Welcome to the School of Art! We have created this guidebook in order to assist Faculty, Faculty Associates and Teaching Assistants with a “go to” resource for many of the questions that arise when preparing for, conducting and finalizing your work in the classroom. Our School of Art staff remain ready to assist you with issues and concerns as they arise, but if you need an immediate answer, especially during a time when the office is closed, we hope you will find your answer here. We will be updating the guidebook every term, so if you see something important that is missing, please let us know. School of Art Staff Contact List Administrative Staff Name Email Front Office Title Office Phone# Schedule ART 965Adriene Jenik Adriene.Jenik@asu.edu Director 102A 1696 24/7 As our Director, Adriene manages the oversight of school operations and is an important advocate for students and programs in the School of Art. Her open office hours are on Wednesdays from 1 to 3 pm. 965Carol Cox carol.cox@asu.edu Administration ART 102 8521 8am - 5pm Carol manages the front office, card reader access for the school and all logistics for undergraduate students. She also assists the Associate Director. 965Olivia Mace omace@asu.edu Office Assistant ART 102 8521 8am - 5pm Olivia is an Office Assistant and handles all calls and counter queries. 965Ruby Ball rnball1@asu,edu Office Assistant ART 102 8521 8am - 5pm Ruby is an Office Assistant and handles all calls and counter queries. 965John Saunders John.R.Saunders@asu.edu Office Assistant ART 102 8521 8am - 5pm John is an Office Assistant and handles all calls and counter queries. 965Mary McNulty mamcnult@asu.edu Office Assistant ART 102 8521 8am - 5pm Mary is an Office Assistant and handles all calls and counter queries. 965Jordyn Richey jriche1@asu.edu Office Assistant ART 102 8521 8am - 5pm Jordyn is an Office Assistant and handles all calls and counter queries. Back Office ARWH 965Kathryn Maxwell k.maxwell@asu.edu Associate Director 120 9631 Kathryn coordinates curriculum development and is the first point of contact for students with issues in the classroom. T/R 10:30-12:30 W 9-11 ART 965Sue Elliott Sue.Elliott@au.edu Business Manager 151D 3276 8am - 5pm Sue oversees all of the financial and logistical aspects of the School of Art. Graduate ART 965Vicki Kelley vicki.kelley@asu.edu Coordinator 151A 6303 8am - 5pm Vicki manages all logistics for graduate students and scholarships. Natalie Specialist to ART 965Pinkelman natalie.pinkelman@asu.edu Director 151C 1696 8am - 5pm Natalie is the Director's assistant. She schedules the Director's appointments and assists her with School of Art issues, school communications and academic personnel. Christine ART 965Rotzinger Christine.Rotzinger@asu.edu Administration 151B 6297 8am - 5pm Christine manages the course scheduling for the School, the hiring of faculty associates and assists the business manager. Technical Staff Tower 965George Harris george.harris@asu.edu 142 7909 7:30am - 3:30pm George is the facilities technician and the Key Coordinator for the School of Art. ART 965Dustin Hesser dhesser@mainex1.asu.edu 6169 Sculpture/Printmaking 132C 7 am -5:30pm Monday-Thursday Dustin is the technician for the Sculpture and Printmaking areas and teaches the Sculpture Safety course. 727General Maint Svcs Rich Piper rpiper@asu.edu ART 26B 6014 8am - 5pm Superv Known as Rico, he is the technician for the Ceramics area, the General Maintenance Services Supervisor and also serves as the Environmental Health and Safety Coordinator for the School. ARWH 965Damon McIntyre damon.mcintyre@asu.edu Wood 108 5117 7 am - 5 pm Damon is the technician for the Wood area. Monday-Thursday 965Dan Mayer Daniel.Mayer@asu.edu Printmaking ART 45 3713 7:30 am - 6 pm, Tuesday-Friday Dan is the Instructional Specialist for the Printmaking area. He is the ABBA club sponsor and teaches classes in Printmaking. MHALL 965Damian Johnson photoguy@asu.edu Photography 225 3722 9 am - 5:30 pm Damian is the technician for the Photography area. HIDA Maint Supervisor School of Art Galleries Staff Staff Name Peter Bugg, Gallery Coordinator pbugg@mainex1.asu.edu Gallery Harry Wood Gallery Gallery 100 Step Gallery Location Art building, Room 120 Tempe Center Room 100 Tempe Center Room 27 Liz Allen, Gallery Curator lizallen@asu.edu Northlight Gallery Matthews Hall Room 101 Laurie Minnick, Gallery Coordinator lap18@asu.edu Night Gallery Tempe Marketplace ASURITE/Outlook Email Activation You can activate your ASURITE ID and your email address at the following link: https://selfsub.asu.edu/apps/WebObjects/ASURITEActivation It is critical that you activate and maintain your ASU email address account. It is a means of communication with students, faculty, Art Office staff and the academic community. ASU Sun Card The Sun Card is the official photo ID of all Arizona State University students, faculty and staff. The ASU Sun Card is a multifunctional identification/access card that can also serve as a payment card by debiting funds from an optional prepaid account. Other affiliates of the university, such as Faculty Associates and visiting scholars may be issued a Sun Card as official identification. Students, FAs and Visiting Faculty Sun Cards are $25: You may pay by cash, check, Visa, Mastercard, or have the charge posted to your university account and a bill will be mailed. Students may receive a Sun Card during orientation or at a Sun Card office. Full-time benefits-eligible faculty and staff Sun Cards are free (first time): The card serves as employee identification and provides door access where needed. Replacement cards are $25. Employees may receive a Sun Card at their scheduled session of benefits-eligible new employee orientation in the University Services Building, room 1302 or at a Sun Card office. To receive a Sun Card, you must do the following: Present a legal photo identification, including U.S. driver's license, passport, military identification or high school ID card, to verify your identity when your Sun Card is created. Fill out a card with your name, 10-digit ASU ID number and classification (student, faculty/staff or other). Afterward, we take your picture and produce your Sun Card on the spot. The process takes 3-5 minutes, and you will walk away with your new Sun Card. View Sun Card locations MYASU Check out the Web! Go to http://www.asu.edu/myasu Log on to MYASU to: Access Quick Links My Finances Outlook or Gmail Library Blackboard, Grades & Transcripts My Classes: Schedule & Registration, Class Search My Profile: change or update contact information ASU Tempe Campus Map This campus map identifies parking areas, which are colored red. Visitor parking is shaded in pink. Metered parking is also shown on this map, teal is for 1 hour meters and navy is for 2 hour meters. The Art building is located on the top left corner of campus, near University Drive and Mill Avenue. ASU Tempe Campus map: http://www.asu.edu/parking/pdf/map_tempe.pdf Parking Permit + Visitor Parking Parking and Transit Services website offers all the information needed to find out about parking on Campus: http://cfo.asu.edu/pts PTS office is located on the first floor in in the University Towers on 5th street Visitor parking (hourly and single day) is available at several lots in proximity to the School of Art building on the Northwest corner of campus. Park, note your space number and pay at the kiosk. Free Parking Parking and Transit Services offers places to park for free during the evening, weekends and holidays making it convenient for you to attend your various activities and events around the ASU campuses. Please read the signage at the entrance of parking lots and structures; but, in general, below are the times and locations where you can park on campus without an ASU parking permit: Tempe Campus - When You Can Park Without a Permit Locations Lot 3 (unless an event is taking place at ASU Gammage) After 7pm, Mon-Fri All Day, Sat-Sun ASU Holidays (excluding Winter, Spring and Summer breaks) Lot 16 Lot 59, 59N and 59E (unless an event is taking place at or near Sun Devil Stadium or Wells Fargo Arena) Packard Drive South Structure Rural Road Structure (must enter Rural Road Structure at the Rural Road or Lemon Street entrances; parking fees apply when parking in visitor side of the structure, accessible via Terrace Road) Stadium Structure Tyler Street Structure After 7pm, Friday All Day, Sat-Sun ASU Holidays (excluding Winter, Spring and Summer Apache Boulevard Structure Tenth Street Structure breaks) Office/Classroom Keys Keys are ordered and returned in the Art office. Key request forms, return forms and envelopes are in the key kiosk by the copier. Follow the guides posted on the wall. Allow 1 week for processing. During the start of the semester, processing time may be longer. A notice will be placed in mailboxes when keys have arrived. Office Mailboxes Office mailboxes are a means for students and the Art office to communicate with instructors. The mailboxes are divided into 3 separate groups: Faculty – blue labels Faculty Associates (FAs) – pink labels Teaching Assistants (TAs) – gold labels Occasional notices will be placed in mailboxes to notify instructors that additional mail, books, keys, packages or other items are being held in the Art office. These notices are laminated and must be returned to the Art office staff. Do not throw these laminated slips away. Please check for your mailbox location before classes start. Isaac Card Reader Access There are spaces in the School of Art which require card reader access. ASU ID cards are used with these card readers to grant access. Buildings with Isaac card reader access: Tower, APMA (Cornerstone), Art 3rd floor Digital Labs. Instructors teaching classes located in these areas will receive Isaac Access request forms, along with instructions, which are placed in mailboxes at semester’s start. Sign the form in the Instructor/Supervisor line and circle the area requesting access for students. List course catalog number and class number. Make copies of the form – remember extras for students adding the class. Distribute them to students the first day of class. Have them complete the forms and collect them in class. The badge number can be found on the back of an ASU ID card, it’s printed directly below magnetized strip. The first group of numbers is the badge number. Return completed forms to the Art office. Completed forms must be submitted by 3rd week of class to avoid student access being deleted. Events and meetings room reservations Contact Carol Cox in the Art office to request rooms reservations: carol.cox@asu.edu. Requests must be made no later than 3 days prior to the scheduled meeting or event. Confirmation of reserved rooms will be sent via email. Copier Codes The copier machine in the Art Office is available for all instructors. The policy is first come, first served. During high peak times, you should plan ahead and anticipate waiting. Contact the Art office staff for your copier code and instructions for use. Copier use is available M-F 8 to 5. Remember to remove all original materials when you finish. Should your class occur after normal hours, contact Carol Cox to make special arrangements for copies. Office Hours All full-time faculty and FAs are required to hold a minimum of 2 office hours per week. TAs should contact their supervisor for further guidance. Forms are emailed to you at the start of the semester to complete and submit to the Art Office indicating your office hours. You may return them digitally or in person. Personal information is confidential and is not shared with students. It should be updated when necessary on the Office Hours form. Student Issues/Concerns Kathryn Maxwell, Associate Director for the School of Art is the contact person for any student issues arising in the classroom. k.maxwell@asu.edu Office phone: 480-727-0198 Art 151E Kathryn’s Office Hours (fall 2011): Tuesdays 10am – 12pm & Wednesdays 1pm – 3pm Syllabi/Course Grade Books Syllabi should include the following information found in the ASU Academic Affairs Manual: http://www.asu.edu/aad/manuals/acd/acd304-10.html You may wish to include the Council of Religious Advisors (CORA) Religious Holiday Calendar: http://students.asu.edu/cora/holidays A copy of your course syllabus must be sent to the Art office by the second week of classes. We accept digital and hard copy versions. Copies of FA grade books or online grading files must be sent to the office before the semester’s end. TAs should check with their supervisor regarding grade submission. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) – Student Privacy Student information and its’ release is governed by the federal FERPA Act, under the Buckley Amendment. The following link provides general information of FERPA that all staff and faculty must adhere to: https://students.asu.edu/policies/ferpa Academic Integrity Under the ASU Student Academic Integrity Policy (http://provost.asu.edu/academicintegrity), “…each student must act with honesty and integrity, and must respect the rights of others in carrying out all academic assignments.” This policy also defines academic dishonesty and sets a process for faculty members and colleges to sanction dishonesty. Violations of this policy fall into five broad areas that include but are not limited to: Cheating on an academic evaluation or assignment Plagiarizing Academic deceit, such as fabricating data or information Aiding Academic Integrity Policy violations and inappropriately collaborating Falsifying academic records The following link from the ASU Graduate College provides suggestions and guidelines on how to handle any suspicion of Academic Dishonesty: http://graduate.asu.edu/sites/default/files/TA_how_do_you_address_0.pdf Sample Academic Integrity Syllabus statements from CLAS: http://clas.asu.edu/academic-integrity/syllabus Disabled Cart Services (Tempe Campus only) In partnership with the Disability Resource Center, Parking & Transit Services (PTS) co-sponsors a free point-to-point cart service on the Tempe campus. Transportation is provided by radio-dispatched electric vehicles and operates from MonFri, 7:10am - 6:45pm. Please call 480.965.3055 for more information. Accident & Health/Safety Emergencies Emergency Reporting Emergency reporting – Call 911 from a campus or personal phone Alert office staff - Afterward and when it is safe to do so, alert the Art office staff and copy George Harris george.harris@asu.edu Collect as much information on site as possible. For non-emergencies that do not involve health or bodily harm call FAC MAN at (480) 965-3456. Incident Reporting ASU Policy EHS 115 Incident Reporting and Investigations - requires that all incidents resulting in an injury to an ASU employee, student, or visitor, or damage to ASU property in excess of $500 must be reported to EH&S. What is an incident? An occurrence/event that interrupts normal procedures or precipitates a crisis resulting in any of the following: • Injury or illness to ASU employees, students, and visitors • Events that were likely to cause potential injury or illness to an ASU employee, student, or visitor (near miss) • Damage to ASU property in excess of $500 To report an incident, log onto the EH&S website: http://cfo.asu.edu/ehs-incident-reporting or call 965-1823 Safety Escort Service (SES)/Emergency Call Boxes The safety of students, employees and guests of the University is of the utmost importance to ASU Parking and Transit Services (PTS). Although PTS is not tasked with ensuring the safety and security of individuals or property on campus, PTS recognizes the responsibility to partner with ASU Police in promoting a safe atmosphere on campus. Parking and Transit Services engages in promoting safety on campus in the following ways: PTS partners with ASU Police to patrol the parking structures and lots. PTS also assists with funding the Safety Escort Service (SES), which is available daily from 7pm – 3am, to walk with students, staff or faculty from one campus building, parking facility or residence hall to another. The SES can be reached at 480.965.1515. ASU Police is available 24/7 to offer assistance and security to those walking alone on campus. They can be reached at 480.965.3456. PTS also denotes on its parking maps where blue emergency call boxes are located. These call boxes can be found throughout campus and connect someone in need directly to ASU Police Dispatch. Employee Assistance The Employee Assistance Office is an on-campus employee Behavioral Health and Organizational Consultation service for Arizona State University. Behavioral Health services are provided free of charge, regardless of whether the problem arises in one’s personal life or in the workplace. The staff of licensed professionals, representing several mental health fields including Psychology, Psychiatry and Social Work, can help to resolve a range of personal, work and family problems that affect your well-being. All benefits-eligible faculty and staff, their immediate families and committed partners can access this free service, which is available at the Tempe, Polytechnic, West and Downtown campuses. Non-benefits eligible employees in crisis or seeking support may also also seek help here and may be guided to other resources: http://cfo.asu.edu/hr-eao School of Art E-Blast The School of Art has its own weekly E-Blast that goes out to all members of our campus community and outside supporters and local community members. If you want to announce any public events, lectures, student or personal achievements, exhibitions on campus or the region (that include School of Art faculty, students or alums), you can send them to soadirector@asu.edu by 4pm the Thursday before the week of the event. If you send them sooner they may be included in the "upcoming events" section. Make sure you send all important information (where, when, what, how much, etc.) in order to ensure it is posted in time. Student Community Liaisons The School of Art Student Community Liaisons are a team of undergraduate students who liaise with the ASU and greater art community. These students match opportunities with students throughout the school, so if opportunities come your way (internship, job, festival or competition) in addition to announcing to your classes, send it to the team at the email address: soa.community.liaison@asu.edu. Testing Courier Services It’s easy to submit your own request for a Courier Service Delivery to University Testing and Scanning Services: http://www.asu.edu/purchasing/mail/testing_requests.pdf University Testing and Scanning Services (UTSS) in the University Office of Evaluation and Educational Effectiveness, together with ASU Mail Services, is pleased to announce the availability of courier drop boxes on the Tempe and Downtown Phoenix campuses. Exam answer sheets that need to be scanned and processed by University Testing and Scanning Services may now be placed in centrally-located courier drop boxes for delivery by ASU Mail Service couriers. The couriers will make two trips daily, morning and afternoon, from each drop box to University Testing and Scanning Services. Drop box locations are: TEMPE: Hayden Library, immediately in front of the circulation desk DOWNTOWN: University College, UCENT, Room 300 Faculty and staff have the choice to bring exams to University Testing and Scanning Services at 1130 East University Drive, Suite 204, or leave the exams in one of the secure drop boxes for delivery by the ASU Mail Services courier. UTSS will upload reports to MyASU within one business day of receipt of the exams. Instructions for submitting exams to UTSS for processing can be found at http://www.asu.edu/uts/s_exam_scor_proc.htm. Additional information about downloading exam results and reports from MyASU can be found at http://help.asu.edu/node/1274. ASU Clicker Support Team (Classroom Support) ASU provides classroom support for digital equipment and training in classrooms: ASU Clicker Support Team For In-Class Classroom Support: 480-965-3342 Student Support Request Form: Student Request Form Faculty Support Request Form: Faculty Request Form Website: Clickers.asu.edu ASU Help: ASU Help Center — Search for Clickers Online link: http://help.asu.edu/sims/selfhelp/SelfhelpKbView.seam?parature_id=8373-81934771&source=Selfhelp&cid=176527 Facilities Management To report a problem that is NOT an emergency, email Facilities Management at FACMAN@asu.edu. Copy Adriene Jenik in your correspondence. To report emergency facilities issues: call FACMAN 480-965-3633, call DPS at 480-965-3456 or 911 notify George Harris at george.harris@asu.edu notify the Art Office at carol.cox@asu.edu Course Evaluations Arizona State University Welcome to CourseEval! Evaluations of your class are conducted during the last week of the semester before reading day. The evaluation process is online. Further information about this online system will be sent to you throughout the semester to familiarize you with the process. Registration and Academic Status Report Deadlines Please make a note of these important deadlines during the Spring 2012 semester: Classes begin Add/Drop deadline Herberger Institute Extended Add deadline: Course Withdrawal Deadline – In Person & Online: Thursday, January 5th Wednesday, January 11th Wednesday, February 7th Wednesday March 28th Please check class rosters and make sure students attending your class appear on your lists. During the first week, remind students who are attending but not enrolled to add your class, which they can do online through MYASU. After January 11th, students will need to complete an enrollment request form and get an instructor signature indicating approval of the late add. For online courses, instructors may send the student an email, indicating approval of the late add. Once students have the approval, they bring the form to the Art office. Instructors have the option of allowing students to enroll late in their class. Students need to be on class rosters by the 21st day (January 25th) in order for the School of Art to receive credit for their attendance. Academic Status reports will be available to send to students the following dates: February 1st – 28th March 12th - 19th Academic Status Report #1 Academic Status Report #2 Academic Calendar Fall/Spring 2011-12 The ASU academic calendar can be found at the MYASU web page or the following link: http://students.asu.edu/academic-calendar School of Art Club/Organization List Club Name 2D or Not 2D A Buncha Book Artists (ABBA) Clay Club Council of Grad Art Historians (COGAH) Fahrenheit 2051 Club Fibers Art Network (FAN) Live Art Platform (LAP) Metals Club Neon Club Photographers Association Printmaking Student Association Sculpture Club Society for Art Video Faculty Advisor Student Officer Faculty Advisor Student Officer Faculty Advisor Student Officer Faculty Advisor Student Officer Faculty Advisor Student Officer Faculty Advisor Student Officer Faculty Advisor Name Jerry Schutte Molly Dean Dan Mayer Patrick Vincent Sam Chung Evan Pomerantz Gray Sweeney Larissa Scordato Mary Neubauer Haylee Bolinger Clare Verstegen Kelsey Wiskirchen Angela Ellsworth Email Jerry.Shutte@asu.edu Molly.B.Dean@asu.edu daniel.mayer@asu.edu patrick.vincent@asu.edu Sam.Chung@asu.edu epomeran@asu.edu gray@asu.edu Larissa.Scordato@asu.edu Mary.Neubauer@asu.edu hayleebolinger1@gmail.com clare@asu.edu kelsey.wiskirchen@asu.edu angela.ellsworth@asu.edu Faculty Advisor Student Officer Faculty Advisor Student Officer Faculty Advisor Student Officer Faculty Advisor Student Officer Faculty Advisor Student Officer Faculty Advisor Student Officer Becky McDonah Alyssa (Nikki) Ollive Jim White Julie Klotz Elizabeth Allen Bucky Miller Kathryn Maxwell Dana LeMoine Hilary Harp Julie Klotz Hilary Harp Charles Rice becky.mcdonah@asu.edu alyssa.ollive@asu.edu James.White@asu.edu Julie.Klotz@asu.edu elizabeth.allen3@asu.edu buckymiller@gmail.com katherine.maxwell@asu.edu Dana.M.Lemoine@asu.edu hilary.harp@asu.edu Julie.Klotz@asu.edu Hilary.Harp@asu.edu Charles.Rice@asu.edu Forms Quick Links to Forms most used: Override Authorization Form is used to grant permission to enroll in a class. Students present the form to instructors for their signature. Independent Study Form this form is for undergraduate individualized instruction, honors courses and internships with full-time faculty. Incomplete Grade Request University contract required for students who will receive an incomplete grade. Office Hours Form School of Art form to submit your office hours information Isaac Access Form University form to request card reader access. Key Request Form University form to request keys. The completed form is placed in the slotted box of the key kiosk. On A Lighter Note… Now that all of this information has got your head spinning, we’d like to finish with some helpful hints and suggestions from our Graduate students to make your time here at ASU School of Art is fulfilling: WHAT WE WISHED WE KNEW… ON CAMPUS Coffee and baklava are much closer (and cheaper!) than you thought. On the second floor of College of Design North, (CDN) Charlie’s coffee shop has happy hour from 3-5pm. From the library homepage, you can request books from any of ASU’s libraries to be delivered to Architecture. Select “Architecture” as your pick-up location and save yourself some time wandering around West campus. Parking in the Tenth Street Structure & lot 16 is free after 7pm Monday-Friday. All day, Sat-Sun and ASU Holidays (excluding winter, spring and summer breaks). Engrained restaurant on the second floor of the MU features local and organic fare; E2 (on Forest Mall next to the hotdog shop) also has options for healthy food on campus. The Graduate & Professional Student Association (GPSA) is located in the Graduate Student Center on the north end of Forest Mall on the Tempe Campus next to Center for Family Studies (CFS), and has free printing for graduate students in their lab (open 8-5, Monday-Friday). The Student Recreation Center (SRC) offers a wide selection of fitness classes, and the first week of school they’re all free! The rest of the semester is a flat fee for as many classes as you’d like to attend. The Media Resource Center, in the Coor building, has cameras, digital projectors, and other equipment available for checkout. Be sure to visit the Technology Store, located in Computing Commons (between the MU and the Bookstore) for discounts on hardware and software. If you start feeling overwhelmed, Student Services offers free counseling and workshops on a variety of topics from time management skills to anxiety and sleep disorders. ASU has a zip car program. $35 for an annual membership; $8 an hour and $66/day. See http://cfo.asu.edu/pts-commuter-zipcar for more specifics. IN HIDA: Tuesdays from 6-8pm are gallery openings on campus. Show proposals for university galleries are due mid-to-late fall and mid-to-late spring. The website link http://art.asu.edu/gallery/harrywood/propose.php will provide more details. SOA scholarship applications are due February 1. This date may change, so be in touch with Vicki Kelley vicki.kelley@asu.edu for more information. Live Art Platform (an evening of experimental art and performance) takes place the first Wednesday of each month. Talk to Angela Ellsworth angela.ellsworth@asu.edu if you’re interested in learning more. The foreign language proficiency exam is only given once a semester. Talk to your advisor for more details. The SOA boasts some pretty excellent student clubs. Choice picks include: ABBA (A Buncha Book Artists), Metals Club, Printmaking Student Association (PSA), Clay Club, Fiber Arts Network (FAN), Society for Art Video, Neon Club, 2D or not 2D (Drawing & Painting), Interdisciplinary Arts and Performance Club, Fahrenheit 2150, Photography Association, COGAH, and others. Most meet monthly and have exhibitions, workshops, visiting artists, and are a great way to get involved with the community. Clubs are actively involved in the annual “Art Fest” held early Spring semester on Neeb Plaza. IN THE COMMUNITY: The Phoenix area has quite a few options for CSAs. Bountiful Baskets, Green Bee Produce Co-op, and Victory Gardens are a few. Shops like the Tempe Farmer’s Market on Farmer + University also offer local produce, meats, breads, and other healthy local products. If you live on a bus or LightRail line, consider getting a student U-pass – it’s good for any of the Phoenix area public transit options, and costs $150 per academic year for unlimited rides. Admission to the Phoenix Art Museum is free on Wednesday and Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art (SMOCA) is free on Thursdays. The Heard Museum offers free admission for all Native Americans. Volunteer Legal Assistance for Artists (artadvocacy.org) offers pro-bono legal services. Let’s hope you won’t need them. Art walks are held the first Friday of each month in Phoenix, 6 – 10 pm; the first Thursday of each month in Scottsdale, 7-9 pm; and every Thursday Dec. to May the 1st & 3rd rest of the year in Tucson. There are discounts to be found at art supply stores. o Utrecht offers 10% off for students, 20% off for faculty and an extra 5% rebate for ASU faculty/FAs. o Wet Paint offers 10% for students. o AZ Art Supply offers 15% for students and 20% for faculty. o Jerry’s Art-o-Rama offers - Guarantees competitive lowest pricing. NEIGHBORHOOD FAVES Local brews are delicious at 4 Peaks Brewery on 8th and Dorsey. Taste of Tops offers a constantly changing selection of wine and beer. University and Farmer. You probably haven’t heard of a Cornish Pasty. Go to Hardy +University immediately to remedy that situation. Casey Moore’s is a standby for food and drinks with a really large patio (and ghosts). 9th and Ash. Looking for some live music? The Sail Inn (1st and Farmer) and the Yucca Tap Room (Southern and Mill) both have bands every night, and always promise a good time. Bring cash. Carmen’s Bistro, down on Baseline and College, is an Italian dive with karaoke and surly bartenders. Sushi 101 on Rural and University has a fabulous sushi happy hour. In-Season Deli = yum. Honey lemonade, really?? Tucked away in a little courtyard just north of Starbucks on Mill, this lunch only café has a rotating menu of homemade happiness and no indoor seating. LAST BUT NOT LEAST Getting itchy to leave town? Consider this: LA: 7 hours Mexico border: 3 hours San Diego: 6 hours Las Vegas: 5 hours Flagstaff (and snow!): 3 hours Santa Fe: 8 hours