Notes - Del Rio Bible Church

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Sermon Notes
February 27, 2011
February 27, 2011
Recap of February 20, 2011 (Ephesians 6:10-11)
1. Paul closes out his section on the worthy Christian walk which covered Ephesians 4:16:9. In 6:10 he begins the final topic of the book, that of spiritual warfare. Rather than
walk, he now tells them (and us) to stand in the victory over sin and Satan which God has
provided (vv. 11, 13, 14).
2. Concerning the existence of Satan and demons, C.S. Lewis famously wrote in The
Screwtape Letters, the following: “There are two equal and opposite errors into which
our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to
believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them. They themselves are
equally please by both errors…” Developing the theme further, John White in the book,
The Fight, writes: “C. S. Lewis’s remark, that humanity falls into two equal and opposite
errors concerning the devil, is now more famous than the book (The Screwtape
Letters) in which it is found. The errors, according to Lewis, consist either in taking the
devil altogether too seriously or in not taking him seriously enough. The devil welcomes a
Hume or a Faust with equal zest. He is equally delighted by an atheist, a liberal
theologian or a witch. And, it may be added, he feels as happy with a Christian whose
mind is preoccupied with demons all day long as he is with one who never gives them a
thought. But he is living and virulent. His supreme object is to hurt Christ and Christ’s
3. Satan is a created being (Ezekiel 28:11-19) as such he is not the evil equivalent or
opposite of God. Satan is neither omniscient, omnipresent, or omnipotent. Ezekiel also
tells us that Satan is of the class of angels called cherubim. He is a fallen angel (whose fall
is described in Isaiah 14:12-14) who through pride sinned against God by coveting His
position. Many believer that a third of the angels followed him in his rebellion based upon
Revelation 12:4.
Recap of February 20, 2011 (Ephesians 6:10-11)
1. Paul closes out his section on the worthy Christian walk which covered Ephesians 4:16:9. In 6:10 he begins the final topic of the book, that of spiritual warfare. Rather than
walk, he now tells them (and us) to stand in the victory over sin and Satan which God has
provided (vv. 11, 13, 14).
2. Concerning the existence of Satan and demons, C.S. Lewis famously wrote in The
Screwtape Letters, the following: “There are two equal and opposite errors into which
our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to
believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them. They themselves are
equally please by both errors…” Developing the theme further, John White in the book,
The Fight, writes: “C. S. Lewis’s remark, that humanity falls into two equal and opposite
errors concerning the devil, is now more famous than the book (The Screwtape
Letters) in which it is found. The errors, according to Lewis, consist either in taking the
devil altogether too seriously or in not taking him seriously enough. The devil welcomes a
Hume or a Faust with equal zest. He is equally delighted by an atheist, a liberal
theologian or a witch. And, it may be added, he feels as happy with a Christian whose
mind is preoccupied with demons all day long as he is with one who never gives them a
thought. But he is living and virulent. His supreme object is to hurt Christ and Christ’s
3. Satan is a created being (Ezekiel 28:11-19) as such he is not the evil equivalent or
opposite of God. Satan is neither omniscient, omnipresent, or omnipotent. Ezekiel also
tells us that Satan is of the class of angels called cherubim. He is a fallen angel (whose fall
is described in Isaiah 14:12-14) who through pride sinned against God by coveting His
position. Many believer that a third of the angels followed him in his rebellion based upon
Revelation 12:4.
“A Call to Arms” (Part 2)
Ephesians 6:10-18
“A Call to Arms” (Part 2)
Ephesians 6:10-18
I. The enemy vv. 10-13
I. The enemy vv. 10-13
II. The protection vv. 14-17a
II. The protection vv. 14-17a
III. The weapons vv. 17b-18
III. The weapons vv. 17b-18
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