HMPWG Sub working group “Justification of homeopathic use” FAMHP Brussels 28/08/2012 10 am – 4 pm Participants: Cornelia Hutterer-Siebert (Germany), Chris Potsides (Greece), Jasbinder Sumal (UK), Michel Dr Van Wassenhoven, Patricia Bodart and Marie-Anne Mouyart (Belgium) Apologies: Catherine Printz (Fr) Laurence Girod (Chair), Gwen Glazsgow (Irl) Marie-Helena Pinto Ferreira, Eva Mendes (Port), Emiel Van Galen( Nl), Aetor Olaso (Sp). Note: After consultation of the members of the subgroup, and due to some logistic opportunities, the invitation was sent to all the members of the HMPWG. Not any reaction and/or response was received. Conflicts of interest to be declared: No conflict of interest was declared.Note: Marie-Anne explained the attendance of Dr. Van Wassenhoven at the meeting as a national expert, he is the chair of the Belgian commission for Homeopathic medicinal products for human and veterinary use. Dr M Van Wassenhoven has signed the declaration of interest (format EMA)Adoption of the agenda: The agenda was adopted; it was just suggested beginning the work by the list of justified stocks. Mandate and Work program Mandate: Even if redundant (see point IV2 1st item), the change proposed by Catherine in order to clarify the question of conflict of interests proposed in Copenhagen (see point III), is accepted together with the change related to the appointment of the rapporteur for 3 years. It was also suggested to use the identical wording as in the general document Rules of procedure. About the amendment related to the use of Alfresco system: on basis of the exchange of experience it was concluded that even if the necessity to use this kind of tool was recognized, it was clearly observed that at the moment experience and training of some members of HMPWG are not yet satisfying and that the use of this tool is not yet enough efficient within the HMPWG. Marie-Anne proposed that it should be discussed at the next HMPWG-meeting in Gdansk . It was thus proposed to adapt the text of point 3 as such (in blue): “3. The work programme The work programme should be adopted by the HMPWG. The work programme shall be regularly reviewed and updated by the subgroup if necessary with the agreement of the HMPWG. The documents, should ideally be available in the Alfresco System. However the decision to use Email system as a temporary alternative could to be taken within the group with the rapporteur. The documents should be circulated for approval by the subgroup members and adopted by the HMPWG members”. Page 1 sur 6 533565327 General Work Program: A member asked clarification related to the procedure to be followed and whether the industry will be involved in the compilation of data. The rapporteur mentioned that this option (compilation of data by the industry and shared assessment by the authorities) is the idea for the FSD project. About the Justification of Homeopathic use, due to the work and the compilation of data already done by the HMPWG members, by ECH and by Dr Van Wassenhoven (HMA jobs) it seems more appropriate to continue the work within the sub group and the HMPWG and to ask at the end to the industry to concentrate his resources on the problematic stocks for which only poor data are available. A member mentioned that it could be useful/ necessary to take into account ongoing procedures in countries. Indeed in this case energy and resources can be spent taking into account the data under assessment in the concerned countries. The attention was also paid on the question of availability of stocks. Cornelia stated that only monographs of Pharmacopoeias currently used officially in the Member States could be used to identify the raw material used for the preparation of the stock because the registration has to follow European law (Dir. 2001/83 EC). The difficulty of Germany with the lists of ECH is that the description of the raw material is not linked to the materia medicae. If according to the HMPWG in the toxicological assessment of FSD an exact definition of raw material should be given, it is necessary to be also exact in the clinical issues of “Homeopathic Use”. It was thus suggested to amend the content of the first bullet point of the general program taking into account the available data and the work already done in the subgroup. The proposal will circulate between the members of the subgroup before to be submitted to the HMPWG. “The data available in the preliminary detailed table will be compiled together with the data submitted by ECH and the data available within the HMA jobs. The subgroup will analyze those data stock by stock taking into account the description of the stocks (in the pharmacopoeias monographs currently used officially in the Member States when they exist and in the homeopathic literature). A list of justified stocks will be submitted after each sub working group to all the HMPWG members for approval and publication”. The second and third bullet points were accepted as already existing Clarification related to the ECH work After a meeting in February 2012 between ECH, the chair and Belgium, ECH submitted a pilot list of 20 stocks (distributed for the HMPWG in Copenhagen). ECH put his work on hold waiting the comments and reactions of HMPWG The used tool is the tool available near ECH experts. It contains all the available English literature and to-day the most extensive list of English books. ECH is open to the idea to extend the extraction of data to other languages on demand of the HMPWG. It was asked for mentioning reliable homeopathic authors. The necessity of integrating the homeopathic literature in other languages) in general was explained and discussed. It seems necessary to include also the literature in other languages, because they are often not translated in English. At the end, It was estimated during the WG that in some cases it could be useful when the data are not sufficient and/or on a case by case (e.g. when difficult to identify/define correctly the raw material) and on a step by stepbasis (not a one shot action on the complete list already existing) Page 2 sur 6 533565327 clear. Indeed a member though that some other literature references could not correspond to the EU tradition which has to be taken into account in priority. Attention was alsopaid on the fact that in some non EU literature (US or Indian) the definition and quality level of the raw material/stock is not always clear. The group discussed also on the value and significance of the number of symptoms. It was concluded that this number gives only an indication which can demonstrate the frequency of the remedy use and therefore constitutes a kind of validation factor However it was concluded that it is important to have provings in the proposed references (with an acceptable number of provers) in combination with materia medica in order to justify the homeopathic use. It was also specified that the Hahnemann provings are published by Stephenson. Proposal of a first list of justified stocks: The rapporteur explained that the list submitted to the members for the sub working group is the result of the compilation of - data of the list already prepared by Christine Werner and completed by the members of the HMPWG, (this original list is called the HMPWG list) - data issued from the works of ECH (pilot list submitted in June in Copenhagen and HMA jobs submitted by Dr Van Wassenhoven in 12/2010 in Liège). On this basis, a green list and a yellow list were submitted for discussion by the subgroup. The green list is a compilation of stocks mentioned in the HMPWG list and in the pilot list of ECH; the yellow list is a compilation of data related to stocks mentioned in the HMPWG list and in the HMA jobs (based on the English literature). In those 2 lists, the slight differences in the description of the raw material/stocks were mentioned in bold characters. Before to begin the work on the lists, Cornelia explained clearly the link between the commission D monographs and the selected materia medica mentioned in the so called HMPWG list, she reminded the reference to the head to toes scheme and how was managed the existence of a description of the raw material/stock in the mentioned homeopathic literature. Cornelia will check the number of available commission D monographs (from which the revision is stopped). (post-meeting note: there exist ca 1255 commission D monographs) The question related to the need of a description of the stock put in front by Marie Helena was also discussed; all the members agreed on the fact that this description is necessary and was more or less implicitly required by the PTC under the point I.1. Nomenclature. Indeed, it is necessary from the quality and non clinical points of view (see also FSD project) to clearly define the raw material/stock used, and the link has to be done in the dossier between the different modules. Dr Van Wassenhoven insists also on the fact that this kind of information could be very useful for the prescribers. After this introduction, the members go through the green and yellow lists, stock by stock verifying the description of the stocks and the availability of documentation justifying the homeopathic use. Page 3 sur 6 533565327 Each difference was discussed (and in some cases checked directly within the FP and GHP) within the subgroup. - In many cases it was concluded that the differences put in bold character are related to a loss of precision in one of the official pharmacopoeias but that those differences are only to be kept in mind when the revision of those monographs will be done in the future or when a Ph. Eur. Monograph will be prepared. They are colored in light green or yellow. - It was agreed that the way the subgroup managed these small differences should be explained at the next HMPWG meeting in Gdansk and that the impact of more important differences in the description of the raw material (e.g between dried and fresh) should be discussed during the next meeting of the subgroup in presence of some specialized experts . The homeopathic use of all those stocks (light colored) have been considered justified taking into account the available homeopathic literature references and the slight differences in the description.. (see Belladonna, Nux vomica, Thuya, Berberis vulgaris, Cactus, Ignatia, Dulcamara, China, Viscum album, Carbo vegetabilis FP) - In some cases (Phosphorus, Calcarea fluor, Hepar Sulfur, Secale Cornutum, Cantharis) there were two lines for the same stock in the HMPWG list, but with only one official pharmacopoeia. In those cases, it was decided to delete this second line but also to check if there was an existing Ph. Eur. Monograph (it will be done in the few weeks). Note that it will be done also for Cocculus (2013) but also for Argentums nitricum, Kali Iodatum, Apis Mel, Ipeca, China rubra - Some stocks are colored in pink, they will not be included in the first list of justified stocks because the description of those stocks doesn’t correspond to the available data of the homeopathic literature; some stocks with the same name but are chemically different even with the same name. Further clarification is needed.(ex Calcarea Phosphorica, Kalium Phosphoricum) - Some corrections of the description initially introduced in the HMPWG list were introduced (in italic) in the table after verification of the description in the FP or GHP. - Some precision (e.g. the species) related to the name of the stock were deleted due to the fact that in the monograph and the available homeopathic literature, it is mentioned that the corresponding stock may be prepared from a mixing of species (see Bryonia , Lachesis, Calc Phos.). - The case of Pulsatilla was verified in depth, indeed the available homeopathic literature refers to the Pulsatilla pratensis which is not a synonym of Pulstatilla vulgaris. However there is an official pharmacopoeia monograph related to Pulsatilla vulgaris. It was decided to put Pulsatilla vulgaris on hold and to maintain only Pulsatilla pratensis in the green list. Page 4 sur 6 533565327 Avena sativa was colored in orange, it was taken as an example for the future management of data and procedure. Indeed, - same description in France and Germany - existence of an official pharmacopoeia monograph - poor available homeopathic literature (one proving in the English literature) However, a MRP has been finalized involving three countries, it was decided that those countries will check the available and submitted data (may be in other languages). This stock will be put on hold till clarification. In conclusion, the light and dark green and yellow stocks on those lists are considered justified and will be submitted to the members of the HMPWG for approval and publication on the HMA website during the next meeting in Gdansk. It was suggested to continue the work on this basis (compilation of HMPWG available data and the ECH/HMA works) in order to be consistent with the requirements of the PTC related to the (single) stock. Points to consider on justification of homeopathic use: brainstorming - How do we understand “homeopathic use”? - Combinations assessment: what to do? Some members asked why to discuss on this issue taking into account the fact that the HMPWG has already adopted a PTC defining those criteria for single stocks. However it was accepted to envisage the discussion on this issue when related to combinationsDuring the discussion, it appears clearly that, even if the members consider that the rationale justifying the combination, the level of dilutions used, the question of synergie or antidotes are relevant aspects to be taken into account for the justification of a combination and to guarantee his safe use from a public health point of view; it appears clearly that the regulatory context is not clear and that the decision of the court of Justice is applicable to all the EU MS. A member of the subgroup mentioned that according to the judgement of the European Court of Justice, a justification for a combination must not be claimed. It was also recognized that the understanding of the content of the decision of the court of Justice is not uniform between the EU MS. It was suggested that, may be, this text should be submitted to the analyze of lawyers. There are many other unclear points in the directive which could be more consistent for what concerns the homeopathic medicinal products. Unfortunately until the commission will not be convinced of those difficulties, we never find a satisfying solution. It was thus proposed and concluded that the best way should be to invite and to involve the EU Commission representative who should attend all the meeting of HMPWG in order to sensibilize the EU commission to all those problems and to the specificities related to homeopathy. We need to take time enough for this work and this sensibilisation in order to solve the regulatory questions which we are faced with.. It was thus suggested to put the idea to produce the second part of the PTC related to combination on hold till more adapted circumstances. Conclusions: The rapporteur thanks with her heart all the colleagues who attended and who contributed to this very fruitful meeting. She highlighted the efforts and involvement of each the members in order to be present and to contribute so hardly to the outcome Page 5 sur 6 533565327 of this meeting. She thanks also cordialy Dr Van Wassenhoven for his presence and his very important contribution on this issue. A report and the lists including the list of justified stocks as described will be circulated between the members who have attend the meeting of the subgroup for comments before to be transmitted to the Chair and all the HMPWG members. Page 6 sur 6 533565327