LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY BATON ROUGE CHAPTER FEEBBRRUUAARRYY 2006 NEEW WS SLLE ETTTTE ER R February 19-25, 2006 is National Engineers Week (E-Week). The following proclamation was issued by Baton Rouge Mayor Melvin “Kip” Holden recognizing E-Week for the Baton Rouge area. The official proclamation can be viewed on our website at www.les-state.org/brchapter Proclamation WHEREAS, engineers have served to improve the quality of life for our City, Parish, state, nation, and world for thousands of years. Engineering designs have resulted in clean drinking water, air conditioning and heating, automobiles and highways, airplanes, computers and copiers, abundant utility supplies, and most every other modern day convenience; and WHEREAS, engineers are intricately tied to public safety. The profession impacts the public on a daily basis in almost everything we do; and WHEREAS, the Louisiana Engineering Society (LES) was founded in 1898 and has been a member of the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) since 1957; and WHEREAS, the LES and NSPE focus on the engineers’ responsibility to the public and their involvement in the community, particularly as related to licensing as a Professional Engineer; and WHEREAS, registration as a Professional Engineer entails specific education, an internship, passing several qualification examinations, and written testimony of other Professional Engineers as to an individual’s professional and ethical character; and NOW, THERFORE, I, Melvin L. “Kip” Holden, Mayor-President of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge, do hereby proclaim February 19-25, 2006 AS ENGINEERS WEEK IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Baton Rouge and the Parish of East Baton Rouge, to be affixed upon this nineteenth day of February, in the year of our Lord two thousand and six FEBRUARY 2006 NEWSLETTER PAGE 1 LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY BATON ROUGE CHAPTER E-WEEK BANQUET: FEBRUARY 23, 2006 February 19-25, 2006 will be recognized as National Engineers Week. E-Week is a national campaign geared towards celebrating and raising awareness of the contributions of today’s engineers to society. We as engineers should be proud of our enormous and often unheralded contributions to the world in which we live. The LES Baton Rouge Chapter would like for you to join in our formal E-Week Banquet celebration on February 23, 2006 at the Baton Rouge Country Club. Cocktails will be served at 6:30 with the dinner and awards starting at 7:00 pm. Corporate sponsors are needed to make this event possible. Please contact Robert Degeyter, P.E. at 387-6222 to reserve your seat or to sponsor the banquet. Visit the web at http://www.eweek.org for information about national events. CALENDAR OF EVENTS February 19-25 E-Week February 23 E-Week Banquet Baton Rouge Country Club March 23 General Meeting April 20 Joint LES-ASCE Meeting Mayor Kip Holden May 25 General Meeting Any announcements? Email me at rlear@sigmacg.com BATON ROUGE CHAPTER MEMBERS WIN STATE AWARDS Members of the Baton Rouge Chapter were awarded three of the statewide awards at the recent JESC Conference. The Baton Rouge Chapter made a strong showing, winning 3 of the 4 nominated awards. The chapter would like to congratulate Gavin Gautreau, P.E., Buddy Porta, P.E. and Darrell Jones, P.E. for their accomplishments and representation the Baton Rouge. Additional details about the award winners will be published in the next issue of the “Louisiana Engineer and Surveyor Journal” Gavin P. Gautreau, P.E. Lloyd “Buddy” Porta, P.E. Darrell K. Jones, P.E. F. Hugh Coughlin Young Engineer Award A.B. Patterson Medal for an Engineer in Management Andrew M. Locket Medal for Civic Activities FEBRUARY 2006 NEWSLETTER PAGE 2 LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY BATON ROUGE CHAPTER ALAN KROUSE, P.E. AWARDED THE W.S. NELSON PRESIDENT’S AWARD Having held all offices for the Baton Rouge Chapter of LES, Alan Krouse currently serves as SecretaryTreasurer of LES. He originated the LES Baton Rouge Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament in 1992, and has since annually directed this event. This tournament was established to fund an LSU professorship in memory of Dr. Humphreys Turner, a Civil Engineering professor at LSU. The tournament continues on today to help fund LES’ annual scholarship program. Since 1993, Alan has assisted in every MathCounts competition. On the state level, Alan currently serves on the Long Range Planning Committee and was the Chairman of the 2005 Annual conference. Alan also served as the 2004 Annual Conference Chairman, Chairman and Vice Chairman of PEPP, on the Tellers Committee and Honors and Awards Committee. In addition to being an active member of LES, Alan has served on the Ascension Parish Planning and Zoning Commission since June of 2004, presently serving as Planning and Zoning Representative on the Parish Steering Committee, as well as a member of the Parish Zoning Subcommittee. Alan is a Registered Professional Engineer in the States of Louisiana and Texas and is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, the National Society of Professional Engineers, and the LSU Alumni Association. He is a Board Member of the Louisiana Engineering Foundation and was listed in the 1996-1997 edition of Who’s Who in Executives and Professionals. Alan is the owner of AACO Engineering Company, established in 1992. He is also employed with Meyer & Associates of Sulphur as a Vice President in transportation, managing their Baton Rouge office. After receiving his BS Degree from LSU in Civil Engineering in 1977, Alan was employed at the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, in the Road Design Section for seven years. While at DOTD, Alan ultimately reached the position of Coordinating Squad Leader leaving DOTD to go into private consulting practice. Alan is married to Stephanie Bares Krouse and they are celebrating 28 years of marriage this year. They have two daughters, Brooke and Allison. After graduating from St. Joseph's Academy in Baton Rouge, Brooke went on to get her degree in International Studies from LSU. She would like to live and work in Japan. Allison also graduated from St. Joseph’s Academy in Baton Rouge and is a junior at LSU, majoring in Education. She is a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. Alan has been an active member at St. George Catholic Church in Baton Rouge, among his volunteer services is more that twenty years of work with the St. George Fair. FEBRUARY 2006 NEWSLETTER PAGE 3 LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY BATON ROUGE CHAPTER MATHCOUNTS NEWS The Louisiana Engineering Society - Baton Rouge Chapter held the 2006 local MathCounts competition on February 10th at the Transportation Training and Education Center (TTEC) on the LSU Campus. MathCounts, a Coaching and Competition Program Promoting Middle School Math Achievement consists of local school teams competing against each other in individual tests, group tests, and an individual speed round. The event consisted of over eighty students representing 11 middle schools from Baton Rouge Local “mathletes” compete in the countdown round and surrounding parishes. The students were tested competition at MathCounts as individuals and as four-person teams. The top ten students then proceed to a countdown round, where word-problems were shown and read, and students buzzed-in similar to “Jeopardy”. The event focuses on accuracy and speed. Defending National Champion, Neal Wu, competed again this year as an 8 th grader (his final competition year), and won the local individual title again. Glasgow Elementary School won the team competition, with team members Neal Wu, Devika Balichandran, Zesham Ahmed, and Luci Li. These students and other top finishers will proceed to Alexandria, Louisiana, for the State Competition on March 9 & 10. The National Competition will be held in Washington DC in May 2006. Thanks to the Louisiana Transportation Research Center (LTRC) LES Volunteers – specifically Darrell Jones, Alan Krouse, Robbie Lear, Geoff Wilson, & Stan Prutz Bell South Grady Crawford Construction CiCi’s Pizza Participating Schools’ Coaches and Parents FEBRUARY 2006 NEWSLETTER PAGE 4 LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY BATON ROUGE CHAPTER FUTURE CITY COMPETITION By: Carla Lane Although there were many obstacles to this year’s competition, not the least of which were 2 hurricanes, the Engineer’s Week Future City Competition sponsored by LES was held on January 20. The mission of the competition is to provide a fun and exciting educational engineering program for 7th and 8th grade students that combines a stimulating engineering challenge with a “hands-on” application to present their vision of a city of the future. Students are challenged to build a computer model using MAXIS SimCity 3000, write an essay pertaining to a particular engineering topic, write an abstract describing their city, build a physical model of a particular portion of their city, and present their futuristic city at the regional competition. Pictured left to right: Tony Arikol, P.E. (Engineer Sponsor), Alison Adams, Melanie Eddington, Katherine Fredieu, and Shirley Newman (teacher) This year’s winner, St. Thomas More, Baton Rouge, envisioned a future New Orleans that will be rebuilt with new technology, but without sacrificing the local heritage. They will be sent to Washington, D.C. where they will compete against 34 other states at the national finals in February. The second place winner was Carencro Catholic School, Carencro and third place went to East Beauregard High School, DeRidder. This year, Marc McConnell, from Shell, entertained the students with his keynote speech, including stories about his Back to the Future car. The Future City competition is not possible without the work of many volunteers. If you would like to volunteer to be a judge, help at the competition, or mentor a team, you can register on the Future City website, www.futurecity.org . You will also be able to get more information and see pictures of last year’s national winning team from Louisiana. FEBRUARY 2006 NEWSLETTER PAGE 5 LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY BATON ROUGE CHAPTER 2006 NSPE MILTON F. LUNCH ETHICS CONTEST All current NSPE individual members, NSPE state societies, and NSPE Chapters are invited to participate in the 2006 NSPE Milton F. Lunch Ethics Contest. Match your wits with experienced professional engineers and engineering students throughout the country. NSPE’s Board of Ethical Review will furnish you with a real FACT situation that involves a government engineer who has been offered gifts from time-to-time from consulting engineering companies and contractors. Given the FACTS, you are asked a QUESTION about the ethics of the engineer. Contestants are encouraged to read and discuss the FACTS of the case and answer to the QUESTIONS. Then contestants are to develop DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS using the format of the NSPE Board of Ethical Review. Contestants are also to give REFERENCES citing only specific sections of the NSPE Code of Ethics for Engineers. Other materials should not be cited. All entries must be 750 words or less (DISCUSSION and CONCLUSION section only) and received by Friday, April 14, 2006. The winning entry will receive an award of $1000 ($500 to the NSPE State Society or NSPE Chapter and $500 divided among the authors) provided by the NSPE Education Foundation, a certificate, and recognition in PE Magazine. Visit www.les-state.org/brchapter and click on Ethics Contest for a full set of rules and FACTS. 2005-2006 INTERNET SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FAIR JUDGES NEEDED The University of Central Florida 's College of Engineering and Computer Science and the National Medal of Technology Program ask you to consider participating as a national judge in the ninth annual Internet Science and Technology Fair (ISTF). This online competition includes two hundred and sixty-seven student teams in grades three through twelve. Students work with technical advisors via email, innovate technical solutions to real-world problems, follow ISTF Content Guidelines (based on AAAS National Science Content Standards), and present their projects in a webpage format. Please access Newcomers - Judges for more information about participating as a judge. The National Round of Judging, will occur between April 7th and April 16th. Each judge is asked to review up to six projects. The forms for judging, the students' projects, and the guidelines for the three grade groupings (elementary, middle, and high school) are available online; the evaluations can be completed any time within the ten-day period. Should you wish to participate, please go to My ISTF, click on New Account under "Final Judges" and complete the information as requested. WELCOME NEW MEMBERS The following individuals are new members of LES. If you see these individuals, please welcome them to the Society. Phil G. Combs, P.E. - Pyburn & Odom Robert P. Dugas, Jr. , P.E. - GEC, Inc. Charles M. Munley, Jr., E.I. - Dayspring Group, LLC Joffrey E. Easley, P.E. - GEC, Inc. Chris M. Odom, P.E. - Pyburn & Odom Jack N. Hodges, P.E. - GEC, Inc. Mark A. Ordogne, P.E. - LA DOTD John A. Lewis, P.E. - Retired Eric S. Borne, E.I. - SJB Group, LLC Denis Markan - Chemical Engineering Student, LSU Walter R. Williamson, P.E. - Walter R. Williamson, LLC FEBRUARY 2006 NEWSLETTER PAGE 6 LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY BATON ROUGE CHAPTER UPCOMING CPD OPPORTUNITIES The Louisiana Professional Engineering and Surveying Board have posted on their website a list of CPD opportunities within the next few months. Click your browsers to http://www.lapels.com to see what’s coming up. Remember, your membership in LES counts as 1 PDH per biennial renewal period!!! 8hr Life Safety Code Seminar by Robert Miller, AIA, Office of State Fire Marshal Seminar will be held at: Holiday Inn Select, 4728 Constitution Avenue, Baton Rouge, LA 70808 March 15, 2006, 8:00am – 4:30pm, Lunch will be served Registration: $115 for LES members, $215 for non-members Visit: https://www.secure-quotes.com/les/Life.asp for registration 2003 IBC & IRC Wind and Flood Provisions Seminar – 19.5 PDH Hours Office of State Fire Marshal, 8181 Independence Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70808 February 21-23, 2006 – Lunch on your own Registration: Free of charge for participants Contact Cynthia Obier at 925-4911 or Cindy.Obier@dps.la.gov for registration information THE GRANT INSTITUTE - GRANTS 101: Professional Grant Proposal Writing Workshop University of Louisiana, Lafayette, Louisiana, Student Union, Art Gallery, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM February 21 - 23, 2006 Registration: $597 Tuition includes all materials and certificates Visit www.thegrantinstitute.com or call toll free (888) 824 - 4424 for registration and information LES BATON ROUGE CHAPTER 2005-06 OFFICERS President: Gavin Gautreau, P.E. GavinGautreau@dotd.state.la.us 225-767-9110 Secretary / Treasurer Dan Rosenquist, P.E. drosenquist@hntb.com 225-368-2800 President Elect Robert Degeyter, P.E. rdegeyter@harteng.com 225-387-6222 1st Director Robbie Lear, P.E., L.S.I. rlear@sigmacg.com 225-298-0800 Vice President Ken Robichaux, P.E. krobicha@dps.state.la.us 225-925-4920 2nd Director Geoff Wilson, E.I. geoffatbhe@bellsouth.net 225-757-0558 Visit us on the web http://www.les-state.org/brchapter/ FEBRUARY 2006 NEWSLETTER PAGE 7 LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY FEBRUARY 2006 NEWSLETTER BATON ROUGE CHAPTER PAGE 8