First Aid Kit Homeopathics are best taken away from food or drink or anything in your mouth like gum or toothpaste. You do not have to have an empty stomach. To take them – hit the bottle a couple of times on the palm of your hand, pour 3-4 pellets into the cap and pour them under your tongue. Take them as needed for the appropriate ailment – see below. If you do not feel better after 4 – 5 doses, then stop. It is not the right remedy. If you do feel better, you may repeat as needed, even up to every 15 minutes. Stop when you feel better, repeat when you feel worse again. You cannot overdose on a homeopathic and it combines well with other medications. Ailments: Bruises and Trauma: Arnica homeopathic. For severe trauma repeat frequently. Protrauma: 2 caps up to every 2 hour. Rest, Ice, Elevation and compression in acute trauma. In later stages (after 48 hours) alternate hot and cold to the area: 1 minute hot; 1 minute cold, repeating 4 – 5 times in a cycle. Hypericum is for trauma to highly enervated areas – finger tips, coccyx, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, etc. Bug Bites and Stings: Homeopathic Ledum for any bug bite or puncture wound. For severe stings or bites with swelling, open a digestive enzyme capsule and mix with charcoal cap and make a poultice to apply to the area. Homeopathic Apis is for hive like reactions to stings. You may also try taping a copper penny to the bite – the copper inhibits the poison, and for jelly fish stings, if all else fails urinate on it. The urine neutralizes the poisons. In the event of a venomous bite, and you are away from medical help – Stay calm! Ice the area if you can. Keep it lower than the heart. A light, not too tight tourniquet can help, but don’t cut off the circulation completely! And – follow the instructions above, repeating frequently. Allergies: for red irritated runny nose: homeopathic Allium cepa; for red irritated eyes: Euphrasia 30c Freezed dried nettles and alfalfa tables 2 up to 3 times per day; also vitamin C and Bioflavinoids, particularly Quercitin (500 mg 2 – 3 daily) Fevers and Infections: Aconite is for sudden onset of a fever, with fear and restlessness. Belladonna is for high intense fever without sweat or thirst. Acute Immune are herbal/vitamin combination to boost the immune system and help fight infections. You may also open the capsules and place externally on infected wounds , mixed with activated charcoal. For flu like symptoms, take homeopathic Gelsemium Diarrhea/Food Poisoning/South African Revenge: Activated charcoal caps 2-4 every 2 hours depending on severity of diarrhea. Pepto Bismol 2 caps 3x/day for 3 days can also help. Homeopathic Arsenicum . Keep hydrated. Juice with salt added, recharge or Gatorade. If you can’t keep it down, take it by the teaspoon or as ice chips. And if all else fails do a Gatorade enema. If arsenicum doesn’t work, then try China Poison Oak: Cool compresses. Homeopathic Rhus tox. Peppermint oil in a small amount of milk is also very soothing. Materia Medica Aconite: good for any shocky conditions. Severe anxiety with fear of death. High sudden fevers. Arnica: for bruises, overwork, acute trauma. The first line of defense in traumatic events. Repeat often. Arsenicum- for food poisoning. Diarrhea with vomiting. Anxiety. Heart palpitations. Apis – for hives, bee stings, stinging pains. Belladonna – for red, hot and dry conditions. Infections, fevers, especially when there is no sweat and no thirst. It will help break a high fever. China – for diarrhea, heat stroke, hemorrhage or any other event where you lose vital fluids. Aids in recovery. Ledum – for puncture wounds, bug bites. Prevents tetanus Ruta – for ligament injuries, sprains, strains Rhus tox – for poison oak and poison ivy and other skin rashes which look similar. Also for arthritis that is better with heat and movement. Acute Immune – herbal antimicrobial. Take 2 caps every 2-4 hours as needed when you feel sick or have an infection Activated charcoal – helps soak up toxins. Break open capsules and apply to infected wounds, bug bites. Take internally for diarrhea and bad painful gas. It may make your stools black Protrauma – for pain and injuries. Jamaican dogwood is a mild sedative Digestive enzymes – to help with digestive issues. Also good topically as anti-inflammatory , on stings, and internally if taken away from food can help with inflamed joints, and injuries. Super Salve – For skin infections, fungal issues, rashes Arnica linament – for sore muscles and bruised tissue. Energy drink – Electrolyte and vitamin combo – to give you energy and electrolytes in the event of exhaustion, hunger or dehydration. Love and Prayers – when all else fails, know that we hold you in our hearts, praying that you will find your heart’s path and that you may grow in Spirit.