START UPS REQUIREMENTS FOR A CHARTER SCHOOL PETITION SUBMITTED BY A PRIVATE INDIVIDUAL, PRIVATE ORGANIZATION OR STATE OR LOCAL PUBLIC ENTITY O.C.G.A. § 20-2-2063 and STATE BOARD RULE 160-4-9-.04(4) Cover sheet B with required signatures Electronic copy in Microsoft Word format 2 page executive summary LETTERS OF INTENT (a single letter may be submitted to the local board and the GDOE 1. Page _____ Include a statement explaining when you submitted your letter of intent to the SBOE and the local board (must be six months prior to the date on which the petition is intended to be submitted). START-UP CHARTER PETITION REQUIREMENTS (O.C.G.A. § 20-2-2063) 2. Page _____ Describe how the charter school’s mission supports the legislative intent to “increase student achievement through academic and organizational innovation.” 3. Page _____ State whether your charter school will utilize the broad flexibility from law, rule, and regulation listed in O.C.G.A. § 20-2-2065(a). 4. Page _____ If your school will utilize this flexibility, then please provide a statement indicating that you are willing to comply with all the requirements of the Single Statewide Accountability System. 5. Page _____ If your school will NOT utilize this flexibility, list the specific waivers requested and the rationale for each. Describe further how each waiver will help your school meet or exceed the performance-based goals included in your charter. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 6. Page _____ List the school’s performance-based goals and measurable objectives. 7. Page _____ Describe how these goals and objectives are in the public interest. PARENT AND COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT 8. Page _____ Describe how parents and community members will be involved in the school. 9. Page _____ Describe how parents, members of the community and other interested parties were directly and substantially involved in developing the petition. 1 DESCRIPTION OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM 10. Page _____ Describe your charter school’s mission. 11. Page _____ List the proposed ages of students to be served by your charter school. 12. Page _____ Describe the focus of the curriculum. 13. Page _____ Provide the name of the primary contact for the petitioner. 14. Page _____ Describe the students to be served, including the students with special needs and disabilities. 15. Page _____ If this is a charter high school, describe what completion credentials will be awarded. 16. Page _____ If this is a charter high school, describe the credits or units to be earned. 17. Page _____ Describe the instructional methods to be used in your charter school, including any distinctive or unique instructional techniques or educational programs. 18. Page _____ For students with disabilities, describe how your charter school will provide state and federally mandated services. 19. Page _____ For English Language Learners (ESOL), how will the school provide state and federally mandated services? 20. Page _____ Describe the anticipated teacher-to-student ratio. 21. Page _____ Describe the extracurricular activities to be offered at your school. 22. Page _____ Describe the supplemental education activities to be offered at your school. 23. Page _____ Describe any partnerships between your charter school and the local board or other community agencies. 24. Page _____ Describe how your charter school will provide supplemental educational services in required cases pursuant to SBOE Rule 160-4-5-.03. 25. Page _____ Describe how your charter school will provide remediation in required cases pursuant to SBOE Rule 160-4-5-.03 and 160-4-5-.01. 26. Page _____ Describe your charter school’s proposed annual calendar and provide a draft of your charter school’s daily school schedule. DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSMENT METHODS 27. Page _____ Describe how your charter school’s assessments will measure student improvement. 28. Page _____ Over what period of time will your assessment be measured? 29. Page _____ State that you will not waive the accountability provisions of O.C.G.A. § 20-14-30 through § 20-14-41 and federal accountability requirements. 30. Page _____ What is your charter school’s plan to obtain student performance data for each student? 31. Page _____ Describe how your charter school intends to use this assessment data to monitor and improve achievement for students. 32. Page _____ For charter high schools, how will your charter high school determine that a student has satisfied the requirements for high school graduation? 2 DESCRIPTION OF SCHOOL OPERATIONS 33. Page _____ What is the duration of your school’s charter? 34. Page _____ What is the attendance zone for your charter school? 35. Page _____ What rules and procedures will govern the admission of students to your charter school? 36. Page _____ Describe the steps that will be taken to reach students representative of the racial and socioeconomic diversity in the community. 37. Page _____ Describe whether the charter school will use any enrollment priorities pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 20-2-2066(a)(1). 38. Page _____ Describe the rules and procedures concerning student discipline (including code of conduct and student due process procedures). 39. Page _____ Describe the rules and procedures concerning student dismissal (including code of conduct and student due process procedures). 40. Page _____ Describe the manner in which the school shall be insured (including terms, conditions, and amount of coverage). 41. Page _____ Describe whether transportation services will be provided and, if so, provide a brief description of the transportation program for the school. 42. Page _____ If transportation services are provided, provide a statement indicating that the transportation program will comply with applicable law. 43. Page _____ If transportation services are not provided, describe how this will not be a barrier to eligible students to attend school. 44. Page _____ Describe whether food services will be provided (including participation in federal school meal programs). 45. Page _____ If food services will be provided, briefly describe the proposed program. 46. Page _____ Generally, describe your charter school’s employment procedures and policies. 47. Page _____ Specifically, describe your charter school’s recruitment and hiring practices. 48. Page _____ Specifically, describe your charter school’s qualification requirements for teachers, paraprofessionals and staff, including whether certification by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GAPSC) will be required. 49. Page _____ If certification by the GAPSC is not required, describe the training and experience that will be required. 50. Page _____ Specifically, describe whether or not your charter school will use the state salary schedule, and if another schedule is to be used, please provide that schedule. 51. Page _____ Describe the charter school’s procedures to ensure that staff members are subject to fingerprinting and background checks. 52. Page _____ Describe the facilities that your charter school will use and the location of these facilities. 53. Page _____ Describe any modifications necessary for utilizing the space for educational purposes. 3 54. Page _____ Provide documentation of ownership or a copy of the lease of the facility. 55. Page _____ If ownership documentation or a lease is unavailable, provide a timeline for obtaining such facilities or providing such documentation. 56. Page _____ Provide a statement as to whether the building is new or existing. 57. Page _____ Provide a Certificate of Occupancy prior to students occupying the proposed facility. 58. Page _____ Provide the school’s emergency safety plan (or plan for one in accordance with O.C.G.A. § 20-2-1185). DEMONSTRATION OF FISCAL FEASIBILITY AND CONTROLS 59. Page _____ What level of autonomy will your charter school have over budgets and expenditures? 60. Page _____ Describe your plans for ensuring that your charter school will be subject to an annual financial audit by an independent Georgia licensed CPA? 61. Page _____ If the audit is performed by an independent Georgia licensed CPA, how will the audit be financed? 62. Page _____ Who is your charter school’s chief financial officer? 63. Page _____ Describe how your current chief financial officer’s credentials comply with the Guidance for Georgia State Board of Education Rule 160-4-9.04. 64. Page _____ Provide a monthly cash flow projection detailing revenues and expenditures for your first year of operation. In addition, provide spreadsheets projecting cash flow statements, revenue estimates, budgets and expenditures on an annual basis for the first five (5) years of the charter term. 65. Page _____ Describe the method used to recruit the number of anticipated students. 66. Page _____ Describe the school’s plan for maintaining and/or increasing attendance. 67. Page _____ Provide a proposed timeline as to when your charter school will begin to receive state and local funding from the local board in order to begin operation. 68. Page _____ Provide a statement that the charter school will comply with the federal monitoring requirements for schools receiving federal funds. 69. Page _____ Provide an estimate of all public and private dollars available per student. 70. Page _____ Provide an itemized list of working capital and assets, including cash, bonds and real estate. 71. Page _____ Describe your plans for securing other sources of funding, including funding from corporations, individuals, foundations, philanthropic groups, or any other source. STATEMENT ON ANNUAL REPORT 4 72. Page _____ Provide a statement acknowledging that the governing board shall be subject to the control and management of the local board and subject to the provisions of O.C.G.A. § 50-18-70 et seq. 73. Page _____ Provide a statement acknowledging that the charter school shall, by October 1, submit an annual report complying with all requirements set out in O.C.G.A. § 20-2-2067.1(c)(1)-(6). 74. Page _____ State that the annual report will include all State-mandated assessment and accountability scores. DESCRIPTION OF GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE 75. Page _____ Describe your governing board’s function, duties and composition? 76. Page _____ How will your governing board members be selected? 77. Page _____ How long will each governing board member serve? 78. Page _____ How may governing board members be removed from office? 79. Page _____ How will the governing board uphold the school’s mission and vision? 80. Page _____ How will the governing board appraise the principal’s performance? 81. Page _____ How will the governing board ensure effective organizational planning? 82. Page _____ How will the governing board help ensure financial stability? 83. Page _____ What is the governing board’s role in resolving grievances and other conflicts? 84. Page _____ Provide a copy of the certificate of incorporation from the Georgia Secretary of State (note: local board start-up and conversion charter schools are not subject to this requirement pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 20-2-2065(b)(4)). 85. Page _____ Provide a copy of the by-laws for a non-profit organization (note: local board start-up and conversion charter schools are not subject to this requirement pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 20-2-2065(b)(4)). 86. Page _____ Provide a list of proposed business arrangements or partnerships with existing schools, educational programs, businesses, or non-profit organizations and a disclosure of any potential conflicts of interest. 87. Page _____ Provide a description of the method that the local board and the charter school plan to utilize for resolving conflicts. 88. Page _____ State if the charter school intends to contract, or has contracted for the services, of a for-profit entity or any other educational management agency. 89. Page _____ Will you utilize a local school council, as provided for in O.C.G.A. § 20-2-85? 90. Page _____ If you will use another similar board, state that it will be subject to the provisions of O.C.G.A. § 50-14-1 et seq. (Open and Public Meetings). 91. Page _____ If you will use another similar board, state that it will be subject to the provisions of O.C.G.A. § 50-18-70 et seq. (Inspection of Public Records). 5