Certified Mail # 7015 0640 0000 0588 7852 Dated: December 23, 2015 From: Patrick Devine Private Bank – Estate and Trust: an internal Copyrighted Foreign Self Government c/o Patrick Devine; Individual Banker 18463 – 208th Avenue – an American Domicile Sigourney, Republic of Iowa 52591-8236 To: Department OF the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Ogden, UT 84201-0039 FOREIGN LETTER OF CREDIT and CREDITS RELEASED AND FOREIGN LETTER OF TOTAL RECALL and my RIGHT OF RECONSTRUCTION. As My Response to your Foreign Piracy and Fraudulent Impersonation/Infringement per: Notice Number: CP215; Date: December 15, 2015; TIN: _____________ Tax Form: CVL PEN; Tax Period: December 31, 2015 To whom it may concern: FOUNDATIONAL STATEMENT: With regard to this CP215 notice sent from one of the agents in the UNITED STATES “SubTreasury Chartered” FOREIGN Governmental - Department of the Treasury – Social Security/IRS Public Banking Agencies; I am here to inform you that I fully understand and that I have the Proof that you are operating as a Foreign “UNITED STATES” - 1871 Copyrighted Government and a UNITED STATES Public Commercial “Foreign” Governmental Department OF the Treasury/Banking Chartered “FOR HIRE and PROFIT” Corporation, which has allowed the usage of Fraudulent US Department OF the Treasury/Banking SS/IRS Contractual Concealments, Fraudulent Assignments and Copyright Infringements; as Public Foreign Banking Acts of MORTMAIN Piracy in order to place me, my Copyrighted Spiritual Employees (who are not for hire) and my American Entitlement ESTATE Vessels into a state of hidden Involuntary Servitude in Violation of the 13th Amendment, by the Impersonation and Infringement of my Court Copyrighted Names and Vessels. This process is also a Violation of your Oath to support the original U.S. Constitution; which you have committed yourself to in the past, as reconstruction act required per the 14th Amendment, section 3; but you are now acting as agents engaged in a Foreign SS/IRS Banking Insurrection and Rebellion against the U.S. Constitution and this Nation to give Aid and Comfort to the Foreign SS/IRS Banking and Beneficial Owner Pirates – the true enemies of this Nation. The Public and Governmental Corporation Bankers and Insurer risk nothing of their own, because they own nothing; as all corporations have to zero their books at the End of each year. Therefore, they have to borrow from the Nation’s Treasury Source, claiming Beneficial Owner Status, which the real Owner Status inherently belongs to the People of this Nation. The Beneficial Owners are the ones that owe All Income Taxes from their Profits. My Letter of Credit and Credits RELEASED: With this Letter and my Fiduciary Powers per the “UCC Banking LAWS Article 5; sect. 5-108 ISSUER'S Rights and Obligations”, I am authorizing a onetime Credits RELEASED from my GUARANTOR’S SS/IRS Public Banking MORTMAIN account # _____________ as a gift settlement for your requested penalty payment of $10,000.00 and an additional $250,000.00 to be deposited within 5 banking days per the Law into my Department of the Treasury – DIRECT EXPRESS account # _____________________, as a Restoration to a person of that of which he has been Wrongly Deprived. You are also the one required to complete your US SS/IRS Banking Forms, not me. If not completed in honor, the Social Security Inspector General and the FBI will be contacted to investigate your Fraudulent Banking Actions. Page 1 of 2 Certified Mail # 7015 0640 0000 0588 7852 FOREIGN LETTER OF TOTAL RECALL and RIGHT OF RECONSTRUCTION: Therefore, my FOREIGN LETTER OF TOTAL RECALL is the recalling of all of my Foreign Ecclesiastical Copyrighted members; Real and Spiritual “SSN and EIN” Persons and Account Vessels to come home as my Reconstruction Act to rebuild my Private Governmental ESTATE within the boundaries of this Nation; it is fully supported and required to be Honored, as it is a RESTITUTIO IN INTEGRUM required by Law and per the Valid U.S. Constitutional Reconstruction Amendments [PRE-1871 Copyrighted UNITED STATES Governmental Banking Charter] of this Nation and an Original Assignor’s Statutory Cesser’s Banking Clause; known as the Statute at Large, Fortieth Congress: Sess. II. Ch. 249. July 27, 1868; the Right of Expatriation Act from any Foreign Banking Piracy Corporation; protected by the American Admiralty and Courts. All Post-1871 U.S. Constitutional Amendments are In-Valid, as they are Foreign US Governmental Banking FRAUDS upon the original U.S. Constitution and the American People. They are the US Corporation Banking Piracy Amendments (16 through 27) and US Codes of Colorable Banking Laws to falsely Control the People through Threats and Intimidations by the usage of fraudulent W-4 Forms where the US Banking Citizens/Employees are actually paying themselves because of the employer’s collateral usage of their SS Credits and then by Licenses and Certificates of Title by the STATES OF that are one sided contracts and have been fraudulently used by their own courts to conceal the means of settlement. My Foreign Ecclesiastical Copyrighted Named Private Individual Employees/Members and Vessels: [Fiduciaries acting as Ambassadors or Diplomatic Representatives; Not For Commercial Hire nor For Commercial Profit] Patrick Devine – “PATRICK DEVINE - SS # ___________ MORTMAIN ESTATE” Fiduciary per EIN ___________. Patrick Devine – “PATRICK DEVINE - FOREIGN GRANTOR TRUST” Fiduciary per EIN ___________. Patrick Devine – “PATRICK DEVINE PRIVATE BANK E & T” Individual Banker per EIN ___________. Patrick Paul Devine – “PATRICK PAUL DEVINE - SS # ___________ MORTMAIN DD214 MILITARY ESTATE” Therefore, any further usage of my Foreign Ecclesiastical Copyrighted Named Private Individual Employees/Members and Vessels and I will be forced to invoke the attached FBI WARNING. I believe that my above Letters and Actions will rectify all of your misunderstandings of who I am, as one of the American People; a Real Birthed Original Owner of the Treasury of this Nation, therefore I could never be a Debtor nor Owe any Taxes to any Fraudulent Blood-Sucking Banking Piracy Corporation. Now, please remove all of your recorded Fraudulent Penalties and Taxes against me and my copyrighted persons from your US SS/IRS Banking Records and complete the Restoration to me, all of my Foreign Credits held in the US Corporation SS/IRS Commercial Banking “Beneficial Owner” Fraudulent Concealments. If not, I will invoke the U.S. Admiralty and/or Ecclesiastical Court actions against all piracy parties involved; after the Banking Inspector Generals and the FBI have completed their investigations. By Two a Man is to be known, I give you 3 individuals in Honor as an attested Foreign Affidavit, Signed By: __________________________________ Patrick Devine; Fiduciary per EIN ___________ Signed By: ______________________________________ Patrick Devine; Individual Banker per EIN ___________ Signed and Sealed By: _____________________________________ Patrick; of the family Devine; the American Owner Page 2 of 2