
淡水國民中學102學年度上學期九年級英語科第一次段考___年 ___班 座號:___ 姓名:________
一、 聽力測驗:30%(每題 2 分)
A. 辨識句意:選出符合句子描述的圖片。10 %(每
C. 言談理解:請聽對話或短文,選出問題最適合的
題 2 分)
答案。 10% (每題 2 分)
1. (A)
11. (A) He wore a strange mask at the party.
(B) He went to the party last night.
(C) He went to an eye doctor.
2. (A)
12. (A) She hates going to the library.
(B) She is bored with reading.
3. (A)
(C) She has no books to read.
13. (A) In art clas. (B) In music class.
(C) In math class.
14. (A) He is tired of eating the same food every day.
(B) He has made fried rice for three days.
(C) He is looking for a new job now.
15. (A) He didn’t answer Jessica’s phone calls.
4. (A)
(B) He works at the restaurant Vampire World.
(C) Something terrible happened to him on the
二、寫出英文單字 10%(每題 1 分)
1. 文化的 2. 完美的 3.信封 4. 語言 5. 服裝
6. 長度;高度;大小 7. 長方形 8. 遊行 9. 有創造力
5. (A)
的 10. 奇怪的
1. My parents have b (1)
B. 基本問答:選出最適合的回答,完成對話 。
10%(每題 2 分)
6. (A) I lived here for five years.
(B) I’ll live here for five years.
(C) I’ve lived here for five years.
7. (A) No, look carefully. It’s a bird, not a kite.
(B) No, my father has never played kites with us.
(C) Yes, my mother bought it at the Art Work Shop.
8. (A) He has been to Japan since 2007, and he still
lives there now.
(B) I heard that he lives a comfortable life after he
left Taiwan.
(C) He’s never heard of your story with Mr. Smith.
9. (A) Well, I haven’t done any of my math homework
until now.
(B) So far so good. I believe I will finish it by
(C) My topic is about the famous doctor Hua-tuo.
10. (A) Just to play it safe, let’s go home earlier.
(B) Of course. A-lin will sing several songs.
(C) Great! Halloween is around the corner.
(2) 1975.
2. Betty: Have you done your homework (3) ?
David: Yes, I have (4) done it.
3. Mia: May I speak to Mr. Lin? Bob: Sorry, my dad
is not here. He’s (5) to Taipei on business, and
he won’t be back until this Friday.
4. That’s lots of food, (6)
(7) ?
5. The dog (8)
a tail looks so cute, but why
doesn’t it have a tail?
6. I’m older than you, (9)
(10) ?
四、文法選擇 20%(每題 2 分)
1. Ryan: Have you ever been to Japan? Dora: Yes,
______. I really had much fun there. (A) four days
(B) for three months (C) twice (D) in a year
2. Jim:
you taken the medicine yet? Sue:
Yes, I
it half an hour ago.(A) Did; took
(B) Have; have taken (C) Have; took (D)
Did; have taken
3.Be a good boy ,
? (A) will you (B)
won’t you (C) shall we (D) all right
4. The birthday boy, Kevin, looks so funny. I can’t
. ( A ) laugh
( B ) laughing
(C) to laugh (D) laughed
5. Amy: Are you
studying English? Ben:
Yes, it
me.( A ) interested in; interests
(B) interesting to; interests (C) interested; is
interesting (D) interesting; interested in
6. Can you tell me the key
good grades in
English?(A) by getting (B) to get (C)
getting (D) to getting
7. She heard
her favorite basketball team
finally won the game.(A) of (B) about (C)
from (D) ×
8.Mom seldom let me play too much when I was little,
?(A) didn’t she (B) did she (C)
wasn’t I (D) was I
9.The man with long hair over there
excellent at doing origami (B) seems to be a
great artist (C) able to finish each work on time
(D) have talked about origami several times
10.We usually eat out because
.(A) eating at
home is more convenient (B) eating out sounds
like a healthy idea (C) my mom has been tired
of cooking for a long time (D) my dad will
cook for us from today on
五、綜合測驗 20%
Have you ever wanted to do something special
for someone to thank them or show them how much
they mean to you, 1 you had no money to buy
anything? In this situation, it would be good to
remember that sometimes the best gifts cannot be
bought. 2 , you can make a painting, a decorative
card, or 3
album of pictures. Those who like to
cook might bake some delicious cookies, a cake or
maybe even a whole meal. You could ask a D.J. to
play a song for them on the radio, pick some colorful
flowers or help them 4
something. Sometimes a
small note, a kind word or a smile are all that are
needed to make someone’s day 5 . It takes a little
bit more creativity and time; but, if you give a gift
from the heart, it’s sure to be meaningful.
1. (A) but
(B) so
(C) for
(D) or
2. (A) Also
(B) However (C) For example (D) First
3. (A) an
(B) some
(C) the (D) a
4. (A) fixing (B) fix
(C) to fixing (D) fixed
5. (A) the brightest
(B) brighter (C) brightest
(D) the brighter
A long, long time ago, when Crow(烏鴉) was as
white as snow, people depended on the buffaloes(水牛)
for food. Hunting the buffaloes on foot was difficult and
dangerous, especially when they could only use rocks.
Crow made it even more difficult for the hunters because
he and the buffaloes were good friends. Whenever the
hunters tried to go near the buffaloes, Crow cried,
“Hunters are coming!” Then all the buffaloes would run
away at once, so the people went hungry.
The people held a council to decide what to do. A
wise old man said, “We must catch Crow and give him a
lesson.” He took out a buffalo skin and put it on the back
of a young hunter. “Now hide inside the buffaloes and
you’ll be able to catch Crow.”
The young hunter did what he was told. He crept
(爬行) into a group of buffaloes with the buffalo
skin. Then the other hunters tried to go near the
buffaloes. When Crow saw this, he warned his friends,
“Hunters are coming!” All the buffaloes ran away,
except for the young man with the buffalo skin.
When seeing this, Crow flew down and sat on the
young hunter’s shoulder. “Run away! Are you deaf
(聾的)?” said the Crow. The hunter quickly caught
him and tied him up.
The young hunter brought Crow back. The people
had a meeting again. “What are we going to do with
him?” asked the people. “Let’s burn him”, an angry
hunter said and pushed Crow into the fire before
people could stop him. The fire burned the rope that
tied Crow up and he flew away.
After that, Crow never tried to warn the buffaloes.
But he has been black ever since.
6. What does it mean in the first paragraph?
(A) Hunting for buffaloes. (B) Hunting for Crow.
(C) Hunting for people. (D) Running away from
the buffaloes.
7. What does council mean?
( A) A fight. (B) A dream. (C) A party. (D) A meeting.
8. Why did the hunters want to catch buffaloes?
(A) They wanted to eat them. (B) They wanted to
make money. (C) They wanted to talk to them. (D)
They wanted to teach them a lesson.
9. How did people hunt for buffaloes a long time ago?
(A) They rode horses. (B) They used rocks. (C)The had
dogs run after them. (D) They got help from the Crow.
10. Which is not true about Crow?
(A) Crow and the hunters are good friends. (B) Crow
warned(警告) the buffaloes when the hunters were
close. (C) Crow was a good friend to the buffaloes.
(D) Crow was white a long time ago.