Telcordia® TELEPHONE AREA CODE DIRECTORY (TACD) File Specifications 11-15-02 This document contains data set specifications for the Telcordia™ Telephone Area Code Directory (TACD) product as provided on diskette, email, or web download, as of the date indicated above. For further information, call the Telcordia® Routing Administration (TRA) Customer Care Center on 866NPA-NXXS (i.e. 866-672-6997) or 732-699-6700. This document may also be downloaded at (documents). Copyright © 1996-2007 Telcordia® Technologies All Rights Reserved Issue date: 01/10/2007 TACD - Diskette / Email File Information - History The following lists previous issues of these specifications and identifies pertinent changes per issue. Effective Date Changes 07/01/95 Initial specs in this format 04/15/96 First product date to have data provided on diskette with coinciding updates to these specifications. 02/15/99 Addition of NPA3 to file layouts 11/15/02 General restructure of files to incorporate STATUS, EFFDATE, additional NPAs, Embedded NPAs, and other data elements into one file. This also ended the magnetic tape and microfiche versions of the TACD. Note: emailing of TACD began as a distribution option 6/03. Note: web download of TACD began as a distribution option 7/04. Telephone Area Code Directory (TACD) File Record Layouts - (10/15/02) Product Description: The Telcordia® Telephone Area Code Directory (TACD) is provided by the Telcordia Routing Administration (TRA) organization (Customer Care Center: 866-NPA-NXXS (i.e. 866-672-6997) or 732-699-6700) and identifies the Numbering Plan Area (NPA) codes (Area Codes) that serve localities in the United States, United States Territories, Canada, and countries in the Caribbean that participate in the North American Numbering Plan (NANP). TACD data is provided monthly on 3 ½” floppy diskette, via email, or via web download. It is provided in a self-extracting compressed zipped format with the data files compressed on a file entitled TACDmmyy.exe. ( if emailed). Additional instructions pertaining to how to decompress the files are provided on a STARTME.TXT file on the diskette or as emailed. File Descriptions: This document provides detailed record layouts of the data file(s) provided with the TACD. These specifications are also provided monthly on a file entitled TACDSPEC.DOC. Please note that this file also contains a glossary of the field provided in the product. The “Last Change Date” in the file description headers in this document refers to when the file was last structurally changed, or alternatively, first appeared. Please note the following: The TACD data is provided in a flat file, fixed-record length format. This format is compatible with most database and spreadsheet applications, limited perhaps by the volume of data, software version of user applications, user PC configurations, etc. Given that users all have unique needs and interfaces with other databases, the interface between the provided TACD data and local user needs is the responsibility of the user. However, the Telcordia Routing Administration (TRA) organization that is providing you this data is available to answer questions about the data as well as assist in interface development if so desired. Please contract TRA on 732-699-6700 if you have any questions. Sufficient information is provided in the TACD.DAT file to ascertain, for example, the following typical user data needs: o Identification of data for a specific area (e.g. US, Canada) (see STATE, SORT CODE in the Glossary) o Identification of Embedded vs. Actual (ongoing NPAs) – (see NPA details in Glossary) o Identification of current and future status of NPAs for a given LOCALITY (see STATUS and EFFECTIVE DATE in the Glossary Issue Date: 01/10/07 Telephone Area Code Directory – TACD – File Specifications Effective Product Date: 11/15/02 Page 1 General Information: Diskette Information DOS formatted 3 ½” floppy diskette ASCII Note: Products are shipped (and should be received) approximately 2 weeks before the "product" (label) date. File Name Record Length TACD.DAT 188 General Description All Localities-NPA data File Layouts: Filename: TACD.DAT Description: Last Change: FIELD DESCRIPTION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 8. 9. 10. 11. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. CHANGE CODE STATE/PROVINCE/TERRITORY/COUNTRY NAME filler STATE/PROVINCE/TERRITORY/COUNTRY ABBR filler LOCALITY NAME filler STATUS filler EFFECTIVE DATE filler NPA1 filler NPA2 filler NPA3 filler NPA4 filler NPA5 filler NPA6 filler NPA7 Issue Date: 01/10/07 LOCALITY Data 11/15/02 LENGTH 1 45 1 2 2 50 1 1 1 6 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 POSITION 1 2-46 47 48-49 50-51 52-101 102 103 104 105-110 111 112-114 115 116-118 119 120-122 123 124-126 127 128-130 131 132-134 135 136-138 Telephone Area Code Directory – TACD – File Specifications Effective Product Date: 11/15/02 Page 2 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. filler NPA8 filler NPA9 filler NPA0 (10) filler EMBEDDED NPA 1 filler EMBEDDED NPA 2 filler EMBEDDED NPA 3 filler EMBEDDED NPA 4 filler SORT CODE filler KEY CODE filler SOURCE filler Issue Date: 01/10/07 1 3 1 3 1 3 2 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 14 1 1 2 139 140-142 143 144-146 147 148-150 151-152 153-155 156 157-159 160 161-163 164 165-167 168 169 170 171-184 185 186 187-188 Telephone Area Code Directory – TACD – File Specifications Effective Product Date: 11/15/02 Page 3 TACD - GLOSSARY OF FIELD NAMES FIELD NAME CHANGE CODE DESCRIPTION This field indicates whether a change has occurred from thee previous month’s issuance of the file for the given record. A - Indicates the LOCALITY has been added C - An NPA change has occurred. This can occur when (1) a previously reported future change in the NPAs associated with a LOCALITY becomes “current”, or (2) when previously reported current or future LOCALITY/NPA relationships change from one product to the next. D - Indicates the LOCALITY is being removed and should not appear in the following product (unless re-added) Blank - no change Note that ‘D’ changes reflect the previously reported information that was provided, thus it is possible that a ‘D’ CHANGE CODE may appear with a record that has an ‘E’ STATUS (See STATUS). EFFECTIVE DATE This field is used in conjunction with STATUS. It is blank if STATUS is blank. If STATUS is non-blank, the EFFECTIVE DATE is the date the indicated activity (defined by STATUS) is scheduled to occur. EMBEDDED NPAx (x=1-4) These NPAs (Area Codes) are also associated with the given LOCALITY, however they are generally associated with a previously existing NPA for the LOCALITY which may no longer exist for new NXX (prefix) assignments, but for which pre-existing assignments (usually for wireless carriers) have been grandfathered. Thus these NPAs may not necessarily appear on an NPA map for the area, yet may have customers whose (e.g. wireless) telephone numbers may properly reflect the NPA. (Also see NPAx) filler ‘filler’ fields should not contain any data. They are provided for ease in reviewing the data in the flat file via an editor and in anticipation of future growth in the data being provided. KEY CODE This is the STATE value followed by a ten-character LOCALITY abbreviation (if the LOCALITY full name is greater than 10 characters) and a two-character county code. Note that a county code is used only in cases where a designation has to be made between localities in the same jurisdiction (e.g. state) but existing in multiple counties. Issue Date: 01/10/07 Telephone Area Code Directory – TACD – File Specifications Effective Product Date: 11/15/02 Page 4 FIELD NAME LOCALITY DESCRIPTION This is the LOCALITY to which the NPA (area Code) information applies. Please note the following: The same LOCALITY spelling may exist in multiple states, provinces, etc., therefore LOCALITY should always be used in conjunction with the “STATE” field(s). A LOCALITY is generally a defined jurisdictional area (town, city, etc.) but can also pertain to a section of a city, unincorporated area, etc. In some cases a physical location may be designated under different LOCALITY names (e.g. Manhattan, New York, New York City, etc.). In some cases larger cities may be “zoned” for telphony purposes and such zones may also appear in the TACD. Please be aware that LOCALITY spelling may vary (e.g. ST. LOUIS, SAINT LOUIS, ST LOUIS) between the TACD spelling and that of any data you may be matching against. On occasion multiple spelling of the same LOCALITY may appear in the TACD. Due to the latitude given in defining a LOCALITY, those listed in the TACD may be more or less than may be identified in other sources for the given state, province, etc. Should a specific location you are looking for not be listed, please call the TRA Customer Care Center to confirm and add it. TRA is constantly reviewing the data being provided. NPAx (x=1 TO 10) NPAs (Area Codes) that are associated with the given LOCALITY. Also see STATUS and EFFECTIVE DATE as an NPA may be added or removed due to NPA relief activities (e.g. Area Code splits/overlays). (Also see EMBEDDED NPAx) SORT CODE This field can be used, if desired, to sort data based on the following categories of values: 1 - United States (50 states) 2 - US Territories in the Pacific 3 - Caribbean Counties (including US Territories) 4 - Canada SOURCE Issue Date: 01/10/07 Indicates the ”source” of the data (from internal TRA sources). Telephone Area Code Directory – TACD – File Specifications Effective Product Date: 11/15/02 Page 5 FIELD NAME DESCRIPTION I - NPA Change to LOCALITY due to NPA Change to related Rate Center L - LOCALITY record based R - Rate Center record based STATE/PROVINCE/TERRITORY/COUNTRY ABBR A two-character abbreviation of the name of the state, province, territory, or country to which the LOCALITY is affiliated. These may or may not correlate to defined postal codes (especially outside the U.S.) (see State, Province, Island Code Table at the end of this Glossary) STATE/PROVINCE/TERRITORY/COUNTRY NAME The appropriate full name of the state, province, territory or country to which the LOCALITY is affiliated STATUS This indicates the activity associated with the LOCALITY that is to occur on the associated EFFECTIVE DATE Blank - Current information as of the first day of the month of the product date. E - LOCALITY is scheduled to become ‘effective’ on the effective date. M - Information regarding the LOCALITY (essentially NPA information) to be modified (changed, effective on the effective date). This generally will reflect the result of an NPA relief activity. ‘M’ lines will always be preceded by another line for the LOCALITY that indicates the prior status of the record relative to the effective date. Local assessment of the fields in the prior line to those in the ‘M’ line will identify the field(s) changing on the M effective date. D -LOCALITY is scheduled to be ‘disconnected’ on the effective date. Note: An ‘E’ and/or ‘D’ (addition and/or delete) of a LOCALITY will seldom occur. Those that do are often the result of expanding the information in the database (E) or data clean up (spelling variations) (D). Issue Date: 01/10/07 Telephone Area Code Directory – TACD – File Specifications Effective Product Date: 11/15/02 Page 6 State, Province, Island Code Table* Canada Alberta British Columbia Manitoba New Brunswick Newfoundland** Northwest Territory Nova Scotia Nunavut Territory** Ontario Prince Edward Island Quebec** Saskatchewan Yukon Territory AB BC MB NB NF NT NS VU ON PE PQ SK YT Mexico - MX Islands American Samoa**** Anguilla Antigua Bahamas Barbados Bermuda British Virgin Islands Cayman Islands CNMI (N. Marianas)*** Dominica Dominican Republic Grenada Guam Jamaica Montserrat Puerto Rico St. Kitts & Nevis St. Lucia St. Vincent Trinidad & Tobago Turks & Caicos US Virgin Islands TPM AS AI AN BA BD BM BV CQ NN DM DR GN GU JM RT PR KA SA ZF TR TC VI ISO2 AS AI AG BS BB BM VG KY MP DM DO GD GU JM MS PR KN LC VC TT TC VI United States Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri AL AK AZ AR CA CO CT DE DC FL GA HI ID IL IN IA KS KY LA ME MD MA MI MN MS MO United States (cont'd) Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming MT NE NV NH NJ NM NY NC ND OH OK OR PA RI SC SD TN TX UT VT VA WA WV WI WY * Abbreviations are based on COMMON LANGUAGE assignments and may not correlate to other sources (e.g. postal, ISO2, etc.) ** Canada Post abbreviations are: Newfoundland/Labrador, NL; Nunavut Territory, NU; Quebec, QC *** USPS abbreviation is MP **** Regarding American Samoa, AS is the USPS abbreviation; AM (not used) is the COMMON LANGUAGE abbreviation Note: for “Islands”, ISO2 value relative to TPM value is noted above for reference Issue Date: 01/10/07 Telephone Area Code Directory – TACD – File Specifications Effective Product Date: 11/15/02 Page 7