(207) 621-4886

The American Legion
Department of Maine
P.O. Box 900, Waterville, ME 04903
Tel: (207) 873-3229
E-mail: legionme@mainelegion.org
Website: www.mainelegion.org
Weekly Update
April 11, 2013
2009 - 2010
Membership Target
The big thing is be yourself. You really can’t be anybody else.
* September 8,
2009 - 50 percent
Congratulations to the following Posts for reaching 100%
Cherryfield Post 8
October 13, 2009 55 percent
Fairfield Post 14
Guilford Post 119
Camp Tall Pines Annual
Spring Clean-up Day
Attention Fans of Camp Tall Pines!! –
November 16, 2009
Camp Tall Pines will be hosting its annual Spring cleanup day on Saturday, May 18th, 2013 from 9 a.m. to 2
- 65 percent
p.m. Special Olympics Maine is currently looking for volunteers to help accomplish spring clean jobs at Camp
Tall Pines. If you or a group of your friends would like to volunteer on May 18th, please contact Ian,
IanF@somaine.org or 879-0489 x 14.
* December
8, painting clothes, as we have an assortment of tasks to be accomplished. Bring your rakes,
your work or
2009 - brushes,
75 percent
work gloves, gardening tools and other tools you may use around your house for spring cleanup projects.
Again this year, American Legion/ Auxiliary Camp Tall Pines Committee will act as our host for a luncheon
cook-out for
who -join us.
80 percent
We have
tasks for everyone including but not limited to: Interior painting, raking ground, picking up &
chipping brush, cut trees & splitting fire wood, inventory supplies, repair damaged ramps & decks/porches,
setting up Rec Hall, spring cleaning of seasonal kitchen, spring cleaning of seasonal bunk houses, spring
of cabins
and spring cleaning of all seasonal buildings.
9, 2010
in advance so that we can plan appropriately on what jobs can be accomplished and how much
- 85RSVP
food to order for the clean-up day. Hope to see you all at Camp Tall Pines on May 18th!!
Thank you,
9, 2010
- 90Pines Director
Ian Frank,
Camp Tall
* April 13, 2010 –
95 percent
Boys and Girls State
The Legislature recently passed a resolution expressing support and appreciation for the Dirigo Boys and Girls
State programs. This year’s Boys and Girls State programs will take place June 16-20. The two programs are
designed to instruct students in the process of local, county and state government. High school teachers and
counselors annually nominate hundreds of students to be delegates, or “citizens,” at Dirigo Boys and Girls State.
Community leaders from across Maine donate their time and energy to assist in running the Boys and Girls State
Boys State
The purpose of Boys State is to provide Maine high school juniors with the opportunity to participate in a
program that supplements their high school courses in government and its functions. In this program, young
men role-play as they learn to campaign for local, county and state offices and then organize and carry out the
functions of state government.
Any junior who is interested in learning about town and state government qualifies for Boys State. Information
pertaining to the program should be made available for all boys in the junior class; giving students at all
scholastic levels the chance to apply. Priority should be given to attitude versus scholastic achievement,
although both qualities are desirable. Involvement, interest and participation should be the main focus during the
selection process. All applicants chosen should be informed that they are being recommended to the local
American Legion Post, and each individual should commit to attending prior to an application being submitted.
The final selection of students must be done by the local American Legion Post using the names supplied by the
school. If your school district does not have an American Legion Post, the school is responsible for carrying out
the selection process and obtaining sponsors.
The American Legion sponsors the Boys State program and encourages all other groups and organizations to
join in promoting the program through sponsorship of candidates.
Submit Boys State applications, along with the fee, by June 1, 2013. The tuition for each student for the Boys
State 2013 session will be $275, however, partial sponsorship is also encouraged. If you would like to be a
sponsor for the 2013 Dirigo Boys State Program, please contact your local American Legion Post.
Girls State
Girls State is a youth citizenship program sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary. Maine’s session will be
held at Husson University in Bangor. Delegates to the program are selected by the American Legion Auxiliary
Units working with local high schools. Girls must have completed their junior year of high school to be
eligible. College credits are also available to Girls State delegates.
For more information, students should contact their local American Legion Post.
Korean Vets
Buzz Levensaler would like some help locating Korean vets, living and deceased, and trying to put together a
program to honor these people on the 60th anniversary of the cease fire. This event is planned for Veterans
Day 2013. Contact Buzz Levensaler, 36 Deer Run Road, North Yarmouth, Maine at 846-4517.
District Meetings
District 3 – Androscoggin: Apr. 14, Lewiston Post 22, 2 p.m.
District 5 – Oxford: Apr. 17, Rumford Post 24, 7 p.m., Installation of officers for Dixfield Post 100, Rumford
Post 24 and District 5. Light meal at 6 p.m.
District 14 – Piscataquis: Apr. 20, Dover-Foxcroft Post 29, 6:30 p.m. dinner, 7:30 p.m. mtg.
District 1 – York: Apr. 21, Sanford Post 19, 2 p.m.
District 11 – Waldo: Apr. 21, Unity Post 50, 2 p.m.
District 17 – N. Aroostook: Apr. 21, Eagle Lake Post 176, 1 p.m. dinner, 2 p.m. mtg., nominations.
Directory Changes
Pg. 47, Richmond Post 132 meetings will be every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. until further notice. This is a busy time
of year for post business and weekly meetings will be necessary. Please note that Awards Night has been moved
from April 26 to May 3rd. The evening will start with a spaghetti dinner potluck style.
What’s Happening?
Potluck and Dart Night: Apr. 11 and every Thursday, SAL Post 5, Waterville, 6 p.m. Bring a dish and join
the fun. Entry into darts is only $2. Partners are drawn for the double elimination tourney. Winner takes ALL.
Friday Night Supper: Apr. 12, Farmington Post 28, 6 p.m. Mike and Sue Fogg will be serving up homemade
crockpot baked beans, kielbasa, coleslaw, rolls and dessert. Post opens at 5. Come on over and enjoy a
delicious Friday night meal.
8 Ball Pool Tournament: Apr. 13 and every Saturday, SAL Post 5, Waterville, 1 p.m. The entry fee is $6. The
tournaments will run until May 18. Come join the fun.
Supper and Performance by the Back Porch Bluegrass Band: Apr. 13, Litchfield Post 181, approximately 6
p.m. The affair will be a benefit for the post to finance the trip of World War II veterans to Washington, DC.
There are 5 members from Litchfield Post 181 and a total of 19 WWII veterans leaving from Portland.
Chicken Supper: Apr. 19, Waterville Post 5, 5-7 p.m. $7. To benefit Children & Youth programs.
Texas Hold-em Tournament: Apr. 14, Damariscotta Post 42. Registration begins at 12, $30 buy in and $5
registration fee. Bar open downstairs, refreshments available upstairs also.
Texas Hold-em Tournament: Apr. 19, Richmond Post 132, 6:30 p.m. Doors open 5:30 p.m., 40,000 in chips,
$30 entry fee and $5 license fee. $5 “high hand” is optional, full concession stand.
Bean Supper: Apr. 20, Winthrop Post, Unit 40, 4:30 - 6 p.m. To benefit Camp Tall Pines in Poland. $7
adults, $3 children under 12. All proceeds to help pay for the camp for our Special Olympians! Beans,
casseroles, all the fixings and a variety of desserts. Come support this special cause.
Texas Hold’em Tournament: Apr. 20, Rumford Post 24, doors open at 9 a.m. with $50 buy in. A meal for $6
will be served at noon. For any questions, call Roger Rouleau at 364-3615.
Country Western Dance: Apr. 20, Rockland Post 1, potluck supper 6 – 7 p.m. Dance starts at 7 p.m.
Sponsored by Rockland ALR’s. 50/50 door prizes. $10 per person.
Testimonial for District 10 Commander Gary Bulger and District 4 President Veronica Rokosny:
Apr. 20, Fairfield Post 14, 6 p.m. Appetizers, desserts and entertainment is being planned. FMI, please call
Cathy Gurney 238-6031.
Texas Hold-em: Apr. 21, Winthrop Post 40, 2 p.m., (registration opens 1 p.m.) $50 buy-in, $5 registration.
Buffet available for $5. Come join one of the most popular games in the area!
The Bataan Death March Remembrance: Apr. 21, Auburn Post 153, breakfast 8 -10 a.m. The menu will
consist of scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, home fries, baked beans, white or wheat toast and the military’s
infamous S.O.S., Army coffee and juice, plus an old Beaulieu family recipe for crepes that has been passed
down for generations from Quebec and France. The cost is $6 for adults, $4 children under 12. All money
raised supports veteran programs.
The Department Commander’s/Department President’s/Detachment Commander’s Testimonial: Apr. 27,
Waterville Post 5, social hour at 5 p.m., dinner at 6 p.m. and program to follow. Cost will be $16 per person.
The meal will be salad, pork & fish, mixed vegetables, rolls, coffee/tea/water with dessert of strawberry
shortcake. Cut-off for reservations will be no later than Apr. 22 at Department Headquarters, P.O. Box 900,
Waterville 04903. Tickets will be held at the door.
Texas Hold-em: Apr. 28, Winthrop Post 40, 2 p.m., (registration opens 1p.m.) $50 buy-in, $5 registration.
Buffet available for $5. Come join one of the most popular games in the area!
Texas Hold-em Tournament: Apr. 28, Damariscotta Post 42. Registration begins at 12, $30 buy in and $5
registration fee. Bar open downstairs, refreshments available upstairs also.
Author Ed Rice Traces the Remarkable Life of Louis Sockalexis: May 1, Bangor Post 12, 647 Main St.,
Bangor, 7 p.m. Louis Sockalexis, the first person of Native American ancestry to play major league baseball.
Open to all members and guests, coffee and snacks at 6 p.m. Meet the author. Drawing for two autographed
books. Parking at rear of building off Farm Road. FMI, please contact John Nelligan at 945-6673.
Farmington Elks Veterans Breakfast: May 4, Farmington Elks Lodge, 120 School St., West Farmington,
7 - 10:30 a.m. Free to all veterans of any age. Bacon, sausage, eggs, baked beans, home fries, toast, coffee and
juice. Public is also invited - Donations are accepted. FMI, please call 778-6761.
Testimonial for 7th District President Diane Daigle: May 11, Madawaska Post 147. Social hour will begin at
5 p.m. with the testimonial dinner to follow at 6 p.m. A ham dinner will be served at $10 per plate.
Reservations may be made by contacting Linda Lavertu, 583 Lakeshore Rd., St. David 04773 or by calling
316-1315. RSVP by April 25, 2013
First Regional Veterans Benefits Workshop: May 18, Chan Center of Cary Medical Center, 12 p.m.
Representatives from the VFW, American Legion, AMVETS, Knights of Columbus, Northern Maine Veterans
Cemetery, University of Maine, the Vet Center, DAV and others will be on hand to present information and
answer questions. Representatives from Senator Collin’s and Congressman Michaud’s Office will be on hand as
well. Refreshments will be available. All veterans attending shall be entered into a drawing for a “veteran
appreciation hunt” to be drawn in the fall. Winner will be awarded a 3 day guided hunt for two for their season
of choice. Thank you to our sponsors Fishriver Lodge and Quigley’s Outdoors. FMI, please contact Duane
Belanger, Veterans Program Director-Maine Knights of Columbus at 951-2874 or via email:
Old Orchard Beach Post 57 for their donation of $100 to NEPVA.
Sons of The American Legion
Detachment News
If you haven’t PAID your dues for this year, do so NOW! Thank you to all who have paid their dues!
Squadrons are encouraged not to sit on membership, but get them submitted to DETACHMENT OF MAINE,
P.O. BOX 37, SEARSMONT, ME 04973.
Remember, membership is the lifeblood of any organization. Let’s work together to achieve our goals. Keep
applications handy and keep on asking!
There is also an Oil Raffle to benefit the Commander’s project, the Beals House. Tickets are $10 each or 3 for
$25. Winner #1 will receive 275 gallons. Winner #2 will receive 100 gallons! Drawing date for this raffle will
be April 15th.
Please support this year’s project the Beals House! Send donations for this cause to Dave Raymond, 976
Riverside Drive, Augusta, Maine 04330 and earmarked Beals House.
The time of year has come for Squadron elections. Please contact us if you would like us to perform
Richard Huntley, Detachment of Maine Commander
dickie_huntley@hotmail.com, Home phone: 255-5885 Cell phone 479-8430
Best Wishes,
Lloyd Woods,
Department Adjutant
WISH LIST – April 2013
Department of Veterans Affairs
Voluntary Service (135)
1 VA Center
Augusta, Maine 04330
(207) 621-4886
1. Drivers for Volunteer Transportation Network (Brunswick/Portland/Sanford)
2. Parking Lot Shuttle driver – (Thursday/on-call)
3. Escort Volunteers – (Any day)
4. Set-up/Tear Down for Air Rifle Program – 1st & 3rd Wednesday
5. Clinic Clerical Assistant – Lincoln CBOC
6. Employee Health – Clerical Assistant (Monday, Wednesday and/or Thursday)
7. Prosthetics Assistant – (Tuesday and/or Thursday)
1. Coffee funds (provides coffee in waiting areas/wards/clinics)
2. Comfort Items, i.e., shampoo, body wash, toothbrush covers, deodorant, disposable razors etc. (No alcohol
based products)
3. Funds to purchase Canteen/Coupon Books
4. Funds to purchase diabetic snacks
5. Newspaper funds (provides newspapers in waiting areas/wards/clinics)
6. CBOC Homeless Programs ($25 Wal-Mart Cards)
7. Gas Cards ($25)
8. Calling Cards (30, 60 and 125 min)
1. Parking Lot Shuttle Vehicle Project
2. Weekly 63 Mental Health Pizza Party ($53/wk)
3. Organizations to sponsor entertainment on 73 Patriot Place
4. Wii System for Home Based Primary Care ($100-250)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOT NEEDED AT THIS TIME! Jigsaw Puzzles; Used Clothing; Used Stamps; Magazines over three months
old; Dental Floss; After-Shave; Hand Lotion and Envelopes. Due to Infection Control policies we are unable
to accept used clothing/bedding walkers, canes, or crutches at this time.
The Internal Revenue Service has announced that under the Tax Code, donations to the Department of Veterans
Affairs’ General Post Fund for exclusively public purposes are deductible from federal income taxes in the
manner and to the extent allowable. The announcement reflects the tax law provision, which makes those
donations deductible as “donations to the United States”. Donations to support any of the Department’s
programs are deductible, whether the donor directs that the donated funds be used for a specific purpose or
allows the Department to decide how the donated funds will be used. Donated funds made by check should be
made out to “VAVS” and sent to the address above.