西安交通大学图书馆检索证明报告 CSCY2015X0149 SCI (科学引文

SCI (科学引文索引)收录 130篇
1. Li YQ, Rao ZR, Shi JW. Serotoninergic projections from the midbrain periaqueductal gray to the nucleus
accumbens in the rat. Neuroscience Letters, 1989; 98(3): 276~279
2. Li YQ, Rao ZR, Shi JW. Collateral projections from the midbrain periaqueductal gray to the nucleus raphe
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1990; 117(1): 285~288
3. Li YQ, Rao ZR, Shi JW. Midbrain periaqueductal gray neurons with substance P-or enkephalin-like
immunoreactivity send projection fibers to the nucleus accumbens in the rat. Neuroscience Letters, 1990; 119(2):
4. Li YQ, Jia HG, Rao ZR, Shi JW. Serotonin-, substance P- or leucine-enkephalin-containing neurons in the
midbrain periaqueductal gray and nucleus raphe dorsalis send projection fibers to the central amygdaloid nucleus
in the rat. Neuroscience Letters, 1990; 120(1): 124~127
5. Li YQ, Rao ZR, Shi JW. Substance P-like immunoreactive neurons in the nucleus tractus solitarii of the rat
send their axons to the nucleus accumbens. Neuroscience Letters, 1990; 120(2): 194~196
6. Zeng SL, Li YQ, Rao ZR, Shi JW. Projections from serotonin- and substance P-like immunoreactive neurons
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7. Li YQ, Zeng SL, Dong YX, Rao ZR, Shi JW. Serotonin-, substance P- and tyrosine hydroxylase-like
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Neuroscience Letters, 1991; 134(1): 33~36
8. Li YQ, Zeng SL, Rao ZR, Shi JW. Serotonin-, substance P- and tyrosine hydroxylase-like immunoreactive
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9. Li YQ, Takada M, Ohishi H, Shinonaga Y, Mizuno N. Trigeminal ganglion neurons which project by way of
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10. Li YQ, Takada M, Mizuno N. Premotor neurons projecting simultaneously to two orofacial motor nuclei by
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11. Li YQ, Takada M, Mizuno N. Collateral projections of single neurons in the periaqueductal gray and dorsal
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12. Li YQ, Takada M, Shnonaga Y, Mizuno N. Collateral projections of single neurons in the nucleus raphe
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13. Li YQ, Shinonaga Y, Takada M, Mizuno N. Demonstration of axon terminals of projection fibers from the
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14. Li YQ, Takada M, Mizuno N. Identification of premotor interneurons which project bilaterally to the
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15. Li YQ, Takada M, Ohishi H, Shinonaga Y, Mizuno N. Collateral projections of trigeminal ganglion neurons
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16. Li YQ, Takada M, Shinonaga Y, Mizuno N. Direct projections from the midbrain periaqueductal gray and the
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17. Li YQ, Takada M, Shinonaga Y, Mizuno N. The sites of origin of dopaminergic afferent fibers to the lateral
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18. Li YQ, Takada M, Mizuno N. Demonstration of habenular neurons which receive afferent fibers from the
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19. Li YQ, Takada M, Mizuno N. The sites of origin of serotoninergic afferent fibers in the trigeminal motor,
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20. Li YQ, Takada M, Matsuzaki S, Shinonaga Y, Mizuno N. Identification of periaqueductal gray and dorsal
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retrograde double-labeling study in the rat. Brain Research, 1993; 623(2): 267~277
21. Li YQ, Takada M, Kaneko T, Mizuno N. Premotor neurons for trigeminal motor nucleus neurons innervating
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22. Li YQ, Wang ZM, Zheng HX, Shi JW. Central origins of substance P-like immunoreactive fibers and
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23. Li YQ, Takada M, Kaneko T, Mizuno N. GABAergic and glycinergic neurons projecting to the trigeminal
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24. Li YQ, Takada M, Kaneko T, Mizuno N. Distribution of GABAergic and glycinergic premotor neurons
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25. Lang B, Li YQ. Serotoninergic neurons in the brainstem espressing FOS protein following orofacial noxious
stimulation: An immunocytochemical double-labeling study. Journal of Brain Research, 1998; 39(2): 263~268
26.. Li YQ. Substance P receptor-like immunoreactive neurons in the caudal spinal trigeminal nucleus send axons
to the nucleus gelatinosa of thalamus in the rat. Journal of Brain Research, 1999; 39(3): 277~282
27. Li YQ, Li H, Kaneko T and Mizuno N. Substantia gelatinosa neurons in the medullary dorsal horn. An
intracellular labeling study in the rat. The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 1999; 411(3): 399~412
28. Li YQ, Li H, Kaneko T and Mizuno N. Local circuit neurons showing calbindin D28k-immunoreactivity in
the substantia gelatinosa of the medullary dorsal horn of the rat. An immunohistochemical study combined with
intracellular staining in slice preparation. Brain Research, 1999; 840(1-2): 179~183
29. Li YQ, Wu SX, Li JL, Li JS, Kaneko T, Mizuno N. Co-existence of calcium-binding protein in neurons in the
medullary dorsal horn of the rat. Neuroscience Letters, 2000; 286(1): 103~106
30. Wang D, Li YQ, Li JL, Kaneko T, Nomura S, Mizuno N. Gamma-Aminobutyric acid- and
glycine-immunoreactive neurons postsynaptic to substance P-immunoreactive axon terminals in the superficial
layers of the rat medullary dorsal horn. Neuroscience Letters, 2000; 288(2): 187~190
31. Yang K, Kumamoto E, Furue H, Li YQ, Yoshimura M. Capsincin induces a slow inward current which is not
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32. Yang K, Li YQ. Postsynaptic origin of N-methyl-D-aspartate-induced slow current in substantia gelatinosa
neurons: an in vitro voltage-clamp study in the rat. Neuroscience Letters, 2000; 292(1): 21~24
33. Li YQ, Li H, Yang K, Kaneko T, Mizuno N. Morphological features electrical membrane properties of
projection neurons in the marginal layer of the medullary dorsal horn of the rat. The Journal of Comparative
Neurology, 2000; 424(1): 24~36
34. Li H, Lang B, Kang JF, Li YQ. Serotonin potentiates the response of neurons of the superficial laminae of the
rat spinal dorsal horn to gamma-aminobutyric acid. Brain Research Bulletin, 2000; 52(6): 559~565
35. Li H, Li YQ. Collateral projections of substance P receptor expressing neurons in the medullary dorsal horn
to bilateral parabrachial nuclei of the rat. Brain Research Bulletin, 2000; 53(2): 163~169
36. Li YQ, Li H, Yang K, Wang ZM, Kaneko T, Mizuno N. Intracellular labeling study of neurons in the
superficial part of the magnocellular layer of the medullary dorsal horn of the rat. The Journal of Comparative
Neurology, 2000; 428(4): 641~655
37. Yang K, Li YQ. Origins of spontaneous and noxious stimuli-evoked miniature EPSCs in substantia
gelatinosa. NeuroReport, 2001; 12(1):39~42
38. Li YQ, Kaneko T, Mizuno N. Collateral projections of the nucleus raphe dorsalis to the caudate-putamen and
Neuroscience Letters, 2001; 299 (1): 33~36
39. Yang K, Feng FY, Li YQ. Baclofen inhibition of dorsal root-evoked inhibitory postsynaptic currents in
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40. Li YQ, Li H, Kaneko T, Mizuno N. Morphological features and electrophysiological properties of
serotonergic and non-serotnergic neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus. An intracellular recording and labeling
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41. Wu SX, Zhu M, Wang W, Wang YY, Li YQ, Yew DT. Changes of the expression of 5-HT receptor subtype
mRNAs in rat dorsal root ganglion following complete Freund’s adjuvan-induced inflammation. Neuroscience
Letters, 2001; 307(3):183~186
42. Yang K, Wang D, Li YQ. Distribution and depression of GABAB receptor in the dorsal horn of the rat spinal
cord. Brain Research Bulletin, 2001; 55 (4): 479~485
43. Li YQ, Li JL, Li H, Kaneko T, Mizuno N. Protein kinase C gamma-like immunoreactivity of
trigeminothalamic neurons in the medullary dorsal horn of the rat. Brain Research, 2001, 913 (2): 159~164
44. Wang D, Wu JH, Dong YX, Li YQ. Synaptic connections between trigemino-parabrachial projection neurons
and ga,,a-aminobutyric acid- and glycine-immunoreactive terminals in the rat. Brain Research, 2001; 921(1-2):
45. Feng YP, Yang K, Li YQ. Norepinephrine depresses the capsaicin-evoked miniature excitatory postsynaptic
currents in substantia gelatinosa of the rat spinal cord. Neuroscience Letters, 2002; 322(1): 99~102
46. Ni TS, Wu SX, Li YQ. Co-existence of protein kinases C gamma and calcium-binding proteins in neurons
of the medullary dorsal horn of the rat. Neurosignals, 2002, 11 (2): 88~94
47. Feng YP, Yang K, Li YQ. Activation of capsaicin receptor on the sciatic nerve induces FOS expression in the
spinal dorsal horn of the adult rat. Neurosignals, 2002, 11 (3): 151~157
48. Li YQ, Tao FS, Okamoto K, Nomura S, Kaneko T, Mizuno N. The supratrigeminal region of the rat sends
GABA/glycine-cocontaining axon terminals to the motor trigeminal nucleus on the contralateral side.
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49. Yang K, Ma WL, Feng YP, Dong YX, Li YQ. Origins of GABAB-like immunoreactive terminals in the rat
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50. Li H, Kang JF, Lang B, Li YQ. Serotonin potentiation of glycine-activated whole-cell currents in the
superficial laminae neurons of the rat spinal dorsal horn is mediated by protein kinase C. Brain Research Bulletin,
2002, 58(6): 593~600
51. Wu SX, Wang W, Wang YY, Ni TS, Li YQ, Yew DT. c-fos antisense oligodeoxynucleotide decreases
subcutaneous bee venom injection-induced nociceptive behavior and FOS expression in the rat. Neurosignals,
2002, 11 (4): 224~230
52. Wang YY, Wang W, Wu SX, Li YQ. Preproenkephalin-like immunoreactive and calcium-binding
proteins-like immunoreactive double-labeled neurons in the spinal trigeminal nucleus caudalis of the rat.
Histochemical Journal, 2002; 34 (5): 241-245
53. Han F, Zhang YF, Li YQ. Fos expression in tyrosine hydroxylase-containing neurons in rat brainstem after
visceral noxious stimulation: an immunohistochemical study. The World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2003; 9(5):
54. Wu L, Li H, Li YQ. Adenosine suppresses the response of neurons to GABA in the superficial laminae of the
rat spinal dorsal horn. Neuroscience, 2003, 119(1): 145~154.
55. Lang B, Li H, Kang JF, Li YQ. Alpha-2 adrenoceptor mediating the facilitatory effect of norepinephrine on
the glycine response in the spinal dorsal horn neuron of the rat. Life Science, 2003, 73(3): 893~905.
56. Li H, Wu L, Li YQ. Opioid peptides mediate the response of neurons of the superficial laminae of the rat
spinal dorsal horn to GABA. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2003, 307(3): 730~736.
57. Wang YY, Wu SX, Liu XY, Wang W, Li YQ. Effects of c-fos antisense oligodeoxynucleotide on
5-HT-induced upregulation of preprodynorphin, preproemkephalin, and glutamic acid decarboxylase expression in
cultured rat spinal dorsal horn neurons. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2003, 309(3):
58. Wang W, Wu SX, Wang YY, Liu XY, Li YQ. 5-Hydroxytryptamine1A receptor is a mediator of bee venom
induced inflammatory. Pain, 2003, 106(1): 135~142.
59. Chen T, Dong YX, Li YQ. Fos expression in serotonergic neurons in the rat brainstem following noxious
stimuli: an immunohistochemical double-labeling study. Journal of Anatomy, 2003, 203 (2): 579~588.
60. Chen T, Hui R, Dong YX, Li YQ. Endomorphine 1- and 2-like immunoreactive neurons in the hypothalamus
send projection fibers to the parabrachial nucleus in the rat. Neuroscience Letters, 2004; 357(2): 139~142.
61. Wang W, Wu SX, Li YQ. Co-existence of calcium-binding proteins and gamma-aminobutyric acid or
glycine in neurons of the rat medullarydorsal horn. Chinese Medical Journal, 2004; 117(3): 430~433.
62. Li H, Wu L, Li YQ. Adenosine suppresses the response of neurons to GABA in the sacral dorsal commissural
nucleus of the rat spinal cord. Auto Neurosci: Basic and Clinical, 2004, 111 (1) 71~79.
63. Liu XY, Wu SX, Wang YY, Wang W, Zhou L, Li YQ. Changes of 5-HT receptor subtype mRNAs in rat
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65. Feng YP, Li YQ, Wang W. Wu SX, Chen T, Shigemoto R, Mizuno N. Morphological evidence for
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sacral dorsal commissural nucleus of the rat. Neuroscience Letters, 2005; 388 (2): 144~148.
66. Leng DN, Feng YP, Li YQ. Endomorphin-1 is more potent than endomorphin-2 in inhibition of synaptic
transmission in substantia gelatinosa of adult rat spinal cord. International Journal of Neuroscience, 2005; 115 (11):
67. Hui R, Chen T, Li YQ. The reciprocal connections of endomorphin1- and endomorphin 2-containing neurons
between the hypothalamus and nucleus tractus solitarii in the rat. Neuroscience, 2006; 138 (1): 171~181.
68. Wang YY, Wu SX, Wang W, Zhou L, Liu XY, Li YQ. Dose-related antiallodynic effects of CREB-antisense
oligonucleotide in the spared nerve injury model of neuropathic pain. Neuroscience, 2006; 138 (2): 1083~1093.
69. Zha DJ, Wang ZM, Lin Y, Liu T, Qiao L, Lu LJ, Li YQ, Qiu JH. Effects of noradrenaline on the GABA
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70. Chen T, Wang W, Dong YL, Zhang MM, Wang J, Koga K, Liao YH, Li JL, Budisantoso T, Shigemoto R,
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71. Zhang H, Inoue R, Shi J, Jin XH, Li YQ. Synergistic actions of diacylglycerol and inositol 1,4,5
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73. Yin JB, Wu HH, Dong YL, Zhang T, Wang J, Zhang Y, Wei YY, Lu YC, Wu SX, Wang W, Li YQ.
Neurochemical properties of BDNF-containing neurons projecting to rostral ventromedial medulla in the
ventrolateral periaqueductal gray. Frontiers in Neural Circuits, 2014; 8: 137 doi: 10.3389/fncir.2014.00137
74. Huang J, Wang YY, Wang W, Li YQ, Tamamaki N, Wu SX. 5-HT3A receptor uubunit is expressed in a
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75. Wang YY, Legendre P, Huang J, Wang W, Wu SX, Li YQ. The effect of serotonin on GABA synthesis in
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76. Chen T, Hui R, Wang XL, Zhang T, Dong YX, Li YQ. Origins of endomorphin-immuno- reactive fibers and
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77. Huo FQ, Chen T, Lu BC, Wang J, Zhang T, Qu CL, Li YQ. Tang JS. Synaptic connections between
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78. Lü BC, Chen T, Huo FQ, Zhang T, Li YQ. Endomorphin 1- and endomorphin 2-containing neurons in the
nucleus tractus solitarii send axons to the parabrachial nucleus in the rat. The Anatomical Recorder, 2009, 292(2):
79. Mei XP, Wang W, Wang W, Li YM, Zhang H, Wu SX, Li YQ, Xu LX. Inhibiting astrocytic activation: a
novel analgesic mechanism of ketamine at the spinal level. Journal of Neurochemistry, 2009; 109(4):1691~1700.
80. Feng J, Huo FQ, Jia N, Qu CL, Liu L, Li YQ, Tang JS. Activation of mu-opioid receptors in thalamic nucleus
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81. Wang YY, Wei YY, Huang J, Wang W, Tamamaki N, Li YQ, Wu SX. Expression patterns of 5-HT receptor
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82. Niu L, Chen T, Wang YY, Li YQ. Neurochemical phenotypes of endomorphin-2-containing neurons in vagal
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83. Wang W, Wag W, Mei XP, Huang J, Wei YY, Wu SX, Li YQ. Crosstalk between spinal astrocytes and
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84. Lü BC, Ji GL, Huo FQ, Chen T, Li H, Li YQ. Topographical distributions of endomorphinergic pathways
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85. Wu SX, Wang W, Li H, Wang YY, Feng YP, Li YQ. The synaptic connectivity that underlies the noxious
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86. Gao CJ, Li JP, Wang W, Lü BC, Niu L, Zhu C, Wei YY, Zhang T, Wu SX, Chai W, Li YQ. Effects of
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87. Huang J, Chen J, Wang W, Wang W, Koshimizu Y, Wei YY, Kaneko T, Li YQ, Wu SX. Neurochemical
properties of enkephalinergic neurons in lumbar spinal dorsal horn revealed by preproenkephalin-green
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88. Hui R, Wang W, Chen T, Lü BC, Li H, Zhang T, Wu SX, Li YQ. Origins of endomorphin-2 immunopositive
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89. Huo FQ, Huang FS, Lv BC, Chen T, Feng J, Qu CL, Tang JS, Li YQ. Activation of serotonin 1A receptors in
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90. Mei XP, Wang W, Wang W, Zhu C, Chen L, Zhang T, Xu LX, Wu SX, Li YQ. Combining ketamine with
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91. Huang J, Wang W, Chen J, Ge SN, Wei YY, Wang YY, Kaneko T, Li YQ, Wu SX. Neurochemical features of
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92. Kou ZZ, Zhang Y, Zhang T, Li H, Li YQ. Age-related increase in PKC gamma expression in the cochlear
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93. Huang J, Chen J, Wang W, Wang YY, Wang W, Wei YY, Shi RY, Kaneko T, Li YQ, Wu SX. Expression
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94. Zhang FX, Pang YW, Zhang MM, Zhang T, Dong YL, Lai CH, Shum DK, Chan YS, Li JL, Li YQ.
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95. Mei XP, Zhang H, Wang W, Wei YY, Zhai MZ, Wang W, Xu LX, Li YQ. Inhibition of spinal astrocytic c-Jun
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97. Mei XP, Zhou Y, Wang W, Tang J, Wang W, Zhang H, Xu LX, Li YQ. Ketamine depresses toll-like receptor 3
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98. Wang W, Mei XP, Wei YY, Zhang MM, Zhang T, Wang W, Xu LX, Wu SX, Li YQ. Neuronal
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99. Zuo ZF, Wang W, Niu L, Kou ZZ, Zhu C, Wang W, Zhao XH, Luo DS, Zhang T, Zhang FX, Liu XZ, Wu SX,
Li YQ. RU486 (mifepristone) ameliorates cognitive dysfunction and reverses the down-regulation of astrocytic
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100. Zhu C, Hui R, Chen T, Zuo ZF, Wang W, Gao CJ, Zhang T, Wang YY, Li H, Wu SX, Li YQ. Origins of
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101. Qi J, Zhang H, Guo J, Yang L, Wang W, Chen T, Li H, Wu SX, Li YQ. Synaptic connections of the
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102. Dong YL, Li JL, Zhang FX, Li YQ. Nociceptive afferents to the premotor neurons that send axons
simultaneously to the facial and hypoglossal motoneurons by means of axon collaterals. PLoS One, 2011; 6(9):
103. Huang J, Lin Y, Han R, Chen J, Wang YY, Wang W, Wei YY, Kaneko T, Li YQ, Wu SX. Spatial and temporal
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fluorescent protein transgenic mouse. Cells Tissues Organs, 2011; 193(2):404-416.
104. Gao CJ, Niu L, Ren PC, Wang W, Zhu C, Li YQ, Cai W, Sun XD. Hypoxic preconditioning attenuates global
cerebral ischemic injury following asphyxial cardiac arrest through regulation of delta opioid receptor system.
Neuroscience, 2012, 202: 352-362. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience. 2011.11. 060
105. Luo DS, Zhang T, Zuo ZF, Li H, Wang W, Li YQ.An animal model for trigeminal neuralgia by compression
of the trigeminal root. Pain Physician, 2012, 15: 187-196
106. Wang W, Sun YH, Wang YY, Wang W, Li YQ, Wu SX. Treatment of functional chest pain with
antidepressants: a meta-analysis. Pain Physician, 2012, 15: E131-E142
107. Dong YL, Wang W, Li H, Li ZH, Zhang FX, Zhang T, Lu YC, Li JL, Wu SX, Li YQ. Neurochemical
Properties of the Synapses in the Pathways of Orofacial Nociceptive Reflexes. PLoS ONE, 2012; 7(3): e34435.
108. Bai L, Wang W, Dong YL, Wang W, Huang J, Wang XY, Wang LY, Li YQ, Wu SX. Attenuation of mouse
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109. Wang W, Mei XP, Chen L, Tang J, Li JL, Wu SX, Xu LX, Li YQ. Triptolide prevents and attenuates
neuropathic pain via inhibiting central immune response. Pain Physician, 2012, 15: E995-E1006.
110. Kou ZZ, Zhou W, Qu J, Liao YH, Wu SX, Li H, Li YQ. Down-regulation of insulin signaling is involved in
painful diabetic neuropathy in type 2 diabetes. Pain Physician, 2013; 16(2): E71-E83
111. Sun SK, Yin Y, Yin X, Cao FL, Luo DS, Zhang T, Li YQ, Ni LX. Anti-nociceptive effects of Tanshinone IIA
(TIIA) in a rat model of complete Freund’s adjuvant (CFA)-induced inflammatory pain. Brain Research Bulletin,
2012; 88(2): 581~588.
112. Zhang MM, Ji W, Pei LY, Wang W, Chen T, Wang W, Li H, Zhang T, Wu SX, Li YQ. Acute colonitis induces
neurokinin 1 receptor internalization in the rat lumbosacral spinal cord. PLoS ONE, 2013; 8(3): e59234.
113. Dou XL, Qin RL, Qu J, Liao YH, Zhang T, Lu YC, Shao C, Li YQ. Synaptic connections between
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