BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Provide the following information for the key personnel in the order listed for Form Page 2. Follow the sample format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES. POSITION TITLE NAME French, Michael T. Professor of Health Economics EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include postdoctoral training.) INSTITUTION AND LOCATION James Madison University Boston College DEGREE (if applicable) YEAR(s) FIELD OF STUDY B.A. Ph.D. 1982 1986 Economics Economics A. Positions and Honors. Positions and Employment 1986 to 1990 Research Economist, Ctr. for Economics Research, Research Triangle Institute, Research Triangle Park, NC. 1987 to 1992 Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Economics and Business, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC. 1991 to 1994 Adjunct Assistant Professor, School of Public Health, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC. 1990 to 1996 Senior Health Economist, Ctr. for Economics Research, Research Triangle Inst., Research Triangle Park, NC. 1994 to 1995 Adjunct Professor, Graduate Public Policy Program, Georgetown University, Washington, DC. 1995 to 1999 Research Associate Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Department of Economics, and Health Services Research Center, University of Miami, Miami, FL. 1995 to 2002 Director of Academic Programs in Health Administration, School of Business, University of Miami, Miami, FL. 1999 to 2002 Associate Professor (tenure), Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Department of Economics, and Health Services Research Center, University of Miami, Miami, FL. 2002 to date Professor (tenure), Department Health Administration and Policy, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC. Other Experience and Professional Memberships 2001 to date Editorial Board, Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. 1988 to date Manuscript referee for Addiction, American Economic Review, Contemporary Economic Policy, Economic Inquiry, Evaluation and Program Planning, Health Economics, Health Economics Letters, Health Services Research, Journal of Health Economics, Journal of Health and Social Behavior, Journal of Public Health Policy, Journal of Substance Abuse, Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, Medical Care, Public Integrity, and Southern Economic Journal. 1993 to date Ad hoc member of Various Scientific Review Groups, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health. 1994 to date Ad hoc member of Various Contract Review Committees, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. 1995 to date Member of Health Services Research Initial Review Group (IRG), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institute on Drug Abuse. 1998 to 2001 Member of Health Services Research Initial Review Group (IRG), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. 2000 Visiting Professor, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain, Department of Economics & Center for Health and Economics B. Selected Publications Since 1997 (Selected from approximately 80 peer-reviewed publications) French, M.T., C.J. Bradley, B. Calingaert, M.L. Dennis and G.T. Karuntzos. 1994. “Cost Analysis of Enhanced Training and Employment Services in Methadone Treatment.” Evaluation and Program Planning, 17(2):107-120. French, M.T., and G.A. Zarkin. 1995. “Is Moderate Alcohol Use Related to Wages? Evidence from Four Worksites.” Journal of Health Economics, Vol. 14(3):319-344. French, M.T., G.A. Zarkin, T.D. Hartwell, and J.W. Bray. 1995. “Prevalence and Consequences of Smoking, Alcohol Use, and Illicit Drug Use at Five Worksites.” Public Health Reports, Vol. 110 (Sept/Oct):593-599. French, M.T. 1995. “Economic Evaluation of Drug Abuse Treatment Programs: Methodology and Findings.” American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 21(1):111-135. Hartwell, T.D., P.D. Steele, M.T. French, F.J. Potter, N.F. Rodman, and G.A. Zarkin. 1996. “Aiding Troubled Employees: Prevalence, Cost, and Characteristics of Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) in the United States.” American Journal of Public Health, Vol. 86(6):804-808. French, M.T., L.J. Dunlap, D.N. Galinis, J.V. Rachal, and G.A. Zarkin. 1996. “Health Care Reforms and Managed Care for Substance Abuse Services: Findings from 11 Case Studies.” Journal of Public Health Policy, Vol. 17(2):181-203. French, M.T., J.A. Mauskopf, J.L. Teague, and J. Roland. 1996. “Estimating the Dollar Value of Health Outcomes from Drug Abuse Interventions.” Medical Care, Vol. 34(9):890-910. PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 05/01) Page _______ Biographical Sketch Format Page Hartwell, T.D., P.D. Steele, M.T. French, and N.F. Rodman. 1996. “Prevalence of Drug Testing in the Workplace.” Monthly Labor Review, 35-42. Rajkumar, A.S., and M.T. French. 1997. “Drug Abuse, Crime Costs, and the Economic Benefits of Treatment.” Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 13(2):291-323. French, M.T., G.A. Zarkin, J.W. Bray, and T.D. Hartwell. 1997. “Costs of Employee Assistance Programs: Findings from a National Survey.” American Journal of Health Promotion, 11(3):219-222. French, M.T., L. Dunlap, G. Zarkin, K. McGeary, and A.T. McLellan. 1997. “A Structured Instrument for Estimating the Economic Cost of Drug Abuse Treatment: The Drug Abuse Treatment Cost Analysis Program (DATCAP).” Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 14(4):1-11. French, M.T., L.J. Dunlap, P.M. Roman, and P.D. Steele. 1997. “Factors that Influence the Use and Perceptions of Employee Assistance Programs at Six Worksites.” Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 2(4). French, M.T., and K.A. McGeary. 1997. “Estimating the Economic Cost of Substance Abuse Treatment,” Health Economics, 6:449554. Zarkin, G.A., M.T. French, T.A. Mroz, and J.W. Bray. 1998. “Alcohol Use and Wages: New Results from the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse.” Journal of Health Economics, 17(1):53-68. French, M.T. and L.J. Dunlap. 1998. “Compensating Wage Differentials for Job Stress.” Applied Economics, 30:1067-1075. French, M.T., G.A. Zarkin, and L.J. Dunlap. 1998. “Illicit Drug Use, Absenteeism, and Earnings at Six U.S. Worksites.” Contemporary Economic Policy, 16(3):334-346. French, M.T., L.J. Dunlap, G.A. Zarkin, and G.T. Karuntzos. 1998. “The Costs of an Enhanced Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Intervention.” Evaluation and Program Planning, 21:227-236. Zarkin, G.A., T.A. Mroz, J.W. Bray, and M.T. French. 1998. “The Relationship between Drug Use and Labor Supply for Young Men.” Labour Economics, 5:385-409. French, M.T., and G.A. Zarkin. 1998. “Mental Health, Absenteeism, and Earnings at a Large Manufacturing Worksite.” Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics, 30:1067-1075. Schweitzer, M., M.T. French, S.A. Ullmann, and C.B. McCoy. 1998. “Cost Effectiveness of Detecting Breast Cancer in Lower SocioEconomic Status African-American and Hispanic Women through Mobile Mammography Services.” Medical Care Research and Review, Vol 55(1):99-115. French, M.T., S. Sacks, G. De Leon, G. Staines, and K. McKendrick. 1999. “Modified Therapeutic Community for Mentally Ill Chemical Abusers: Outcomes and Costs.” Evaluation and the Health Professions, 22(1):60-85. French, M.T., G.A. Zarkin, J.W. Bray, and T.D. Hartwell. 1999. “Costs of Employee Assistance Programs: Comparison of National Estimates from 1993 and 1995.” Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research, 26(1):95-103. Fleming, M.F., M.P. Mundt, M.T. French, K.L. Barry, L.B. Manwell, and E.A. Stauffacher. 2000. “Benefit-Cost Analysis of Brief Physician Advice with Problem Drinkers in Primary Care Settings.” Medical Care. 38(1):7-18. French, M.T. 2000. “Economic Evaluation of Alcohol Treatment Services.” Evaluation and Program Planning. 23(1):27-39. French, M.T., K.A. McGeary, D.D. Chitwood, and C.B. McCoy. 2000. “Chronic Illicit Drug Use, Health Services Utilization, and the Cost of Medical Care.” Social Science and Medicine. 50:1703-1713. McGeary, K.A., and M.T. French. 2000. “Illicit Drug Use and Emergency Room Utilization.” Health Services Research. 35(1):153169. PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 05/01) Page _______ Biographical Sketch Format Page French, M.T., H.J. Salomé, A. Krupski, J.R. McKay, D.M. Donovan, A.T. McLellan, and J. Durell. 2000. “Benefit-Cost Analysis of Residential and Outpatient Addiction Treatment in the State of Washington.” Evaluation Review. 24(6):609-634. Feng, W., W. Zhou, J.S. Butler, B.M. Booth, and M.T. French. 2001. “The Impact of Problem Drinking on Employment.” Health Economics. 10(6):509-521. French, M.T., M.C. Roebuck, A.T. McLellan, and J.L. Sindelar. 2001. “Can the Treatment Services Review (TSR) be Used to Estimate the Costs of Addiction and Ancillary Services.” Journal of Substance Abuse. 12(4):341-361. French, M.T., A.G. Holtmann, K.A. McGeary, and G.A. Zarkin. 2001. “Substance Use and Workplace Attendance.” In M. Grossman and C-R Hsieh (Eds.), Economic Analysis of Substance Use and Abuse: The Experience of Developed Countries and Lessons for Developing Countries, pp. 239-253, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited: United Kingdom. French, M.T., M.C. Roebuck, and P.K. Alexandre. 2001. “Illicit Drug Use, Employment, and Labor Force Participation.” Southern Economic Journal. Vol. 68(2):349-368. French, M.T., H.J. Salomé, and M. Carney. 2002. “Using the DATCAP and ASI to Estimate the Costs and Benefits of Residential Addiction Treatment in the State of Washington.” Social Science and Medicine. Vol. 55(12):2267-2282. French, M.T., H.J. Salomé, J.L. Sindelar, and A.T. McLellan. 2002. “Benefit-Cost Analysis of Addiction Treatment: Methodological Guidelines and Application Using the DATCAP and ASI.” Health Services Research. 37(2):433-455. Zavala, S.K., M.T. French, G.A. Zarkin, and V.K Omachonu. 2002. “Decision Latitude and Workload Demand: Implications for Full and Partial Absenteeism.” Journal of Public Health Policy. Vol 23(3): 344-361. Alexandre, P.K., H.J. Salomé, M.T. French, J.E. Rivers, and C.B. McCoy. 2002. “Consequences and Costs of Closing a PubliclyFunded Methadone Maintenance Clinic.” Social Science Quarterly. Vol. 83(2):519-536. French, M.T., K.E. McCollister, J. Cacciola, J. Durell, and R.L. Stephens. 2002. “Benefit-Cost Analysis of Addiction Treatment in Arkansas: Specialty and Standard Residential Programs for Pregnant and Parenting Women.” Substance Abuse. 23(1):31-51 Fleming, M.F., M.P. Mundt, M.T. French, K.L. Barry, L.B Manwell, and E.A. Stauffacher. 2002. “Brief Physician Advice for Problem Drinkers: Long-Term Efficacy and Benefit-Cost Analysis.” Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 26(1):36-43. French, M.T., M.C. Roebuck, M.L. Dennis, G. Diamond, S. Godley, F. Tims, C. Webb, and J. Herrell. 2002. “The Economic Cost of Outpatient Marijuana Treatment for Adolescents: Findings from a Multisite Field Experiment.” Addiction. Volume 97 (Supplement 1):84-97. French, M.T., K.A. McCollister, S. Sacks, K. McKendrick, and G. DeLeon. 2002. “Benefit-Cost Analysis of a Modified Therapeutic Community for Mentally Ill Chemical Abusers.” Evaluation and Program Planning. Vol. 25(2):137-148. French, M.T. 2002. “Physical Appearance and Earnings: Further Evidence.” Applied Economics. 34:569-572. McCollister, K.E., M.T. French, J.A. Inciardi, C.A. Butzin, S.S. Martin, R.M. Hooper. In Press. “Post-Release Substance Abuse Treatment for Criminal Offenders: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis.” Journal of Quantitative Criminology. Zavala, S.K., and M.T. French. In Press. “Dangerous to Your Health: The Role of Chronic Drug Use in Serious Injuries and Trauma.” Medical Care. Salomé, H.J., M.T. French, C. Scott, M. Foss, and M.L. Dennis. In Press. “Investigating the Economic Costs and Benefits of Addiction Treatment: Econometric Analysis of the Chicago Target Cities Project.” Evaluation and Programming Planning. C. Research Support Ongoing Research Support 1 RO1 AA13167 French, M.T. (PI) 04/01/01 – 03/31/06 NIH/NIAAA “Economic Costs and Benefits of Alcohol Services and Interventions” To examine whether recently developed methods to estimate economic costs and benefits of drug abuse services and interventions can be utilized in evaluations of alcohol services and interventions. Role: PI PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 05/01) Page _______ Biographical Sketch Format Page 1 R01 DA14370 Sacks, J.A. (PI) NIH/NIDA/NDRI “Women’s Prison TC: Outcomes, Process, and Economic Analysis” To study the impact, cost, and benefits of therapeutic community (TC) treatment on female prisoners. Role: Local PI 10/01/01 - 9/30/06 1 R01 DA14059 McKay, J. (PI) 4/01/01 - 3/31/06 NIH/NIDA/University of Pennsylvania “Effectiveness and Costs of Enhanced Cocaine Treatments” This study will evaluate two different approaches for cocaine dependent patients who will also receive treatment as usual in a publiclyfunded, outpatient treatment program. Role: Local PI 1 R01 DA13298 Liddle, H. (PI) NIH/NIDA “Economic Evaluation of Adolescent Drug Services” This study will evaluate the relative costs and benefits of intensive outpatient family therapy vs. residential services. Role: Investigator 4/01/01 - 3/31/04 1 RO1 DA11506 French, M.T. (PI) 9/01/98 - 8/31/03 NIH/NIDA “Economic Evaluation Methods: Development and Applications” Conduct cost, cost-effectiveness, and benefit-costs evaluations of substance abuse interventions by collaborating with NIDA Investigators who do not have an economic component in their studies. Role: PI 3P50 DA07705 McLellan, A.T. (PI) 5/01/00 - 4/30/05 NIH/NIDA/University of Pennsylvania “Utilizing Clinical and Financial Instruments for Economic Evaluation” To conduct further reliability and validity tests of the Drug Abuse Treatment Cost Analysis Program (DATCAP) and collaborate with UPenn investigators on revisions to the ASI and TSR. Role: Project PI 1 R03 DA13631 Alexandre, P.K. (PI) 12/01/00 – 11/30/02 NIH/NIDA “Chronic Drug Use, Depression, and Labor Supply” To estimate the main and interaction effects of chronic drug use (CDU) and depression on the probability of employment, and conditional on employment, the number of weeks worked. Role: Investigator Completed Research Support #035152 French, M.T. (PI) 9/01/98 - 8/31/01 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation “The Impact of Workplace Drug Testing Programs on Employee Drug Use” The purpose of this grant is to examine the relationships between worksite-based drug testing programs and employee drug use using a nationally representative survey of U.S. households. Role: PI 6 UR4 TI11320 Dennis, M.L. (PI) 10/1/97 – 9/30/00 NIH/CSAT/Chestnut Health Systems “Coordinating Center for the Study of Treatment Effectiveness for Adolescent Marijuana Dependence” The purpose of this grant is to test the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of various interventions targeted at reducing/eliminating marijuana abuse and dependency in adolescents. Role: Local PI 2P50 DA07705 McLellan, A.T. (PI) NIH/NIDA/University of Pennsylvania “Reliability and Validity of the Drug Abuse Treatment Cost Analysis Program (DATCAP)” To conduct reliability and validity tests of the Drug Abuse Treatment Cost Analysis Program (DATCAP). Role: Project PI PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 05/01) Page _______ 10/1/96 – 9/30/99 Biographical Sketch Format Page