Gustavus Ultimate J-term Workout Plan “What Doesn’t Kill You Only Makes You Stronger” Assembled by Ross Puffer With input from Erik “Massie” Huemiller and Pat “The Wolf” Gaetz -Complete the workouts in your small groups. In order to see improvements, you need to follow this plan. That means showing up for the workouts and being accountable for completing the whole workout. IT WILL SUCK, I promise you. We are all going to be doing these and will all take part in the ensuing suckfest, so show up, get it done and then we can smoke some teams come this spring. -Get with your group members to decide a time that you will be able to complete the workout when all of you can make it. If someone doesn’t show up, find out why and try and get them to make it to the rest of the workouts. We understand that everyone won’t be able to make it to all of these, but do your best to be there for as many as you can. J-Term Workout Schedule Week 1 Handlers Cutters Long Week 2 Handlers Cutters Long Week 3 Handlers Cutters Long Week 4 Handlers Cutters Long Monday 5-Jan 2 6 1 12-Jan 7 3 4 19-Jan 5 1 3 26-Jan 3 6 1 Tuesday 6-Jan 300 300 300 13-Jan 300 300 300 20-Jan 300 300 300 27-Jan 300 300 300 Wednesday 7-Jan 6 1 3 14-Jan 1 2 7 21-Jan 2 7 2 28-Jan 6 2 6 Thursday 8-Jan 300 300 300 15-Jan 300 300 300 22-Jan 300 300 300 29-Jan 300 300 300 Friday 9-Jan 4 5 2 16-Jan 6 4 1 23-Jan 7 3 4 30-Jan 4 5 3 Sunday 11-Jan Fun Fun Fun 18-Jan Pool Pool Pool 25-Jan Fun Fun Fun 1-Feb Pool Pool Pool -Explanations of workout numbers on next page. Pool workouts will be led by Studahar. -Fun workouts will be full team workout days led by the captains. -All workouts should begin with a 10 minute warm-up jog. It should be around 1 mile in length. -At least 10 minutes of stretching should be done after warm-up. This is a very rigorous workout schedule and without proper stretching, injury could very easily occur. Be smart, if you get injured, you will have wasted this workout plan because you won’t be able to play in the spring. -Warm up should conclude with 3-6 repetitions of "Striders," which are 30-50 meter runs of gradually accelerating speed. This will assist you in making your transition to a faster rhythm after your slower warm-up pace. -After warm-ups on M/F if you are not doing workout 7, there are agility drills. Practice them until they can be done at full speed then do 2 Full ladders. Do Tango and Uhler Dance Mondays, Fridays do Lateral and In and Out. - M/W/F workouts will end with a set of 8 minute abs explained on next page. -300 workout is a bitch, not joking. We will work up to the full stated workout and hopefully by the end of January some team members will be able to complete it fully without breaks and compete for the fastest time. I know everyone is competitive, but be careful with this workout, it could injure you if you are not careful. -After doing the M/W/F workouts, end with Workout Explanations: 8 Minute Abs: -All exercises should be completed without breaks in between 40X Crunches 40X Crunches to the left (not side crunches, just crunch up to the left) 40X Crunches to the right 40X Push Throughs (Join your hands together still in crunch position and push them through your legs) 40X Heel Touches (While still in crunch position reach to touch your heels without pulling your legs in at all) 60X Side Crunches Left (Lie on your right side and bring your left side straight up) 60X Side Crunches Right 40X Kick Ups (Lie on your back with your legs bent at 90 degrees above you. Your ass should be about 3 to 4 inches off the ground in the rest position and you kick your legs up vertically and then bring them back down without letting your ass touch the ground) 40X Bicycles (Left+Right=1) 40X Crunches (Keep your hand on your abs to feel them contract, left for first 20, right for 2nd 20) -Complete this workout after every M/W/F aerobic workout, we’ll have some sexy abs. 1) Interval workout: 1 x 800 - 2:30 rest between (4 laps) - medium speed 3 x 200 -45 second rest between (3 laps) - close to sprinting 1 x 600 - 2 minute rest between (3 laps) - fast speed 3 x 200 - 30 second rest between (3 laps) - sprinting 2 x 400 - 1:30 minute rest between (4 laps) - faster speed 3 x 200 - 20 second rest between (3 laps) - sprinting 2 x 300 - 1 minute rest between (3 laps) - close to sprinting 2) Sprints: 10x 200 in 2 sets of 5. – Aim for completion of 200m in 31s for all 10 reps. There will only be 1 minute rest between reps with 5 minutes rest between sets. 3) Medium Distance: 6 x 400 meters in 2 sets of 3 (12 laps) - 2 minutes between reps and 3 minutes after the first set and 2 minutes after the second set 3 x 300 meters (4.5 laps) - 40 seconds between reps and 1:30 after last rep. 1 x 600 meters (3 laps) 4) More Interval stuff: 1 set of 3x400: 1:30 between each one; 3 minutes between sets - Fast Pace 2 sets of 3x200: 55 sec rest between each one; 2:30 rest between sets - Fast with a kick 1 set of 4x100: 35 sec rest between each; 3 min rest after set - Build up concentrating on form 1x400: 2:30 rest - Pump it out 2 sets of 5x40: 20 sec rest between each one (walking back to line); 2 minutes between sets - these are for form and acceleration when you are tired 5) Dynamic work with some sprints: The workout will be doing the dynamic exercises on one straight away of the track and sprints on the other straight away. Recover on the curves with a light jog. Remember this is for a 200 m track, so one straight away is 50 meters here. Laps 1 -2: Quick high knees Laps 3-4: Butt-kicks Laps 5-6: Shuffle Laps 7-8: Carioca Laps 9-10: Backpedals (first lap is quick short backpedals a-la NFL cornerback, second lap is long, heels to ass and then extension backpedals) Laps 11-12: Sky-ems (High Knee Jumps) Laps 13-16: Sprint both straights, jog the corners. 6) SPEED WORKOUT 3 x 200 meters (35 second rest) rest 3 minutes 3 x 200 meters (45 second rest) rest 2 minutes 3 x 200 meters (55 second rest) rest 2:30 minutes 3 x 200 meters (65 second rest) rest 1:30 minutes 3 x 200 meters (75 second rest) 7) Crushers: 2x Crusher – Start on baseline of BB court. Run to free throw line, do 10 pushups, run back to baseline. Run to half court, do 10 situps, run back. Run to farthest free throw, do 10 pushups, run back. Run to opposite baseline, do 10 situps, run back. -Do Drills 2 and 3. For Drill 2, each member does it 3 times without break between. (Hit all four corners, then sit back down and do it ag -For Drill 3, Down and back is 1. Make sure each person does 5 reps. Drill #2 – Agility T Drill Set up a series of cones similar to the diagram below. The working player starts by sitting down cross legged. On the start command they run to their right and back, run backwards and back an then to the left and back at full speed. A server (yellow) can be added to throw a ball which the working must catch and throw back or volley back etc. Drill #3 – Sprint Lateral Shuffle Set up a series of markers similar to the diagram below. Starting at the first marker sprint to the second marker and side step to the third marker. Continue until the end. Rest and repeat in the other direction so side steps lead with opposite foot. -end with 2x 15 workout. The 15 workout is where you line up on the sideline of the BB court and run the widths. One width of the BB court counts as 1. You must complete 15 widths of the court in 1 minute to successfully complete the 15. If everyone in the group doesn’t finish all 15 in one minute, the rep doesn’t count. Our basketball team used to do 18s, so if you have a problem getting 15, you need to work harder. -300 workout explanation on next page. -If you are not already in considerable shape, do not attempt to do the full workout right away, work up to it. Start out by cutting the repetitions in half, doing a 150. Take off some of the weight if you can’t do all of it right away. The true workout does not allow breaks between exercises, but since you will be completing this workout in groups, rest while your partners are completing the exercises. This will also allow you to work up to the level that you will need to complete it fully. For full video explanation of how to do each workout, go to google and type in 300 workout. Then click the first video that pops up. "One actor from 300, Andrew Pleavin, completed the workout in 18 minutes,11 seconds," says Ballantyne. "He didn't practice this workout...and neither did I. My time? 19:07. My butt was kicked by a Hollywood actor!" "It's a brutal workout, starting out strong and slowing down, finishing at a crawl," explains Ballantyne. "I don't plan on doing that any time soon or, really, ever again." For a Spartan-sized challenge to your daily routine, consider this your new fitness gauntlet: a) Pullups - 25 reps b) Deadlifts with 135lbs - 50 reps c) Pushups - 50 reps d) 24-inch Box jumps - 50 reps e) Floor wipers - 50 reps – (Since it is tough to get this setup in the Gustavus Weightroom, I substituted a 135 lb. bench press bar with two 65 lb dumbbells. f) Single-arm Clean-and-Press with 36lbs Kettlebell - 50 reps – (Instead of Kettelbell, use 35 lb dumbbell because Gustavus doesn’t have Kettlebells) g) Pullups - 25 reps All exercises are done without scheduled rest between moves. Obviously this is an advanced shouldn't do it unless you are already in great shape. Fortunately, this can all easily be adapted. Drop down to 150 total reps, or 4-6 exercises of 15-25 reps each. This is a good thing to start with. Then slowly build yourself up to the full workout. Agility workouts Agility ladder drills are about quality and form rather than producing overload. You should not get tired from doing these. They are to work on foot coordination and speed. They are done after the warm up and stretching. It will take some time to get used to the motion, so it is good to take slow runs until you can do them without error at full speed without skipping steps. Once again FORM is the number one priority. Next is speed. Some tips for proper form: Push off from the balls of your feet (not the toes) Pump your hands from shoulder height to hips (men) and from chest height to hips (women) Keep your elbows at 90 degrees at all times Keep your arms, shoulders and hands relaxed Try to keep your head still as much as possible Uhler Dance/ Speed Skater Start with your feet hip width apart to the left of the ladder Step in with right foot, then follow with left Step out to the right with your right foot, then pick up your left foot and step into square two Step into square two with your right foot, then step with your left to the left outside square two Repeat this pattern for the full length of the ladder In-Out Drill Start with your feet hip width apart at the bottom of the ladder Step into the first square with your left foot first, immediately followed by your right foot With your left foot step outside to the left the second square, then immediately step outside the second square with your right foot Step back into the third square with your left foot first, followed by your right foot. Repeat this pattern in fluid motion for the length of the ladder Lateral Feet Start with both feet outside of the first square and to the left Step into the first square with your left foot first, immediately followed by your right foot... in a 1-2 motion Step to the right, outside the first square again with your left foot fist, followed by your right Now step diagonally left into the second square, with the left foot leading always keeping the same 1-2 motion Now step out to the left-hand side of the second square and repeat for the full length of the ladder If you perform several sets of this drill start at different sides of the ladder so your lead foot changes each time Tango Drill Start with both feet outside of the first square and to the left Cross your left leg over your right and into the centre of the first square. Your right leg should immediately follow to the right of the first square, followed by your left leg It's a 1-2-3 motion like you're dancing From here your right foot comes across your left and into the centre of the second square as the pattern is repeated in the opposite direction Repeat for the full length of the ladder These are from