Hcs herald - Heritage Christian School

A weekly newsletter of Heritage Christian School
P. O. Box 400 Jordan Station, Ontario L0R 1S0
905 562 7303 (office) 905 562 0020 (fax)
WEBSITE: www.hcsjordan.ca
October 18, 2013
HCS Calendar
Oct. 19
Oct. 21
Golf Tournament
Gr. 3B Field Trip
Maintenance Mtg
Oct. 22 Gr. 1B Field Trip
BOD Meeting
Oct. 23 Secondary Chapel
Gr. 3A Field Trip
Skating: 2-3, 8A
Oct. 24/25 PA Days
Oct. 28 EduComm Meetings
Oct. 29 Gr. 1B Field Trip
Oct. 30 Skating: 4-5, 8B
Retake Proof Pkgs Due
Nov 2
Nov 5
Nov 6
Nov 7
Nov 8
Nov 9
Nov 11
Nov 12
Nov 13
Nov 14
Gr. 3B to Albright Manor
Writers’ Craft Field Trip
Skating: Gr. 6, 7
Writers’ Craft Field Trip
Gr. 7&8 Soup Day
ARPA Meeting
Secondary Career Day
Secondary Midterm Reports
Saturday Morning BBall
Remembrance Day Assembly
Gr. 8A to United Menn Home
Skating: Gr. K, 1, 8A
Secondary Chapel
Gr. 1B Field Trip
Secondary P/T Conferences
PA Day
Saturday Morning BBall
Fundraising Meeting
Gr. 7A to Shalom Manor
BOD Meeting
Nov 20
Skating: Gr. 2, 3, 8B
Nov 22
Elem Progress Reports
Nov 23
Elem Girls Volleyball Tourn.
Festival of Praise
Nov 26/28 Elementary P/T Conferences
Nov 27
Skating: Gr. 4, 5, 7
Nov 28
Gr. 2B to Lookout Point
Nov 30
Saturday Morning BBall
Nov 15
Nov 16
Nov 18
Nov 19
BAZAAR – November 2 The bazaar is two weeks away! New this year is the BETTER AFTER ROOM. This room will have
antiques, vintage items, nautical decor, and beautiful house decorations. Come and see the BETTER AFTER ROOM! The Christmas
room will be back with Christmas greens and Christmas decorations for your home. Look forward to plants, beautiful flowers, and
flower arrangements, baked goods, and of course lots of games (new ones too) for the kids. Plan to get all of your fresh fruit,
vegetables, meat and cheese at the bazaar. The market place will also have a wide variety of “Dutch” products. Lots of work has gone
into the live and silent auction. We look forward to seeing you there!
Thank you to all of those who are volunteering on the bazaar day but we still would love more help! If you
can volunteer please call Elaine K. at 905-563-1540. Quic pic and Grab bin - Keep these coming. If you
have not brought in your donations to the school, please do so. Remember that it is two per student. The kids
are counting on these games! Doors open at 10:00.
News! John Klyn-Hesselink has had a beard grace his face for more than 30 years! (some of
his children have never seen him without a beard!) His wife has given him permission to have his beard
shaved off during the school bazaar auction but we need to raise some good money to see this happen! Let’s
start raising money today! Bring your coins, bills, cheques to the school office!
Thank you, John, for your willingness!
Be sure to stop by the Market Place to buy your groceries!
Fruit, Vegetables, Apple Cider, Cheese, Salmon, Herring, Turkey Rolls, Fresh Pork, Gelderse Worst, Kale, Croquettes, Soup Veggie
packs and much more. Other goods things include the TOUCH of DUTCH section and don't forget the famous DRIED PORK
SAUSAGE. We welcome any home grown products or preserves that you offer to sell, just drop them buy Friday evening. **NEW
THIS YEAR** WILD BIRD SEED and SUET CAKES. Stock up before winter!!
General School News
Bus Passes If you wish to have your
child(ren) get picked up or dropped
off at a place other than your regular
bus stop, please submit a request by
to buspass@hcsjordan.ca at
request must include both the location
where the pickup/drop off is to be as
well as the dates and times (AM/PM
or both). If the request is granted, the
pass authorizing the change and give
this to the bus driver. The bus drivers
will NOT accept different students or
drop off students at a different
location without this bus pass. If you
have any questions regarding this
policy, please contact any member of
the Transportation Committee.
Attention Grandparents: We are
busy learning to read in Gr. 1B and are
wondering if you would like to help us
practice our reading skills on
Wednesdays from 1-2pm. This would
involve one or two students at a time
reading for 10 min. to an adult. If you
are interested please give me a call
(905-562-5870) or e-mail me at
boonstra@hcsjordan.ca. Your help
will be appreciated by all of us.
The Deadline for the Update is set
for October 22nd There have been
many activities and class trips these
past few weeks. We would really like
to see your pictures in this issue of the
school’s Update. Please send your
pictures to amjbs@cogeco.ca with a
brief description of the event, student
name(s) and grade.
Festival of Praise: Please mark your
calendars for the upcoming Festival of
Praise-- an evening filled with music
and praise to our Lord. Plan to join us
on Saturday, November 23 at 7:30 at
Mountainview CRC.
Elementary News
Primary Division (Grades 1-3)
Dress-Up/Theme Days
please mark your calendars! We hope
to have the following 2 theme days
throughout the year: Friday, January
24, 2014 is Fancy Hat and Fine
Jeans Day (dress up with a “fancy”
hat….whatever that means to you, and
“fine” jeans…whatever you interpret
that to mean! ); Friday, May 2,
2014 is Book Character Dress-Up
Day (Teachers will send more info
about this, as the time nears.). No
uniform pieces are to be worn on these
days. Also, jeans are allowed, but
please do ensure that your child is
dressed modestly. Also, shirts or
blouses must have sleeves.
transportation committee is once again
providing a purple band on all the
backpacks of Gr. K – 2 students. For
the students who have no older
siblings on the bus with them, it is
expected that a parent be at the bus
stop every day when the child gets off
after school. For your child’s safety, if
there is no parent or older sibling, the
child will be kept on the bus until
further arrangements can be made.
These purple bands will be attached to
your child’s backpack on Monday or
Tuesday of next week.
Saturday Morning Basketball will
start again on November 9 and run
until February 22. Students in grades
5, 6, 7 and 8 can register by phoning
Henry Vangameren at 905-688-3081.
A fee of $40 per child will all go to
support HCS. Many volunteers will be
needed to act as coaches, referees, and
scorekeepers. Parents and high school
students willing to assist, please phone
Henry asap.
Kindergarten A – Mrs. Emmanuel
Thank you to all the parents and
grandparents who came out on
Wednesday for our first skating
time. It was wonderful to have so
many helpers tying skates and on the
ice. Our next skating date is Nov.
13th. This week we started the stories
of Abraham in our Bible lessons. Ask
your child what God promised
Abraham. We added "and" to the
word wall and have started to practice
counting out our treasures. Please
continue to go over memory work at
Kindergarten B – Mrs. Harsevoort
1. Because KB has only one school
day next week due to the PA days,
we’re going to slow things down a
little. Please take careful note of the
changes. 2. Show& Tell for Oct.22,
29, 31 & Nov.1 will begin with Gg.
Memory Work for Gg is due Nov. 5.
Enjoy your long weekend.
Grade 1A – Miss Wierenga A big
thank you to all parents and
grandparents who helped out on
Wednesday with tying laces and
helping students on the ice. It's
Please continue daily
practice in the Handbook as this is
extremely important at this stage of
reading development. Ask your child
about Uncle Laban's tricks, meeting
Esau, Mizpah, "Mr. Dreamer",
chrysalis, caterpillar, and a high
school puppet show! Reminders for
next week: Bible stories # 26 and
27. Math drills: + 0,1,2. TUES: dress
easy to change for gym class.
WED: library books and dues;
memory work: 1 Cor. 10:31; spelling
test on lesson 5. Have a blessed
weekend. If you have any unique
Canadian artifacts that you are willing
to loan us, we would appreciate
having them for a few days for our
studies on Canada starting next
week. Thank you.
Grade 1B– Miss Boonstra Greetings,
Parents. Memory Work: Psalm 121:16; Reminders: Mon. library; Tues.
Post Office/Bakery field trip; In Bible
we will continue to learn about Jacob
29-32. Some questions for your child:
What is a birthright? What does Jacob
mean? Who did God choose for the
blessing? Why? How did Jacob get the
blessing? What happened at Bethel?
Who comes to us? Who wrestled with
Jacob? Who did Jacob say he was this
time? In whose strength could Jacob
go? In Math we continue to be busy
with adding and subtracting. We
continue to be busy learning our charts
6-8 in Lang. Art and have started to
learn the Orbit Song. The words will
be coming home soon. We also enjoy
practicing our reading with the
grandparents who are coming in. If
you know of more who are interested
in coming in, please encourage them
to let me know. We had fun learning
about the Post Office this week… Ask
your child what a letter needs before it
can be mailed. This week we will
focus on the Bakery. Upcoming
Events: Oct. 22 & Oct. 29 Field trips
to Jordan Post Office (11 AM- 12
noon) & Beamsville Bakery Patisserie
(10 AM – 12 noon). Due to the size of
the class will be divided in half and
take turns going to both places.
Thanks to all who have volunteered to
drive for these two trips. We also
thank all who helped out with our
Jordan Valley Campground trip. We
had a wonderful time exploring God’s
creation and playing in the outdoors.
Nov. 14 (8.45 – 12 noon) Niagara
Safety Village – If you would like to
drive for this trip, please call Mrs.
Krissy Vyn or e-mail her. Nov. 23 –
Singing at the Festival of Praise -Ask your child to sing the songs for
you. If you would like a copy of the
words just send a note along with your
Please encourage them to
enunciate the words. Thanks.
Grade 2A – Mrs. Geerlinks Dear
Parents, another busy week has flown
by in Grade 2A. Students have been
enjoying our study of the 10 plagues
in Bible and will write a Bible test on
stories 12-20 next week. We have also
started a new unit in math on
geometry. Ask your child about
attributes, sphere, and circle. Has
your child started working on their
oral presentation? They are coming
up quickly! Next week Monday, we
will be going on a mini class trip:
both grade 2 classes will be heading
out on a hike to observe salmon in the
waters around us, as well as the beauty
of God’s creation. Please see the note
your son/daughter brought home about
this and dress your child in rubber
boots for Monday. Next week
Wednesday we will also be going
SKATING for the first time. If there
is a parent who is willing to take all of
our skates and other paraphernalia
over to the arena for us, please give
me a call. It would also be wonderful
if any parents were able to come and
help out tying skates. Though it will
be a short week, next week is sure to
be filled with excitement! I wish you
and your family a fun-filled long
weekend! Reminders for next week:
Monday: gym, Mini Class Trip (hike)
Tuesday: Library, Wednesday: Gym,
Spelling Test: Unit 8, Memory
Work: Exodus 15:1-2
Grade 3A- Mr. Wensink Greetings.
In this short week ahead we have our
Wednesday. Parent drivers, please be
at the school at 8:45. (no skating). As
possible, dress like pioneers and bring
a pioneer style lunch. Our Bible
Memory and Bible lessons will finish
the Ten Commandments with a fill-inthe-blank test Tues. For spelling we
plan to do dictionary skills. Recorder
songs will review #4-6 and math facts
will be mixed addition and
subtraction. Our new socials unit is
"pioneers". Look for completed work
and more information on Monday.
Grade 3B – Miss Petersen We are
looking forward to “Fall Day” today,
and indeed the weather/wind today
reminds us that it IS Fall! Thanks for
your help with all these “extra” things,
Parents! Students seem to have no
problem being prepared for today’s
review of the 2 Bible passages we
have already learned this year. We
will continue to review throughout the
Recorder skills are really
coming along! Once again, thanks for
your support on the home front,
Parents! The first few songs are “hard
on the ears”, but, students are learning
that just a gentle pressure on the
“holes” works best. We are well into
Chapter 3 in Math. Students seem
quite adept at regrouping. Ask your
child about the “spiritual theme” of
our math chapter. We are enjoying
Charlotte’s Web. We’re learning lots
of big words like hullabaloo,
commotion, and about food items that
were more popular 30 years ago
(custard pudding, shredded wheat,
Students are also
learning to find specific details in the
written text of their novels, as they
answer questions. Next week will be
a bit of a strange week: field trip on
Monday, puppet show on Tuesday,
and skating on Wednesday, followed
by 2 PA days. We WILL attempt to
do some of our regular work also! 
Tuesday: Please return library books.
Wednesday: Skating at the Jordan
Arena at 9:30AM. We DO appreciate
parents to help tie skates at 9:20AM.
Grade 3B will be in the first room to
the right, as you go down the stairs at
the arena. Please ensure that your
child comes with a helmet and some
gloves/mitts. A “handout” will come
home today also. There will be no
Memory Work or Recorder test this
week! Math Fact Practice at Home:
Please spend about 10 minutes 3-4
times a week, practicing math facts
with your child.
Addition and
subtraction math facts should be
practiced, BUT, we also plan on
starting with time table memorization
next week. We will work on time
tables 0-2 for the next while. From
Mrs. Korevaar Here is a look at next
week - Monday - Trip to Marshville
Heritage Village! Please dress-up for
the day and dress for the weather as
well, since we will be walking outside
heated. Don't forget your "Pioneer"
lunch and snacks. Thank you to all
who offered to help on the
trip. Tuesday - a regular afternoon.
Wednesday - a regular afternoon.
Thursday and Friday are P.A.
Days. No Spelling words due to the
very short week. We will work on
Comprehension. In Language we will
focus on Punctuation. We will step
away from our regular Bible Stories
and learn about one of the Reformers,
John Wycliffe.
Grade 4A – Mr. Deakin Greetings
Parents, I hope that you all had a
blessed Thanksgiving, giving thanks
to God for His many blessings! In
class on Tuesday we discussed how
we can live a life of Thanksgiving.
This means to be thankful to God for
everything and content in all things
without complaining. What a blessing
if we can live life this way! We have
started a new unit in Science on
plants, and have seen that they are
God’s special provision for His
creation. If anyone has any flowers or
plants that we could display in our
class, it would be very much
appreciated. In Bible we will be
looking at the continued effects of sin
in the world, but also how God set
apart a special people in order that His
plan of salvation would be carried out
through Christ. Next week we will
not have any memory work because of
the shortened week. Have a blessed
weekend. Music Miss Nieuwenhuis:
Students need to practise: “Chatter”.
Grade 4B – Miss Nieuwenhuis Dear
Parents! 1. In Bible we have started
with the stories from the second
period in the Old Testament: God’s
calling of Abram. 2. We will finish
off our unit about “Insects” this
coming week. The students will have
a test on Wednesday. 3. Due to the
fact that it will be a very short week
next week there will be no spelling
words. I am looking forward to
connecting with teacher from all over
Ontario on Thursday and Friday. It is
always inspiring to listen to other
professionals in the field.
students will be enjoying a welldeserved break after all the hard work
so far. Maybe there will be some time
to work on the “Insect” oral
presentation during those two days.
Reminder for next week: Recorder
song “Chatter” for those who haven’t
played it yet and Psalm 23 for our
Bible memory work
Grade 5A – Mr. Jansen We express
our thanks to Mrs. Groot, Mrs.
VandenBos, and Mrs. Oosterhof for
driving us to Shalom on Tuesday. The
residents enjoyed the singing. We
have a short week coming up, yet
there is much to do. Parents, please
continue to check your child’s agenda
regularly; some students are coming to
school with their agendas signed, but
the work incomplete. A Language test
based on nouns and subjects will be
written on Tuesday. We have
completed our Science unit on
Mammals; the test will be written on
Wednesday. Book talks next week
Wednesday will be presented by
Alison F., Kelley G., Connor H.,
Travis H., and Zachary K. Because of
the short week the spelling test
(Lesson 8) and memory work will be
written on Wednesday. The memory
work for next week is Luke 18: 13-14,
completing the story of the Pharisee
and the tax collector.
Grade 5B – Mr. Broersma It was
nice to hear all the stories from this
past weekend. The students had a
good time with their families and
friends. It took a little bit to get back
into the swing of things again but once
they were settled in the students pulled
off a productive week. This upcoming
week, even though shorter, will be a
busy one, so hopefully the students
will come with their game faces on
and ready to accomplish a lot of
work. We will enjoy a ‘French Pizza
Lunch.’ This will be an exciting
day. Please only send a light lunch
because we will be eating the pizzas
early in the afternoon. We will be
having a Science test this upcoming
week as well and will wait until after
the break to have the French test. The
students that will be doing a
book/news talk are Leigha, Lydia,
Kendra, Luke, and Nathan. For
devotions: Connor (Mon), Carter
(Tue), and Ben (Wed).Enjoy your
weekend and God bless!
Grade 6A – Miss Hummel We had a
great time at skating this past week
and the students were excited to be on
the ice again! This week we also went
over our Science research project
requirements; students do not need to
research at home unless they are not
finished by the end of next week. The
final project will be due Tuesday, Oct.
29. All materials needed to complete
the project will be provided. Monday:
Library, Tuesday: Bible Test,
Wednesday: Math Test, Phys. Ed;
Exodus 20:1-4
Grade 6B – Miss Nyhof This past
week was a busy but enjoyable time. It
was great to have the opportunity to
go skating on Wednesday. Since it is a
short week there will not be a spelling
lesson. Students are expected to write
Wednesday. I plan to send home
packages home on Wednesday. Please
look over your child’s work with
them. Gym bags will also be sent
home. Please wash and return by
Tuesday. Next Week: Monday:
Problem Solving Test, Library,
Tuesday: Math Test Chapter Two,
Wednesday: Bible Test, Memory
Work: Exodus 20:1-4
Grade 7A – Mr. Vander Deen We
have a class of politicians and
debaters! Our Stakeville town hall
meeting to debate the location of a
new landfill was fun, and helped us to
see the importance of making
informed choices. Our knowledge of
mixtures, solutions, and pollution
helped us as we decided on whether or
not it was appropriate to put a landfill
on sand near a river. There is no
memory work or spelling next week.
However, we will continue to practice
our memory work, since our first term
test will take place on Nov. 8. In this
test, students will be expected to know
all the assigned passages since Sept. 6.
Gr 7 Science There will be a test on
Tuesday. Review sheets went home
Gr 7 Math 7A will be writing their
Ch. 2 test on Tuesday. 7B wrote it
today. Our next chapter will be on
Grade 8A - Mr. Blokhuis Memory
work (Micah 6:6-8) and spelling
(lesson 6) will both be tested on
Wednesday. A Bible test on Israel,
Units 2 and 3, is also set for
Wednesday. The test will include an
essay, which students should prepare
an outline for BEFORE the test. Our
reading assignment for literature is
Chapters 6 and 7 of the Bronze Bow.
With the short week, we will forego
the role sheets and literature circles
discussion and look at the reading
together as a class. The next 4 writing
classes will be drafting work periods
for our children’s story. From Mr.
Pols History The class looks at the
debate regarding Confederation and
how the early political system of
Canada function. Geography The
students are studying population
patterns and how they are related to
the climates and the land forms of the
Education The
students have finished their soccer unit
and now will begin a volleyball unit.
Grade 8A/B French Salut! This past
week students practiced giving
commands in the imperatif verb tense.
This coming week, we will look at
prepositions and introduce the final
project: a new school invention.
Grade 8B – Mr. Grin Gr. 8 Science
A test to finish off the "Science, Faith
and Reason" chapter was written
today. I hope my students found this
chapter as academically and spiritually
edifying as I did. Most students are
doing well on their Lab reports but a
few hold-outs still don't fully follow
the process nor include enough
information to earn full points. "How"
it is said matters just as much as
"What" was said.
Gr. 8 Math A test to finish off chapter
2, "Number Theory," was written on
Wednesday. They are not quite
finished but those that I did look
through looked like they were well
done. We started a unit on the ABC's
of Geometry. An epiphany: Would
anyone who uses Geometry on a
regular basis in their career be willing
to visit our classroom and show us
how? Just a thought...
Secondary News
From the Guidance Office The
month is speeding by with special
events and regular student chats all
vying for attention. Lots of fun!
Gr. 12 chats continue and
once done, students can expect to be
applications for both College and
University in early December.
Students are advised to do these
before year end if possible. (Univ.
applications are due before Jan. 14,
Comm. College Feb. 1st.)
Monday, interested Gr. 12s
will attend a scholarship workshop at
noon to help them research and apply
for scholarships.
In the past two weeks we
have had well-attended presentations
from both Mohawk College &
McMaster University. Both schools
have Open Houses coming up as well.
A few of our gr. 12s were
generously sponsored today to attend
an Outlook Summit hosted by
EduDeo at the Crossroads Centre in
Burlington. They spent the day
listening to talks by highly qualified
Christians speaking about faith and
values leadership in business and
Next Wed., Oct. 23, many
senior students will attend Niagara
College’s Open House which
showcases all of their programs. At
the same time, students will have the
opportunity to attend a College Info.
Program, an opportunity to chat with
Reps. from any Ontario Community
College. Parents are welcome to
attend and I’d love to have a few join
me chaperoning the bus Niagara
College has offered to transport us to
and from the event. Please call/email
asap if you are interested.
A few students will leave on
Wed. on a subsidized bus trip to
Dordt College to check out its
campus and programs. They are able
to write the ACT while there if they
Our small team is working
hard to provide another worthwhile
Career Day with about 40 presenters
coming in to share their expertise with
our students. We’d still like to have
Presenters do a workshop for a small
group of interested students in the
following areas: Financial Advising,
Chiropractor services or Optometry,
Engineering or Science (other than
Civil Engineering which is already
represented), Graphic Design, and
Plumbing. If you can offer your
services on November 8th in one of
these areas or know someone who
could do so from a Christian
perspective, please let me know asap.
Miss Bergsma
FSF2D We have spent some time this
week introducing the new unit, Être
bien dans sa peau. We'll have a vocab
quiz and then start to look at
pronouns, the first grammar point of
the unit.
MCR3U We are just starting to look
at the possible transformations of
basic functions. Having looked at
translations, we will be moving on to
compressions of functions next week.
MHF4U We've just finished up our
second unit with a test, ending our
study of polynomial functions. Next
week, we'll be exploring the different
curves that result from different forms
of rational functions.
Mr. Bosch
Bible 9 Students have just finished
their first essay on the Historicalredemptive theme that runs through
scriptures as applied to a particular
story in the OT. Now we are
beginning a closer look at the
Pentateuch and hopefully this week
we will look at the Babylonian
Creation myth and the Toledoths of
Science 9 We have finished a close
look at the history of Space
Exploration and are now beginning to
study the constellations and many
other wonders of the universe!
Science 10 We should be able to
finish up our Unit on Climate Change
this week in time for the Disease
project presentations beginning next
Mr. Huizenga
Science 9 Science tests should be
coming home today and cumulative
projects should have been handed in.
We are into our final two weeks of the
electricity. Get it? A midterm exam
is scheduled for November 5th.
Chemistry 12 An enthalpy test is
scheduled for Tuesday.
We are
exploring some typical observations
made in connection to rates of reaction
and learning about a couple of theories
used to explain the observations.
Mr. Isaac
World Religions 11 The past week
has seen us complete our viewing of
two children’s films related to our
topic of native spirituality – Disney’s
Brother Bear and Pocahontas. Now
that their research notes have been
completed, students are in the midst of
preparing proper outlines in order to
complete their film review papers due
Tuesday, October 22. A unit review
will follow in preparation for our unit
test scheduled for the week following
next. A notebook check will also be
carried out once the test has been
written for further assessment
Healthy Active Living 11 With a
couple of short weeks scheduled (this
week and next), the grade 11 Healthy
Active Living class is participating in
a short sports unit on ball hockey.
Students have been introduced to the
history of the game and the basic rules
and will spend the next few days
continuing to identify and develop the
skills involved in this most Canadian
of games. Who can’t recall that great
Canadian expression that binds us
together as a people – “Car!”
Healthy Active Living 9
assessments and a unit test today bring
to completion our unit on flag football.
Up next we will begin our new
volleyball unit on Monday. Proper
Indoor gear is required over the next
couple of weeks.
Mr. Koopman
Math 12C
Our test on chapter 3
‘Single and Double variable data’ was
written on Thursday. Our next chapter
will introduce us to Statistical
Literacy. In the next few weeks we
will be working on a major statistics
project in which students will be
collecting, representing and analyzing
Physics 11U Students had a blast on
Thursday, as we attended the
McMaster Physics Olympics. Next
week we will be having a test on
Chapter 5 (Forces).
Date to be
Science 10
Our chemistry unit has
finished up with the test on Thursday.
Our next unit is ‘Light and Optics’, in
which we will study properties of
light, and a variety of optical devices.
Miss Kralt
English 10 We are finally finished our
reading of The Chosen. Reb reveals
the benefits of suffering in silence.
Students will miss spending time with
Reuven and Danny in the library. The
book III test is scheduled for Tuesday.
Students are also working on their unit
assignment, which will be due Friday,
Nov. 1st.
English 11 We are well into our unit
focussing on English literature of the
Medieval times, reading selections
from Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales.
Students should be reviewing the
terms, regularly reviewing their notes,
and keeping up on homework
Art 11 The still-life surrealist painting
was due for this Friday, but due to so
many class room interruptions, the
final deadline will be extended to
Wednesday. Next week we will be
doing a short art history unit on the
Renaissance period, so students who
need to finish up their paintings will
need to make good use of lunch, spare,
and study time. A quiz on the art
history material will be given next
Tuesday. The sketchbook assignment
is due for Wednesday.
Art 12 Students should be working on
their art history timeline assignment,
as well as doing the prep work for
their next two studio works.
Mr. Pols
PPL1O We now have begun our
volleyball unit and we continue to
work at our fitness elements.
GLC2O The students continue to look
at the importance of role models and
mentors in their lives. They are
working on the importance of the
choices they make.
Mrs. Reitsma
French 9 Bonjour! A highlight of this
week was the puppet show put on by
the students. Bien fait, les étudiants!
We have also delved into our new
unit, Dans la zone, where we have
looked at internet lingo and adjectives.
Students can look forward to creating
a profile on a fellow classmate and
writing a quiz on adjective formation
on Wednesday.
French 11 Bonjour! We have very
nearly wrapped up our unit on
Francophone countries. Students will
be presenting their final projects – a
travel scenario – this coming
Wednesday. We hope to commence
our study of culture and traditions
around the world next week, starting
in Acadia and Louisiana. Journal 6
due Wednesday.
Mr. Snippe
Bible 10 This week we finished up our
study of the main themes in Matthew;
we saw how Christ completed the
exile and we drew parallels between
Christ and Moses as well as Christ and
David. We began our survey of the
entire book of Matthew. Students were
assigned a section of Matthew to
exegete which they will present to the
class on Nov. 1.
Computers 10 This week we
continued our study of circuits. We
reviewed concepts from grade 9 but
also learned how resistors work and
how to calculate resistance in a circuit.
We took a quiz for this Unit on Friday.
We will continue our study of circuits
with some "hands on" labs assembling
breadboards to complete specific
Computers 11 We continue our Unit
on software development as students
continue to develop their own
applications using the logic of the
previous programming unit. We are
building towards the goal of a group
project which will simulate working in
software development as a team.
Mr. Stares
GLS1O We have started to look at
different types of learning. We will
have a quiz on Bloom on Monday.
Next week we will spend our time
talking about studying in preparation
for midterm exams and tests.
Hopefully, this will be helpful, but it
can only work if your student follows
through. Students in this course are
required to have their agendas signed
every day by their parents; please,
help them out.
EMS3O Our study of newspapers has
shifted to the idea of bias in the media,
both intentional and unintentional. We
have also seen how bias can be
expressed through photography. A
large essay concerning the impact of
technology on newspapers has been
marked and returned. We might get to
a larger quiz next week. A Media
response paragraph was due again
Miss teBokkel
English 9 The class did an exemplary
job on our Short Story unit test and are
to be congratulated! We have been
working on our final short story
assignment (Due Tuesday, Oct. 22),
and have also begun our Merchant of
Venice (MOV) unit with a Jigsaw inclass assignment. We hope to begin
reading the play next week.
HFN2O We have made a good start
into our Food Needs and Skills unit,
beginning with a look at kitchen
equipment and preparation terms.
Students are reminded that their next
blog assignment is due at the end of
the month (Oct. 23) and they should
be planning ahead so that they can
submit this ON TIME.
AMU3O We have begun our unit on
the Voice, looking at Vocal Health,
the basics of Vocal anatomy, and
Breath and the Body. We will be
continuing our study of the voice with
a discussion of Resonance and Vocal
Acoustics next week.
Mr. Zylstra
English 12C Excellent work on the
puppet show, everyone! On Tuesday
we will be having our final
English 11U We have now completed
our unit on Medieval Literature and
are starting to examine Elizabethan
poetry. Over the next few periods we
will be writing using our poetic feet.
Writer's Craft After having written
our first major essays, we will have an
opportunity to reflect upon and
improve our essays. Next week we
will begin our narrative essay.