General Ways for local CIS to engage in the CFS process • • • • • • • • • • Lesson Work with CIS Executive Director to plan and conduct working sessions with local CIS Board of Directors and/or Program and Development Committees to identify human resources and materials to support implementation of CFS curriculum lessons. (See below) Purchase Material/Resources Listed in the manuals (or get a $500 sponsor) Request State CIS office to order Free materials/resources listed in manuals. Engage local Colleges, Technical Schools, & Military (mock college fair, campus visits, job shadowing placements) Secure interns from local colleges who can spend 10 hours per week for the entire school year to carry out CFS lessons, coordinate events, and work with PLC staff (ex. Master Level Social Work interns) Engage Businesses & Non-profits (job shadowing, sponsorship of lessons & events, portfolios, group mentor for CFS advisory class, human resources professionals to provide interviewing skills, work ethics workshop) Find ways to assist the School Leader in creating a college-going culture (find sponsors for college application fees, placement testing fees, college paraphernalia in all rooms of the PLC, picture of graduates in the hallway with career goals, college pennants, ,etc.) Engage CIS Partners and CIS Board members as panel members for Student Portfolio Presentations, Lunch & Learns Publicize the parent events and provide incentives Ensure the Academic Coordinator has appointed a CFS lead who will work closely with the Services Coordinator and CIS Executive Director (note: this might be the Services Coordinator) Title Resources Needed from local CIS Order List for 101 & 102 Purchase Material/Resources Listed in the manuals (or get bank to donate $500); Request CIS State office to order free materials. Student incentives (2 per advisory class) 101-1 How to Be Successful at the PLC 101-2 101-4 Intro to Charting for Success: Preparing for the Journey Charting for Success: Individual Development Plans Welcome to your state’s mentor site 101-5 Study Skills: Creating a Culture of Learning 101-6 Learning Your Styles 101-7 Who Am I? 101-8 Career Interest Inventory 101-3 Contact State Mentor site and inquire about possible assistance with CFS *101-1 Involve human resources professionals from CIS partner organizations or local human resources professional association. Utilize career and financial literacy modules of and Involve volunteer 101-9 Career Exploration 101-10 Dress for Success 101-11 Communication Skills 101-12 Dress for Success, Part II: Lunch & Learn – Exploring Careers 101-13 Charting For Success- Individual Development Plan (revisited) 101-14 Job-Shadowing Preparation 101-15 Job-Shadow Day: Post-Visit Reflection 101-16 Dealing with Dollars: Financial Basics 101-17 Dealing with Dollars: Budgeting 101-18 Lunch and Learn: Giving Back -- Contributing to Our Community 101-19 Post–High School Basics 101-20 College Entrance and Placement Testing 101-21 Exploring Your Options: A Mock College Fair 101-22 College Visit Prep 101-23 Tour Debrief 101-24 Charting for a Successful Summer mentors in discussion with students regarding student results Make presentation to CIS Board of Directors to recruit job shadow sites or PLC presentations during classes or morning motivation. Organize fashion show for Morning Motivation. Involve human resources personnel from CIS Board corporations. Involve local media personality and/or HR professionals. Find sponsor for event (Corporate Business to pay for lunch), contact 4 business partners to participate in panel, nametags, tokens of appreciation for panel members *101-7 Work with CIS Executive Director and Board of Directors to contact local businesses/agencies for job shadow placements, transportation *101-8 Work with CIS Executive Director and Board to engage bank and/or auditing firm. Work with CIS Executive Director and Board to engage bank and/or auditing firm. Find sponsor for event (Non-profit to pay for lunch), contact 4 community partners to participate in panel, invite CIS ED to participate in panel, nametags, tokens of appreciation for panel members *101-12 Find sponsor for event (local college, tech school, or military) for refreshments, invite parents to attend college tour *101-7 Contact area post secondary institutions for visits, invite parents to attend college tours, arrange transportation *101-5 Invite CIS Board/program committee members to attend to hear debriefing remarks. Work with CIS Executive Director/Board to provide a list of possible summer jobs and volunteer opportunities, including local summer jobs programs sponsored by government agencies. Lesson Title Resources Needed from local CIS 102-1 How to Be Successful at the PLC Student incentives (2 per advisory class) 102-2 102-4 Intro to Charting for Success: Planning Makes All the Difference Charting for Success: Individual Development Plans Welcome to your state’s mentor site 102-5 Designing Your Future 102-6 Finding Your Field 102-7 Spring Into Fall, Part I 102-8 Spring Into Fall, Part II 102-9 Tour Time: College Visit Prep 102-10 College Entrance and Placement Testing 102-11 Mock Admissions Review 102-12 Alumni Connection 102-13 102-14 Charting for Success: Individual Development Plan (revisited) Scholarship Search – Finding the Free Money 102-15 Preparing for Financial Aid Season 102-16 FAFSA Completion 102-17 Professional Communication 102-18 Job-Shadowing Preparation 102-19 Dealing with Dollars: Credit Basics 102-20 Making Your Admissions Decision 102-21 Dealing with Dollars: College Financing 102-3 Contact State Mentor site and inquire about possible assistance with CFS *102-1 Contact area post secondary institutions for visits, invite parents to attend college tours, arrange transportation *102-1 Sponsorship for fees Locate potential panelists, contact area foundations/scholarship organizations, find a sponsor for refreshments *102-1 Contact State Mentor site and inquire about possible assistance *102-10 Contact State Mentor site and inquire about possible assistance Contact State Mentor site and inquire about possible assistance Contact local businesses/agencies for job shadow placements, transportation *102-9 102-22 Portfolio Preparation 102-23 Portfolio Presentation 102-24 Making the Move: Transitioning to the Next Step Obtain a sponsor to purchase portfolio binders for each student (local printing company, office supply company) *102-1 Recruit panelists for presentations (maybe potential donors to CIS) PARENT EVENTS Lesson Title Resources Needed from local CIS 101 & 102: Semester One Parent Kick-Off: Charting for Success at the PLC 101 Semester One Parent Event: Dress for Success Lunch and Learn (invite parents to attend CFS 101-12) Parent Event: The College Admissions Timeline (Student finalization of admissions writings Parent & Student Event: Alumni Connection Parent Kick-Off, Semester 2: Charting for Success at the PLC (PARENTS & STUDENTS) Find sponsor for each event (Incentives, door prizes, refreshments) Ask Local Insurance Company to sponsor *101-1, 102-1 Invite parents to attend *101-8 102 Semester One 102 Semester One 101 & 102: Semester Two 101 Semester Two Parent Event: Managing Your Money (PARENTS & STUDENTS) 101 Semester Two Parent Event: Financing College 102 Semester Two Parent Event: Financial Aid Information Session (PARENTS & STUDENTS) 102 Semester Two Parent Event: FAFSA Completion (PARENTS & STUDENTS) Find sponsors for college application fees, placement testing fees for students in need (Financial Planning Companies) *102-2 Invite parents to attend Find sponsor for each event (Incentives, door prizes, refreshments) Ask Local Hospital, City, County to sponsor *1011, 102-1 Find a Banking Institution to sponsor the event and provide a representative to present banking info (see 101 Semester 2 Planning for more information) Find a Banking Institution or Financial Planning Company to sponsor the event and provide a representative to present financial info Find a Banking Institution or Financial Planning Company to sponsor the event and provide a representative to present info Find a Banking Institution, College or Technical School to sponsor the event and provide a representative to assist the staff and parents with FAFSA completion CROSS CURRICULAR LESSONS Lesson Title 102 Semester One Cross-Curricular Lesson: Drafting Admissions Writings and Résumés 102 Semester One Cross-Curricular Lesson: Application Completion 101 & 102 Semester Two Cross-Curricular: Financial Literacy Survey * coordinated by Mathematics Learning Facilitator Cross-Curricular: FDIC Money Smart Modules * coordinated by Mathematics Learning Facilitator Cross Curricular: Financial Fitness for Life - Lesson 8: What’s the cost of spending and saving? * coordinated by Mathematics Learning Facilitator Cross Curricular: Financial Fitness for Life - Lesson 14: All About Interest * coordinated by Mathematics Learning Facilitator 101 & 102 Semester Two 102 Semester Two 102 Semester Two *: lesson in which the planning for this event should begin Resources Needed from local CIS Order the free CD ROM from FDIC *101-8 Contact your State’s Jump$tart Coalition to establish a relationship and ask for a representative to present this lesson *101-13 Contact your State’s Jump$tart Coalition to establish a relationship and ask for a representative to present this lesson *101-13