Writing Section - CU School of Foreign Languages

February 16, 2015
Name – Surname:
Write your name and mark your answers on the optic form.
This booklet includes 3 (three) sections (Grammar & Vocabulary, Reading and
Listening) and 60 (sixty) questions. Each section has its own instruction.
For each question, be sure to pick the best possible answers listed. When you have
decided which one of the choices given is the best answer to a question, mark the space
on your optic form which has the same number and letter as your choice.
Remember, there is only one best answer for each question. If you are not sure of the
answer, make the best guess you can. If you want to change your answer, erase your
first mark completely.
Answer as many questions as possible. Do not spend too much time on only one
question. Work fast but accurately.
Total time allocated for this test except the listening section is 60 minutes.
Good luck.
ERASMUS / February 16, 2015
For questions 1-28, on your optic form mark the alternative which best completes the sentences or dialogues.
(28x0.5=14 pts.)
1. Although I ______ Prague many times, I ______ much of it.
A) have been visiting / don’t see
B) have visited / haven’t seen
C) visited / wasn’t seeing
D) visit / didn’t see
2. When I ______ a crowd of people looking at a graffiti, I ______ in the park.
A) had seen / jogged
B) see / jogged
C) saw / was jogging
D) was seeing / had jogged
3. The biggest disadvantage of living in a city is that you have to ______ the noise, traffic and pollution.
A) calm down
B) stay with
C) get on with
D) put up with
4. The man on the line was very rude. He hung ______ before I even finished speaking.
A) up
B) out
C) over
D) on
5. You can’t park your car here. These parking spaces are reserved for people with ______.
A) distress
B) impatience
C) disabilities
D) disturbance
6. Most young people ______ the importance of education but they don’t believe it will help them live the kind of life
they dream.
A) agree
B) allow
C) advise
D) accept
7. We _______ to inform you that the flight has been cancelled until further notice.
A) apologise
B) disappoint
C) regret
D) complain
8. Which extreme sport ______ you ______ if you ______ the time?
A) would…do / have
B) would…do / had
C) could …do / had had
D) would…do / have had
9. A: I feel great now. I’ll stop taking these antibiotics.
B: You ______ do that. You have to take all of them.
A) don’t have to
B) mustn’t
C) might not
D) are not able to
10. Not all students who are interested in living and studying abroad can take part in the ERASMUS scheme,
A) aren’t they
B) are they
C) can’t they
D) can they
11. The books ______ to the library before April 5. You can keep them no longer than one month.
A) have to return
B) have returned
C) have to be returned
D) have been returned
12. There were only four of us around the table but there was ______ food to feed twenty people!
A) enough
B) too many
C) too
D) too much
13. I prefer a science fiction film ______ a thriller.
A) from
B) to
C) than
D) into
14. Anti-TV groups don’t think television can be ______. They claim watching TV doesn’t help people use their brains.
A) educate
B) education
C) educationally
D) educational
15. As the owner of the restaurant doesn’t want to stop ______ his business, he thinks he will need ______ some
A) to run / to make
B) running / making
C) running / to make
D) to run / making
ERASMUS / February 16, 2015
16. The old man was able to tell his son ______ he kept all his money only a few minutes before he died.
A) where
B) which
C) when
D) whether
17. We had a very strict history teacher at high school and ______ in our class was ______ of her.
A) anybody / terrifying
B) nobody / terrified
C) everybody / terrified
D) somebody / terrifying
18. There was ______ accident here yesterday. A car hit a tree and ______ driver was seriously injured, so he was
immediately taken to ______ hospital.
A) — / a / the
B) the / a / —
C) the / the / a
D) an / the / —
19. I clearly remember ______ from my mother how to write. She would spend hours writing down the letters of the
alphabet one by one.
A) to have learnt
B) to learn
C) learning
D) learn
20. We shouldn’t ______ paper if we want to ______ the forests.
A) waste / protect
B) pollute / save
C) recycle / pollute
21. A: I’ve lost my bag.
B: ______?
A: It’s black and in good condition.
A) What make is it
C) How heavy is it
D) protect / recycle
B) How big is it
D) What does it look like
22. When Tom ______ his house, he realised that one of his windows ______ broken.
A) broke into / was
B) got / were
C) entered / was
D) arrived at / were
23. Do you have ______ minutes? I’d like to ask you some questions. I need ______ more information.
A) a few / a little
B) a few / a few
C) few / a lot of
D) little / any
24. A: Don’t forget to post the letters, Jim.
B: OK, madam. I ______ them as soon as I ______ work.
A) post / will finish
B) will post / finish
C) will post / am going to finish
D) post / am going to finish
25. I’m sure you will get a high grade in your exam ______ you study regularly and do all your homework.
A) unless
B) nevertheless
C) provided
D) therefore
26. Jane has ______ hobbies ______ Sally. They both enjoy swimming and jogging.
A) the same / like
B) the same / as
C) different / from
D) as / as
27. In our country, young people usually live with their parents ______ they get married.
A) until
B) while
C) in case
D) if
28. While I was studying in the library, a student ______ marks are always better than the rest of the class gave me some
useful advice about learning vocabulary.
A) who
B) why
C) which
D) whose
ERASMUS / February 16, 2015
PART B (Questions 29-38)
Read the text and, on your optic form, mark the alternative (A, B, C or D) for each gap to complete the text.
(10x0.5=5 pts.)
J. K. Rowling is the author of a successful series of books. She uses the initials J. K. because her publishers
thought that a book by a woman might not be 29) ______ for boys.
Rowling was born in 1965 and 30) ______ up in England and South Wales. After she finished university, she
got a job in London. In 1990, 31) ______ she was travelling from Manchester to London, her train was held up and
during the four-hour 32) ______ she got the idea of writing about a young wizard. In 1991 she went to Portugal,
33) ______ she had a job teaching English, and she took the manuscript for the first Harry Potter book with her. She
returned to Britain in 1993 and 34) ______ writing it.
Rowling completed Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone in 1995. Twelve publishers turned it down
before Bloomsbury agreed 35) ______ it. The decision 36) ______ by the young daughter of the company’s
chairman, who loved the first chapter of the book.
In 1995 Bloomsbury advised Rowling that she had little chance of making money writing children’s books.
Today she has a fortune of around $US 1 billion. Rowling believes that people who have a lot of money should
behave 37) ______ and make sure they help other people. 38) ______, she has given away millions of dollars to
charitable causes.
A) attraction
B) attract
C) attractive
D) unattractive
A) made
B) stayed
C) took
D) brought
A) after
B) while
C) then
D) if
A) delay
B) prevention
C) departure
D) cancel
A) where
B) what
C) which
D) whose
A) looked for
B) gave up
C) carried on
D) found out
A) published
B) publishing
C) publish
D) to publish
A) was made
B) was done
C) did
D) made
A) responsible
B) responsibly
C) sufficient
D) sufficiently
A) However
B) Similarly
C) For this reason
D) In contrast
ERASMUS / February 16, 2015
You will read an article about a road trip. Four sentences have been removed from the article. Read the article
and for the gaps 39-42, mark the best alternative (A, B, C or D) on your optic form. (4x2=8 pts.)
The first one has been done for you (0. __E__).
A Therefore, it was very difficult to find a place to stay.
B Just make sure you have lots of CDs and lots of patience.
C I went to only three of these states before, so there were a lot of new things to see.
D Well, I listened and Balen gave me lots of advice about how to make friends and get good exam results.
E We also had a lot of interesting conversations.
Can you imagine driving 3,000 miles in four days? Last June, my older brother Balen and I drove from our house in
Oregon to his new apartment in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. He made the journey to start a new job at a big computer
company there. But, I went for different reasons. Before I left home, my mother told me that this would be a lifechanging experience. At that time, I laughed at her and said, ‘Yeah, right, Mom, I’m 16. How is this trip going to change
my life?’ Afterwards, I realized that I should have listened to her.
My first reason for taking the trip was to be closer to Balen and try to know him better. In the past, I used to be his
irritating little sister, but because I was sixteen, I wanted that to change. We spent the time listening to music and eating
sandwiches and cookies which my mother prepared for us. 0. __E__. For example, mine was, ‘Why are Mom and Dad
so strange?’ and his was, ‘Why don’t you learn how to read a map?’ The truth is that we went the wrong way so many
times and Balen was most probably annoyed with me. We also chatted a lot about school. 39. ______. Unlike me, my
brother was a superstar at school. He was one of those children every parent wants!
Another of my reasons for going on the trip was to have a vacation outside my hometown. We drove through Oregon,
Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri and Tennessee on our way to North Carolina. 40. ______. The
problem was that the majority of the landscape was boring highway. Occasionally, we stopped to buy petrol at an
interesting place and got out to explore the area.
We spent our first night in a motel outside Salt Lake City, Utah. The city is a big busy place with an overground train
system which runs through the streets. On the second night, we stayed at a hotel in a small town in Nebraska. I thought it
would be fine, but the next morning, we couldn’t go on because of a huge rainstorm. On our final night, we were in
Nashville, Tennessee. Nashville is famous for country music and there was a big country music festival which was
taking place. 41. ______. We tried six hotels and realized that it was a mistake not to book a room beforehand. At last,
we found a room, but it was very expensive. When we finally arrived in North Carolina, we didn’t have much money
left, but we had a fantastic time.
Thinking about the trip now, I realize my mom was right – it really changed my life. It showed me that there is a big
world outside our small city, and I want to see it all. A road trip is a great way to get to know yourself and to get to know
the person you are travelling with. 42. ______. It will also be helpful if you can read a map.
ERASMUS / February 16, 2015
Read the following text and for questions 43-49 mark the best alternative (A, B, C or D) on your optic form.
(7x2=14 pts.)
Lucy Chang tells us what’s new (and not so new!) on your screens this summer.
I always look forward to this time of year and I’m always disappointed! It is the time of year when the TV
channels tell us their plans for the summer and every year I tell myself that it might be different. It never is. Take
SuperTV, for example. This channel, on your screens for five years now, presents a depressing mix of game shows
and music videos. So what do we find in the new schedule? I’m The One, a game show with holidays as prizes, and
VJ-TV, yet another music video programme with brainless presenters. They are also planning to repeat the dreadful
chat show Star Quality, which is about as entertaining as watching grass grow. It is true that most people are on their
summer holidays and TV channels make less profit during this period, but still they should come up with new ideas
for those who have to stay at home.
Channel 9 does a little better. Now that Train Driver has finished, they have decided to replace it with Staff Room,
a reality show that follows teachers around all day. It should be the hit of the summer, giving us an idea of what
really goes on when the lesson is over. Who doesn’t want to see and hear what teachers say about their students at the
end of the school day? Great stuff! Together with Life in Aylesford Street, the soap opera that everyone is talking
about, it looks like Channel 9 could be the channel to watch this summer.
Over on BTV1, Max Read is back with Joke-a-Cola, the comedy show. The first series was slightly amusing, the
second amazing! Let’s wait and see what the third series is like. Comedy is difficult to get right, but it will most
probably be fantastic! I wish I could say the same about the sitcom, Oh! Those Kids! It’s enough to look at the
expressions on the faces of the cast! It is obvious that they know it is rubbish and the script is just so badly written!
Oh! Those writers!
The programme makers must be thinking that we will watch anything. That’s just not true. People might have
hundreds of channels on their TV or might live near a cinema with a dozen screens. There is so much choice of
entertainment these days – TV, the cinema, the theatre, even the Internet – that they have to work hard to keep their
audience. What they should be doing is making new, exciting programmes. Where are the programmes that make
people think they must stay in to watch them!
We have to ask ourselves what entertainment is. We have to think about what people do with their leisure time.
Television has been popular for about 50-60 years but it might not be popular forever. More people are going to the
cinema and theatre than ever before. More people are surfing the Internet or playing computer games than ever
before. If Oh! Those Kids! is all that the TV can offer, why should we watch it? With one or two exceptions, this
summer’s programmes will make more people turn off than turn on.
ERASMUS / February 16, 2015
43. At this time of year, _________________________.
A) the TV channels come up with more fun programmes
B) the writer disappoints the TV channels with her reviews
C) the writer hopes for something that never happens
D) the writer’s favourite programmes often disappear
44. What does ‘they’ in paragraph 1 refer to?
A) SuperTV
B) TV channels
C) the presenters of VJ-TV
D) most people
45. The writer says that Staff Room will probably _________________________.
A) be successful
B) shock students
C) be worse than Train Driver
D) be on instead of Life in Aylesford Street
46. The writer thinks that Joke-a-Cola will be _________________________.
A) more difficult to understand
B) less popular than Oh! Those Kids!
C) even better than the first two series
D) more like a sitcom
47. The word ‘obvious’ in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _________________________.
A) difficult to predict
B) easy to see or understand
C) full of misunderstandings
D) in harmony with
48. Because of the choice of entertainment, _________________________.
A) people watch more television
B) people move to places with more facilities
C) programme makers have to tell lies
D) programmes need to be more exciting
49. According to the writer, television _________________________.
A) will never be as popular as theatre is
B) should show more programmes about hobbies
C) could lose its popularity in the future
D) should provide more than just entertainment
ERASMUS / February 16, 2015
You will hear an interview with Ben Lacey, who collects postcards TWICE. Listen and for questions 50-54
on your optic form mark the alternative A, B or C that best completes the statements or answers the question.
(5x2=10 pts.)
50. Ben first became interested in postcards when _________________________.
A) he found a collection at home
B) he was on a family holiday
C) he began travelling on his own
51. Who else in the family collected postcards?
A) Ben’s mother
B) Ben’s uncle
C) Ben’s grandfather
52. Ben’s favourite postcards have pictures of _________________________.
A) very well-known stations
B) various types of transport in the past
C) lovely religious buildings
53. The postcards that are the most valuable _________________________.
A) are over 100 years old or more
B) have never been used before
C) show particular scenes from the past
54. Ben suggests that new collectors should get _________________________.
A) many different kinds of cards
B) cards showing their own town
C) cards that have sports pictures
ERASMUS / February 16, 2015
You will hear people talking in six different situations TWICE. Listen and for questions 55-60, mark the best
alternative (A, B or C) on your optic form. (6x1.5=9 points)
55. You hear two students called Maria and George talking about an essay. What does she want him to do?
A) to write her essay
B) to read her essay
C) to help her with her essay
56. You hear a young man talking. What is he?
A) a parent
B) a teacher
C) a student
57. You overhear this woman talking to her friend about her holiday. Why did she enjoy it?
A) There wasn’t much traffic.
B) She liked the beaches.
C) There weren’t many people.
58. You hear a novelist talking about how she writes. How does she get her ideas for her novels?
A) Ideas develop gradually in her mind.
B) She bases her novels on personal experiences.
C) Ideas come to her once she starts writing.
59. You hear a man and a woman talking. Where does the conversation take place?
A) a vet’s office
B) a computer store
C) a doctor’s office
60. You hear two friends, Amy and Barbara, talking about Amy’s roommate. Why does Amy hate her
A) She doesn’t take care of the furniture.
B) She doesn’t talk to her.
C) She is messy and doesn’t do any cleaning.
ERASMUS / February 16, 2015
You will hear an interview with Ben Lacey, who collects postcards TWICE. Listen and for questions 50-54
on your optic form mark the alternative A, B or C that best completes the statements or answers the question.
(5x2=10 pts.)
So tell me, Ben, what made you start collecting picture postcards?
When I was a boy, I often saw postcards at the seaside and in tourist places, but I didn’t find them
interesting at the time. That suddenly changed a few years ago when I discovered hundreds of them in the
spare room. There were some beautiful ones there, carefully arranged in albums. So after that, I started
collecting cards whenever I went to other countries.
Whose collection was it that you discovered in the spare room?
Well, my grandfather, who was a sailor, used to send postcards home from whenever he was in the world.
Anyway, my mum and uncle, who were both kids then, would always read them, and she decided to keep
them all. So that was how the family collection began.
Which kinds of postcards do you like best these days?
Well, I still like the ones with pictures of famous harbours, like Sydney and New York. And I have also got
some that have beautiful photos of cathedrals and mosques, but most of all, I love the ones which show
ships, trains and planes from early last century.
Yes, they give us an idea of what society was like back then. Some of the very old ones must be quite
valuable nowadays.
Yes, but perhaps surprisingly it is the subject of the picture that is the most important, not because it is from
the end of the 19th century or whether it has been posted or not. The ones with the highest values are about
past events, like a famous wedding or a football team winning the cup – that kind of thing.
So for a young person who wants to take up collecting postcards, those aren’t the best kind to get?
No, they would cost far too much. The same is true for cards with pictures of the town where you grew up –
everyone wants them, so the prices are high. It is much better to go to a shop or street market and buy a
variety of postcards, maybe a whole box of them. Those can be amazingly cheap and you never know what
you might find there.
You will hear people talking in six different situations TWICE. Listen and for questions 55-60, mark the best
alternative (A, B or C) on your optic form. (6x1.5=9 points)
55. You hear two students called Maria and George talking about an essay. What does she want him to do?
George Yes?
You know that essay we were assigned, on Drugs and Modern Society?
George Oh, yeah, that one. What about it?
Have you written it?
George Ages ago. Why? Haven’t you?
Well, not exactly. That’s to say, I haven’t actually started it yet.
George Maria! So what do you want? You don’t expect me to write it for you, do you?
No, no. Of course not. I just thought you might give me a few pointers, if you know what I mean.
George Pointers? What sort of pointers?
Well, you could start by telling me which books you used – you know, which were particularly useful… and
ERASMUS / February 16, 2015
any ideas about how I could begin my essay.
56. You hear a young man talking. What is he? (Ali)
I love children of all ages. One day, I would like children of my own, and I think I would be a good father. I really
enjoy learning things, and I like passing on my knowledge to other people. My own student days were the happiest of
my life, and helping to educate the students in my school makes me happy now. Yes, I think mine is the best
profession in the world – I’m not well-paid, but we do have long summer holidays!
57. You overhear this woman talking to her friend about her holiday. Why did she enjoy it? (Gül-Saadet)
So, what was it like?
Marvellous. Just what we were looking for.
And what was that?
Well, if we had gone to one of the other islands, we would have had to put up with busy roads and
crowded beaches.
So weren’t there many tourists where you went?
Oh there were quite a lot. More than we expected really. But it didn’t seem to be a problem
because with the car limitations, there were almost no exhaust fumes, no traffic jam and very
little noise. And because the island is so small, you could walk everywhere.
58. You hear a novelist talking about how she writes. How does she get her ideas for her novels? (Aysun)
I get lots of ideas for novels, but I don’t necessarily follow them all up. I realize that a particular idea begins to
attract me only when it sticks around over a period of years. That’s certainly what happened with my latest novel, The
Red Cord. Although it is set in my home city of Sydney, Australia, the inspiration of an idea came about ten years ago
when I was travelling in China. This was followed by a long period when the idea occasionally came back into my
consciousness, each time refined a little more, until I reached a point where I thought I had better start writing.
59. You hear a man and a woman talking. Where does the conversation take place? (Ali-Gül)
May I help you?
Yes. I’m looking for a new mouse pad, one that will give more comfort to my wrist. It’s causing
me a lot of pain.
OK. Our computer accessories are over here. We have several mouse pads, but you might also want to
consider a different kind of mouse or keyboard as well.
Yes. I know that those may also be helpful, but I just want a mouse pad for now. I’m saving up
for a specially designed computer and workstation that prevents people from getting muscle pain.
60. You hear two friends, Amy and Barbara, talking about Amy’s roommate. Why does Amy hate her
roommate? (Eda-Aysun)
I hate my roommate! Look at this! All the dishes are still on the table from last night! And her
clothes! She never puts them in her wardrobe. They are on the floor, on the chairs, everywhere!
Amy, why don’t you talk to her about it?
I have already talked to her, about ten times, but she doesn’t change.
Then, you should find another roommate who isn’t messy and who cleans up after herself.
ERASMUS / February 16, 2015
Ç.U. YADYO 2014-2015
English Language Test
Writing Section
40 points 40 mins.
Student Number:
1st mark
2nd mark
Final mark
Choose one of the following topics and write an essay in 180-200 words. Give reasons and examples to support
your ideas.
1. ‘Success is because of hard work. It has nothing to do with luck.’ What’s your opinion?
2. ‘Qualifications that one gets abroad can open the door to better job opportunities.’ What’s your opinion?
Write the number of your choice in the box.
ERASMUS / February 16, 2015
ANSWER KEY (February 16)
GRAMMAR&VOCABULARY SECTION (Part A & B) (38x0.5=19 points)
1. B
11. C
21. D
31. B
2. C
12. A
22. C
32. A
3. D
13. B
23. A
33. A
4. A
14. D
24. B
34. C
5. C
15. C
25. C
35. D
6. D
16. A
26. B
36. A
7. C
17. C
27. A
37. B
8. B
18. D
28. D
38. C
9. B
19. C
29. C
10. D
20. A
30. D
READING (22 points)
A) 4x2=8 pts.
B)7x2=14 pts.
LISTENING (19 points)
A) 5x2=10 pts.
B) 6x1.5=9 pts.
39. D
43. C
50. A
55. C
40. C
44. B
51. A
56. B
41. A
45. A
52. B
57. A
42. B
46. C
53. C
58. A
47. B
54. A
59. B
48. D
60. C
49. C
ERASMUS / February 16, 2015