ITCS1214 Introduction to Computer Science Course Title: ITCS-1214 - Introduction to Computer Science I Instructor: Zachary Wartell 704-687-8442 Woodward 410C Office Hours: M, W 1-2pm Required Textbook: An Introduction to Programming with C++ Diane Zak 5th Edition – ISBN 978-1-4188-3618-4 Prerequisite or co-requisite MATH 0900 OR MATH 1100 OR MATH 1103 OR MATH 1120 OR MATH 1241. General Course Objectives This course introduces students to: 1) algorithmic problem solving, structured programming principles such as topdown modular design and program documentation and style 2) general programming topics such as data types, control structures, methods and arrays Course Structure This course will follow the textbook; however, supplementary material will be used to expand on problem solving techniques, algorithms, number systems and other topics at the instructor’s discretion. You are expected to take an active role in the learning process by reading the chapters and completing all assignments. You are expected to design your programs using lecture notes, examples given in class and concepts from the book. Do not develop the habit of asking others for assistance without first researching the problem using your resources. I will help you identify errors but I will not debug your program. Attendance Some class lectures will cover material not in the book. Hence, attending class lectures is highly recommended. Computing and Informatics Department - UNCC 1 ITCS1214 Introduction to Computer Science Communication CHECK YOUR E-MAIL DAILY. E-mail communication is an integral part of this course; therefore, you are required to read your emails daily. All e-mails will be answered within 48 hours (Exceptions: I do not answer e-mails after 5:00 p.m. and on the weekends). E-mails sent to me on the weekends will be answered by Monday of the following week. Additionally, the University frequently e-mails information to students so it is a good idea to regularly check your UNCC e-mail. Programming Assignments and Tests There are 8 programming assignments and three tests. Schedule your time carefully. ALL GRADES WILL BE COUNTED AND NO MAKE-UP LABS WILL BE GIVEN. It is strongly suggested that you schedule your work so you can complete your assignments early in the week. Unless otherwise noted, programming assignments are due on Friday by 5:00 p.m. I allow a “grace period” from 5:01 p.m. on Friday until 11:00 p.m. on Sunday. The grace period will be used ONLY for uploading labs. I will not answer questions about the lab assignments during this time. Remember: Questions must be submitted before 5:00 p.m. on Fridays. You are free to work on your own after 5:00 and until Sunday at 11:00 p.m. You are expected to upload your work from a UNCC lab where assistance is available. It is also better to upload your work before 5:00 p.m. on the due date in the event you need assistance from the technical support team. Remember, technology is useful but it is not perfect. System problems (campus or personal computer problems) are NOT acceptable excuses for late or missed work during the grace period. Remember: you upload at your own risk during the grace period (Friday after 5:00 through Sunday 11:00 p.m.). Late Submissions and Makeup Tests Programming assignment submissions will be marked down 10 points for every day they are late – maximum two days availability in Blackboard. I do not accept labs after the two day period (Tuesday evening after 11:00 p.m.). Please note: do not start the upload procedure at 10:55 p.m. or later. The submission process may be delayed and Blackboard will not accept the assignment after 11:00. Make-up tests will receive a 20% grade penalty – with the exception of documented emergencies. Make-up tests must be completed within one week. The final test cannot be made up unless there is a documented emergency. Backup Computing and Informatics Department - UNCC 2 ITCS1214 Introduction to Computer Science IMPORTANT: Keep backup copies of all graded work. All assignments will be submitted into Blackboard. If something should happen to your files in Blackboard, you will not have any recourse if you have not kept backup files. Blackboard All completed assignments MUST be submitted in Blackboard. Do not send assignments as email attachments. All grades will be posted in Blackboard (each student can see only his/her own grades). In addition, there will be other course-related content in Blackboard. Be sure to take the time to familiarize yourself with Blackboard and don’t wait until the last minute to complete your work. Remember, technology is useful but it is not perfect. System problems are NOT acceptable excuses for late or missed work unless the problems are widespread and long-term. Your instructor will be the final judge as to what constitutes widespread and long-term. Work submitted during the grace period and beyond (late period) will not fall under the category of excused work. We will review the upload procedure during the first weeks of the semester. You are responsible for making sure the upload procedure is successful. Make a screenshot of the page that shows the submission time and date (this is your only proof the assignment was submitted successfully). Graded labs will NOT be cleared; therefore, you must make a screenshot of the submission page in the event of a submission error and you must test your programs before submitting them. Graded Work In most instances assignments (and tests) will be graded and posted within one week from the assignment due-date or the test date. An email will be sent if the grading deadline is changed. Grades will be posted in the appropriate link in Blackboard and will not be visible to other students. Online quiz grades are automatically posted in Blackboard and can be viewed immediately after taking the quiz. Lab Facilities The computing lab is located in Woodward Hall, Room 335. Hours of operation are posted on the door. Open labs are available on campus but there is no guarantee the software is available in these labs. Check this link for locations and schedules of operating hours: It is better to use the Woodward Hall lab to complete assignments. Course Grading Computing and Informatics Department - UNCC 3 ITCS1214 Introduction to Computer Science Grade Components: Weights: Grading Scale: Programming Assignments 30 % A= 90.00 – 100.00 Tests (3@15 pts each) 45 % B= 80.00 – 89.99 Final Exam 25 % C= 70.00 – 79.99 TOTAL 100 % D= 60.00 – 69.99 F= 0.00 – 59.99 Academic Dishonesty Unless otherwise specified, the UNC Charlotte guidelines on Academic Integrity fully apply to all work in this course. This includes programming assignments and tests and final exam. In particular, submission of someone else's work as your own is considered plagiarism, whether it is a computer program or an exam solution, and will be dealt with under the Academic Integrity guidelines. All programming assignments are to be done without the assistance of others students. Providing program code to another student, even in part, and in any manner (electronic, hard-copy, or otherwise) is considered a violation of the Academic Integrity code. Penalties for violations of academic integrity range from a course grade of F (the minimum penalty) to expulsion from the University. The possession of program material developed by someone other than you is considered to fall under the above restriction, and similar penalties apply. This means that copying/emailing/looking at/etc. another student's files related to any programming assignment is prohibited. A detailed explanation of the Code of Student Academic Integrity is located at Code of Conduct The UNC Charlotte Code of Student Responsibility sets forth the standards relating to student conduct. Students engaging in disruptive conduct are subject to dismissal from the class. Disruptive conduct includes, but is not limited to, interfering with teaching (i.e., talking with other class members, using cell phones, threatening class members, possessing illegal drugs or weapons, using computers to engage in activities not related to the class, etc. For a detailed description of the Code of Student Responsibility, visit Computing and Informatics Department - UNCC 4