A POCKET FULL OF POETRY Poets have a way of reaching a world that is inside all of us – a world of emotions, thoughts, and imagination. One way poets help readers connect to this inner world is by creating powerful word pictures. They also use techniques to emphasize what they want their readers to imagine, think about, and understand. IN THIS UNIT, YOUR CRITICAL CHALLENGE IS TO LEARN ALL ABOUT POETRY AND THEN PRODUCE YOUR OWN POEMS. Take a journey through this Web Quest and be open to share ideas, what interests you and too, what you find challenging and exciting! REMEMBER, THINK CRITICALLY! GUIDING QUESTIONS WHAT MAKES GOOD POETRY? WHAT KIND OF POEM CAPTURES YOUR ATTENTION? WHAT TYPE OF POEM COULD MAKE YOU LAUGH? WHAT KIND COULD MAKE YOU CRY? WHAT POEMS TRIGGER YOUR IMAGINATION? Keep a Poem in Your Pocket By: Beatrice Schenk de Regniers Keep a poem in your pocket and a picture in your head and you'll never feel lonely at night when you're in bed. The little poem will sing to you the little picture bring to you a dozen dreams to dance to you at night when you're in bed. So--Keep a picture in your pocket and poem in your head and you'll never feel lonely at night when you're in bed. 1 TASK 1 Now you will read lots and lots of poems to get ideas of what type of poems you would like to write. You will read poetry books from our class display, the library, poetry from anthologies and poetry on-line. Consider poetry from home as well! As you read poetry keep a POETRY JOURNAL (your choice of format) for reflection (see JOURNAL PROCESS RUBRIC) http://www.gigglepoetry.com/ http://www.favoritepoem.org/ http://coe.west.asu.edu/students/stennille/ST3/poetryppp/index.htm http://www.poetryteachers.com/poetrytheater/theater.html http://www.poetry4kids.com/index.php http://library.thinkquest.org/C005319/ http://www.kidskonnect.com/FigurativeLanguage/FigurativeLanguageHome.html http://teacher.scholastic.com/writewit/poetry/karla_home.htm Karla Kuskin will help you turn your words and ideas into descriptive and powerful poems. As you explore the world of poetry writing, she’ll share with you writing tips that she uses when she writes her poems, as well as ideas for revising your work. When you complete the workshop, you can choose to use this poem in your collection. TASK 2 (3 PARTS) A) POETIC TERMS – Check out this site and share 5 new things that you learned about poetic terms. Share these ideas in your poetry journal. http://www.writing.upenn.edu/~afilreis/88/poetic-terms.html B) TYPES OF POETRY – Select 3 types of poetry you have never studied before and share what you learned with me in your poetry journal. http://library.thinkquest.org/3721/poems/forms/learn.html C) EXPLORE FEATURES OF RHYME ZONE http://www.rhymezone.com/ i) What do you learn about Shakespeare from this site? (5-10 interesting facts) ii) Give your opinion about this site (What did you find most interesting?) TASK 3 LET’S WRITE OUR OWN “POETRY COLLECTION Now it's time to try your hand at some poetry. You can compose your rough drafts on the computer using Microsoft Word or Microsoft Publisher or even write them out by hand in your poetry journal. 6 FROM - LIMERICK, FREE VERSE, NARRATIVE, 2 CINQUAIN, LYRIC, ACROSTIC, COUPLET AND/OR EXAMPLES ON DISPLAY IN OUR CLASSROOM. Remember the Six Traits of Writing to help you compose your poems. 1. Ideas- the heart of the message, the main point 2. Organization- the internal structure 3.Voice- evidence of the writer behind the message 4. Word Choice- the vocabulary or terminology 5. Sentence Fluency-the rhythm and flow-how it plays to the ear 6. Conventions- the mechanical correctness of the piece After you have completed, at least, 5 poems (1 per week), share them with a buddy for feedback. Choose your favourite poem and submit it to me for a class year end booklet. DEADLINE: __________ POETRY RUBRIC 6 + 1 Traits (Criteria) Exceeds Fully Meets / Good Mod. Meets FAIR IC 4 3 2+ 2 1 Ideas Organization Voice Organization (Poetry Pattern) Word Choice Conventions 3 POETRY COLLECTION CRITERIA Exceeds Fully Meets / Good Mod. Meets FAIR IC 4 3 2+ 2 1 Content -Minimum 5 Poems with 5 different styles Visually Appealing – Neatness / Spatial Organization Graphics / illustrations Creativity / Insightful (evidence of critical thinking) Organized – Title Page, Table of Contents, Numbered Pages JOURNAL- PROCESS RUBRIC Exceeds Fully Meets / Good Mod. Meets FAIR IC 4 3 2+ 2 1 Shared with the class 5 4 3 2 1 Organized information and notes 5 4 3 2 1 Developed answers to GUIDING QUESTIONS 5 4 3 2 CRITERIA Completed all work on time Worked cooperatively Used computer and books as resources Documented sources Wrote clear, coherent, and detailed information 1 4 CULMINATING ACTIVITY - POETRY THEATRE With a group of classmates visit the following website (or find a poem of your own). Select one short or funny poem to perform! http://www.poetryteachers.com/poetrytheater/theater.html REFLECTIONS ON THIS POETRY WEBQUEST Write in your journal your reflection on the whole process of writing poetry as you took this journey through this Web Quest. Some questions you might want to answer in your journal are: What did you think of poetry before you started this Quest? How did you feel while you were composing your poems? Did you find the process of writing poetry easy or difficult? What types of poems do you like the best? Did you model your poems after a certain poet's style? Who is you favourite poet? How has your impression of poetry changed after you completed this quest? Return to the Introductory Guiding Questions and see if you would change adjust your answers. WHAT MAKES GOOD POETRY? WHAT KIND OF POEM CAPTURES YOUR ATTENTION? WHAT TYPE OF POEM COULD MAKE YOU LAUGH? WHAT KIND COULD MAKE YOU CRY? WHAT POEMS TRIGGER YOUR IMAGINATION? 5