COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON HEAL 257 001 NUTRITION EDUCATION Spring 2006 3 credit hours TIME: MWF 11:00 - 11:50 am. PLACE: Room 111, Silcox Physical Education and Health Center INSTRUCTOR: Susan E. Balinsky, DrPH, CHES OFFICE HOURS: 10:00 -10:45am MWF; 11:00 – 11:40am TR and by appointment OFFICE: Room 315, Silcox Physical Education and Health Center PHONE/FAX: 953-8242 (direct) 953-5558 (PEHD Office) 843-953-6757 (FAX) E-MAIL: WEB SITE: PREREQUISITES: None GRADING: A, B+, B, C+, C, D, F COURSE DESCRIPTION: A study of food groups and nutrients and their relationship to health, physical activity, aging, and consumer food programs. REQUIRED COURSE TEXT: Brown, Judith E. (2005) Nutrition Now. Fourth edition. Belmont,CA, Thomson Wadsworth Publishing Company. OPTIONAL MATERIALS: Packet from SAS-E Ink 79 Wentworth Street (near St. Phillips Street) Phone: 577-2774 REQUIRED TECHNOLOGY: Diet Analysis Plus 7.0.1 PC with Windows 2000,NT, XP Home or XP Pro; 128 MB RAM minimum, 250 MB free on hard drive. Internet Explorer 6.0. Macintosh OSX 10.2.8 or higher, 128 MB RAM of hard disk space free, Firefox 1.0 or Netscape 6.0 or higher. Note: or you may use specified College of Charleston library computers. COURSE OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to 1. comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention by: a. describing the basic functions & food sources of the 6 nutrient groups. b. identifying the role of nutrition in disease development/prevention. c. identifying how nutritional requirements vary throughout the lifecycle. d. analyzing the concepts of appropriate weight loss, gain, and maintenance . 2. demonstrate the ability to practice health enhancing behaviors and reduce health risks by: a. demonstrating knowledge of nutritional planning through food planning systems b. correctly interpreting nutrition labels. c. completing a behavior change project during the semester. d. constructing a one-day healthy diet. 2 REQUIREMENTS: DESCRIPTION OF PROJECTS: 44% Outside assignments and projects 56% Examinations 1. FIRST NUTRIENT ANALYSIS (50 points = 6.9%) DUE 2-1 A. FOOD LOGS Keep an accurate record of all foods eaten for four consecutive full days (midnight to midnight). At least one day should be a weekday and at least one day should be a weekend day. Clearly label each day’s food entries on your rough draft. Also indicate for each day 1. how many ounces of water you consumed 2. type and length of exercise done that day e.g. walking to class, jogging, aerobics, biking ** Include some activity (with duration) for each day. B. COMPUTER ANALYSIS (Use Diet Analysis Plus 7.0.1) PRINT the following: [Submit in this order] 1st: Average of all days: - Intake vs. Goals report - Fat breakdown - Macronutrient ranges *Make note of % calories from fat, carbohydrates, protein and alcohol 2nd: A copy of your profile information 3rd: Nutrient Analysis #1 Summary Sheet (hand done, not computer) Be sure to double check your calories are reasonable: 1,0002,600; more if you are an athlete, 5,000+ is not reasonable. 4th: Individual day printouts Day 1: Intake vs. goals, source analysis for kilocalories Day 2: Intake vs. goals, source analysis for kilocalories Day 3: Intake vs. goals, source analysis for kilocalories Day 4: Intake vs. goals, source analysis for kilocalories Additional days if you chose to do them 5th: Rough drafts, in order (sheets you kept track of foods on) * Be sure to fill in the water and activity portions 2. NUTRIENT ANALYSIS #1 EVAL (20 pts=2.8%) Due 2-10 Submit this in a two-pocket folder. This evaluation should be on one side and your (already graded) nutrient analysis should be on the other side. Use this format for your evaluation. 1. Basic information (5) A. Are these days representative of your typical diet? Explain. (3) B. How many glasses of water did you average each day? (1) C. Are you currently taking any type(s) of supplements? Specify. If none, write none. (1) 2. Analysis of nutrient analysis (12) Using your average of all days’ analysis, do you believe you have a healthy diet? Explain why or why not. In addition, complete the Summary Data for Nutrient Analysis form. Be sure to make appropriate comments! (continued) 3 3. Select behavior change topic (3) Choose one nutrient for your three week behavior change project. Discuss why you feel this would be the most beneficial for you. Are there any family history issues that play a role in your selection? (e.g. hypertension, CHD, diabetes, cancer) 3. HEALTHY DIET (25 points= 3.5 %) Due 2-22 a. Without using Diet Analysis Plus (DAP), write down what you would consider to be a healthy diet for you. Turn in this hand written diet with amounts clearly identified. (1) b. Enter this diet and analyze it using DAP. Submit: profile, Intake vs. Goal, source analysis (kilocalories), and macronutrient ranges. (5) (label as “b”) c. Evaluate your results: 1. Do you think this is a healthy diet? Explain your answer. In addition, complete the nutrient chart provided. Note: you do not want to reach 100% of your fats, sodium, or cholesterol! What other notable results did you find? (5) 2. Were you surprised by the results? Explain. (2) d. Based on your results, make changes in your diet (you may change foods and/or amounts) that you believe will bring you closer to meeting the dietary guidelines. Submit the Intake vs. Goal, source analysis, and macronutrient ranges. (5) (label as “d”) Highlight the changes you made on the food list (source analysis). e. Did these changes produce the results you expected? Explain your answer. (4) f. Explain why a “one day snap-shot” tends not to provide an accurate image of a person’s diet. (3) 4. ENERGY CALCULATIONS (50 points = 6.9%) Due 2-27 a. ACTIVITY LOG Keep track of all of your activity for a 24-hour period on a “normal” weekday and a “normal” weekend day (midnight to midnight). Use the form provided. b. ENERGY CALCULATIONS Utilizing the information from your activity log, complete the energy calculation worksheet as per class instructions. All values should be rounded to the nearest hundredth. 5. SECOND NUTRIENT ANALYSIS (40 points = 5.6%) Due 3-29 Complete a second nutrient analysis for four days the week of March 13. See #1 for what you need to turn in for these days. Use at least one weekday and one weekend day. 6. PRESENTATION (60 points = 8.3%) 1. Select a partner by Feb. 3 to do this assignment. 2. Prepare a creative 4-6 minute Power Point presentation on your approved vitamin or mineral. Include at least one source from the internet This should be a research type article, not a commentary, from a credible source (e.g. NIH, USDA, CDC) ` 4 E-mail Dr. Balinsky a copy of your Power Point presentation at least 24 hours in advance of your presentation. 3. Include (minimum requirements): functions, sources, and issues of excesses and deficiencies. Try to add interesting new information or facts about your nutrient. 4. Multiple choice questions. Include two multiple choice questions as a part of your Power Point presentation. Only include the question, do NOT provide the answer or the three distracters. i.e. This vitamin, when consumed during pregnancy, can help prevent neural tube defects like spina bifida. Note: do NOT ask questions about the RDA or AI 5. Identify the website you used to find your internet article(s) NOTE: I will post these Power Point presentations on WebCT. To be submitted to Dr. Balinsky: (these should all be hard copies) 1. A hard copy of your Power Point presentation (6 slides per page). 2. A complete copy of your two multiple choice questions including the three distracters and the correct answer. Be sure to identify the correct answers. i.e This vitamin, when consumed during pregnancy, can help prevent neural tube defects like spina bifida. a. niacin b. folate c. riboflavin d. B6 3. A hard copy of at least one of the internet article(s) used in preparing the presentation. [Tentative dates to give presentations: Vitamins on March 24, 27, 29; Minerals on April 10, 12] 7. FINAL PAPER (65 points = 9.0%) Due 4-14 This paper is designed for you to analyze your first two nutrient analyses. Ask any questions you have as you proceed through the project (e.g. in class, by e-mail or by phone). Important information: 1. Use the format provided below to complete your project. Write #1 a.b.c; #2, a,b,c,d,e; #3 a,b NOTE: TEN POINTS WILL BE DEDUCTED IF YOUR PROJECT IS NOT SUBMITTED IN THIS FORMAT 2. Submit your project in a two-pocket folder. This project should be on one side. The components already submitted and graded (2 nutrient analyses) should be on the other. 5 Required Format: 1. Basic information for your second nutrient analysis (5) a. Are your second analysis days representative of your typical diet? Explain. (3) b. How many glasses of water did/do you average each day? How did this compare to your first analysis average? c. Are you currently taking any type(s) of supplements? Specify. If none, write none. (1) 2. Dietary Changes and diary (20) a. Restate your behavior change topic. b. Make adjustments in your diet for three weeks (21 consecutive days) to meet your goal. These changes may be gradual. Keep a diary of what changes you made for your specific nutrient. Your diary will be turned in but does not need to be typed. Make some entry for each day. (11) c. Discuss what barriers made it more difficult to meet your goal: economic, time, social, physical, etc. (3) d. Discuss what supports made it easier to meet your goal: social support, cooking for yourself, etc. (3) e. Do you think you will maintain these changes? Discuss why or why not. (3) 3. Analysis of nutrient analyses (15) a. Complete the Summary Data for Nutrient Analysis chart for your second analysis. Make appropriate comments in the space provided. (5) b. Compare this to the summary data from your first analysis. Overall, do you believe your diet has changed for the better? Explain why or why not. Address a wide variety of issues, not only your behavior change nutrient. Were there any noticeable changes in percent RDA/AI achieved? Also evaluate your source of fat (found on your average of all days’ sheet for fat breakdown). If you did not have any significant changes, indicate whether you feel these are healthy levels based on class discussion. (10) 8. Health Service Activity (20 points = 2.8%) Due 3-20 Complete four community service hours, preferably related in some way to diet and health. This may be on campus through WAVE or within the community. Nutrition related community options to select from include: Lowcountry Food Bank, Inc Crisis Ministries DHEC/WIC program Lunch Buddies (Mem.ES) Meals on Wheels of Summerville Salvation Army Complete the time sheet and reflection form provided. You may access a list of over 100 volunteer agencies in the Charleston area at (Trident United Way). Check with me if the agency you are considering is not listed. 6 EXAMINATIONS: Exam 1 Exam 2 Exam 3 Exam 4 (100 points = 13.9%) (100 points = 13.9%) (100 points = 13.9%) (100 points = 13.9%) Chap. 1-7,10 Chap. 12,13,14,15,18,19,26 Chap. 8,9,11,16 20 24 Chap. 23,25,28,29,32, food pyramid, nutrient %s, food labels, dietary guidelines, diet evaluation, components of a healthy diet, overview material from the semester Note: Exams will include assigned reading, class notes, speakers, and audiovisual supplements. EVALUATION SCALE: 90-100% = 85-89% = 80-84% = 75-79% = 70-74% = 65-69% = <65% = EVALUATION CRITERIA: Exam 1 Exam 2 Exam 3 Exam 4 Nutrient Analysis 1 Nutrient Analysis 1 Eval. Nutrient Analysis 2 Healthy Diet` Energy Calculations Presentation/Outline Final Paper Health Service Activity Total: A B+ B C+ C D F 648-720 points 612-647 points 576-611 points 540-524 points 504-539 points 468-503 points <468 points 100 points 100 points 100 points 100 points 50 points 20 points 40 points 25 points 50 points 60 points 40 points 20 points 705 points 13.9 % 13.9 % 13.9 % 13.9 % 6.9 % 2.8 % 5.6 % 3.5% 6.9 % 8.3 % 5.7 % 2.8% Bonus point options: These are all totally voluntary. 5 points each 1. Jump Rope for Heart: Feb. 17 between 9 am and 2 pm. (Silcox Gym). You must participate (jump/turn) for at least 30 minutes and collect at least fifteen dollars ($15) in contributions for the American Heart Association. Bring money to the event that day! Cash (no coins) or checks made to American Heart Association. 2. Healthy Recipe: Find or create a healthy recipe. Type out the recipe and briefly discuss why it is a healthy recipe. Identify the source of the recipe. You must sign up with Dr. B on or before 4-19 (only one person per recipe) and turn in the typed recipe no later than 4-21. Note: The recipe should have at least six ingredients and should be more involved than a fruit salad! 3. Prepare recipe: Make the dish approved in #2 above for the class on our “healthy eating” day, 4-24. 7 COURSE CONTENT: (Tentative) Date 1-9 Topic Introduction Learning Activities: lecture, small group Chapter 1-11 Key Concepts Learning Activities: lecture, discussion 1 1-13 The “Inside Story” Start food logs Learning Activities: lecture, discussion 2 1-16 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – no class 1-18 Ways to Know About Nutrition Learning Activities: lecture, discussion, group work 1-20 Using Diet Analysis Plus software Food Labels (Bring a label with you!) Learning Activities: lecture, demonstration, individual work 3 4 1-23 Food Labels Learning Activities: lecture, discussion, individual work 4 1-25 Food Labels Learning Activities: lecture, discussion, group work 1-27 What is a Healthful Diet? Learning Activities: lecture, discussion 6 1-30 Diet Evaluation/Weight Control Learning Activities: lecture, discussion, group work 10 2-1 Digestion Nut. analysis due Learning Activities: lecture, discussion 7 2-3 Exam 1 Chap. 1-7, 10 Presentation partner selected Learning Activities: examination 2-6 Carbohydrates Learning Activities: lecture, discussion 2-8 Carbohydrates Learning Activities: lecture, discussion 2-10 Carbohydrates, Artificial Sweeteners Learning Activities: lecture, discussion 2-13 Diabetes /Alcohol Learning Activities: lecture, discussion 13,14 2-15 Fats Learning Activities: lecture, discussion 18 12 N.A. #1 Eval. due 8 2-17 Fats Discuss energy calculations Learning Activities: lecture, discussion Jump Rope for Heart (optional) 18 2-20 Fats Learning Activities: lecture, demonstration, discussion 18 2-21 Last day to withdraw with a “W” 2-22 Nutrition and Disease Healthy Day diet due Learning Activities: lecture, discussion, video 2-24 In-class energy calculations Bring a calculator! Learning Activities: in-class calculations 2-27 Proteins Energy cal. due Learning Activities: lecture, discussion 3-1 Proteins Learning Activities: lecture, discussion 3-3 Exam 2 Chap 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 26 Learning Activities: examination 3-6,8,10 Spring Break ` 19, 26 15 15 Be safe! Be happy! No class 3-13 Vegetarianism Start second food log Learning Activities: lecture, discussion 16 3-15 Calories, Obesity, Learning Activities: lecture, discussion, video 3-17 Obesity continued Learning Activities: lecture, discussion 9 3-20 Disordered Eating Service hours due Learning Activities: discussion, video 11 3-22 Disordered Eating Learning Activities: video, discussion 11 3-24 Vitamins Learning Activities: student presentations, discussion 20 3-27 Vitamins Learning Activities: student presentations, discussion 20 3-29 Vitamins Second nutrient analysis due Learning Activities: lecture, discussion 20 3-31 Dietary Supplements Learning Activities: lecture, discussion, video 24 8,9 9 ATTENDANCE: 4-3 Calcium Learning Activities: lecture, discussion 23 4-5 Exam 3 Chap 9, 10, 11, 16, 20, 24 Learning Activities: examination 4-7 Calcium, Water Learning Activities: student presentations, discussion 4-10 Minerals 23 Learning Activities: student presentations, discussion 4-12 Minerals 23 Learning Activities: student presentations, discussion 4-14 Physical Performance Final paper due Learning Activities: lecture, discussion 28 4-17 Pregnancy Learning Activities: lecture, discussion 28 4-19 Pregnancy Learning Activities: lecture, discussion Extra Credit recipe last approval date 29 4-21 Food Safety Learning Activities: lecture, discussion Extra Credit typed recipe due by today 32 4-24 Healthy Cooking/Healthy Eating (food day) Course Evaluations Learning Activities: group activity 4-29 (Sat) Exam 4 noon – 3pm 25 Chap. 23, 25, 28, 29, 32, food pyramid, dietary guidelines, food labels, nutrient %s, components of a healthy diet, diet evaluation, overview of semester material Attendance is required. You may miss three classes without penalty. For each additional unexcused absence, your final point total will be reduced by three points. An excused absence includes illness/hospitalization, death of a family member or close friend, or issues dealt with through CARE documented through the Undergraduate Dean’s Office; absence due to a court appearance documented by a copy of the summons; and absence due to attendance at events as a representative of the College (athletic team gospel choir, WAVE, etc). All excused absences must be documented. NOTE: If you come to class late, it is your responsibility to make sure it has been noted. 10 MAKE-UP EXAMS: Make-up exams are given at the discretion of the professor. Contact me prior to the exam if at all possible, or as soon as you return to school after an excused absence or during an absence, if possible. It is your responsibility to see contact me if you miss any work. ASSIGNMENTS/ LATE POLICY: All assignments must be typed. Assignments are due when collected in class. There will be an automatic five point deduction if you have an unexcused absence on the due date and your assignment is not turned in by the time they are collected. There will be a penalty of three points for every school day the assignment is late. Points will be deducted for errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation. HONOR CODE: The College of Charleston has an honor code that expects students to govern their behavior. This honor code can be found in the current edition of the Student Handbook. 11 FOOD LOG DAY Name Date Day of Week Total number of ounces of water consumed today: (if zero, write 0) List today’s physical activities including duration (if none, write none) i.e. moderate walking, 30 minutes FOOD EATEN e.g. chicken breast orange juice spaghetti Cheerios HOW PREPARED Broiled Fresh HOW MUCH 1 medium/6 ounces 1 cup = 8 fluid ounces ¾ cup (2 oz dry, 56 grams) 1 cup (30 grams) 12 Health Service Activity Reflection Name _______________________________Class______________________________ Professor(s)___________________________ Semester___________________________ Name of Organization______________________________________________________ Contact Person ________________________ Phone Number __________________ Type of Activity_______________________ Total hours completed at this site________ Reflective Questions 1. Briefly describe what you did at this site. 2. What did you learn from this experience? 3. How did you benefit from this experience professionally? Honor Code: I, ___________________________, certify that the above information is true, and that I performed the service activities described above. This information can be confirmed with the contact person identified. ______________________________ Signature of Student ____________ Date 13 HEALTH SERVICE ACTIVITY TIME LOG NAME DATE TIME IN TIME OUT TOTAL HOURS AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE