SUL ROSS STATE UNIVERSITY RIO GRANDE COLLEGE BACHELOR OF ARTS INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES DEGREE PLAN EC-6 GENERALIST Name: Address: ID: Date Street City Phone: State Zip E-Mail: DEFICIENCIES: ** General Education courses below must be completed before admittance into the Teacher Education Program** Completed 57 Hours/GENERAL EDUCATION To be completed Course # Title Hours Grade Course # Title Hours ENGL 1301 Comp & Rhetoric I 3 SPCH 1311* Introduction to Speech 3 ENGL 1302 Comp & Rhetoric II 3 FINE ARTS Any non perform. course 3 ENGL Any English Literature 3 FINE ARTS Any non perform. course 3 General Botany or any HIST 1301 U.S. History to 1877 3 BIOL 1411 laboratory science course 4 BIOL 1413 General Zoology or any HIST 1302 U.S. History since 1877 3 laboratory science course 4 General Psychology or any GOVT 2305 Federal Government 3 PSYC 2301 Social Science 3 GOVT 2306 MATH 1314* PHED 1100 PHED 1110 Texas Government College Algebra Physical Education Physical Education 3 3 1 1 SPAN 1411 SPAN 1412 COSC 1401 Beginning Spanish I Beginning Spanish II Intro. to Computer Science 4 4 3 *No grade lower than “C” **For Certification purposes all of the following courses must be taken from RGC** **Must complete a minimum of 21hrs in this area to be admitted to the Teacher Education Program** Completed 30 hours/ACADEMIC SUPPORT AREA To be completed Course # Title Hours Grade Course # Title Hours ENGL 3311 Children’s Literature 3 POLS 3304 Integrated Social Science 3 ENGL 3312* EDUC 3300 EDUC 3304 EDUC 3308 0 Course # EDUC 3301 EDUC 3302 EDUC 3303 EDUC 3309 EDUC 3310 EDUC 4307 Advanced Composition 3 The Teaching Profession 3 Math 3308 Survey of Basic Math I 3 Human Growth & Development 3 Math 3309 Survey of Basic Math II 3 Language Acquisition 3 Biology 3300 Survey of Basic Science 3 EDUC 4320 Diverse Population Grade Grade 3 *No grade lower than “B” ** For Certification purposes all of the following courses must be taken from RGC** **Must be admitted to the Teacher Education Program before taking any of the courses below** *** No grade lower than “B” will be accepted for credit in the Professional Education courses*** Completed 36 hours/ PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION To be completed 36 Title Hours Grade Course # Title Hours Grade Math/Science Methods 3 EDUC 4308 The Teaching of Reading 3 Phonics, Skills and Educational Psychology 3 EDUC 4313 3 Comprehension Methods & Classroom Reading Skills for Content 3 EDUC 4314 3 Management Subjects Assessment and Early Childhood in 3 EDUC 4315 Remediation for Reading 3 Education Problems Early Childhood Curriculum 3 EDUC 4607 Student Teaching in EC-6 6 Teaching Language Arts in 3 the Elementary School TExES Test: P&PREC-12 ; Generalist EC-6 _______________________________________________ __ Chair of Education Department Date