Somerset Youth and Community Service Consultation Key Messages - Communities Group Name and Area: Glastonbury Incredible Tuesdays, Yeovil Crewkerne Chard Jenny Kenton (County Councillor, Chard) Jill Shortland (County Councillor, Chard) Ilminster Taunton YMCA Watchet Management Committee Minehead Youth Club Stogursey Victory Hall Committee TDBC Community Development Team Andy Murphy (Neighbourhood Police Sgt) Ruth Garbutt (SENCO @ Heathfield School) Sally Mann (FUSE Performance) Brendan Cleere (TDBC) Carhampton Youth Club Watchet Town Council Wellington DofE Group Taunton Parents and Carers Shepton Mallet Town Council 10 Community Youth (CY) North Taunton Activity and Sports Club North Taunton Partnership North Taunton Multi-agency Group Worker Name: Zara Scott-Davies x 2 Zara Scott-Davies and Zara Coulson Zara Scott-Davies and Corrie Robertson x 4 Corrie Robertson Gail McCarthy x 3 Che Percival & Spenser Sincock Clare Chappel Che Percival and Fi Jolley Fiona Davies x 5 No name (Carhampton Youth Club) Chair of Toursim and Leisure (Watchet Town Council) Gail McCarthy and Ben Orszag-Land Gail McCarthy and Fiona Davies Andrea White and Zara Scott-Davies Sue Kilby (Chair of North Taunton Partnership) Craig Lloyd D:\106751533.doc The Proposal What do you think of the proposal? The budget is the only certainty. Are there any comments or feedback that you’d like to give? D:\106751533.doc Not happy, but knew the County Council has to make savings – were keen to look at alternatives Shocked, worried, devastated x 2 This group should be given priority (Incredible Tuesdays) Not surprised, were expecting it x 3 Will be very difficult financially x 2 Not happy with SCC Not happy with SRYP spending money on Xmas cards and CDs Felt like it was spreading the jam too thinly and didn’t see the point in having such a small budget and two senior workers Disappointment / dismay x 3 A worry about a rise in anti-social behaviour x 4 Timescale to put anything in place is unrealistic x 3 Youth work (and quality workers) are an essential not a luxury x 3 A big ask for communities x 2 Deplorable Risky Not sure the consultation will make a difference x 2 Sadness x 2 Was no consultation when the budget decision was taken and should have been We want quality youth work x 2 So unfair on the young people who need all the support they can get x 7 The building is also at risk, which affects other community group Unfair – other services are not receiving the same levels of cuts Will be more expensive (in terms of use of higher tariff services) in the end Not enough time for the consultation x 3 Volunteers cannot replace trained and experienced youth workers x 3 Some parishes do not have infrastructure to support commissioning of services Young people will lose their trust in adults Loss of expertise and joint working x 3 Disagreement that the ‘budget is the only certainty’ and challenging questions around the equalities statement and process Not clear about the impact, need to look at all youth provision in Chard – is a Youth Centre what is wanted? Not enough time, the precept is set Should look at other CC examples All partners need to come together A great shame We need youth workers to access other services for young people Our disabled young people should not be disadvantaged even further by cutting this group as they often can’t access anything else and are very restricted. It gives us some time out too as we know the group is appropriately supervised run by appropriate staff Timescale for consultation is poor and it is insensitive to ask staff at risk of redundancy to do it Disagreed –young people unfairly targeted A ‘crying shame’ to lose highly trained staff Possibility for legal challenge (as libraries) Consultation contains leading questions as it assumes those answering will pick up the work Why are other agencies getting continued support – we don’t know what they do Should consult more widely (not just town councils) and they don’t reflect young people’s views No thought for the needs of rural young people Need to know how to access remaining funds Shows no valuing of youth work or its contribution to healthy communities Will impact on those most in need Won’t get the volunteers needed Professional youth workers help us set up this provision and we couldn’t have done this without them – we won’t have access to this help anymore and think we won’t be able to develop and sustain what we’ve done – we need help x 3 TDBC researched going to a commissioning model and found it was not viable, SCC should consider this Taunton has no town council and so can’t raise funds to pay for this Young people value and need their youth workers and engage with them when they don’t with others D:\106751533.doc What ideas do you have for the spending of the 2012/13 budget? Views may include: Deprivation priority Rural focus Grant versus commissioning Gap filling where no other organisations are doing anything Discussed deprivation in Glastonbury Incredible Tuesdays is a priority needs group, work needs qualified and experienced professionals Rural focus x 3 Want to ask youth work team Deprivation as a priority x 11 Project work / targeted work / work with schools Match or co-funding local work for young people Need to keep what we currently have, esp. East Taunton Youth clubs help young people overcome barriers and should be a priority More time to decide what to do Need access to professional support / workers / overarching umbrella organisation for support Need to train and develop volunteers – capacity building Gap filling Support peer led practice The most deprived rural areas Money spent on vulnerable young people x 2 Need to look at all areas of youth work to make a comment on this Smaller communities lose out when services are planned Unsure that commissioning or grants will support current provision, or provide any long-term savings The youth centre is a good way or working with hard to reach young people Need experienced and skilled youth workers to work with challenging young people Who will decide what gets commissioned and what is worthy of commissioning? Prefer devolution of money to Town Council Nervous of central commissioning to unknown organisations Local support better than a big organisation coming in to deliver a commissioned service Need long term preventative strategies WYC could be a neutral space and offer a way forward Need intergenerational work Weekend events can be organised by the community but would still need support How much is being provided by others should be taken into account The government need to invest in youth work – otherwise riots may happen again Should be a joint sharing of costs between bodies that work with young people Need youth workers continued support for our new club Help to compete for what funds / support may be available Charities do not have the capacity of expertise to operate a youth service – the CC should do this The Impact of the Proposal What impact will the withdrawal of SCC youth work have on your community? D:\106751533.doc May result in the loss of the Youth Centre – but MC will look for TC funding Devastating – will result in closure as there is no other group of this sort in Yeovil (Incredible Tuesdays) No SCC provision at all in Crewkerne – but would look to finance through the Town Council Nowhere for young people to go x 4 No-one for young people to go to for advice and support x 4 No comment Service has dwindled over last four years and so were expecting it, Yarlington (housing provider) are doing more now Increase in anti-social behaviour x 9 Diminished resources to a very deprived community x 2 Loss of co-ordination Loss of professional workers and professional support x 4 Loss of youth workers as community brokers for young people x 3 Other community groups will be adversely affected by the building closure x 2 Loss of important service for young people x 6 Another service won’t be able to offer the same quality of service x 2 Other (more expensive) services will have to pick up the slack Initially club closure, but may get 106 (planning gain) money to pay staff Worry that young people will be angry May cause families to move to a different area with more facilities x 2 The elderly will feel vulnerable Not sure, Jenny deals with the elderly rather than the youth Youth service should pull interested groups together Lower achievement at school Building could become an eyesore if allowed to fall into disrepair Severe impact on young people, families and communities (DofE Group) Will be more expensive in the long run Safeguarding is very important and the County Council should provide this (DofE group) Will lose the valuable youth work skills to young people and community Harder to reopen something after it’s gone Less chance to meet young people’s needs Make us less able to recruit and train volunteers What impact will the withdrawal of SCC youth work have on your youth club? What can you do to fill this gap? What can you provide without any SCC resource? This may not be direct replacement. How do you plan to fund it? D:\106751533.doc Ask the Town Council for £10k a year for the next three years to fill the gap, also ask for some grant / commissioning money, check to see if school wants to contribute Staff looking for alternative provision as parents cannot take the group on (Incredible Tuesdays) Look to raise money via the Town Council to employ own youth worker x 4 Will consult young people, asking the town council, but they have other demands so don’t know if it will be funded We will do the best we can, but we have limited resources and will need extra x 2 Would be good to have a full-time youth worker to fundraise for youth activities – capacity building x 2 Looking to fundraise, but are wary of being responsible for the youth club in terms of h&s, insurance and payroll x 3 Other organisations cannot be expected to fill the gap – the expertise resides with the youth service Other services (PCSO etc) will find an increase in their work x 2 Volunteers cannot replace youth workers Loss of youth work expertise to partnership groups x 4 Loss of developmental opportunities for young people x 3 Loss of role models x 2 Unsure of where next years’ funding will come from Everyone will suffer a tightening of resources No youth workers – they have built good relationships which will be lost x 3 The club will be unsafe will volunteers Won’t be easy to find volunteers x 2 Who will train the volunteers? Town Council has no revenue money for salaries Club will shut x 2 Youth organisations need to get together to discuss the situation, then talk to young people Maybe look at working with another town? Young people’s behaviour will deteriorate Need more support to develop a sustainable way forward x 2 It wouldn’t be the same for the young people if we (parents) ran the group (DofE Group) We’ve looked at merging but its not going to happen (DofE Group) Town Council precept is set, so no monies available Loss of support and preventative work with young people Why are we being asked to fund this? Its irresponsible to assume we will and the timescales are unrealistic – not enough time to assess and / or plan There’s nothing like this for young people – only specific groups (sports or church) Unlikely to be able to support something if the Base and Cabin as resources are lost Need to know what resources are available before being able to say what is possible Need money to employ youth workers There are also transport needs Less chance to meet young people’s needs Make us less able to recruit and train volunteers Use of Scarce Resources D:\106751533.doc What is most important to your group: Provision of positive activities (universal youth club giving young people somewhere to go and something to do) or Provision of youth work (as above, but with support / information / development opportunities for young people) or Something else? A balance of positive activities and youth work x 5 Youth work x 10 All of the above x 2 Planning to consult with young people Range of activities with good quality youth workers Young people cannot get the support they need solely through positive activities Widen participation and peer mentoring Youth work within a professional support structure Support to develop community leaders Think outside the box at other positive activities for young people Need transport to enable young people outside Wiveliscombe to be able to access what’s on offer Professional advice, access to funds and help to access funds From the limited resource, what would be of most help to your community? Options may include: Money to pay youth workers salaries Professional support from an experienced and qualified youth worker for your staff and volunteers Access to county or district wide events (pool or football competitions, arts events etc) Staff and / or management committee training Something else D:\106751533.doc Money to pay youth workers x 12 A professional reliable team to continue working with the group (Incredible Tuesdays & Dof E Group) Professional support x 15 Funds for disengaged young people Funding for a full-time youth worker and some centralised advisory time Money to pay for SCC youth workers who are being withdrawn Help in developing young people into leadership roles Help with governance and youth work accountability Money for building maintenance / running costs x 2 Training for volunteers Payroll services Staff training Management Training SCC to employ a company to provide what it is pulling out of Youth workers are highly qualified and motivated professionals and they will be forced to move away to find work – it won’t be easy to get them back and it is costly to train new ones Not sure, need to do a needs assessment and ask young people Capacity to build voluntary sector Start up grants for groups Ensure they are preventative and sustainable BUT – not enough time, no strategy Transition time and money Need to tailor solution to the needs of the community Funding for transport (Wiveliscombe) We need to employ youth workers but do not want the money – this should stay with SCC for the Authority to continue to manage the service D:\106751533.doc