Detailed Design Specification © 2006, 2010, 2012 Actian Corporation Project Name DBMS Authentication Author Gordon Thorpe and Karl Schendel Last Saved Date March 8, 2016 Revision Template Revision 1.9 (but should match 2.0) DBMS Authentication Responsibility List Assigned To Action Responsibility Owner Engineer/Architect Peer Review Peer Review Development Manager Test Review QA Engineer Peer Review Sustaining Engineering Manager Sustainability Review Sustaining Engineering Engineer Pam Fowler Peer Review Level 1 Support Manager Ahmed Ezzat Peer Review Chief Architect Elaine Grieco Peer Review Technical Writer Peer Review Services Peer Review Services Chris Rogers Signature QA Manager Jonathan Rosen Alex Hanshaw Lee Howard Note: The Responsibility List reflects those required to review and provide feedback for the document. Signoff by those listed is required prior to the beginning of the development phase. Additional reviewers DBMS Authentication106763433 Page 2 of 44 Assigned To Action Responsibility Karl Schendel Information DBMS Teresa King Information Gateways Teresa King Information Connectivity Joe Kronk Information OpenROAD Roger Whitcomb Information Tools Emma McGrattan Information Usability Signature Note: The additional reviewers list reflects other people that should be copied on the document and invited to review meetings, but feedback from them is not required for the document to be approved. Managers of other engineering groups are copied for comment on how it affects their product or product area. The manager for your own engineering area is included in first table and can be removed from here. SQL Language Review DBMS Authentication106763433 Page 3 of 44 Assigned To Action Responsibility Ian Kirkham Language Review DBMS Teresa King Language Review Gateways Teresa King Language Review Connectivity Joe Kronk Language Review OpenROAD Alex Hanshaw Language Review Supportability and Backward Compatibility Signature Note: The SQL language review table lists people that should be sent an initial draft copy of this document if you answered “yes” to any questions in section 2.2. If you did not answer yes to any of those questions you may delete this table. DBMS Authentication106763433 Page 4 of 44 Change History: Revision Date Last Revision By Description of Change 24-May-2012 Chris Clark 8-Aug-2012 Karl Schendel Numerous refinements, -user/--host options 14-Aug-2012 Karl Schendel Delete --host, change -user to -user 22-Aug-2012 Karl Schendel Include user description idea 28-Aug-2012 Karl Schendel -user passes remote; editorial clarifications 7-Sep-2012 Karl Schendel CHANGE_PASSWORD is a privilege, not a withoption; clarify 1-Nov-2012 Karl Schendel SAVEPASSWORD works with -user=uname password prompt Initial Draft DBMS Authentication106763433 Page 5 of 44 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 2 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 10 1.1 SCOPE AND SUMMARY.......................................................................................................... 10 1.2 DEFINITIONS, ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................ 13 1.3 REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................... 15 1.4 NOTEWORTHY ISSUES........................................................................................................... 16 ARCHITECTURE OVERVIEW ............................................................................................ 17 2.1 HIGH LEVEL DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................................... 17 2.2 SQL LANGUAGE CHANGES..................................................................................................... 23 2.3 IMPLICATIONS FOR GCA ....................................................................................................... 25 2.4 CONNECTION PARAMETERS ................................................................................................... 25 2.5 LANGUAGE, UNICODE AND INTERNATIONALIZATION ISSUES ......................................................... 26 2.6 IMPLICATIONS FOR INGRES/STAR ............................................................................................ 26 2.7 IMPLICATIONS FOR DBA TOOLS ............................................................................................... 26 2.8 NEW IMA/MIB OBJECTS......................................................................................................... 27 2.9 NEW TRACE POINTS .............................................................................................................. 27 2.10 CATALOG ALTERATIONS ..................................................................................................... 27 2.11 IMPLICATION FOR GATEWAYS ............................................................................................ 28 2.12 IMPLICATIONS FOR DATABASE DRIVERS ................................................................................ 28 2.13 IMPLICATIONS FOR OPENROAD ........................................................................................... 28 2.14 DESIGN LIMITATIONS AND ASSUMPTIONS ............................................................................ 28 DBMS Authentication106763433 Page 6 of 44 3 4 5 2.15 PLATFORM SPECIFIC ISSUES ............................................................................................... 29 2.16 PRODUCT INTERACTION .................................................................................................... 29 2.17 PATENT INFORMATION ..................................................................................................... 29 EXTERNAL SPECIFICATION ............................................................................................. 30 3.1 USER PERSPECTIVE ............................................................................................................... 30 3.2 INSTALLATION AND ADMINISTRATION PERSPECTIVE ................................................................... 32 3.3 MIGRATION ISSUES .............................................................................................................. 32 3.4 SECURITY IMPACT ................................................................................................................ 33 INTERNAL SPECIFICATION .............................................................................................. 34 4.1 ESTIMATED TASKS AND EFFORT .............................................................................................. 34 4.2 PROGRAMMING .................................................................................................................. 35 4.3 COMPATIBILITY LIBRARY INTERFACE CHANGES ........................................................................... 36 4.4 INTERFACE .......................................................................................................................... 36 4.5 BUILD IMPLICATIONS ............................................................................................................ 37 4.6 UI RESOURCE/PROPERTIES FILES............................................................................................ 37 4.7 BITMAP RESOURCES ............................................................................................................. 37 4.8 ICON FILES.......................................................................................................................... 38 4.9 PICCOLO CHANGE NUMBERS .................................................................................................. 38 IMPACT AND DOCUMENTATION SUMMARY .................................................................. 39 5.1 PRODUCT/COMPONENT IMPACTS .......................................................................................... 39 5.2 DOCUMENTATION ............................................................................................................... 39 DBMS Authentication106763433 Page 7 of 44 6 QUALITY ISSUES ............................................................................................................ 41 6.1 UNIT TESTING SUMMARY...................................................................................................... 41 6.2 HANDOFFQA IMPACT ............................................................................................................ 41 6.3 TESTING RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................................... 41 6.4 REGRESSION RISK ASSESSMENT.............................................................................................. 42 7 PACKAGING AND INSTALLATION IMPACT ....................................................................... 43 8 SUPPORT IMPACT.......................................................................................................... 44 8.1 EXAMPLES AND TESTS ........................................................................................................... 44 DBMS Authentication106763433 Page 8 of 44 PREFACE This document describes external functional specifications as well as design specifications for one feature of a release project. There will be many Detailed Design Specifications (DDS) for each project, one for each major feature described in the Software Requirements Specification (SRS) or project wiki page. The SRS or the wiki page is the master document for the entire project. This is intended to be a living document. The product development cycle is a dynamic process in which our understanding of the project and its criteria for success are refined over time. It is therefore expected that the completed Detailed Design Specification will undergo many revisions during the course of a project as requirements; resources and constraints evolve. The engineer would not be expected to complete all sections in the initial draft; some sections are designed so that they can only be completed one the project is coded. *NOTE: that you are expected to continue updating this document until the release project is handed over to SE* The Development Manager is responsible for the contents of this document. Deliverables that must be completed prior to releasing this document are at least one of: Software Requirements Specification Wiki page on the engineering web describing the components of the project All template instructions can be identified by their gray italic type. This information may be removed after completing the necessary project information. Ant information detailed in this document should not be repeated in the wiki page for this feature unless there is a compelling reason to do otherwise one of the copies of the information may become out-of-date. If you need to, refer to the DDS on the wiki page. DBMS Authentication106763433 Page 9 of 44 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 SCOPE AND SUMMARY Explain what the feature is expected to do; notes on the drivers for this feature (such as partner or customer requirements) should be placed in here. It is becoming more common for Vectorwise POCs to ask if DBMS authentication support can be provided, as that is what they use for other DBMSs. “DBMS authentication” here generally means some variation on “I want to be able to set up a DBMS user and password entirely within the DBMS.” Ingres customers have requested this in the past as well. This has occurred enough times that there are wiki pages on how to simulate Oracle-like authentication, see DBMS authentication is not just a "that's the way we've always done it" feature. The installation administrator is very likely not the same as the OS system administrator. Adding an OS user every time a DBMS user is needed causes delays at best, and corporate political problems at worst. OS admins may see the need for additional OS users as a security risk, especially when the user is to be restricted to DBMS use anyway (which is fairly common). This spec describes an enhancement to provide DBMS authentication by allowing the DBMS server to authenticate a username/password against the Ingres defined username and (database) password, with no reference to OS users or passwords. Enhancement request details. Service Desk 119327 SIR 118552 For the purpose of this document, wherever Ingres is mentioned also assume Vectorwise, EA, and EDBC. Motivation Many users are familiar with database authentication that is commonly used to access other databases such as Oracle and MS SQL Server. Ingres (and with DBMS Authentication106763433 Page 10 of 44 that Vectorwise) does not directly provide database authentication. As a result numerous users have difficulties configuring authentication for Ingres/Vectorwise. The requirements for this capability are driven by a comparison between functionality other DBMS vendors provide versus the way Ingres users have to configure authentication. Must-have requirements Mark Van de Wiel, the Vectorwise Product manager provided the following list of requirements. Ingres/ Vectorwise must be able to use database-level authentication. I.e. a user who is defined in the database and not at the OS level (or in a global directory) must be able to connect to the database using a valid username/password. Passwords have to be encrypted on disk to prevent malicious users from getting easy access to the database. Passwords must be encrypted when passed over the network to prevent network sniffers from getting easy access to the database. Administrative users must be able to get access to the instance using a means that bypasses database authentication. This may be an existing authentication method. Future versions of Ingres/Vectorwise that implement new authentication capabilities must be backwards compatible with current authentication methods. Backwards compatibility may be enabled through a configuration setting which, when changed, breaks backwards compatibility. New installations may set the new authentication method whereas existing system upgrades would keep the existing method. Statements to set and modify passwords must be provided as well as GUI support for changing passwords. DBMS Authentication106763433 Page 11 of 44 Nice-to-have requirements Administrators should be able to block users without having to delete them (e.g. lock the user). Administrators should be able to set password rules such as minimum length, minimum complexity requirements, expiration time, number of failed login attempts, etc. Administrators should be able to use SSL key verification. A local OS user, even if known to the Ingres/Vectorwise database through OS authentication, should be able to impersonate another user by using a valid username/password combination. This project will allow users to be managed solely in the DBMS using existing Ingres mechanisms, such as; “CREATE USER…” SQL statements, accessdb, VisualDBA, Actian Director, third party DBA tools, etc. Users who know a username and password should be able to connect as that user without any restrictions, both locally and remotely. Current mechanisms for providing username/password should work with the new system, allowing old clients to connect to new DBMS authentication servers; i.e. vnodes on older clients should work with new servers configured for DBMS authentication. SQL monitor tools should work with the new authentication system. For example, Oracle users can connect with sqlplus (the Oracle SQL terminal monitor) locally and remotely by specifying the username and password, examples: Oracle local, explicitly specify username and password > sqlplus username/password Oracle remote, explicitly specify username, password, and host DBMS Authentication106763433 Page 12 of 44 > sqlplus username/password@remotehost Oracle local, explicitly specify username, user is then prompted for password > sqlplus username Enter password: Oracle local, user prompted for both username and password > sqlplus Enter user-name: Enter password: Ingres should offer similar functionality (albeit with different syntax). 1.2 DEFINITIONS, ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Provide the definitions of terms, acronyms and abbreviations required to interpret this document. For consistency, use the format in the examples below: Detailed Design Specification: (DDS) A representation of a software system or component of a system created to facilitate analysis, planning, implementation and decision-making. The DDS is used as the primary medium for communicating software design information. accessdb: original Ingres forms based DBA tool, used to create DBMS users and manage iidbdb. Actian Director: New GUI tool for Ingres, similar to Microsoft’s Management Console BUGS: bug and enhancement tracking system, tied to Piccolo dbauth: short hand for DBMS Authentication, the aim of this project DBMS Authentication106763433 Page 13 of 44 EDBC: Server that allows Ingres SQL and datatypes to be used with foreign mainframe (which may or may not be relational) databases such as IBM DB2, CA-Datacom, VSAM, IDMS, etc. Enterprise Access: Ingres server that allows Ingres SQL and datatypes to be used with foreign relational SQL databases such as Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and IBM DB2 for Unix, Linux, and Windows. Forms / FRS: the Ingres console/text based windowing system. Similar to (but predates) curses. Gateway: In this document this refers to the Enterprise Access product or EDBC. GCA: General Communication Application interface, GCA provides the mechanism through which front-ends, back-ends, and distributed back-ends access GCF services. GCF: General Communication Facility, used to send commands a data between heterogeneous components GCC / IIGCC: Communication server used to talk to remote clients/servers. GCD / IIGCD / DAS Server: Data Access Server, special communication server (like GCC). DAS is used by both JDBC and .NET clients. GCN / IIGCN: Name server, keeps track of all servers in an Ingres installation. iidbdb: the Ingres database of databases, used to keep track of users, groups, databases, etc. Meta data database for the installation. II_SYSTEM: Environment variable that indicates which Ingres installation to use locally Ingres Net: name of the remote communication protocol used when making use of vnodes and GCC Kerberos / krb: Kerberos V5 is a network authentication protocol, it has been integrated into Windows Active Directory. It offers encrypted traffic and SSO. Local user: a user who is logged into the operating system, attempting to connect to an Ingres DBMS in the current installation (i.e. II_SYSTEM for user matches target DBMS) netutil: Forms based admin tool for maintaining vnode definitions DBMS Authentication106763433 Page 14 of 44 OS: In this document Operating System (and not Open Source) Piccolo / p2: Actian / Ingres source code control system, precursor to Perforce (p4) Remote user: A user connecting to a remote DBMS installation (either across Ingres Net or via the GCD) SD: Service Desk, the issue tracking system used at Actian. SIR: Enhancement request (system improvement request) in the BUGS system SSO: Single Sign On, allows users to authenticate once with a central server (for example, Windows Active Directory of Kerberos) and allows access to different servers and resources without need to specify a username and password. User impersonation: Connecting as user another user to a DBMS. E.g. local OS user fred connecting as jim in the DBMS vdba: Visual DBA, Windows specific GUI admin tools. Actian Director is intended to replace this tool and be cross platform. vnode: Virtual Node, used to access remote servers. Vnodes are a shortcut (like ODBC Data Source Definitions) to a remote database, they include; host name, protocol, and port as well as optional authentication information. They are similar to Oracle’s TNS name (but with authentication support). It is not uncommon to see users refer to vnodes when they really mean using Ingres Net to a remote server (i.e. the mechanism not the actual vnode definition). 1.3 REFERENCES Provide a list of documents referenced elsewhere in this document and/or other documents that were used during research or may help the reader understand the feature. Identify each document by title, report number (if applicable), date and publishing organization. If possible, specify the sources from which the references can be obtained Click here to begin typing. DBMS Authentication106763433 Page 15 of 44 1.4 NOTEWORTHY ISSUES Since the DDS is an evolving representation of the design (a "living document"), this section is used to keep track of issues that arise during the project life cycle and items that need special attention. If you add a FIX_ME or comment similar to “need to do something about blah here” to the code, you should NOTE: the issue here. Open issue regarding OpenROAD and what changes might be necessary, or desirable, to support dbauth connections cleanly. Star support of mixed dbauth/non-dbauth environments is being punted for now, not sure what can or should be done there. Actian Director probably needs to know whether target installation supports new user options. Should this be something in iidbcapabilities or equivalent? Or does bumping the SQL Level suffice? This spec does not attempt to describe any changes to Visual DBA. It is unclear whether VDBA should be touched or left alone. It would be nice to add an additional string field to the iiusers table (long_name or description or some such name). This has not been made part of the spec. In addition to the feature creep issue, one then has to ask whether description should be added to iiusergroup and iirole as well. If time permits however, adding a description column will be considered. DBMS Authentication106763433 Page 16 of 44 2 ARCHITECTURE OVERVIEW 2.1 HIGH LEVEL DESCRIPTION 2.1.1 Overview of existing authentication mechanisms Ingres and Vectorwise (up to version 10.1 and 2.5 respectively) support traditional authentication options. They are: 1. Operating System authentication; a. Local users connect without needing a password (essentially Single Sign On). NOTE: does not allow user impersonation unless either the impersonator is an admin/super user OR the impersonator is logged into the operating system as the required user. b. Remote users provide their operating system username and password, usually via a vnode. NOTE: does allow user impersonation but requires OS users to be managed as well as DBMS users. 2. Installation passwords a. Installation administrator sets up a vnode that use a secret installation password. When users make use of this vnode (the password is hidden from the users) to connect remotely, they are authenticated by the operating system and the installation password. The session user is the logged-in OS user on the client. NOTE: allows user impersonation as long as the client has the user as an OS user, and the impersonator can log in as that user on the client. 3. Kerberos support a. Allows SSO (even remotely) and includes encrypted network traffic to remote servers. The session user is the Kerberos principal. DBMS Authentication106763433 Page 17 of 44 The existing authentication architecture is based on the GCN process performing ALL user authentication. The DBMS simply receives a user name in the connection request, and that user (presuming it to be a valid Ingres user) becomes the session user. After the initial connection, the client may also send a DBMS password as part of the modify-association (GCA_MD_ASSOC) message. This password is sent in cleartext, and is compared with the DBMS password defined by the iiuser record in iidbdb. (The iiuser password is stored as a one-way hashed value.) 2.1.2 The DBMS Authentication Mechanism The new DBMS-authentication (dbauth) mechanism offloads the user authentication from the GCN, instead passing the GCA_REQUEST username and password to the DBMS as part of the connect request. The connect request will also indicate “unauthenticated”, so that the DBMS knows that it must do user and password checking. If the user is a valid Ingres user, and the password hashes to the stored iiuser password, the connection succeeds. The dbauth mechanism makes no reference to OS user or password, so it is possible to have DBMS users that are not valid OS users. The password sent with the GCA_REQUEST message is encrypted over the wire, so it is not visible in cleartext. The GCN will not defer authentication to the DBMS unless the DBMS server says that it can handle it. There will be a new configuration parameter to turn dbauth on or off, per DBMS server. Dbauth may only be configured at the server level, not per database. An example of where per-server dbauth configuration may be useful is with Enterprise Access (gateway) as follows: Some users deploy gateways for both Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL). Typically customers use the default authentication mechanism for each back end; for MSSQL this means OS authentication, for Oracle this means DBMS authentication. The new Ingres dbauth mechanism will allow end users to configure the Oracle gateway with dbuth to use the secure password sent via the client vnode as a pass through to the gateway (with the current mechanism users have to send passwords insecurely via the “-P” flag or by storing passwords on the gateway DBMS Authentication106763433 Page 18 of 44 machine). Conversely MSSQL users using OS authentication will want to continue to use the original GCN auth check as the gateway passes on user tokens (rather than passwords) to MSSQL. Dbauth will allow gateways access to client password information; this information has not been accessible to servers since Ingres 2.5. There are still some situations where the GCN will perform some sort of authentication: local connections (i.e. no username or password given with the GCA_REQUEST), installation password connections (the session user is the OS user on the client side), and Kerberos connections (the session user is the Kerberos principal). For these situations, the dbauth server will not see the “unauthenticated” flag and will perform the connection the old way, checking only that the user is a valid Ingres user. (This satisfies the requirement that administrative users be able to connect locally with no DBMS password.) Since one of the purposes of dbauth is to stop sending cleartext passwords, a dbauthenabled server will not attempt to ask for or verify any DBMS password when it received an already-authenticated connection request. Dbauth-enabled servers will always ignore any password element (GCA_RUPASS) of the modifyassociation message. When dbauth is active, the GCN acts purely as a pass through mechanism for remote connection requests. One implication of this is that connection testing that does a connect to a remote GCN (e.g. the existing netutil “test vnode” option) will behave differently; it will now act as a ping test; it will no longer test the vnode authentication. Users who want to test authentication should make a database connect test. For example, the ODBC configuration tool shipping since Ingres 2.6 tests authentication using a database connection test. When dbauth is enabled, any GCA connection request supplying a username and password (i.e. anything other than a purely local connection) will be authenticated against that username and password. This allows users to impersonate other users, assuming that they know the relevant (DBMS) password. The exact syntax needed at the client end will depend on the application environment, API (or API-based) vs libq. API style connections (including ODBC, JDBC, .NET) specify the username and password in the data source or connection request; user entry of the username and password is entirely up to the application. Libq programs (ESQL, character 4GL, DBMS Authentication106763433 Page 19 of 44 OpenROAD) have a somewhat more complex set of possibilities, as username and password entry is partially handled by the Ingres library: The program can specify the -local_system_user and local_system_password options in the connect statement. (or, for remote connections, the equivalent remote_system_user and remote_system_password options.) These options exist today, although they are little known and not documented. The program can specify a vnode (containing username and password) as part of the database name. The program can specify the database name using "inline" vnode syntax, i.e. '@[user,password]::dbname' for local connections, or '@host,port[user,password]::dbname' for remote connections. The program can specify a new connect option -user=username which will pass the specified user as remote_system_user, and will prompt for a password to be sent as remote_system_password. (Note the difference from -u username, which sends the session effective user in the MD_ASSOC message after the connection is made. Use of -u and -user together is allowed; the initial connect user is the -user one, and the effective user is the -u user.) For completeness, the password can be specified inline as well, as -user=username,password. The new -user option is fundamentally an exec sql connect option, but the intent is to add it to standard command-line tools as a command line option as well. (At minimum, the terminal monitor accept -user on the command line.) If the -user connect option is used, the database name must not contain any [user,password] part. The database name can include remote host information (in the form @host,port::dbname). The reason for adding the -user connect and command line option is that it enables a convenient way for libq utilities (such as the SQL Terminal Monitor) to connect to a dbauth server, without the awkwardness of the inline vnode syntax which also exposes the password on the command line to utilities such as ps. The existing -P option is unavailing, as it sends the password with the modifyassociation rather than the connection request, and does nothing about the user name. (As noted above, old-style DBMS passwords are ignored when connecting using dbauth.) DBMS Authentication106763433 Page 20 of 44 Any utility or application that wants to accept -user on the command line will have to be changed to pass that option through to the exec sql connect options= string. The password prompting implied by the -user connect option will be done with the Ingres library IIUIpassword() function, which does not echo password entry, and does "the right thing" when in character forms mode. Ingres utilities changed to accept -user on the command line will also be changed to prohibit simultaneous use of -P (old-style password). Please note that any libq client application with special password entry requirements is free to collect the password in any manner it likes, and supply it to the connect using local or remote_system_password, or vnode syntax. If the -user option prompts for a password, and if the SAVEPASSWORD set_sql option has been enabled (set to 1), the password is saved and re-used if another connect statement is executed with -user=username (ie requesting a password prompt). The password re-use will NOT verify that the connecting user is the same, it's up to the application to control SAVEPASSWORD appropriately. This feature is mostly for utilities such as optimizedb which connect once to check whether the target is an Ingres database or a gateway, and then disconnect and reconnect using the complete command line option list. As noted above, purely local connections by valid Ingres users succeed with no password prompt. In order to support situations where a mandatory DBMS password is desired, a new CREATE USER with-option will be added: DBMS_AUTHENTICATION='REQUIRED' or 'OPTIONAL' With the default being 'OPTIONAL'. An authentication-required user must connect using DBMS authentication. Connection requests that are already authenticated outside the DBMS (local connections, installation-password vnodes, Kerberos authentication) will be rejected with an error. An authentication-required user cannot connect to a non-dbauth server at all. Obviously, system administration users should be defined as DBMS authentication-optional. Users with the "security" privilege will be forced to be DBMS authentication-optional. (Originally, only the installation owner was going to be forced optional, but it turns out to be remarkably difficult to determine the installation owner from within the DBMS server.) Users defined with no DBMS password are unusable with dbauth servers except from non-dbauth connections (local, installation-password, Kerberos). It shall be DBMS Authentication106763433 Page 21 of 44 an error to create or alter a user with both DBMS_AUTHENTICATION 'REQUIRED' and no DBMS password. Older clients that predate DBMS authentication will still work with dbauth servers, since the only client side requirement is that the desired username and password both be supplied with the GCA_REQUEST message. Existing clients can do this via vnodes (defined or inline), or with the system user/system password options. The only client side feature unavailable from existing clients will be the new libq/esql -user connect / command line option. A mandatory requirement is the ability to change passwords. This capability exists, but is only available today to users with the "maintain_user" privilege; typically, a user is not able to change his or her own password. A new DBMS user privilege will be added: CHANGE_PASSWORD. A user with the CHANGE_PASSWORD privilege will be allowed to change his/her own password (but nobody else's). A user is not permitted to change the changepassword privilege unless they have maintain_user privilege. The CHANGE_PASSWORD privilege flag within the iiuser table will be implemented, but actually implementing the ability for a user to change their own password will be a stretch goal of the project. Expiry date partially satisfies nice-to-have requirement: Administrators should be able to set password rules such as minimum length, minimum complexity requirements, expiration time, number of failed login attempts, etc. We do not have support for any of the other items in the list (for example, “minimum length”), however this logic could be added to the DBMS in a later project after we have experience with DBMS authentication out in the field. The only nice-to-have requirement from missing is: Administrators should be able to use SSL key verification. SSL certificate support requires SSL/TLS support; this is outside the scope of this project, and in any case, SSL support is not directly related to DBMS authentication. NOTE: query text is plain text (unless using Kerberos), this includes passwords in CREATE/ALTER user. This will not change. SSL support would deal with this. DBMS Authentication106763433 Page 22 of 44 NOTE: DBMS Users are global to the installation; e.g. the user “fred” is known to all databases (but may not have permission in all databases) and is the same fred in all databases. This will not change with dbauth. When security auditing is enabled, dbauth authentication failure will be audited in the same way that an invalid DBMS user is audited today. 2.2 SQL LANGUAGE CHANGES One additional (optional) WITH option and one additional PRIVILEGE=() option will be added to the Ingres CREATE and ALTER USER and PROFILE statements. The new WITH option is: DBMS_AUTHENTICATION = {'REQUIRED' | 'OPTIONAL'} This option specifies whether the user can connect via any mechanism other than DBMS authentication. If 'REQUIRED', only connect requests specifying the user and password in the GCA_REQUEST, to a dbauth server, can succeed; other connections including purely local connections will fail. No "security" user can be defined as DBMS_AUTHENTICATION='REQUIRED', which includes the installation owner and the catalog owner $ingres. The default is OPTIONAL. Upon upgrade, existing users convert to OPTIONAL. The new privilege is: CHANGE_PASSWORD This privilege can be specified anywhere that a privilege-list is used: PRIVILEGE= or DEFAULT_PRIVILEGE=. The CHANGE_PASSWORD privilege allows the user to change his/her own password with ALTER USER. Existing users will not receive the privilege during catalog upgrade, since the privilege does not exist currently. Note that the ability to actually change one's password with ALTER USER is a stretch goal. DBMS Authentication106763433 Page 23 of 44 2.2.1 Language changes to Ingres/Star’ Will the language changes be implemented in Ingres/star? If not why not? None, Star does not support CREATE USER. 2.2.2 Language Changes to ABF Will the language changes be implemented in ABF? If not why not? Connections to ABF and imaged 4GL applications are governed by the libq/esql rules listed in 2.1.2, as ABF/4GL uses libq for database connections. Depending on where 4GL CONNECT statement options are validated, the new -user connect option may need to be added to the 4GL runtime. 4GL will have to be checked to see if it supports and validates the CREATE/ALTER USER options. No other language changes. 2.2.3 Language Changes to Database Procedures Will the language changes be implemented or be functional inside database procedures? If not why not? None. 2.2.4 Language Changes to Embedded SQL pre-compilers Will the language changes be implemented in the embedded SQL Precompilers? If not why not? The ESQL grammar will need to be checked to see if it validates CREATE/ALTER user with-options; if it does, the new DBMS_AUTHENTICATION option and CHANGE_PASSWORD privilege will have to be supported. 2.2.5 Effects on dynamic SQL Will the language changes work in dynamic SQL? If not why not? None DBMS Authentication106763433 Page 24 of 44 2.3 IMPLICATIONS FOR GCA Is there anything about this feature (including language or data-type changes) that will require a new GCA message type or have any other affect on GCA? No changes to GCA, existing GCA protocol will be used. 2.4 CONNECTION PARAMETERS No change to API or API-based connection parameters. As noted above, the DBMS-password connection parameter is meaningless and ignored when connecting to a dbauth server, but the parameter will still be accepted. ESQL (libq) will have the -user option added to the EXEC SQL CONNECT OPTIONS= string. This is a convenience option aimed at making dbauth connections from ESQL programs easier and more consistent. Syntax details for -user: -user[=username[,password]] Pass username as the "remote system user" and password as the "remote system password", ie the dbauth user and password. If password is omitted, the ESQL runtime will prompt, using IIUIpassword (the same routine used by the -P option today). If user is omitted, the logged-in OS effective user (geteuid) will be used. Note that if IIUIpassword is unsuitable, the application is free to acquire a username and password in any way it likes, and pass them using vnode syntax or user-password connection options. If -user is specified, the database name must not include any [user,password] syntax. The -user option is supported in the EXEC SQL CONNECT OPTIONS= string. The exact same syntax will be used on the command line, for those utilities that support it. Note: for local connections, the local_system_user (password) and remote_system_user (password) are essentially equivalent. (They can be different if the connecting program is a "trusted" server, i.e. a Star server, but DBMS Authentication106763433 Page 25 of 44 we're considering client connections here.) For remote connections, the values sent to the remote server are the remote_system_user and password. The -user option will always send the user and password as the remote user / password since that will do the right thing in all scenarios. 2.5 LANGUAGE, UNICODE AND INTERNATIONALIZATION ISSUES Is there anything about this feature that causes it to have unique characteristics or testing requirements when implemented for the international market and support for international or multi-byte character sets including Unicode (UTF16 or UTF8)? No changes. 2.6 IMPLICATIONS FOR INGRES/STAR Does this feature have any implication for Ingres/Star? If so what are they? Star servers can be defined as dbauth enabled. A dbauth-enabled Star server will remember the password included with an unauthenticated (i.e. dbauth) connection request, and in turn supply that password to any LDB's that that session connects to. This implies that the LDB should also be dbauth. There does not at present appear to be any good way to mix dbauth and non-dbauth LDB's, other than by making the DBMS and relevant OS passwords the same. 2.7 IMPLICATIONS FOR DBA TOOLS Does the feature have any implications for the DBA tools such as copydb, auditdb, rollforwarddb, verifydb? Would a new verifydb option be useful? Tools will need to be updated for: 1. CREATE/ALTER USER update (for new privileges) 2. Test connections will need to be updated due to change in behavior for netutil test. In netutil, either two "Test" function keys are needed, or the existing Test should dispatch to a submenu offering Host Connection and DB Connection. Note, this is a stretch goal. DBMS Authentication106763433 Page 26 of 44 3. Command line utilities will need to accept the -user option on the command line. (Required for terminal monitor, stretch goal for everything else.) 4. VDBA? Actian Director will need to be updated to support the new CREATE USER options, and possibly to address the semantic change in "connection test". Visual DBA probably has something in it that needs attention, however it's not clear whether we want to "fix" it, take out whatever would otherwise need to be changed, or just leave it alone. 2.8 NEW IMA/MIB OBJECTS Did you add any IMA objects as part of this feature? Are there any that would be useful that perhaps you didn’t add because of lack of time? None 2.9 NEW TRACE POINTS Trace points should be avoided in favor of IMA objects. If you added any trace points detail them here with an explanation of why it was not suitable for an IMA object. No new trace points are envisaged. 2.10 CATALOG ALTERATIONS Does the feature add or alter the Ingres catalogs, either DBMS catalogs, frontend catalogs, or iidbdb catalogs? If so, fill in the details here and be sure to update the document containing the catalog spec, which can be found here: User catalog iiuser will be changed to support the DBMS_AUTHENTICATION option and CHANGE_PASSWORD privilege. Fortunately, there are a number of existing privilege bits formerly used for B1 security that are no longer used; two of these will be re-purposed and the rest forcibly cleared for future use. DBMS Authentication106763433 Page 27 of 44 2.11 IMPLICATION FOR GATEWAYS Does this feature have any implications for the Ingres gateways? Do any SQL language changes need to be considered for implementation in gateway products? Enterprise Access Gateways would like to make use of this feature; gateway team should be involved when discussing GCN registration mechanism. 2.12 IMPLICATIONS FOR DATABASE DRIVERS Does this feature have any implications for any of the database drivers such as ODBC, JDBC, Python, PHP, Ruby, etc? Do any SQL language changes need to be considered for implementation in these drivers? Drivers should already be using the (remote) username/password connection options. May need to review drivers for local usage when overriding (i.e. impersonating) the username and password as a non-super user. E.g. in ODBC. JDBC will need to be tested with local user (with new name/password specified) and DBMS_AUTHENTICATION='REQUIRED' set for that user. 2.13 IMPLICATIONS FOR OPENROAD Does this feature have any implications for OpenROAD? De sure to mention any changes to ADF that are necessary to implement this feature, they often impact OpenROAD. Do any SQL language changes need to be considered for implementation in OpenROAD OpenROAD will need to change to support the CREATE/ALTER USER changes. It may also be desirable to support the -user connection option. Needs someone OR-knowledgeable to weigh in! 2.14 DESIGN LIMITATIONS AND ASSUMPTIONS This section should list current limitations and assumptions made in the design. A basic assumption is that Ingres users are defined installation-wide, not perserver or per-database. DBMS Authentication106763433 Page 28 of 44 The current design does not attempt to solve or deal with dbauth-enabled Star operating in mixed dbauth / non-dbauth environments. While the exact behavior is will defined, the results may or may not be useful. 2.14.1 Dependencies Does this feature depend on any external functionality (such as an XML parser, or some other similar piece of code that does not belong to Ingres)? Does this feature depend on another feature that will be, or has been coded in this release of the product? Describe the dependency. None. 2.15 PLATFORM SPECIFIC ISSUES None. 2.16 PRODUCT INTERACTION Does this feature cause any changes in the way that Ingres products interact with each-other other than already detailed in the above sections? Are there certain products that will/will no work with this feature (this is more relevant to tools such as VDBA and new middle-ware servers)? Actian Director may have to be at least somewhat aware of the target installation capabilities so as to send / not send DBMS_AUTHENTICATION option or CHANGE_PASSWORD privilege in CREATE or ALTER USER statements. 2.17 PATENT INFORMATION If there is any technology being developed for this feature that could be considered for a patent, NOTE: the information here. N/A DBMS Authentication106763433 Page 29 of 44 3 EXTERNAL SPECIFICATION 3.1 USER PERSPECTIVE In this section, the focus is on the tasks that a user will perform with this feature. Describe what the feature does and how it works form a user perspective. Focus on how it is used to perform the function described in the high level description. Provide screen shots if appropriate Once Ingres is installed, the installation owner should be able to create a user, e.g.: > sql iidbdb CREATE USER fred WITH PASSWORD = 'secret'; \p\g \q Assume that dbauth is turned on for the following examples. A user logged in locally (on the server machine) can connect as before, assuming that the user is defined with dbms authentication optional: sql dbname If the user is defined with dbms authentication required, the connection attempt fails. Note that in the successful case, even if the user has a dbms password, no password prompt occurs, nor any dbms password validation. DBMS Authentication106763433 Page 30 of 44 The user may also connect, either as themselves or as some other Ingres user, using dbms authentication. Since “sql” is a libq program, the -user option can be invoked, or the local-vnode syntax used: sql -user dbname sql -user=fred dbname sql '@[fred,secret]::dbname' In the first two examples, the user is prompted for the password before the DBMS connection is made. The first example connects as the logged-in OS user, the second connects as user 'fred'. In the third example, the password is entered on the command line. For the last two examples, user fred need not be an OS user. As a side note, if dbauth is NOT enabled at the server end, the last two examples still work; except that fred would then have to be an OS user, and the password would have to be fred's OS password. If fred had a dbms password defined, with dbauth off, the server will request a password prompt for the DBMS password. (Thus, the -user=fred example might get two password prompts if dbauth is off.) If connecting to a remote host using dbauth, either a vnode or inline vnode syntax can be used: sql vnode::dbname (user, password in the vnode) sql '@host,VW[fred,secret]::dbname' (inline) sql -user=fred @host,VW::dbname (prompts for password) The effective-user capability does not conflict with the -user option. As an example, if user fred has DB_ADMIN privileges for the database, he can connect and authenticate as himself, but then run the session with a different effective user: sql -user=fred -u ralph dbname In this example, the user is prompted for a password (which will be user fred's password), and the user (fred) and password are authenticated by the DBMS. Once the session is established, the effective user (ralph) is set. DBMS Authentication106763433 Page 31 of 44 API and API-based connections (ODBC, JDBC, .NET) all have a directly specified username and password that correspond directly to the GCA_REQUEST username and password. Those clients would not see any change, other than having the user/password authenticated by the DBMS against the iidbdb user/password instead of by the GCN against an OS user/password. As mentioned before, any DBMS password sent by an API or API-based application to a dbauth server would be ignored. 3.2 INSTALLATION AND ADMINISTRATION PERSPECTIVE Include any special installation and setup tasks, system parameters or other preparations that are necessary prior to use. Describe the steps needed to setup and get the component going and any ongoing administration that will need to be performed if relevant. List all configuration parameters that apply to this feature here. The installers will ask whether to install with dbauth turned on or off. The relevant configuration parameter will be ii.hostname.dbms.configname.dbms_authentication: ON/OFF The default will be OFF. The iii.$.secure.user_password parameter will be deprecated and ignored. (That parameter allowed an installation to prevent the creation of DBMS passwords, which is of dubious use in any case, and is untenable with dbauth on.) 3.3 MIGRATION ISSUES Describe any special steps required to migrate from existing versions Ingres/OpenROAD to this version that arise because of this feature. Does this feature have any new catalogs or other implications for upgradedb? Is the component going to be backward compatible? Can this version co-exist with an older version? Feature is expected to be backward compatible, that is, old remote client should work with new (remote) dbauth enabled servers assuming that the DBMS password defined in iiuser is compatible with the vnode password. DBMS Authentication106763433 Page 32 of 44 When an existing installation is upgraded, existing users will be set to dbms_authentication=’optional’, and will not get the change_password privilege. 3.4 SECURITY IMPACT Does anything about the function need securing? Could it do any damage? Could it cause the display of sensitive information? Does the implementation methodology do anything that produces a potential security exposure, such as run as root or Ingres (if this is an application)? Security is paramount in this project as security is the main focus! No changes are expected to the way we handle passwords as they are between the client and the server (the biggest exposure point of passwords to external observers). That is, the traditional username password exchange will be unmodified; usernames sent as plain text, passwords will be encrypted as they are today. The server side implementation will make some effort to wipe memory areas holding passwords. Any password held for long-term storage (such as in Star, for LDB connects) will be obscured if not encrypted while in memory. The goal is to avoid casual password collection in the event of unintended access to the server memory image (core dump, etc). DBMS Authentication106763433 Page 33 of 44 4 INTERNAL SPECIFICATION 4.1 ESTIMATED TASKS AND EFFORT Estimate the engineering effort to code and test the component ready for hand over to QA and Technical Writing. If it is a large function, break it up into smaller “function points” and estimate each one. For large projects, filling out the table below and should help but is not required. Estimates should be effort to code complete; that is engineering effort assuming 100% of an engineer’s time is used, which will not normally be equal to elapsed time for the project. Estimates should include time to: Code the feature and all of the error checking required for the feature (error checking may be up to 50% of the code in the DBMS) Test your code and make corrections Write and post an integration plan (or more than one for large projects) Run HandoffQA for each proposed submission and check the results As a guide, an experienced engineer who already knows the code will normally write and sanity test about 100 lines of code per day; engineers with less experience or those that are new to the code will write less. Factor about 20% of the time it took to code for final testing and fixes. Look at existing modules to help make an estimate of the number of lines of code required. Tasks should normally be submitted as they are sane and complete, so the formula might be something like: Time for task = (no_of_lines / 100) + 2 days for IP and HandoffQA Total time = Sum (time for all tasks) + 20% for overall testing and fixes Click here to begin typing Task Effort (persondays) Assigned to Done (yes/no) Tested (yes/no) Description of task DBMS Authentication106763433 Page 34 of 44 Total days TOTAL - - - 4.2 PROGRAMMING List programs and modules written, changed or deleted. Initially this will be a first pass estimate of what needs to be changed, it will likely change during the course if the project. The version of this document at code complete will contain the modules or programs that actually changed. GCA changes to pass GCA_REQUEST password thru to server are already done. Server side: Implement new iiuser privs for DBMS_AUTHENTICATION, CHANGE_PASSWORD. Add syntax to create/alter user parsing. See if same needed in profile row, at the very least make sure that profiles don't interfere. Read and store dbms_authentication config parameter. Collect password from GCA_LISTEN request, store it someplace until scs_initiate does user validation, then validate the password. Implement dbauth-required check. Toss password after validation unless Star; Star has to put it somewhere with session lifetime. Record fact of dbauth connect, ignore GCA_RUPASS if so. Star: pass gca_password to LDB if dbauth session. (stretch) Implement ALTER USER PASSWORD= for change-password enabled users. This will probably involve a special bypass for the alter user privilege check against maintain_users, which is why it's stretch. In libq : utils/ui : tools: Add -user to connect option processing in libq (libqgca). Teach tools (as many as possible, tm minimum) about -user on the command line. Just need to accept/pass the option, don't need to validate it; exec sql connect will do the checking and prompting. Command line option checker needs to enforce -user interactions (no -P, DBMS Authentication106763433 Page 35 of 44 no [user,pwd] or does that go in exec sql connect, or both? (Implementation will choose.) Elsewhere / misc: CREATE/ALTER USER options in esql, 4GL parsers. Upgradedb work for iiuser: clear old B1 junk, set new option defaults. Bump the iidbcapabilities SQL level, and/or add new capability indicating that new user privs exist (see Noteworthy Issues). Add dbms_authentication config param to cbf, all the usual crs things (including cbf help). Actian Director changes to support new user options and to deal with oldversion compatibility. 4.3 COMPATIBILITY LIBRARY INTERFACE CHANGES Describe any changes made to the compatibility library interface. Any changes described here should be copied to CL platform reviewers for approval before changes are made, and the CL spec should be updated to reflect the new interface. Current platform reviewers are: Darren Horler – VMS Viktoriya Driker - Windows Bob Bonchik, Alex Hanshaw – UNIX Alex Hanshaw - Linux None envisioned at present. 4.4 INTERFACE How do other components that are external to the design interact with this component? Describe methods and rules of interaction. Communication protocols; is GCA affected? Other? Changes of facility call interfaces in the DBMS (e.g. is dmf_call changed?) Changes to the interface of non static functions DBMS Authentication106763433 Page 36 of 44 New error codes or error conditions that will be logged or propagated up the stack to other functions. Has the error handling for those functions been updated? GCA_LISTEN reply will now contain a password and a new "unauthenticated" flag. (already done) 4.5 BUILD IMPLICATIONS Does this feature require any special jam rules? Did it require any changes in jam MANIFEST files? Any new build targets? Any other build alterations? 4.6 UI RESOURCE/PROPERTIES FILES This section is largely relevant to GUI applications like OpenROAD and can be removed for DBMS features. Provide the names of the files required by the UI and Messages File Name Byte Count Word Count Format Comments 4.7 BITMAP RESOURCES This section is largely relevant to GUI applications like OpenROAD and can be removed for DBMS features. Provide the bitmap resources. File Comments DBMS Authentication106763433 Page 37 of 44 4.8 ICON FILES This section is largely relevant to GUI applications like OpenROAD and can be removed for DBMS features. Provide the icon files used. File Comments Release note System requirements 4.9 PICCOLO CHANGE NUMBERS Provide piccolo change numbers for changes made for this feature. This will be filled in after the fact and should include change numbers for propagations of the same change to other branches if appropriate Change Number Submitted to (code-branch) Submission date main DBMS Authentication106763433 Page 38 of 44 5 IMPACT AND DOCUMENTATION SUMMARY The estimates in this section are approximate and are intended to give other groups such as Technical Writing, Services, Support and QA an idea of the impact this change will have. Need to document new feature in new features/readme guide/section. Need to document CREATE/ALTER USER additions. Need to document config option for enable/disable dbauth. Need to document @[name,pass]::dbname syntax. Need to better and more fully document EXEC SQL CONNECT OPTIONS= options (currently one is referred to the command reference for the sql command!) Need to document new -user connect / cmdline option. 5.1 PRODUCT/COMPONENT IMPACTS 5.1.1 Entities List the tools, commands, reports and messages that are impacted by the development of the module/function. Use the table below to summarize these changes; you can refer to other sections for details. Entity New Modified Comments Tool Commands Messages Help Modules 5.2 DOCUMENTATION List the existing end-user documentation that is affected by modules changes, and how it is affected. Be as specific and thorough as possible. DBMS Authentication106763433 Page 39 of 44 MANUAL CHANGES NEEDED Estimated # of Pages Installation Guide Database Administrator Guide System Administrator Guide Connectivity Guide SQL Reference Guide Command Reference Guide Migration Guide DBMS Authentication106763433 Page 40 of 44 6 QUALITY ISSUES Look at the component from the QA point of view. Suggest any special tests that will stress the component. Think how to make the component NOT work and what special tests should be performed on this component. This is a guideline to the QA testing procedures. 6.1 UNIT TESTING SUMMARY Testing individual functions or subroutines in isolation is called unit testing. Unit testing in some cases requires the developer to use stubs and drivers. Describe the unit testing you did in these sections. Attach all unit tests to the wiki page for this feature so that they are available to QA. 6.1.1 Unit Testing Description List and unit testing planned or done. Click here to begin typing 6.2 HANDOFFQA IMPACT In this section you should document expected or observed diffs in HandofQA caused by the feature as well as other things that impact HandoffQA; should any new tests be added to HandoffQA for this feature to prevent regression? 6.3 TESTING RECOMMENDATIONS Suggest other additional function tests that are necessary. Special test requirements, for example: the security levels, hardware or software configurations, code page and multiple code pages, multi-system issues. NOTE: anything that cannot be tested in a lab and which might require field tests. What can go wrong? How are these situations dealt with? Testing scenarios should be reasonably obvious. Some specifics to test: New client using -user connecting to old installation, or to non-dbauth server. (Should work with password being the OS password, assuming the user is a valid Ingres + OS user.) DBMS Authentication106763433 Page 41 of 44 ODBC / JDBC / .NET connections to a non-OS user using dbauth. Various combinations of supplying / omitting password when connecting to authentication-required / optional user in a dbauth server. Verify that local connection to auth required user in dbauth server fails. Verify that old style DBMS password is ignored by dbauth server (dbms password conn parameter, or -P option for command line tools). Note that it's OK for the password prompt to occur, not OK for the server to ever reject a connection because of it. Verify basic operation of dbauth Star with dbauth Ingres LDB servers. Might be useful to experiment with dbauth Star and non-dbauth LDB server such as a MS gateway to make sure it works as long as passwords are compatible. 6.4 REGRESSION RISK ASSESSMENT What would be the implications of failure in the component? Is the code complex? What is the potential for destabilizing existing functions? What other areas of the product/component interact with this module? Unexpected code de-stabilization is unlikely because the code changes are relatively small and localized. The greatest risk is that the spec has overlooked something important and that we are painting ourselves into a corner somehow. 6.4.1 Backward Compatibility Issues Is there anything that should be tested for backward compatibility? Does this feature affect how a down-rev client connects the current version of the DBMS? Did the GCA protocol level change? Is upgradedb required? No problems expected, but this will need to be tested! E.g. Ingres 2.6 client against a new dbauth server. DBMS Authentication106763433 Page 42 of 44 7 PACKAGING AND INSTALLATION IMPACT Indicate any special packaging or installation requirements. Detail what the packaging and installation requirements, if any, will be. Detail any new files that are required, remember they should be added to the manifest, you are responsible for doing this as part of the project. No change to packaging, but installer/setup scripts may prompt for default authentication mechanism (with suitable wording), for example: Authentication mechanism for server: DBMS Authentication (default) | Traditional Ingres or possibly Operating System Authentication (traditional) Whilst individual servers can be configured, it makes sense for the installer to treat this as a global setting. Individual server dbauth variance is unlikely to be useful with DBMS servers; it's likely to be more common with gateways, which are not installed in the same package as the DBMS. DBMS Authentication106763433 Page 43 of 44 8 SUPPORT IMPACT Detail any diagnostics or trace facilities built in to the component including new IMA objects, trace points, or other build time or run-time diagnostics. NOTE: anything that could be made into a good supportability tool. NOTE: components that are: Difficult to diagnose (for example: no tracing facility, dependent on specific timing) Difficult to service Include workarounds where appropriate. No new diagnostics or trace points are envisioned. Existing GCA tracing capabilities should suffice. 8.1 EXAMPLES AND TESTS Detail any example or test code that you wrote during the development of the feature that may be useful to help support, QA, or customers to understand the feature or useful to QA for testing. Attach all example and test code or details to the wiki page for this feature DBMS Authentication106763433 Page 44 of 44