.A., Columbia University. Katherine J. Nigh, Assistant Professor (Practice), Department of Theater; Ph.D. Mary Catherine Pancake, Assistant Professor, Department of Film and Media Arts; M.F.A., School of the Art Institute of Chicago. David A. Parry, Professor, Department of Film and Media Arts; M.S. Eran Preis, Associate Professor, Department of Film and Media Arts; M.A., Ohio University. Peter R. Reynolds, Associate Professor (Practice), Department of Theater; M.F.A. Lee Richardson, Associate Professor (Practice), Department of Theater; M.F.A., Rutgers University. Jeffrey S. Rush, Associate Professor, Department of Film and Media Arts; M.F.A., American Film Institute. Michael P. Ryan, Professor, Department of Film and Media Arts; Ph.D., University of Iowa. Donna Snow, Associate Professor, Department of Theater; M.F.A., American Conservatory Theater. Edward Sobel, Assistant Professor, Department of Theater; M.F.A., Northwestern University. Elisabeth Subrin, Assistant Professor, Department of Film and Media Arts; M.F.A., School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Paul Swann, Professor, Department of Film and Media Arts; Ph.D. Rea Tajiri, Assistant Professor, Department of Film and Media Arts; M.F.A., California Institute of the Arts. Douglas C. Wager, Professor, Department of Theater; M.F.A. Kimmika Williams-Witherspoon, Associate Professor, Department of Theater; Ph.D., Temple University. Lauren Wolkstein, Assistant Professor, Department of Film and Media Arts; M.F.A., Columbia University. School of Tourism and Hospitality Management Benjamin Altschuler, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management; Ph.D., University of Utah. Elizabeth H. Barber, Associate Professor, Department of Sport Management and Leisure Studies; Ph.D., University of Iowa. Debra K. Blair, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Sport Management and Leisure Studies; Ed.D., Temple University. Joris Drayer, Associate Professor, Department of Sport Management and Leisure Studies; Ph.D., University of Northern Colorado. Daniel C. Funk, Professor, Department of Sport Management and Leisure Studies; Ph.D., Ohio State University. Michael W. Jackson, Professor, Department of Sport Management and Leisure Studies; H.S.D., Indiana University. Jeremy S. Jordan, Associate Professor, Department of Sport Management and Leisure Studies; Ph.D., Ohio State University. R. Aubrey Kent, Professor, Department of Sport Management and Leisure Studies; Ph.D., Ohio State University. Ceridwyn Ann King, Associate Professor, Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management; Ph.D., Griffith University. Thilo Kunkel, Assistant Professor, Department of Sport Management and Leisure Studies; Ph.D., Griffith University. 45 46 Temple University Bulletin 2015-2016 Christopher Lee, Assistant Professor, Department of Sport Management and Leisure Studies; Ph.D., University of Oregon. Xiang Li, Professor, Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management; Ph.D., Texas A and M University. Joseph E. Mahan III, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Sport Management and Leisure Studies; Ph.D., University of Maryland College Park. Chihyung Michael Ok, Associate Professor, Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management; Ph.D., Kansas State University. Richard Ridall, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Sport Management and Leisure Studies; M.Ed., Temple University. Wesley S. Roehl, Professor, Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management; Ph.D., Texas A and M University. Ira L. Rosen, Assistant Professor (Practice), Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management; M.A., Montclair State University. Michael F. Sheridan, Assistant Professor (Practice), Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management; M.T.H.M., Temple University. Brian Soebbing, Assistant Professor, Department of Sport Management and Leisure Studies; Ph.D., University of Alberta. Erinn D. Tucker, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management; Ph.D., Oklahoma State University. Luorong Wu, Assistant Professor, Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University. Yang Yang, Assistant Professor, Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management; Ph.D., University of Florida. Tyler School of Art Stephen M. Anderson, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Architecture; M.Arch., University of Pennsylvania. Steven Berkowitz, Associate Professor, Department of Graphic Arts and Design; M.F.A., Temple University. Philip P. Betancourt, Professor, Department of Art History; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Elizabeth S. Bolman, Professor, Department of Art History; Ph.D., Bryn Mawr College. Gerard F. Brown, Assistant Professor, Department of Foundations; M.A., School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Tracy E. Cooper, Professor, Department of Art History; Ph.D., Princeton University. Chad D. Curtis, Associate Professor, Department of Crafts; M.F.A., Alfred University, New York State College of Ceramics. Daniel V. Cutrone, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Crafts; M.F.A., Temple University. Therese A. Dolan, Professor, Department of Art History; Ph.D., Bryn Mawr College. Alice E. Drueding, Professor, Department of Graphic Arts and Design; B.F.A., Temple University. Amze J. Emmons, Associate Professor, Department of Graphic Arts and Design; M.F.A., University of Washington. Seher Erdogan Ford, Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture; M.Arch., Yale University. Jane DeRose Evans, Professor, Department of Art History; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Clifton R. Fordham, Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture; M.Arch., Yale University. Samuel C. Fritch, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Foundations; M.F.A., Temple University. Philip Glahn, Associate Professor, Department of Painting, Drawing and Sculpture; Ph.D., City University of New York. Abby Ryan Guido, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Graphic Arts and Design; B.F.A., Temple University. Marcia B. Hall, Professor, Department of Art History; Ph.D., Harvard University. Sally W. Harrison, Associate Professor, Department of Architecture; M.Arch., Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Jesse Harrod, Assistant Professor, Department of Crafts; M.F.A., School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Kelly A. Holohan, Associate Professor, Department of Graphic Arts and Design; M.F.A., Temple University. Marilyn M. Holsing, Professor, Department of Painting, Drawing and Sculpture; M.A., University of New Mexico. Faculty Richard D. Hricko, Professor, Department of Graphic Arts and Design; M.F.A., University of Iowa. Alicia Imperiale, Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture; M.A., Princeton University. Simona M. Josan-Barkley, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Foundations; M.F.A., Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Lisa Kay, Assistant Professor, Department of Art Education and Community Arts; Ed.D., Northern Illinois University. Nichola Kinch, Assistant Professor, Department of Foundations; M.F.A., Temple University. Jonathan Dunlap Kline, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Art History; Ph.D., Temple University. Stephanie A. Knopp, Professor, Department of Graphic Arts and Design; M.F.A., Pennsylvania State University. Nicholas W. Kripal, Professor, Department of Crafts; M.F.A., Southern Illinois University. Scott R. Laserow, Professor, Department of Graphic Arts and Design; B.F.A., Temple University. Stanley Lechtzin, Professor, Department of Crafts; M.F.A., Cranbook Academy of Art. Dermot MacCormack, Associate Professor, Department of Graphic Arts and Design; B.F.A., National College of Art and Design, Dublin. Martha Madigan, Professor, Department of Graphic Arts and Design; M.F.A., School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Margo S. Margolis, Professor, Department of Painting, Drawing and Sculpture; M.F.A., Indiana University. Timothy E. McDonald, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Architecture; M.Arch., McGill University. Rebecca Michaels, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Graphic Arts and Design; M.F.A., Temple University. Leah Modigliani, Assistant Professor, Department of Foundations; Ph.D., Stony Brook University. Jo-Anna J. Moore, Associate Professor Emeritus, Department of Art Education and Community Arts; Ed. D., Harvard University. Susan M. Moore, Professor, Department of Painting, Drawing and Sculpture; M.F.A., University of California Davis. Keith Morrison, Professor, Department of Painting, Drawing and Sculpture; M.F.A., School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Adele Nelson, Assistant Professor, Department of Art History; Ph.D., New York University. Dona R. Nelson, Professor, Department of Painting, Drawing and Sculpture; B.F.A., Ohio State University. Rashida Ng, Associate Professor, Department of Architecture; M.Arch., University of Pennsylvania. Sharyn A. O'Mara, Associate Professor, Department of Crafts; M.F.A., Rhode Island School of Design. Odili Donald Odita, Associate Professor, Department of Painting, Drawing and Sculpture; M.F.A., Bennington College. Karyn Olivier, Associate Professor, Department of Painting, Drawing and Sculpture; M.F.A., Cranbook Academy of Art. Eric Oskey, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Architecture; M.Arch., Cornell University. Pepón Osorio, Professor, Department of Art Education and Community Arts; M.A., Columbia University. Wendy B. Osterweil, Associate Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Art Education and Community Arts; M.F.A., University of Wisconsin. Lisi Raskin, Associate Professor, Department of Painting, Drawing and Sculpture; M.F.A., Columbia University. Vojislav Ristic, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Architecture; Dipl.lng.Arch., Belgrade University. Bryan Martin Satalino, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Graphic Arts and Design; M.F.A., Temple University. Joseph S. Scorsone, Professor Emeritus, Department of Graphic Arts and Design. Vickie L. Sedman, Professor, Department of Crafts; M.F.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison. Mark Shaver, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Foundations; M.F.A., University of Georgia. Paul E. Sheriff, Professor, Department of Graphic Arts and Design; B.F.A., Temple University. Mark Shetabi, Associate Professor, Department of Painting, Drawing and Sculpture; M.F.A., Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. 47 48 Temple University Bulletin 2015-2016 Robert Z. Shuman Jr., Associate Professor, Department of Architecture; B.Arch., Temple University. Gerald D. Silk, Professor, Department of Art History; Ph.D., University of Virginia. Samantha Simpson, Associate Professor, Department of Foundations; M.F.A., San Francisco Art Institute. Hester Stinnett, Professor, Department of Graphic Arts and Design; M.F.A., Temple University. Kim D. Strommen, Professor, Department of Graphic Arts and Design; M.F.A., Washington University. Jude E. Tallichet, Professor, Department of Painting, Drawing and Sculpture; M.F.A., University of Montana. Christian Tomaszewski, Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional), Department of Painting, Drawing and Sculpture; M.F.A., Academy of Fine Arts in Poznan, Poland. Ashley West, Assistant Professor, Department of Art History; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. M. Katherine Wingert-Playdon, Professor, Department of Architecture; M.S., Pennsylvania State University. Andrew Wit, Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture; M.Arch., Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Byron Wolfe, Associate Professor, Department of Graphic Arts and Design; M.F.A., Arizona State University. William Yalowitz, Associate Professor, Department of Art Education and Community Arts; Ed.D., Temple University.