LGSA at ASU 2012-2013 LGSA General Meeting February 6, 2013

LGSA General Meeting
February 6, 2013 11:00 AM
I. Member Attendance/Introductions: *highlighted indicates members in attendance
Sebastian Terneus
Adrian Esqueda
Alba Rodriguez
Alberto Frias
Alessandra Treuherz
Alissa Quintero Gonzalez
Ana Herrera
Andres Gomez-Lievano
Andrew Aguilar
Aniket Patil
Anna-Maria Heredia
April Bojorquez
Arkadeep Pramanire
Asruir Sirakuman
Blanca Jimenez
Candy Escorza
Carlos Rascon
Cathy Rubinos
Chelsea Derlan
Cynthia Vargas
David Hernandez Saca
Deanna Avellaneda
Debra Crusoe
Diamond Bravo
Diana Alvarado
Diana Barela
Diana Gonzales
Diane Procel
Dongchen Xu
Dulce Medina
Elizabeth Harvey
Erika Lazenby
Estrella Payton
Freddy Saavedra
harshul singhal
Jaxinta Parra
Jean Crissien
Jeanet Munoz
Jessica Aquino
Jessica Solyom
Jesus Cisneros
Jesus Garcia-Gonzalez
Jinesh Doshi
Jorge Ramos
Jose Flores
Karina Lungo
Karla Alonso
Larissa Gaias
Laura Gomez
Laura Libman
Laura Libman-Allen
Lilian Chavez
Lily Bermejo
Linda Manning
Lorenzo Williams
Manas Samant
Marcos Martinez
Marcus Flores
Maria Beltran
Maria Coronado
Maria Gomez
Maria Holguin
Mayra Alvarado
Maytee Cruz-Aponte
Melissa Flores
Melissa Tarango
Michael Broyles
Monica Esquivel
Nadine Rodriguez
Nancy Perez
Nisa Cortes
Patricia Mateus
Paulina Reina
Pedro Rodriguez
Peter Ruiz
Raquel Acosta
Rashmi Krishnamurthy
Rene Valenzuela
Rob Adelman
Romarie Morales
Roxana Amaton
Sarah Styron
Shireen Nouri
Siduento Roy
Sindy de la Torre
Stephanie Quintero
Stephanie Quintero
Trudy Grantsen
Veronica Martinez
Vidyacharama HR
Xiaosu Dong
Yazmin Lazcano
Zaide Reyna
II. Reports: *Italicized indicated to-do items
A. Updates from the Chair: Chelsea Derlan: cderlan@asu.edu
--Please mark your calendars with the following upcoming events! (A calendar will be emailed to the listserv soon)
1. Weekly Walks Starting Thursday, Feb 21st 12:00 PM-1:00 PM, and will rotate between 12:00 PM-1:00 PM and
1:30 PM-2:30 PM every Thursday!
2. Friday, February 22nd is DREAMzone Certification Workshop 9:00 AM-1:30 PM at the MU Room 202 Alumni
lounge (Elizabeth will change this information on the website). Be sure to register for the workshop using the link that
was sent through listserv. Please contact us if you need us to resend the link!
3. Future LGSA Meetings will take place on:
 Wednesday, March 6th, 2013: 11:15am-12:15pm, MU 240 Navajo Room
o **Dr. Gomez brownbag talk will take place right after the meeting starting at 12:30 PM;
Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013: 11:00 AM-12:00 PM, MU 302 Maroon and Gold Room;
o **NOTE: Officer Elections will take place during this meeting!**
Wednesday, May 1st, 2013, 11:00 AM- 12:00 PM, MU 227 Pinal Room
Other announcements from Chelsea:
1. The old LGSA blog has now been removed! Our changed officer information on orgsync updates so all LGSA sites online
should be all up-to-date. For all updated information, please check out our website at: www.asulgsa.weebly.com
2. The LGSA T-shirts (36) and banner has been ordered – will arrive next week!
3. If you are interested in serving as an officer next year, please notify Chelsea no later than March 6 th so that the group can get
an idea and so we can vote during our April 3 rd meeting. Please email current officers (Chelsea, Dulce, Elizabeth, Jesus
Cisneros, Jesus Garcia Gonzalez) if you want to know more about each of their positions. For the current officers – please fill
out and get all of your papers together that talks about your specific officer responsibilities to place in the LGSA binder to pass
on to next year’s officers!
4. The Grad Appreciation Week 2012-2013 (http://gpsa.asu.edu/unity/grad-week) will take place from Wednesday, April 1st
through Sunday, April 5th. LGSA will be hosting another DREAMZone training during grad week, to help individuals at ASU get
trained! LGSA will also have a table at the Grad Picnic that week! Dates will be announced soon.
5. Another point of discussion during the meeting was voting on whether to keep the “@” symbol in our name and logo.
Previously on our advertising materials different variations were written such as: Latina-o, Latino/a, Latina(o), Latin@, and
Latino! The group voted during the meeting, and decided to have our name read: Latino/a. The decision is that from now on,
our group name will be: The Latino/a Graduate Student Alliance.
B. Updates from the Secretary: Elizabeth Harvey: echarvey@asu.edu
1. Please email Elizabeth if you are interested in becoming secretary next year.
2. The Hispanic Mother Daughter Program (HDMP) is a program designed for Latina undergraduates to succeed in college
through their college graduation. The program involves mentorship and resources to the girls. One of the events that LGSA
collaborated with HDMP was holding a Graduate School Panel last semester. This involved holding discussions with the girls
about what types of programs to choose, the difference between programs, how to approach professors and get letters of
recommendation, studying for the GRE or GMAT, etc. Jannette Tablas, the coordinator of HDMP, would like us to hold another
graduate school panel for the Spring semester. The date we are looking for volunteers is for Friday, March 1 st from 11:00 AM1:00 PM. We can provide some refreshments and a presentation. A sign-up sheet was distributed to the group for those who
were interested in participating in the panel. Elizabeth will email those who signed up and will coordinate this event with
3. There will be a Mentoring Power Hour session on Saturday, February 9 th from 10:40 AM-11:40 AM at the South Mountain
Community College. This event will be sponsored by the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute, which aims to encourage
young Latinos in high school to pursue college. The goal of this event is for volunteer mentors talk to a small group of high
school students about their success stories and points of discussion surrounding the college application process. A link was sent
out to the listserv to register so please do so if anyone is interested. Lunch will be served after the mentorship session.
4. Josh Thrall, a writer from The State Press, (the ASU newspaper) contacted LGSA via our website in order to get our opinions
about how the proposed immigration bill in Arizona might affect ASU students. Because his story was approaching deadline at
a fast rate and needed an interview the following day, I emailed the listserv asking if anyone would be able to speak with him.
Elizabeth and Chelsea debriefed with the group on how our org should go about responding to press/media contacts so that we
can represent our group in a non-biased way. Dulce mentioned that she could also forward press/media contacts to other
community member affiliates to express their opinions that might not necessarily reflect the beliefs and opinions of our group.
C. Updates from the Treasurer: Dulce Medina: Dulce.Medina@asu.edu
1. Please contact Dulce if you are interested in serving as Treasurer for next year.
2. Announced our bank account balance in each of our accounts. We have $395.00 in checking and $5.00 in the savings
3. We discussed placing our group under a non-profit organization for tax purposes. Dulce will consult with a tax person about
the logistics on this process.
4. Dulce signed up LGSA to sponsor a vendor who wants to promote their product on campus. If LGSA is selected by a vendor
for us to sponsor them, we will get a certain percentage of the vendor’s profits that were sold on campus. An email from this
program will be sent to her that she will need to respond to in order for LGSA to participate. She will update us on whether we
are selected throughout the semester.
D. Updates from the Mentorship Committee Co-Chairs: Romie Morales (rmorale7@asu.edu) and
Karina Lungo (karina.lungo@asu.edu)
1. Please contact Karina or Romie if you are interested in joining the mentorship committee for next year!
2. Romie announced that the SHADES program needs more trained mentors to meet the demand of mentees! Many SHADES
mentees are on the waitlist for being matched to a mentor  Mentor training is very easy with SHADES! It only takes about 20
minutes! You are not required to mentor just Latino/a students but being matched with any ethnicity is okay. You can find
additional information on SHADES to get started on the application process at: http://graduate.asu.edu/diversity/shades
Romie will send out a link for the SHADES training through the listserv.
E. Updates from the Speaker Series Committee Chair: David Hernandez Saca
1. Please contact David if you are interested in joining the speaker series committee next year.
2. As previously mentioned, the brownbag with Dr. Alan Gomez will take place on Wednesday, March 6th to speak on the
topic: “Navigating Graduate School and Beyond”. The talk will start at 12:30 PM sharp and end at1:30 PM in the MU Navajo
Room 240
3. David will look into getting prices for snack arrangements for the brownbag.
4. Since David was absent at this meeting, Chelsea mentioned that a flyer to advertise the brownbag needs to be created so that
we can send it to the listserv. Another point of discussion brought up during the meeting was whether LGSA should advertise
this event to other departments, whether we should we do an RSVP, and whether we should advertise to the broader graduate
student committee?
 After this discussion, we took a vote and a decision was made to advertise to both the LGSA and GPSA listservs
concurrently, and to set up an RSVP system to reserve 30 spots in the Navajo room.
 A flyer will need to be created for the brownbag talk and distributed to ASU graduate students.
F. Updates from the Social/Fundraising C-Chairs: Jesus Cisneros (jesuscisneros5@gmail.com) and
Jesus Garcia Gonzalez (jgarciag@asu.edu)
1. Please contact Jesus C. or Jesus G. if you are interested in joining the social/fundraising committee next year!
2. Jesus and Jesus (Jesus2) announced that we will be holding 1 social event per month! Members at the meeting were assigned
into groups of 3-4 and will be hosting 1 social event (e.g., dinner, coffee, happy hour, etc.) per month during the Spring semester.
Members selected a month to which they wanted to host an event. The assignments were created as follows:
 February: Jesus C., Jesus G., Romie, and Diamond will be hosting Latin dance night at Dave & Buster’s in the Tempe
Marketplace on Wednesday, February 13, 2013
 March: Elizabeth, Rob, and Sindy will be arranging a social event in March. Details will be TBA.
 April: Jean, Dulce, and Chelsea will be arranging a social event in April. Details will be TBA.
 May: Diana and David will be arranging a social event in May. Details will be TBA.
3. Jesus C. made another announcement that LGSA will be hosting DREAMzone training as an initiative to help staff, faculty
and administrators to respond to the needs of undocumented students. The training will take place on Feb. 22 nd from 9:00 AM1:30 PM. Please sign up for Feb. 22nd to attend the LGSA hosted training at: http://sts.asu.edu/DREAMzone
4. The social/fundraising committee will arrange a fundraising event by selling Loteria cards that will allow the group to raise
funds as well as a great opportunity to socialize with one another. Jesus2 will be looking into getting donations from companies
to hand out as prizes for this fundraising event. More details about this event will be TBA to the listserv.
G. Website Editors: Elizabeth Harvey (echarvey@asu.edu) and David Hernandez Saca
-Updated! Check us out: www.asulgsa.weebly.com
II. Open forum
1. The group discussed whether we should charge $5.00 each for our incoming LGSA t-shirts. A vote was taken and it was
decided that $5.00 should be charged to each member as a membership due that will include an LGSA t-shirt. Chelsea emailed
the listserv on Feb. 6th and informed the group to please arrange a time to meet with her to give her $5.00 for membership dues
no later than March 6th. Any special circumstances financially should be addressed with Chelsea.
III. Adjournment 12:05 PM