Unit 1 Study Guide

Unit 1 Study Guide
CRIJ 101 Introduction to Law and Justice
Chapters 1-4
At which stage in the criminal justice process does the defendant enter a plea?
The preliminary hearing is used to decide whether:
Which model emphasizes individual rights?
Which model emphasizes the efficient arrest and conviction of criminal offenders?
When an offender receives a ________ sentence, he or she serves one sentence after
another is completed.
Which of the following terms means procedural fairness?
All of the following rights are stated in the Miranda warning except:
Which stage of the criminal justice process examines issues of fact and law for the purpose
of reaching a judgment of conviction or acquittal of the defendant?
Bail is usually set at the:
10) The ________ Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is concerned with the criminal
11) Which Supreme Court case mandated that states provide lawyers for defendants who are
unable to pay for them?
12) If a defendant waives her right to a jury trial, what type of trial will she have?
13) The scientific study of the causes and prevention of crime is called:
14) In criminal proceedings, a writ issued by a judicial officer directing a law enforcement
15) A formal, written accusation submitted to a court by a prosecutor, alleging that a specified
person has committed a specified offense.
16) Which index crime has the highest clearance rate?
17) Which major crime is most frequently reported to the police according to the UCR/NIBRS?
18) The unlawful taking or attempted taking of property that is in the immediate possession of
another, by force or the threat of force, is known as:
19) Most incidents of hate crime are motivated by:
20) The ________ is based on victim's reports rather than on police reports.
21) Each of the following offenses falls under the category of larceny except for:
22) Who was the first scholar to define white collar crime?
23) Simple assaults:
24) Which of the following data sources asks respondents to reveal an illegal activity in which
they have been involved?
25) Which Part I offense is least likely to occur?
26) The Uniform Crime Reporting Program is based on:
27) All of the following crimes are UCR/NIBRS Part I offenses except:
28) What is a term used to describe crimes that occur but are not reported to the police?
29) Clearances are based primarily on:
30) What piece of federal gun control legislation established a national instant criminal
background check system?
31) Which of the following is not a fundamental assumption of psychological theories?
32) Walter Reckless's containment theory describes two types of containment, which are
known as
33) A juvenile who steals a candy bar and states "No one was really hurt," is using which
neutralization technique?
34) Which school of criminology explains criminal behavior by looking at physical
characteristics and/or genetic makeup?
35) What is atavism?
36) Which of the following terms refers to normlessness?
37) Which of the following theories proposes that the likelihood of crime increases when an
individual's bond to society weakens?
38) According to Sutherland, criminal behavior is:
39) Marvin Wolfgang and Franco Ferracuti are often associated with which of the following
40) According to Sykes and Matza, a criminal who states "I'm a product of my background"
would be:
41) ________ criminology places the blame for criminality and deviant behavior upon
officially sanctioned cultural and economic arrangements.
42) An eighteenth-century approach to crime causation and criminal responsibility that grew
out of the enlightenment and that emphasized the role of free will and reasonable
43) A perspective on criminological thought that views offensive and deviant behavior as the
product of dysfunctional personalities.
44) Which theoretical perspective investigates developments and turning points in the course of
a person's life over time?
45) Neoclassical criminology emphasizes:
46) Which of the following refers to a traditional body of early unwritten legal precedents
created from everyday social customs, rules, and practices?
47) What term expresses the belief that a society must be governed by established principles to
maintain order?
48) ________ regulates the gathering of evidence and the processing of offenders by the
criminal justice system.
49) Most crimes have three elements. Which one of these is not one of the elements?
50) Our legal system generally recognizes all of the following broad categories of defenses
51) Which of the following is a justification defense?
52) Which of the following is a procedural defense?
53) An excuse defense includes which of the following?
54) How many levels or types of mens rea can be distinguished?
55) A special category of crimes that require no culpable mental state.
56) Which Constitutional Amendment guarantees the right to a speedy trial?
57) Bob is sitting on a park bench minding his own business when an undercover police officer
comes up to Bob and talks him into buying some marijuana. Then the officer arrests Bob
for possession of marijuana. Bob can claim the defense of:
58) The coexistence of (1) an act in violation of the law and (2) a culpable mental state.
59) A/An ________ offense is an offense not yet completed. Also, an offense that consists of
an action or conduct that is a step toward the intended commission of the offense.
60) A criminal offense punishable by death or by incarceration in prison for at least one year.