Tips for Career Coaching

Tips for Career Coaching
To conduct career coaching conversations that drive mutual success:
First consider your organization's strategy, future talent needs, your most pressing
team priorities, and the work that needs to be done today. In other words, be crystal clear
on what matters most to you and your organization.
Then consider what you know of your employee's talents, experience, interests, goals,
and preferred working conditions. Clarify your understanding during the coaching
conversation. Ask questions to get to the motivation behind statements like "I want
more responsibility" or "I want to do something new."
Consider the work that needs to be done — on your team or elsewhere in the
organization. Which assignments fit that person's skills and interests?
BlessingWhite's research indicates that about half of employees are looking for
meaningful or interesting work in their next career move. Only 8% want a promotion, and
only 14% want more money. Those findings support our experience that successful
career coaching conversations often result in changes to the employee's current job
scope, not an official change in position.
Still bothered by nightmare scenarios of unrealistic employee expectations or dead-end dialogue?
Check out the advice below for handling some of the trickier career coaching scenarios.
Tips for Handling Common Concerns
Concern #1: There are no open positions and no obvious future opportunities. First, don't
pretend there are any. Brainstorm 'unofficial' career development and personal growth in your
team member's current job: special projects, stretch assignments, expanded responsibilities or
training. There may also be non-traditional lateral moves to explore. Consider how to raise
awareness of this person's strengths and abilities with other leaders by involving him or her in
high-visibility presentations and projects. And if the employee can't articulate career or
development goals, read on.
Concern #2: The employee desires 'career progression' but has no idea what he or she
wants. Start by discussing this person's current job satisfaction. It will help the employee
understand what to look for in future opportunities. It also sets the stage for reshaping current
responsibilities to increase satisfaction and personal growth.
What aspects of the current role are most satisfying?
Why does he or she like or not like particular tasks or challenges?
What talents are under-utilized or can be developed further?
Use mind-opening questions to explore ideas for expanding responsibilities and gaining
recognition in the employee's current role. It's the employee's career! As their manager, you don't
need to have all the answers. Encourage the employee to take advantage of organizational
resources (e.g., training or online tools) to clarify career aspirations, differentiating talents and
drivers of job satisfaction.
Concern #3: You really depend on this employee's contribution to your team and don't
want to lose him or her. Get over it. If your employee is clear about career aspirations and
drivers of job satisfaction he or she will pursue them with or without you. So be supportive of
© August 2011  Hawaiian Airlines
career conversations. Clarify your understanding of what this person is looking for: A change in
responsibilities to try something new? Development of a certain skill? Experience in leading a
project or people? Something to challenge them? Then think about what your team needs to
deliver. What projects or tasks can you assign that might satisfy this individual's aspirations?
Often, managers can adjust job responsibilities to provide growth opportunities to increase an
employee's job satisfaction. This approach is especially useful with less experienced team
members because it gives them a relatively safe way to take on responsibilities that they often
think they should have (and then find out they dislike). It is also an approach that can take work
off your to-do list.
Concern #4: The assignment or role in which the employee is interested may not match
his or her skills or experience. If you and the employee share the same perception of skills and
experience, be candid in your belief that there is not a fit. Give specific examples of the
employee's skills as well as the requirements of the new role. If your reaction is based on limited
information about the role being discussed, suggest that the employee meet with someone who
has more hands-on knowledge of the job requirements. Sometimes the issue is timing: You don't
believe the employee has been in the current role long enough to acquire critical experience. Be
candid about that perception. Don't say "wait your turn." Brainstorm ways to build experience
more quickly. And remember: If you are perfectly comfortable recommending a team member for
a new role you've probably waited too long! Talent management and succession planning involve
risk. It's better to encourage and support stretch assignments than lose your top talent.
Concern #5: The employee's perception of talents and weaknesses differs from yours.
Keep asking questions to clarify the employee's views. Acknowledge that you don't necessarily
agree with those perceptions. Don't turn this conversation into a performance appraisal. Keep the
conversation broad with a focus on understanding the employee's perceptions of their talents and
weaknesses as well as their aspirations for development and career progression. Then try to find
some positive action that you and the employee can take to increase job satisfaction or develop
skills in the current job. And don't forget to schedule a separate, long-overdue conversation to
discuss performance.
Keep Talking
Career coaching should not be seen as a 'nice thing to do' for your team members. It's not about
helping employees pursue their interests exclusively. It's a critical leadership tool for building
employee engagement and delivering the results your organization expects from you. It's worth
taking the time to work together to align your employees' interests and talents with the
organization's priorities. Ultimately, employees want to believe they have a promising, satisfying
future with your organization. When you set aside the word 'career' and focus on the opportunities
for meaningful, interesting work, you'll find the possibilities seem endless. After all, there is much
work to be done.
© August 2011  Hawaiian Airlines