Caloric Intake vs. Caloric Expenditure Subject: Health and Fitness Topic: Caloric Intake vs. Caloric Expenditure Grade Level: 5th-8th Lesson Length: Two to four 30-50 minute blocks (after one week of recording in Daily Food and Exercise Log) Technology/Equipment/Supplies: 1. Weekly Meal Planner Excel Worksheet 2. Daily Log Sheet 3. Computers/Computer Lab 4. Internet 5. LCD Projector and Screen 6. Kidspiration/Inspiration software (free online trial available) for extension activities. Collaboration: Classroom teacher should work in cooperation with the P.E. teacher and School Nurse. Alignment to Content Standards: Health/P.E: HW.11.8.2 Develop a personal eating plan and physical activity schedule for weight management (e.g., caloric intake versus caloric expenditure) HW.11.7.4 Analyze a daily nutrition log based on Nutrition Facts Labels PEL.2.6.4 Compare caloric intake versus caloric expenditure to promote a proper level of fitness (e.g., daily food log, caloric intake calculator, caloric expenditure calculator) Personal Health and Safety: Students shall recognize and practice health-enhancing behaviors to avoid or reduce health risks. Nutrition: Students shall understand concepts related to nutrition and develop skills for making healthy food choices. Language Arts: OV.1.5.2-1.8.5: Use standard English in classroom discussion. Use appropriate oral communication for various purposes and audiences. Contribute appropriately to class discussion. OV.2.5.1-OV.2.8.5: Demonstrate effective listening skills by exhibiting appropriate body language. OV.3.5.1: View a variety of media (e.g., posters, film clips, periodicals, charts, cartoons, etc.) to enhance and show understanding of a specific topic R.9.5.6-9.5.7: Connect own background knowledge and personal experience to make inferences and to respond to new information presented in text. Math: A.6.5.1-6.7.1: Draw conclusions and make predictions, with and without appropriate technology, from models, tables and line graphs Task/Objectives: Students will calculate caloric intake and exercise while manipulating an Excel spreadsheet calorie calculator. Activities: Students will keep a daily log of food intake and exercise for the week prior to this lesson. Students will discuss the food choices and exercise choices of the previous week. View/Discuss Microsoft PowerPoint presentation on caloric intake vs. caloric expenditure. o Teacher Notes provided to assist instruction Students will go to to calculate caloric intake using their daily log from the previous week. Students will go to to determine caloric expenditure. Students will record and graph data. Students will use USDA MyPyramid Blast Off Game to calculate if their food and exercise choices meet a balance between food intake and physical activity. Resources: ity Teacher Notes: Make sure that students are proficient on their log calculations before starting this lesson. Students need to understand how to click on Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Exercises. Students that have difficulty navigating the computer may need to work in cooperation with another student that is comfortable with the internet. Extensions: -Prepare a weekly menu and exercise plan based on the USDA food pyramid. -After this lesson is completed, have students keep a caloric/exercise log for an additional week. Plot and graph caloric/exercise and compare the first log graphs with the last log graphs. Assessment Rubric: Minimal 1 day log 3 meal calculations Total calories for one day Exercise log and calculations for 1 day Basic 2 day log 6 meal calculations Total calories for two days Exercise log and calculations for 2 days Proficient 5 day log 15 meal calculations Total calories for 5 days Exercise log and calculations for 5 days Students will plot a graph to show daily calories for 5 days Advanced 7 day log 21 meal calculations Total calories for 7 days Exercise log and calculations for 7 days Students will plot a graph to show daily calories in correlation with daily exercise. Inspiration/ Kidspiration Program will be utilized to create different types of diagrams, templates, and graphs.