INSTRUCTOR: Office Hours: LABORATORY: TEXT: Evaluation: 1. Chemistry Laboratory 2124 Fall 2009, PSCI 304 Dr. Hemant Sharma ( M 9-10; F 9-10 or by appointment Experimental Organic Chemistry, 2nd Ed. By Charles F. Wilcox and Mary F. Wilcox Your grade will consist of: 1/3 attendance. 2. 1/3 laboratory quizzes. 3. 1/3 group laboratory reports Neatly Typed Lab Reports are due the following week at the beginning of the lab and count only if you attended the lab. Late lab reports will not be accepted. SAFETY GOGGLES MUST BE WORN IN THE LAB AT ALL TIMES. No Goggles, No Lab. You must follow all the safety rules and procedures in the lab. Teaching Assistant: Week Dates to be announced Activity (Chapter) Page Quiz Report 2 Laboratory Safety Check Drawers 3 Melting Points (8.4 A) 98 1 4 Crystallization (8.4 B, C or D) 98100 2 1 5 Distillation (5.4 A and/or B) 66-67 3 2 6 Extraction (9.7 B and D) 117119 4 3 7 Chromatography (10) 5 4 8 SN1 reaction/t-butyl chloride (18.3 C) 315316 6 5 9 Chemical Kinetics (20.4) 325 7 6 10 Synthesis of Aspirin (49.2 A) 486, 144 8 7 11 E1 Reaction Cyclohexene (21.5) 331 9 8 12 Synthesis of Isopentyl Acetate (Modify 30.2 378 A) 10 9 13 Spectroscopy IR (13) Hooke's Law Spreadsheet, Spectroscopy NMR (15) 11 10 14 Final Quiz, Check Drawers 12 11 234