Power System Stabilizer Data Collection Form PSS_Study.doc Instructions: 3 Complete all entries on the following sheets 4 All attached drawings should be 8.5 x 11”. Larger drawings should be reduced or copied in segments 5 Refer to the notes on the final page for definitions and to ensure that data entries are consistent 6 email completed form to les@kestrelpower.com 1.0 General Information 1.1 Utility/Plant/Unit _____________________, __________________, ___ 1.2 Customer Contact Name: ___________________________ Company: ___________________________ Title: ___________________________ Address: ___________________________ phone#: ___________________________ fax#: ___________________________ E-mail: ___________________________ 1.3 Required Delivery Date for Studies ____________ 2.0 Generator Information 2.1. Type ________ (R = Round Rotor, S = Salient Pole) 2.2. Generator Base Power = __________ MVA (note 1) 2.3. Power Factor _________________ 2.4. Generator Base Voltage = __________ kV 2.5. Rated Speed = __________ RPM 2.6. Rated MVA, Rated Power Factor Field Current = _____ Adc 2.7. Attach Generator Open Circuit Saturation Curve dwg#______________ 2.8. Field Winding Resistance = _________ ohms @ _________ degrees C 2.9. Attach generator single line diagram dwg# ________ 2.10. Attach generator capability curve dwg# __________ 2.11. Attach manufacturer’s data sheets including generator data tabulated Page 1 revised March 20, 2008 Power System Stabilizer Data Collection Form PSS_Study.doc below (note 4) Parameter Ra Xd Xq Xl X'd X'q X"d X"q T'do T'qo T"do T"qo H Stator resistance D-Axis Synchronous Reactance Q-Axis Synchronous Reactance Leakage Reactance D-Axis Transient Reactance Q-Axis Transient Reactance D-Axis Sub-Transient Reactance Q-Axis Sub-Transient Reactance D-Axis O.C. Transient Time Constant Q-Axis O.C. Transient Time Constant D-Axis O.C. Sub-Transient Time Constant Q-Axis O.C. Sub-Transient Time Constant Inertia Constant (rotor and turbine total) wr2 MVA upon which above data is provided Sbase 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Generator Data Entry Table Description Manufacturer’s Value Units on Machine Nameplate Base Pu or ohms pu pu pu pu pu pu pu s s s s MW-s/MVA or lb-ft2 MVA Excitation System Data Type of Excitation System _______ (S=static, D=DC rotating main exciter, A=AC rotating main exciter with brushes, B=Brushless AC rotating main exciter) If AC or DC main exciter, supply main exciter saturation curve(s) (DCloaded; AC - no-load AND loaded) , time constant, synchronous impedance and transient impedance. Done ______ AVR make, model ________________________________ ** if stand-alone PSS, supply AVR bulletin 3.4 Exciter or AVR supply voltage source: Exciter Transformer kVA ___, kV/V ___/___, impedance ____% OR If PMG supplied, specify PMG frequency, kW, loaded voltage, number of phases _____________________________ Page 2 revised March 20, 2008 Power System Stabilizer Data Collection Form 4.0 Relay Data 4.1 Attach settings for the following relays or list as N/A: PSS_Study.doc (24) V/Hz (40) Loss-of-Excitation (59) Over-voltage (81) Over/Under frequency (78) Out-of-step (51V, 21) Backup (76) Exciter overcurrent or overvoltage (50/51) exciter transformer overcurrent (specify CT ratio) (full static units only) Other generator or exciter protective relay(s) (Y/N) 4.2 Attach generator three-line diagram including protection PT and CT ratios dwg _______ 5.0 Turbine data: Minimum load and time available on open circuit/minimum load (thermal units) ________________ Turbine-generator shaft torsional frequencies (round rotor units) ____,____,____ (required data for all round rotor units) Torsional profile showing which sections (i.e. generator, turbines) participate in each torsional frequency Rough zone (gate/MW start/end) (hydro units) _________________________ 6.0 Add any other relevant data below Page 3 revised March 20, 2008 Power System Stabilizer Data Collection Form PSS_Study.doc 7.0 Interconnection Details 7.1 Attach interconnection diagram of generator to local power system dwg _______ 7.2 Specify impedance between generator and point of connection to high voltage system ____________ pu (note 7) 7.3 Number of parallel units and step-up transformers at this location ___; are multiple units connected together on the same generator output bus ___? 7.4 Step up transformer (S)hared, (D)edicated LV winding (note 8) ___; MVA ___, % impedance ___; kV/kV ____; connection (e.g. Y-) Notes on Data Entry 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Generator nameplate MVA base (not rated active power) Rated field current defined as the field current required to produce rated terminal voltage on the air-gap line (tangent to the un-saturated portion of the open-circuit field current versus terminal voltage characteristic). This value is calculated from the manufacturer’s open-circuit saturation graph and can not be measured. Rated field voltage defined as the product of the rated field current (see note 2) and the field winding resistance at a specified temperature (75C for hydroelectric machines and 100C for thermal machines) Generator impedance and time constant data must be un-saturated values. If only saturated values are available, please indicate with an “s” beside the entered value. Calibration of input connection of the PSS to the voltage regulator. Specify the voltage range allowed, input impedance of circuit and transfer ratio, in terms of voltage applied at PSS output versus terminal voltage change obtained with the unit operating on open circuit. Dynamic data for excitation system should be in the form of a manufacturer’s block diagram of the voltage regulator loop including the parameters or alternately a simulation data file in a standard format (e.g. PTI PSS/E dynamic data file). For guidance on the type of block diagram models which are supported refer to IEEE Standard 421.5-1992, IEEE Recommended Practice for Excitation System Models for Power System Stability Studies Thevenin equivalent impedance seen from generator LV bus for normal system interconnection expressed in per-unit on a 100 MVA base. Specify if multiple units are bussed together or are connected to separate low voltage transformer windings Page 4 revised March 20, 2008