Exams 1-3 Review Sheet Hurt, World Regional The fine print: The following is a brief (?) list of important terms and concepts that I think are key to success on the exam. Almost all of the exam will comprise the terms and concepts listed below. Know both their definition and geographic significance. Approximately 60% of the exam will come from my lectures and 40% from the deBlij and Muller text. There will be a mix of multiple choice questions worth 2 points each, several very short answer questions, and an extra credit question or two (75 points possible). If you have questions, e-mail me (dhurt1@ucok.edu) or stop by my office before the exam. Don't forget to look at the maps! May the force be with you. EXAM 1 Introduction to Geography (Introduction Chapter+lectures) -all videos -current global trends (15) -global statistics (including main population trends by region and the top 11) -global population size -the five fundamental themes of geography -globalization (including positives and negatives) -spatial perspective -transition zones -absolute v. relative location -formal and functional regions -hinterlands -map scale -natural v. cultural landscapes -Pangaea -continental drift -Pacific Ring of Fire -desertification -climate v. weather -climates (Humid Equatorial, Dry, Humid Temperate, Humid Cold, Cold Polar/Highland) -global population clusters -core v. periphery North America (Chapter 3+lectures) -all videos -in-class atlas questions -characteristics of the geography/major geographic qualities of North America (lecture and book) -population size of US and Canada -2 components of the Canadian Core (Quebec v. Ontario) -French long lots -Nunavut -Inuit -3 problems with the formation of Nunavut -Parti Quebecois/Quebec separatism -Quebec referendum history -Megalopolis (where, what cities, problems) -New York City (primacy, economic activities) -Hudson-Mohawk corridor 1 -the frontera -maquiladoras -US-Mexico border -rain shadow -push and pull factors -Sunbelt v. Rustbelt -culture hearths -American Manufacturing Belt -five economic productive activities (primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary, quinary) -technopole Latin America (Chapters 4-5+lectures) -all videos -in-class atlas questions -characteristics of the geography/major geographic qualities of Latin America (lecture and book) -Mayas, Aztecs, and Incas -mestizos, mullatos, zambos -FARC -altitudinal zonation (tierra caliente, teirra templada, tierra fria, tierra helada, tierra nevada) -push and pull factors -Puerto Rico (environment, economy, independence movement) -Greater v. Lesser Antilles -windward v. leeward -Peru (physical regions, Machu Picchu, Machu Picchu Pueblo) -isthmus -archipelago -Mainland v. Rimland -hacienda v. plantation -transculturation -ejidos -tropical deforestation -altiplanos -commercial v. subsistence farming -NAFTA -Latin American city model -barrios/favelas -growth-pole concept EXAM 2 Pacific World (Chapters 11-12+lectures) -all videos -in-class atlas questions -characteristics of the geography/major geographic qualities of the Pacific World (lecture and book) -Pacific Rim -Melanesia, Micronesia, Polynesia -high and low islands -Australia and New Zealand and the Pacific Rim 2 -“typical” Pacific island state -Indonesia (participation in the Pacific Rim, population, religion, Java) -transmigration (why, environmental impacts) -Southern Ocean -Aborigines -Outback -Maori -territorial sea -Exclusive Economic Zones Europe (Chapter 1+lectures) -all videos -in-class atlas questions -characteristics of the geography/major geographic qualities of Europe (lecture and book) -Gulf Stream/North Atlantic Drift -European Union (membership) -Marshall Plan -Treaty of Rome -Maastricht Treaty -European supranationalism (what led to the EU?) -land hemisphere -Agrarian/Agricultural Revolution -Industrial Revolution -nations, states, and nation-states -centrifugal v. centripetal forces -lingua franca -primate city -devolution -conurbation -Ancona Line -shatter belt -balkanization -irredentism -exclave Russia and Asia (Chapters 2, 8-10+lectures) -all videos -in-class atlas questions -characteristics of the geography/major geographic qualities of Russia and Asia (lecture and book) -Near Abroad -tundra -taiga -permafrost -Russification -command economy -distance decay effect -the Kurds, Turkey, and a possible Kurdistan -monsoons (including wind directions in Indian Ocean) 3 -Indian subcontinent political divisions -Tibet -Dalai Lama -North and South Korea -38th Parallel -caste system -forward capital -lingua franca -extraterritoriality -Mao Zedong -Great Leap Forward -Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution -Three Gorges Dam -one country, two systems -Meiji Restoration -Republic of China v. People’s Republic of China -Overseas Chinese -Indochina -types of boundaries (antecedent, subsequent, superimposed, relict) -types of state territorial configurations (compact, protruded, elongated, fragmented, perforated) -domino theory -Khmer Rouge -entrepot EXAM 3 Middle East (Chapter 6+lectures) -all videos -in-class atlas questions -characteristics of the geography/major geographic qualities of the Middle East (lecture and book) -Near, Middle, and Far East(s) -oil (areas of Middle East oil production; Middle East and world leaders; markets) -Suez Canal -resource nationalism -OPEC (including effect on price-per-barrel, which countries founded) -water (including reasons for shortage, Nile River) -Arabs -Muhammad/Mohammed -Mesopotamia -Fertile Crescent -hydraulic civilization theory -Mecca and Medina -Five Pillars of Islam -types of diffusion (spatial, expansion, relocation, contagious, hierarchical) -Shiites v. Sunis -ayatollahs -mullahs -the Moors 4 -the Maghreb -West Bank, Golan Heights, Gaza Strip, and Jerusalem -buffer state -Mujahideen -Taliban Africa (Chapter 7+lectures) -all videos -in-class atlas questions -characteristics of the geography/major geographic qualities of the Africa (lecture and book) -desertification -Sahara -Sahel -Conference of Berlin -rift valleys -endemic, epidemic, and pandemic diseases -AIDS belt -Green Revolution -periodic markets -Hutus v. Tutsis -apartheid -separate development Etc. (lecture) -Antarctica -ozone depletion -Antarctic Treaty -Seven Years in Tibet 5