THE MONROE DOCTRINE" of 1828 - pams

The Monroe Doctrine and the Roosevelt Corollary
THE MONROE DOCTRINE of 1823. This was statement of United States policy in regard to the Western
Hemisphere. Beginning at the time of the Napoleonic Wars (1805-1814), most of the Spanish colonies in the
Americas began a fight against Spain's rule that finally brought them independence. However these new
nations feared that Spain would try to restore its rule over them. The United States was also afraid of such
action by Spain. If Spain, helped by other European nations could retake its colonies all Europe might soon
be occupying lands in the Western Hemisphere. For this reason, President Monroe sent a message to
Congress 1823, in which he declared the following:
1. Existing colonies in the Western Hemisphere might be retained by European powers.
2. No new colonization by Europeans was to be allowed.
3. The United States pledged not to interfere in Europe's affairs. Europe pledged no to interfere in the
Western Hemisphere.
The Monroe Doctrine was a warning to the world that the United States was ready to protect its vital
interests in the Western Hemisphere. Actually, the United States had no power at the time to enforce the
Monroe Doctrine. The United States knew, however, that Great Britain supported its aims. The British did
not want Spain restored to power in the Americas, and the powerful British navy was a force that Europeans
could not easily overcome. No European power attempted to challenge the Monroe Doctrine until the
1860’s, and by then the United States was strong enough to enforce it.
In a speech before Congress in 1904 President Theodore Roosevelt explained his new policy. This policy
became known as the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine. Roosevelt stated that the United States
might have to interfere in the affairs of a Latin American country in order to keep European countries out of
the Western Hemisphere. Roosevelt first used the Roosevelt Corollary to keep European countries from
taking over the Dominican Republic. The Republic owed millions of dollars to European countries. These
countries threatened to collect their debts by force if they were not paid at once. In 1905, the United States
took over the Dominican Republic’s finances. Forty-five percent of the money earned from customs was
kept by the Dominican Republic. The rest went to pay the European powers.
1. The Monroe Doctrine was issued because the United
A. wished to take over Spanish possessions.
B. feared British influence in the New World.
C. was afraid of Napoleon’s influence in South America.
D. wished to limit European influence in the Western
2. The Monroe Doctrine stated all of the following
A. the United States would not interfere in European
B. Europeans must give up all colonies in the Western
C. Europe was not to interfere in affairs in the Western
D. no further colonization by Europeans was to be allowed
in the Western Hemisphere.
3. The Monroe Doctrine was made possible by…
A. the strength of the United States.
B. the support given to the United States by Great Britain.
C. the support given to it by France.
D. the fear of Napoleon in Europe.
4. Which of the following statements is true.
A. European countries always try to get things by using
B. Roosevelt used his Corollary to keep Europe out of the
Dominican Republic.
C. American business leaders wanted to buy the Dominican
D. European countries wanted to invade the United States.
5. Which country did the U.S. military occupy most often in
the period 1898-1939
6. Name four countries that were occupied by U.S.
troops between 1898 and 1939.
7. Name four countries or territories were U.S. territories
by 1939. ______________________________________
8. Which of the places occupied or controlled by the U.S.
in the period 1898-1939 is nearest the United States?
9. Which of the U.S. territories in the Caribbean was
acquired most recently? __________________________
10. The Roosevelt Corollary…
A. limited American power in Latin America.
B. granted European powers limited rights in Latin
C. reduced the power of the Monroe Doctrine.
D. established the United States as the “policeman” of
the Caribbean.