Political Commercial Research Adapted from Propaganda Unit project created by Casey Wise found at: http://www.gckschools.com/users/wisec/it727project/index.htm 1. Visit the following website - The Living Room Candidate www.livingroomcandidate.org 2. Review two or three ads from the 2004 for each candidate. Answer the following questions: What is the message? What propaganda technique(s) does it use? How do the graphics affect your opinion about the video? Make a list of all the elements that are common in the videos: examples would be; "paid for by", "approved by", websites, end credits, music, etc. Look for clues in the text at the bottom of the video. 3. Choose another year at random. Watch a commercial from each candidate. Answer the following questions: What is the message? What propaganda technique(s) does it use? How do the graphics affect your opinion about the video? Make a list of all the elements that are common in the videos: examples would be; "paid for by", "approved by", websites, end credits, music, etc. Look for clues in the text at the bottom of the video.