Biology I - umbiology

Biology I
Lab Experiment
Date __________________Pd________
Background: This will include an explanation of taxonomy, the 5 and 6 kingdom system,
and the use of a dichotomous key.
1. You will use a copy of Animal Classification. Do not write on it as it must be returned.
numbered jars contain organisms from the animal kingdom. Your task is to use
Key A to identify their phylum.
If phylum is: Echinodermata -use Key B to identify class
Annelida- use Key C to identify class
Mollusca- use Key D to identify class
Arthropoda- use Key E to identify class
2. There
Chordata – use Key F to identify class
3. Some Notes have been given to you. You must have notes on each specimen that will
aid in identification.
a. Body symmetry:
Asymmetrical- no symmetry
Radial- distinct anterior and posterior. Structures radiate from center
Bilateral- Two distinct sides- anterior and posterior
Pentaradial- five parts radiate from center
b. Parasitic- lives off host
c. Marine- found in salt water
d. Terrestrial- land dweller
e. Segmented-body is in obvious sections or parts
f. Appendages- body outgrowths: arms, legs, antennae, tail
g. Exoskeleton- outside protective skeleton
h. Endoskeleton- internal support skeleton
i. Cephalization: sense organs localized in “head” area
j. Saclike body- no obvious features “blob-like”
4. At the conclusion, you must use the back of your text to identify the class and order for many of
the organisms.
Data Sheet:
This will include your thoughts on the success of your classification. Include any pitfalls and/or
triumphs that you encountered.
1. Describe three similarities in characteristics shared by all the phyla represented.
2. Contrast three differences in characteristics between the phyla represented.
3. Explain the importance of classification and why it often needs to be altered.
This must be handed in with lab report!!
Data: Classification Lab
# Common Name
( Order)
1 garter snake________________________________________________________scales, endoskeleton
2 lamprey_________________________________________________________jawless______________
3 salamander_____________________________________________________ _____________________
4 clam_________________________________________________ ______________________________
5 perch ______________________________________________________________________________
6 sand dollar ___________________________________________________________________________
8 dogfish pup______________________________________________________cartilage skeleton_______
9 butterfly ____________________________________ ________________________________________
10 jellyfish_____________________________________________________________________________
11 sea urchin_______________________________________________________ ____________________
12 centipede___________________________________________________ ___exoskeleton____________
13 sandworm________________________________________________________marine, like earthworm
14 horseshoe crab___________________________________ ____________________________________
15 liver fluke_________________________________________ ___________parasitic,_______________
16 sponge______________________ _______________________________________________________
17 tapeworm____________________________________________________ parasitic,_______________
18 crayfish_____________________________________________________________________________
19 starfish_____________________________________________________________________________
20 roundworm________________________________________________________ no segments, parasitic
21 grasshopper____________________________ _____________________________________________
22 turtle__________________________________________________ ____ no shell,_________________
23 earthworm__________________________________________________ nonparasitic;short appendages
24 land snail_____________________________________ ______________________________________
26 squid_______________________________________ ______________internal shell,_______________
27 sea anemone_______________________________________________like jellyfish________________
28 spider______________________________________________________________________________
29 leech______________________________________________________parasitic, like earthworm_____
31 frog________________________________________________________________________________
43 mouse______________________________________________________________________________
Animal Classification: Using a taxonomic key
Key A: Use this to determine the PHYLUM of the organism
1. Usually not symmetrical; exterior body covered with large openings(pores); adults fastened to one
spot; no mouth/anus-filter feeders
PHYLUM: Porifera
1a. Body without obvious pores; radial or bilateral symmetry….Got to 2
2. Radial symmetry; gelatinous saclike body; tentacles frequently present; most are marine; digestive
cavity with only one opening:
PHYLUM: Cnidaria
2a. Bilateral symmetry (at least in larvae), develops from 3 germ layers …. Go to 3
3. Bilateral symmetry; body flat and ribbon-like; digestive cavity with one opening; most parasitic
PHYLUM: Platyhelminthes
3a. Body fuller and rounded; digestive cavity with 2 openings….Go to 4
4. Pentaradial symmetry in adults; spiny skin; all marine
PHYLUM: Echinodermata Use Key B to identify class
4a. Bilateral symmetry; may be marine, freshwater, or terrestrial..….Go to 5
5. Wormlike; non-segmented, no shell, no scales, no appendages, or prominent sense organs;
Most parasitic
PHYLUM: Nematoda
5a. Not worm-like or worm-like with segmentation, shell, scales, appendages, and sense organs.
Go to 6
6. No obvious segmentation, soft body usually with a shell; muscular foot; all types of environments
PHYLUM: Mollusca Use Key D to identify class
6a. Segmented. Most with no shell or muscular foot; most are free moving…..Go to 7
7. Segmented worms; usually no prominent appendages; most free-living, some parasitic
PHYLUM: Annelida Use Key C to identify class
7a. Many obvious jointed appendages; exoskeleton/endoskeleton; externally body segmentation
may not be obvious ….Go to 8
8. Exoskeleton made of chitin
PHYLUM: Arthropoda Use Key E to identify class.
8a. Endoskeleton of cartilage or bone; notochord; dorsal nerve cord
PHYLUM: Chordata Use Key F to identify class
Key B Classes of Phylum Echinodermata
Body has five arms, mouth ventral
Body oval or disk shaped no arms, five body plan apparent
Class Asteroidea
Class Echinoidea
Key C Classes of Annelida
Terrestrial, non-parasitic
Class Oligochaete
Marine, small projections on each segment
Class Hirudinea
Class Polychaete
Key D Classes of Mollusca:
1. Modified tentacles present….Go to 2;
1a. No tentacles ….Go to 3
2. Many obvious tentacles; prominent eyes; shell usually internal; obvious cephalization
Class: Cephalopoda
2a. Tentacles often resemble antenna; single shell with one opening; often twisted or spiral; some
lack a shell but body will show twist
Class: Gastropoda
3. Single segmented shell open at both ends; small head
3a. Hinged double shell (bivalve); all aquatic
Class: Polyplacophora
Class: Bivalvia
Key E Classes of Arthropoda:
1. Elongated bodies; obvious tail section; many body segments; 1-2 pairs of appendages per segment
Go to 2
1a. Nonworm-like body as adults; few body segments usually with one pair of legs per segment
Go to 3
2. Two pairs of antenna; most aquatic; gills
Class: Crustacea
2a. One pair of antenna (or none); terrestrial or freshwater; tracheal respiratory system
Go to 3
Four pairs of legs.
Three pairs of legs.
One pair of legs per multiple segments
Two pair of legs per multiple segments
Class: Arachnida
Class: Insecta
Class: Chilopoda
Class: Diplopoda
Key F Classes of Chordata:
1. Fins or no appendages; marine or aquatic fishes…Go to 2
1a. Legs, wings, or flippers, mostly terrestial…..Go to 3
2. Slimy; scaleless skin; eel-like; no paired appendages; reduced fins; jawless;. Class: Agnatha
2a. Leathery skin with small scales; prominent fins; jaws; cartilage, no bone
Class: Chondrichthyes
2b. Skin with prominent scales; jaws; bones; fins; aquatic
Class: Osteichthyes
3. No scales, feathers, or hair
3a. Scales, feathers or hair…..Go to 4
4. Scales present
4a. Feathers; wings
4b. Hair present
Class: Amphibia
Class: Reptilia
Class: Aves
Class: Mammalia