LANE TECH COLLEGE PREP HIGH SCHOOL COURSE OUTLINE TEMPLATE Spanish I Title of Course _________________________________________________________________________ Course/Grade Level ______Regular ___X___ Honors ______Advanced Placement Course Description Assessments occur regularly. Assessments include, but are not limited to grammar and verb activities, freewriting, expository writing, reading comprehension and analysis, vocabulary quizzes, written and speaking tests, oral presentations, integrated projects and oral quizzes. Reading comprehension and analysis exposes students to short fiction and poetry. Students may either discuss in small groups or as a class. They may also react in writing. Students are also tested on their ability to apply grammar and vocabulary learned through reading. In addition, to enhance speaking and listening comprehension most communication is carried out in Spanish. Honors requirement will include more in-depth vocabulary lists, family field trips, cultural homework, higherorder thinking skills- based tasks and assessments, in-depth understanding of complex grammar, and differentiated projects. Title of Primary Text: En español 1 Publisher: McDougal Littell Year of Publication: 2004 Edition:2 Supplemental Texts: various- as chosen by instructor (authentic materials, music, art, etc.) Course Goals and Objectives With the specific vocabulary and grammar covered in this course, students should be able to: understand the Spanish of native speakers in a variety of contexts; understand written texts from a variety of sources; achieve a level of verbal expression that would be comprehensible to the non-sympathetic native listener; achieve a level of written expression that would be comprehensible to the non-sympathetic native reader; and expand their knowledge of Spanish Speaking cultures. Unit Outline Week Topic Sub-Topic 1 Introduction 2 Verb ser (to be) Geography Numbers Days of the week Calendar 3 Classroom expressions Greetings Introducing others 4 Evaluation Preliminary lesson Alphabet, spelling in Spanish Asking, providing name Greetings, farewells Preliminary lesson Verb ser with origin Geography of Spanish speaking countries Numbers 0 – 10 (e.g. providing phone numbers, doing simple math) Preliminary lesson Useful classroom expressions, instructions Familiar vs formal greetings Introducing others: familiar and formal Verbal assessment Listening, reading, writing exam 5 Subject pronouns November holiday for México, Guatemala Unit 1, Lesson 1 Subject pronouns Día de los muertos 6 More subject pronouns, More practice with ser 7 Infinitives Gustar 8 Culture Evaluation Unit 1, Lesson 1 Saying where you live The verb ser (complete conjugation) Unit 1, Lesson 1 Introduction of some infinitives (e.g. correr= to run) Difference between infinitives and conjugated verbs Gustar with infinitives; expressing likes and dislikes Last names and Latinos in the U.S. Midterm exam Common Core Standard/Illinois State Standard L 1a, b L 4a, b, c, d 28B, 29A, 30A L 1a L 4a, b SL 1a 29E, 30A L 1a L 4a, b SL 1a SL 6 28A, 28B, 29A SL 4, 6 W 3c 28A, B, C, D 29A L 1a L 4a, b, c, d SL 1a SL 6 28C, 29D L 1a L 4a, b SL 1a 28D L 1a L 4a, b SL 1a 28A, B, C, D R 14 W3 W4 W5 L1 L2 L 4a, b, c, d SL 1c 9 Definite, indefinite articles Colors Clothing Unit 1, Lesson 2 Use definite articles with specific things Use indefinite articles with unspecified things Making nouns plural Describe clothing using colors Unit 1, Lesson 2 Using adjectives to describe gender Using adjectives to describe number Adjectives of personality and appearance (e.g. hair, eye color) 10 Gender, number Agreement with nouns Adjectives 11 Noun and adjective agreement Unit 1, Lesson 2 Using adjectives to describe gender and number 12 Reading Evaluation Reading: Sabine Ulibarrí, “Mi caballo mago” Exam 13 Family Unit 1, Lesson 3 Family members Describe family 14 Possession Unit 1, Lesson 3 Expressing possession using de Last names in Latin America SL 6 28 A, B, C, D 29 A, B, C, E 30 A L 1a, b L 4c, d SL 1a SL 6 28A, B, C, D L 1a, b L 4a, b SL 1a, c, d SL 3 SL 6 28A, B, C, D L 1a, b L 4a, b SL 1a, c, d SL 3 SL 6 W 1a, b 28A, B, C, D L 1a, b L 4a, b, c, d L 5a R 1, 2, 6, 7 SL 2 W 3c W6 28A, B, C 29A, C, D 30A L 1a, b L 4a, b, c, d SL 1a, c, d SL 3 28A, B, C, D 29A, D L 1a, b L 4a, b SL 1a, c, d SL 3 SL 5 SL 6 28A, B, C,D 29A, D 15 Numbers tener (to have) Unit 1, Lesson 3 Numbers 11-100 Using tener for age 16 Numbers tener (to have) Unit 1, Lesson 3 Giving dates using months of the year Talking about birthdays 17 Possession Culture Unit 1 , Lesson 3 Expressing possession using possessive adjectives Culture: Spanish holidays and La quinceañera 18 Reading Evaluation Reading any one of the following: Carlos Fuentes, “Chac Mool” Antonio Machado, “He andado muchos caminos” Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, “Hombres necios que acusáis” or Juan Rulfo, “No oyes ladrar Verbal assessment 19 Evaluation Cumulative semester 1 exam (listening, reading, writing) 20 Class subjects Adverbs of frequency Expressing obligation Present tense –ar regular verbs Unit 2, Lesson 1 Describe classes, classroom objects, and schedules Frequency with adverbs (how often one does something) Expressing obligations using L 1a, b L 4a, b SL 1a, c, d SL 3 SL 6 28A, D 29D L 1a, b L 4a, b SL 1a, c, d SL 3 SL 6 28A, D 29D L 1a, b L 4a, b SL 1a, c, d SL 3 SL 6 28A, B, C, D 29A L 1 a, b L 4a, b, c, d L 5a R 1, 2, 6, 7 SL 1a, c, d SL 3 SL4 SL6 W 3c W6 28A, B, C 29A, C, D 30A R 14 W3 W4 W5 L1 L2 L 4a, b, c, d SL 1c SL 6 28 A, B, C, D 29 A, B, C, E 30 A L 1a, b L 4a, b, c, d SL 1a, c, d SL 3 28A, B, C, D 29A, D two different constructions: hay que + infinitive and tener que + infinitive Unit 2, Lesson 1 Read and discuss Mexico City Evaluation of writing 21 History of Mexico City School in Mexico Evaluation 22 Verb ir (to go) Time 23 Verb estar (to be) Interrogative words Snacks (multicultural) 24 Verb querer (to want) Snacks Ir a + infinitive Evaluation Unit 2, Lesson 2 Request snacks, lunch food using querer Culture: Mexican and American snacks Evaluation 25 Additional –ar verbs Sequencing events Present tense regular –er and –ir verbs 26 Irregular yo verbs Verb oír ( to hear) Personal a 27 Culture: pastimes in Mexico 28 Reading Evaluation Unit 2, Lesson 3 Express what you are going to do using ir a + infinitive Review present tense –ar verbs Present tense –er & -ir verbs Unit 2, Lesson 3 Present tense of irregular yo verbs Discuss plans using regular, irregular verbs Use verb oír Unit 2, Lesson 3 Culture: pastimes of Mexican youth and Mexico’s downtown El Zócalo Reading any one of the following: Carlos Fuentes, “Chac Mool” Antonio Machado, “He andado muchos caminos” Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, “Hombres necios que acusáis” or Juan Rulfo, “No oyes ladrar los perros” Unit 2, Lesson 2 Using ir for where you are going Asking for and telling time Stating time Schedules Unit 2, Lesson 2 Describe location using estar Interrogative words Difference between ¿qué? and ¿cuál? Difference between ¿dónde? and ¿adónde? 30A W1a,b,c,d W2a,b,c,d,f W4, W5, W6 28 A, B, C, D L 1a, b L 4a, b, c, d SL 1a, c, d SL 3 28A, B, C, D L 1a, b L 4a, b SL 1a, c, d SL 2 SL 3 SL 6 28A, B, C, D 29A, B, d L 1a, b L 4a, b SL 1a, c, d SL 3 SL 6 W3c 28A, B, C L 1a, b L 4a, b, c, d SL 1a, c, d SL 3 28A, B, C, D L 1a, b L 4a, b SL 1a, c, d SL 3 29D, E SL 1a, c, d SL 2 SL 3 28A, B, C, D L 1a, b L 4a, b, c, d L 5a R 1, 2, 6, 7 SL 1a, c, d SL 3 W6 28A, B, C 29A, C, D Midterm Exam (listening, reading, and speaking) Unit 3, Lesson 1 Express feeling using estar + adjective Acabar de + infinitive 29 Estar (with feelings) Acabar de + infinitive (to have just done something) 30 Use venir (to come) Phone conversations Invitations Unit 3, Lesson 1 Venir Gustar (complete conjugation) Extend invitations Talk on the phone 31 Baseball in Puerto Rico & Cuba Reading Culture: Baseball Reading: Nancy Morejón, “Mujer negra” 32 Sports Verb jugar (to play) Stem changing verbs Unit 3, Lesson 2 Use verb jugar Talking about sports Stem-changing verbs (e-ie, uue) 33 Use saber (to know) Use conocer (to be familiar with, to meet) Unit 3, Lesson 2 Use saber and conocer La a personal 34 Comparisons Baseball in Puerto Rico Unit 3, Lesson 2 Use phrases to make comparisons of equality and inequality Culture: Baseball in Puerto Rico 35 Evaluation Clothing Weather Stem- changing verbs Unit 3, Lesson 3 Discuss clothing, describe weather Stem- changing verbs (o-ue) 30A L 1a, b L 4a, b, c, d SL 1a, c, d SL 3 SL 6 28A, B, C, D 29A, D, E L 1a, b L 4a, b SL 1a, c, d SL 3 28A, B, C, D 29A, C, D, E L1 L 4a, b, c, d L 5a R 1, 2, 6, 7 SL 1a, c, d SL 3 W6 28A, B, C 29A, C, D 30A L 1a, b L 4c, d SL 1a, c, d SL 3 SL 6 28A, B, C 29A, B, D L 1a, b L 4a, b SL 1a, c, d SL 3 SL 6 28A, B, C L 1a, b L 4a, b SL 1a, c, d SL 3 SL 5 28A, B, C, D 29A, C, D,E 30A L 1a, b L 4a, b, c, d SL 1a, c, d SL 3 W 3c 28A, B, C, D 36 Stem- changing verbs Present progressive Tener expressions 37 Evaluation 38 Final Evaluation Unit 3, Lesson 3 Stem-changing verbs (e-i) Use the present progressive to describe actions that are occurring in the moment Tener idioms Oral and writing assessments Cumulative semester 2 exam (listening and reading) 30A L1a, b L 4a, b SL 1a, c, d SL 3 28A, B, C, D L 4a, b SL 4, 6 W 1a, b, c, d W 2a, b, c, d, f W 3c W 4, 5, 6 28, 29,30 R 14 W3 W4 W5 L1 L2 L 4a, b, c, d SL 1c SL 6 28 A, B, C, D 29 A, B, C, E 30 A The four readings listed on week 12, 18, 28, and 31 will bear in mind the new required reading list for A.P. Spanish Literature. The teacher will choose one or both to cover, time permitting from the following: 1. Author- biographical information 2. Work on the required list