IMAGE TRACING LASER SYSTEM ECSE-4460 Control System Design Final Project Report Jason Duarte Azmat Latif Stephen Sundell Tim Weidner May 8, 2006 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute ii Abstract This report describes the design approach to build an image-tracing laser system using two degrees of freedom for pan and tilt motion. The design model parameters are obtained through MATLAB, SolidWorks, and LabVIEW. The system is divided into three major subsystems: image analysis, trajectory planning, and control design. Image analysis is used to identify a pattern to be traced. The trajectory planner returns the joint trajectories to follow a desired path. Finally, the controller positions the links to the desired locations. The design objectives are to traverse an image at a rate of 1 ft/sec with 0% overshoot and minimum steady state errors. iii Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 1 2. PROFESSIONAL AND SOCIETAL CONSIDERATIONS ................................................................. 3 3. DESIGN PROCEDURE .......................................................................................................................... 4 3.1. IMAGE PROCESSING ............................................................................................................................. 4 3.2. TRAJECTORY GENERATION .................................................................................................................. 5 3.3. INVERSE KINEMATICS .......................................................................................................................... 6 3.4. CONTROL SYSTEM DESIGN .................................................................................................................. 7 4. DESIGN DETAILS .................................................................................................................................. 8 4.1. RANGE OF MOTION .............................................................................................................................. 8 4.2. PRELIMINARY MODEL DEVELOPMENT................................................................................................. 9 4.3. FRICTION IDENTIFICATION ..................................................................................................................10 4.4. NONLINEAR MODEL ...........................................................................................................................13 4.5. INVERSE KINEMATICS .........................................................................................................................15 4.6. TRAJECTORY GENERATION .................................................................................................................17 4.7. LINEAR MODEL ..................................................................................................................................19 4.8. CONTROLLER DESIGN .........................................................................................................................20 5. DESIGN VERIFICATION .....................................................................................................................23 5.1 MODEL VERIFICATION .........................................................................................................................23 5.2. IMAGE CALIBRATION ..........................................................................................................................25 6. COSTS ......................................................................................................................................................30 7. CONCLUSIONS ......................................................................................................................................32 8. REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................33 APPENDICES .............................................................................................................................................34 APPENDIX A: PAN ASSEMBLY ...................................................................................................................34 APPENDIX B: TILT ASSEMBLY ...................................................................................................................34 APPENDIX C: MASS PROPERTIES FOR PAN AXIS ........................................................................................35 APPENDIX D: MASS PROPERTIES FOR TILT AXIS .......................................................................................36 APPENDIX E: FRICTION IDENTIFICATION CODE .........................................................................................37 APPENDIX F: VELOCITY ESTIMATION USING FINITE DIFFERENCE .............................................................38 APPENDIX G: VELOCITY ESTIMATION USING PULSE PERIOD ....................................................................39 APPENDIX H: MODEL LINEARIZATION CODE ............................................................................................40 APPENDIX I: STATEMENT OF CONTRIBUTION ............................................................................................41 iv List of Figures FIGURE 1: BLOCK DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM .......................................................................................................... 1 FIGURE 2: ONE DIMENSIONAL PID CONTROLLER ............................................................................................ 7 FIGURE 3: LASER RANGE OF MOTION ON THE TRACING PLANE ........................................................................ 8 FIGURE 4: LASER AND CAMERA MOUNTING ASSEMBLY ................................................................................. 9 FIGURE 5: PAN AND TILT VELOCITY VS. TIME................................................................................................10 FIGURE 6: PAN AXIS FRICTION IDENTIFICATION ............................................................................................11 FIGURE 7: TILT AXIS FRICTION IDENTIFICATION ............................................................................................12 FIGURE 8: PAN-TILT NONLINEAR SIMULATION ..............................................................................................13 FIGURE 9: PAN-TILT SYSTEM DYNAMICS .......................................................................................................14 FIGURE 10: FRICTION MODEL ........................................................................................................................14 FIGURE 11: BASIC PAN-TILT SYSTEM ............................................................................................................15 FIGURE 12: SIMPLE IMAGES AND TRAJECTORY PROFILES ..............................................................................18 FIGURE 13: COMPLEX IMAGES AND TRAJECTORY PROFILES ..........................................................................18 FIGURE 14: PID CONTROLLER........................................................................................................................20 FIGURE 15: PAN AXIS STEP RESPONSE ............................................................................................................21 FIGURE 16: TILT AXIS STEP RESPONSE ............................................................................................................21 FIGURE 17: TRACKING RESPONSE OF NONLINEAR SYSTEM ............................................................................22 FIGURE 18: VERIFICATION MODEL FOR SINGLE JOINT ...................................................................................23 FIGURE 19: SIMULATED RESPONSES TO CONSTANT TORQUES .........................................................................24 FIGURE 20: MEASURED RESPONSES TO CONSTANT TORQUES .........................................................................24 FIGURE 21: VERTICAL IMAGE CALIBRATION .................................................................................................25 FIGURE 22: HORIZONTAL IMAGE CALIBRATION ............................................................................................25 FIGURE 23: MAIN FUNCTION FOR PATH FINDING ..........................................................................................26 FIGURE 24: IMAGE SUBFUNCTION 1...............................................................................................................27 FIGURE 25: IMAGE SUBFUNCTION 3...............................................................................................................27 FIGURE 26: IMAGE SUBFUNCTION 5...............................................................................................................28 FIGURE 27: PIXEL COORDINATES OF IMAGES TO BE TRACED ..........................................................................29 v List of Tables TABLE 1: PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS ......................................................................................... 2 TABLE 2: PAN AXIS FRICTION PARAMETERS .....................................................................................12 TABLE 3: TILT AXIS FRICTION PARAMETERS.....................................................................................12 TABLE 4: COST OF EQUIPMENT ..............................................................................................................30 TABLE 5: COST OF ADDITIONAL ITEMS ...............................................................................................31 TABLE 6: COST OF LABOR .......................................................................................................................31 1 1. Introduction The goal of this project is to create an image-tracing laser system capable of tracing patterns consisting of curves and polygons. There are several similar designs that are used in the industry today. Predominant applications are robots used for spray-painting, arc welding, and laser cutting. Most robotic applications in industry today use CAD drawings to highlight the curves which are cut and etched. The image tracking laser system will use a webcam to identify the image to be traced. Several image analysis functions are then used to determine an appropriate path. Figure 1 illustrates the block diagram for the system. Snap Image Inverse Kinematics Obtain Image Coordinates Translate to World Corrdinates Create Trajectory Controllers Figure 1: Block diagram of system First a picture of the image to be traced is snapped using a webcam. The pixel coordinates of the image are obtained and then converted to real world coordinates. The real world coordinates are fed through the inverse kinematics to obtain the corresponding joint angles. The paths and the given actuator velocity and acceleration constraints are used to generate a trajectory for the laser pointer to follow. Finally, a controller is used to give the desired performance. 2 Specifications The laser is placed parallel to an initially horizontal plate that tilts on two axes in order to control the direction of the laser. Each tilting axis is operated on by an electric motor. Each motor is controlled using software with position feedback for control. The intent is to have high accuracy and repeatability as shown in Table 1. TABLE 1: PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Range of Motion Speed Accuracy Noise Tolerance o The laser tilts ±14° and pans ±18°. o The laser is located 3 feet from the image. This gives a maximum image size of 2’ x 1.5’. o The speed at which the laser traces an image plays a vital role in increasing throughput on an assembly line production. The laser travels at 12 inches/sec from a distance of 3 feet. o The most important aspect of any tracking system is accuracy. Therefore the system should exhibit both zero overshoot from the line curve and also have no steady state error. At a distance of 3’ the laser is within 1/8th of an inch of the desired position. o Due to various hues on an image creating an unwanted line curve, the image processing software must be able to increase the contrast of the image if needed. Very dark or black pictures against a white background are used. In addition, the system is able to reject any disturbances and return to its intended path. 3 2. Professional and Societal Considerations One clear advantage of using robotic manipulators is that certain tasks can be completed quickly and efficiently. The combination of minimal fixturing and high execution speed can be economically beneficial for companies. In addition, several applications of robots may save lives. For example, a worker can develop respiratory irritation and metabolic toxicity from inhaling paint components and spray drift. Therefore, it is desirable to use a robot to aid the worker by creating a safer work environment. It is with these considerations in mind that the accuracy and safety of the image tracing laser system are of greatest importance. To reduce any harmful effects of the laser, the laser is turned off between different tracings. 4 3. Design Procedure 3.1. Image Processing In order to accurately trace a figure the image must first be identified using a webcam. In order to increase the contrast between the background and the image a histogram was used. After an image is taken, it will be passed through a histogram function and analyzed. If the image is found unworthy, it will be discarded. Another image will be taken and similarly processed. Once a final picture is approved it will be sent to the aforementioned function. This will cut down on certain noise problems with the camera and lighting. Once an image is retrieved, the pixel values will be searched to locate the positions of all the white pixels (threshold will cause the image to be inverted) making up the figure. After finding the first white pixel the pixels at a certain radius from the one found will be checked iteratively until the next white pixel is found. Assuming that there is a line, the next search will begin in the same direction that the first two pixels were pointing. If a white pixel is not found in this direction, the search will sweep in a clockwise direction until found. Since the image will have no breaks in it and no lines will cross each other, the search algorithm will traverse the whole perimeter and return to the beginning. Recording all the points along the way will yield the trajectory that must be followed by the laser. Finally the pixel coordinates are converted to real world coordinates. 5 3.2. Trajectory Generation Continuous path motion is used when there is a definite geometric path to follow such as spray painting. The path of a robot describes the position and orientation of the manipulator. A trajectory contains information about the path plus the desired speed at which the robot traverses along that path. The velocity and acceleration profile must be kept within the actuator limits in order for the robot to follow a given path. Trajectory planning can be conducted in joint variable space or in Cartesian space [1]. The advantage of planning in joint variable space is that the planning is done directly with the controlled variables (joint angles). It is therefore a simpler approach which is easier to plan. However, most manipulation tasks are given in terms of the Cartesian world coordinates. For example, in our design we will be using a webcam to identify the path the laser pointer should take in order to trace a figure. The path is specified in terms of world coordinates and not joint variables. Equation 1 shows how the desired trajectory can be represented in terms of a vector w in R 6 known as the tool configuration vector. P w R (1) P and R represent the position and orientation of the end-effector relative to the base frame. For our design we can consider the vector as being in R 3 since we are only controlling the position of the laser pointer and not its orientation. 6 3.3. Inverse Kinematics Given a desired position the corresponding joint variables must be determined. The procedure to map from the Cartesian space to joint space is known as inverse kinematics. However, before the inverse kinematics can be solved for the mapping from joint space to Cartesian space must be determined. This procedure is known as forward kinematics. 7 3.4. Control System Design The purpose of a controller is to compare the actual output to the desired input and provide a control signal which will reduce the error to zero or as close to zero as possible [2]. Initially we will test how accurately we can position each link. Therefore, the input to our system will be the desired joint angles [ 1 ,2 ] calculated from the inverse kinematics. A common approach to robot control that is used in many commercial robots is singleaxis PID control [3]. To describe the PID control we let r (t ) be the desired joint angles and q(t ) the actual joint angles. The error is given by Equation 2. e( t ) r ( t ) q ( t ) (2) Ideally the error should be zero but in practice it varies, particularly when the reference input r (t ) is changing. A common technique used to control a robot is to employ n independent controllers, one for each joint [3]. The general equation is given by Eqn. 3. t K p e(t ) K I e( )d K D e(t ) (3) 0 The gains { K P , K I , K D } are n n diagonal matrices indicating that each axis is controlled independently. For our design the gain matrices will be 2 2 . Figure 2 shows a block diagram for a single axis PID controller. Figure 2: One dimensional PID controller A PID controller provides quick response, good control of system stability, and low steady-state error. These characteristics along with our familiarity with PID controllers make this type of controller an attractive initial approach. The gains of the PID controller must be adjusted to meet our design specifications. The gains can be determined and simulated using the root locus method. Another thing to consider in the control design is the presence of friction. To compensate for friction, viscous and Coulomb friction terms can be fed forward in the controller to cancel its effect. 8 4. Design Details 4.1. Range of Motion In order to correctly calibrate from the pixel to world coordinates the laser is positioned directly in the center of the 2’x 1.5’ image exactly 3 feet away. The size of the image (2’x1.5’) is chosen because of camera viewing angle restrictions from 3 feet. An image plane diagram is shown below in Figure 3. Figure 3: Laser Range of motion on the tracing plane This ensures that the maximum range of motion needed in opposite directions is equal. Simple trigonometry can be used to determine the maximum angle movement of the laser from the center of the image for either pan or tilt motions. The pan range of motion is +/18 , and the tilt range of motion is +/- 14 . 9 4.2. Preliminary Model Development Since the system is quite complex, an extremely precise non-linear model needs to be developed. In this case, a Lagrange-Euler dynamic model is considered and kinetic and potential energies of the system must be found. A SolidWorks works model of the system shown in Figure 4 was created and used to provide the mass and inertia matrices and of both pan and tilt bodies. Inertia tensors for body A (pan) and body B (tilt) are found to be: 0.0000 0.0001 0.0012 I A 0.0000 0.0007 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0008 0.0002 0.0001 0.0001 I B 0.0001 0.0007 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0006 Masses for both bodies are found to be: mA 0.5603kg mB 0.3468kg SolidWorks models and total mass properties for both bodies can be found in Appencies A through D. Figure 4: Laser and Camera Mounting Assembly Professor Wen’s pantilt.m script is used to define the symbolic equations for the system. The file requires an input of body masses, inertia tensor matrices and center of gravity. Running the file in MATLAB returns values for the inertia tensor, velocity coupling matrix, gravity loading vector, and total energy. 10 4.3. Friction Identification Friction parameters were identified by varying the input torque and comparing the system’s steady state angular velocity. A LabView program was created (Appendix E) to send constant voltages ranging from -1V to 1V to the system in 0.05V increments. A 1V pulse was sent to the system for 1 second before each voltage test to overcome stiction. Each incremental voltage was then applied for 30 seconds and the velocity of the system was calculated throughout this duration. Each test was run for thirty second tests to ensure that the steady state velocity was reached for the applied voltage. After all voltages were tested, the program generated an Angular Velocity by Time graph shown for pan and tilt axes in Figure 5. Figure 5: Pan and Tilt Velocity vs. Time An array was also created containing the final velocities of the system at each given voltage. These values were exported to Excel, and voltage was converted to torque using Equation 4. m V N Kt Ka m V (2.47 / .869)6.3 .0432 .1 m 0.077389V (4) It must be noted that prior to this testing, the amplifiers were tested and calibrated to verify that they indeed supplied .1A/V. In the case of the pan axis, a back EMF was induced by the pan motor, and therefore a reading of .08A/V was measured instead of .1A/V. This value was used in the torque equation for the pan axis to ensure the most accurate friction values possible. Torque vs. Velocity plots were then created to identify friction terms as shown in Figures 6 and 7. Linear regression was performed in each plot, and slopes were found to 11 determine viscous friction. Coulomb friction was determined as the value at which the best fit lines intersect the torque axis. Tables 2 and 3 display all calculated friction values. Pan Axis Friction Identification 0.08 Applied Torque (N-m) 0.06 y = 0.0003x + 0.0638 0.04 0.02 0 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 -0.02 -0.04 -0.06 y = 0.0004x - 0.041 -0.08 Steady State Load Angular Velocity (rad/sec) Figure 6: Pan Axis Friction Identification 30 40 12 Tilt Axis Friction Identification 0.1 0.08 Applied Torque (N-m) 0.06 y = 0.0007x + 0.0584 0.04 0.02 0 -40 -30 -20 -10 -0.02 0 10 20 30 -0.04 -0.06 -0.08 y = 0.0006x - 0.0569 -0.1 Steady State Load Angular Velocity (rad/sec) Figure 7: Tilt Axis Friction Identification TABLE 2: PAN AXIS FRICTION PARAMETERS Viscous (N*m*s/rad) Coulomb (N*m) Positive Negative 0.0003 0.0004 0.0638 -0.041 TABLE 3: TILT AXIS FRICTION PARAMETERS Viscous (N*m*s/rad) Coulomb (N*m) Positive Negative 0.0007 0.0006 0.0584 -0.0569 40 13 4.4. Nonlinear Model In order to test and validate the actual design, a full nonlinear simulation is used. As shown in figure 8, the simulation consists of desired input angles, PID controllers for pan and tilt axes, the pan-tilt dynamics, actual output angles, and a quantizer in the feedback path. Pan Tilt Nonlinear Simulation y Scope y error scope In1 Out1 [t angle1 angle2] Demux PID 1 From Workspace demux In1 Out1 tau mux Zero-Order Hold y theta output Pan-tilt dynamics PID 2 Quantizer Figure 8: Pan-Tilt Nonlinear Simulation Through the use of this detailed model one can test different controller configurations with relative ease. At this point, all system parameters such as mass, inertia, and Coriolis forces have been identified. 2 . 4096 Additionally, friction is being included for with the other pan-tilt dynamics as shown in figure 9. The quantization interval has been set to match the encoder resolution of 14 theta M inverse mass matrix inverse 1 tau Matrix Multiply 2 theta 3 thetadot 1 thetaddot M inv *(tau-G-C-F) theta G(theta) Gravity Load theta C thdot thetadot Coriolis/Centrifugal thetadot Out1 Friction Figure 9: Pan-Tilt System Dynamics The friction dynamics have been determined experimentally, and are modeled according to the Equation 5. y sign ( x) * ( Fv * abs( x) Fc ) (5) In the equation, Fv represents the viscous friction and Fc represents the Coulomb friction. Since the combination of both viscous and Coulomb friction is discontinuous, the simulation configuration parameters were modified to disable zero crossing control. The resulting terms are shown in figure 10. fc1 Sign Gain fv1 1 Demux Add Gain1 1 thetadot Out1 fc2 Mux Sign1 Gain2 Demux fv2 Add1 Gain3 Figure 10: Friction Model 15 4.5. Inverse Kinematics A coordinate frame has been assigned at the intersection of the pan and tilt axis. The laser pointer is placed at the origin of this coordinate frame and the system is placed three feet from the image plane. The basic setup of our pan-tilt system is illustrated in Figure 11. t . n Distance =3 ft Figure 11: Basic Pan-Tilt System A vector n is drawn parallel to the line of sight of the laser. Initially the vector is designated in the direction: 0 n0 1 A rotation about the x and y axes can be represented by the following rotation matrix: 0 1 R x = 0 cos 2 0 sin 2 0 sin 2 cos 2 cos 1 0 sin 1 Ry = 0 1 0 sin 0 cos 1 16 To obtain a composite rotation we simply multiply the rotation matrices. Here, t represents the size of the ray vector emanating from the laser, and d is the fixed distance from the system to the image plane. Using Equation 6, we can specify the joint variable and obtain the real world coordinates of the laser pointer. Thus we have determined the forward kinematics. sin 1 cos 2 x t= y Rx R y n t = sin 2 cos 1 sin 2 d (6) To determine the inverse kinematics we must determine which joint angles, when inserted into the forward kinematics, will evaluate to a given x, y, and z coordinate. Using Equation 6 the joint angles are solved to give Equations 7 and 8. 1 a tan 2( x ) d (7) 2 a tan 2( y cos 1 ) d (8) 17 4.6. Trajectory Generation Using National Instruments (NI) Motion Assistant a trajectory was generated to trace the images shown in Figures 12 and 13. The inputs to the Motion Assistant are the path of the joint variable obtained from the inverse kinematics, the joint velocity and, joint accelerations. The maximum velocity and acceleration values for the trajectory generation were determined experimentally using the finite difference and pulse period methods. Appendix F shows the implementation of the finite difference method, which also returns acceleration. Appendix G shows the implementation of the pulse period method, which does not return acceleration. The left column of Figures 12 and 13 displays the points that were identified using image analysis and the right column displays the position profile for the pan and tilt axis obtained from NI’s Motion Assistant. Figure 12 illustrates simple shapes consisting circular and straight lines. Figure 13 displays more complex shapes of a star and a hand drawn image of a tree. 18 Figure 12: Simple Images and Trajectory Profiles Figure 13: Complex Images and Trajectory Profiles 19 4.7. Linear Model Creating a linear system is useful in order to develop an optimal controller for the system. Linearization simplifies the pan-tilt model by focusing on each angle ( pan , tilt ) independently, while effects on each other are treated as disturbances. In order to linearize the system about a point, numerical values for pan and tilt are used. Because the pan angle has no gravity loading, an angle of zero can be used. For the tilt axis, half of the range of motion ( 26.5 ) is used. These desired angles, along with our system parameters calculated previously are entered and loaded into MATLAB via script pantiltmodel.m (Appendix H). The MATLAB script, pantilt_lin.m (Appendix H), found from 2003’s ECSE 4962 course website [4], creates the matrices in the state space equation, Eqn. 9. G(s) C (sI A) 1 B D (9) Open loop transfer functions are also determined in this script. However, since the system is linear, transfer functions from pan-to-tilt and tilt-to-pan are ignored. Open loop transfer functions G11 (pan) and G22 (tilt) are given as: 13.16s 2 1.754s 10.29 G11 4 s 0.2649s 3 0.7997 s 2 0.1029s G22 13.33 s 0.1333s 0.7822 2 20 4.8. Controller Design The control system is implemented using a PID controller for each axis. Both PID controllers are designed for the simulation using Simulink PID blocks shown in Figure 14. Proportional, derivative and integral gains are hand tuned until the system results met the desired specifications. Figure 14: PID Controller Step inputs were tested in the simulation system and gains were accordingly tuned. Proportional, integral, and derivative gains are displayed below. Step responses for both pan and tilt axes are shown in Figures 15 and 16. Additional tweaking was done to smoothly follow a sinusoidal input instead of a step since the actual system relies on following a trajectory. Figure 17 represents the system’s ability to track a sinusoidal input with a frequency of 10rad/sec. PID gain values used for pan axis: K p 50 K i .1 Kd 8 PID gain values used for tilt axis: K p 65 K i .1 K d 7.5 21 Figure 15: Pan axis step response Figure 16: Tilt axis step response 22 Figure 17: Tracking Response of Nonlinear system 23 5. Design Verification 5.1 Model Verification To verify the model, a series of constant torques were input into the system in order to match steady state velocities with those measured from the friction identification procedure. The single joint model is shown in Figure 18. Simulated and measured responses are displayed in Figures 19 and 20. When comparing the simulated response to the measured response, discrepancies can be noticed for the first few seconds. This is due to the voltage spike being given in the measured response to overcome stiction. Steady state velocities on the measured graphs are incorrect due to a missing conversion factor in the LabVIEW code for the external gear ratio and the encoder resolution. This was fixed at a later time when velocity estimation was changed. Scope1 Scope 1 tau thetaddot -K- tau Gain2 theta thetaddot thetadot thetadot 1/s thetaddot -> thetadot 1/s Saturation thetadot->theta 1 theta Subsystem Scope2 Figure 18: Verification Model for Single Joint 24 Figure 19: Simulated responses to constant torques Figure 20: Measured responses to constant torques 25 5.2. Image Calibration Once all the pixel coordinates have been recorded they are converted into real world coordinates. In order to determine the real world coordinates the conversion from pixel to distance needs to be known. To find this out a ruler was placed at the distance predetermined to be the distance of the image from the camera. Two pieces of tape were placed on the ruler 4 inches apart. An image was then taken with the ruler in a vertical orientation, and one with the ruler in a horizontal orientation. The two images shown in Figures 21 and 22 were used to then find how many pixels represented an inch at three feet away. Figure 21: Vertical Image Calibration Figure 22: Horizontal Image Calibration The two images captured are show above. The first image shows the ruler vertical, the second horizontal. The pieces of tape were found to be 48 pixels apart in each image. Dividing this number by 4 inches gives the conversion of 12 pixels per inch. With this 26 information it is now possible to convert points in the image to points in the real world relative to the camera. With a resolution of 320 X 240 the figure size is limited further than anticipated. The figure can only extend 2’ in the horizontal direction and 1’5” in the vertical direction. This is much smaller than the 3’ by 3’ figure that was initially proposed. The main function to get all the points along the perimeter of the drawing is shown in Figure 23. Figure 23: Main Function for Path Finding This function takes a snap of a picture, gotten by the function labeled 1 in Figure 24, and sends it to the histogram function. Once through the histogram, the image is put through the threshold function which will get rid of random data. The image is then sent to function 3 which finds the starting point for the search; function 3 is shown in Figure 25. After the first coordinate is found the function searches for each next point until it returns to the beginning. The function for finding the next point is function 5 and is shown in Figure 26. After all coordinates are found they are output through a two dimensional array. 27 Figure 24: Image Subfunction 1 Function 1 takes care of getting an image from the USB camera. Looking at Figure 24, the first thing it does is create an image. It then initiates the camera, takes a picture, and closes the camera. The picture is placed in the image that was created earlier. Since, the camera takes a color picture, the image is then converted to black and white. This image is output to the main function. Figure 25: Image Subfunction 3 Function 3, shown in Figure 25, is used to find the first pixel that contains the figure. It searches linearly, left to right, top to bottom, until it comes to the first white pixel. Once this pixel is found, the coordinates are returned to the main function. 28 Figure 26: Image Subfunction 5 Figure 26 shows function 5, which checks a pixel at a certain radius and angle from a given point. In the main function this is run in a while loop given various angles. Function 5 takes the angles and converts them into x and y distances. These are then multiplied by the radius, 5 in this version, and added to the coordinates of the center pixel. The pixel which is referenced by the new coordinate is checked for color. If the pixel is white a true value is returned to the main function; if it is black a false value is returned. When the main function receives a true value it knows to move on to the next point and save the coordinates of the point it just found. Figure 27 display the results of the image algorithm that was used to identify the pixel coordinates. 29 Figure 27: Pixel coordinates of images to be traced As can be seen from Figure 27 the image algorithm correctly identified the images to be traced. 30 6. Costs The cost of equipment used throughout the design process is shown in Table 4. Out-ofpocket expenses for additional items are displayed in Table 5. The total for these extra items needed for project completion and demonstration did not exceed the $100 budget initially set. Cost of labor is shown in Table 6. TABLE 4: COST OF EQUIPMENT Item Pittman motor GM8724S010 Pan gear A Pan gear B Tilt gear A Tilt gear B Pan belt Tilt belt LabView 7.1 software LabView Real-Time software LabView FPGA software LabView IMAQ software NI cRIO-9004 NI 1 M gate reconfigurable I/O (RIO) FPGA NI cRIO-9411 NI cRIO-9263 NI cRIO-9215 NI-9401 Total Qty 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cost $100.00 $15.00 $7.50 $15.00 $7.50 $2.00 $2.00 $2,395.00 $1,995.00 $1,995.00 $2,995.00 $1,495.00 $1,195.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 Total $200.00 $15.00 $7.50 $15.00 $7.50 $2.00 $2.00 $2,395.00 $1,995.00 $1,995.00 $2,995.00 $1,495.00 $1,195.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $12,719.00 Source Supplied Supplied Supplied Supplied Supplied Supplied Supplied Supplied Supplied Supplied Supplied Supplied Supplied Supplied Supplied Supplied Supplied 31 TABLE 5: COST OF ADDITIONAL ITEMS Additional Items Laser pointer USB camera Poster-sized paper Plotter paper Black markers Qty 1 1 2 1 2 Misc. electronics/parts Total Cost $14.45 $18.98 $1.97 $40.56 $1.97 Total $14.45 $18.98 $3.94 $40.56 $3.94 $10.78 $10.78 $86.74 Source Ebay Ebay Walmart VCC Walmart Trojan Electronics TABLE 6: COST OF LABOR Team Duarte, Jason (engineer) Latif, Azmat (engineer) Sundell, Stephen (engineer) Weidner, Tim (engineer) Total Hours 250 250 250 250 1000 Cost $30/hr $30/hr $30/hr $30/hr Total $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $30,000 32 7. Conclusions The objective of this project was to use a pan-tilt system to trace images using a laser pointer. In order to meet the design objectives the project was split into three key sections: image analysis, trajectory generation and control design. Using a webcam, the desired path to trace around a figure was obtained. The trajectory generator specified the speed at which to travel along the path. Finally a PID controller was implemented to achieve the performance specifications. There are several areas of the final system that can be improved. Currently the image algorithm works well with single continuously drawn figures placed on the screen. However, the image algorithm will not return the pixel locations of multiple shapes on the same screen. In addition, the algorithm was primarily written for shapes that did not have any line crossings. To trace figures such as a figure eight the algorithm will have to be revised. At times, the image processing algorithm failed to return all of the pixel locations of a figure. As a result, a figure may contain several gaps, and therefore would not completely trace. To address this issue the team increased the intensity of the light on the image to return all of the pixels. A possible improvement can be to adjust the algorithm to so that it completes any gaps in the image. Another area that could be improved is the implementation of vision feedback. Incorporating vision feedback in the design would allow the controller to correct any offsets between the figure and the laser. Due to time limitations and inability of the camera to detect the laser, this type of controller could not be implemented in this project. An additional improvement would be to enable the system to track an image on multiple image planes. This would be possible by using different background colors. These types of improvements can be implemented by a future Control Systems Design teams. In conclusion, this project has been challenging and rewarding experience. 33 8. References 1. Groover, Mikell P., Weiss, Mitchell, Nagel, Roger N., Odrey, Nicholas G. Industrial Robotics: Technology, Programming, and Applications McGraw-Hill Inc, 1986 pages 393-410. 2. Fu, K.S, Gonzalez, R.C, Lee, C.S.G, Robotics: Control, Sensing, Vision, and Intelligence, McGraw Hill Inc, 1987 pages 149-155. 3. Schilling, Robert J. Fundamentals of Robotics: Analysis & Control Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, Prentice Hall, 1990 pages 140-147, page 265-266. 4. ECSE 4962 Control Systems Design, Meeting Slides, “Linearization script,” Spring 2003, 34 Appendices Appendix A: Pan Assembly Appendix B: Tilt Assembly 35 Appendix C: Mass Properties for Pan Axis Output coordinate System: -- default – Density = 2796.7634 kilograms per cubic meter Mass = 0.5603 kilograms Volume = 0.0002 cubic meters Surface area = 0.0680 square meters Center of mass: ( meters ) X = -0.0126 Y = -0.0228 Z = -0.0003 Principal axes of inertia and principal moments of inertia: ( kilograms * square meters ) Taken at the center of mass. Ix = (0.1102, 0.7740, -0.6235) Px = 0.0006 Iy = (-0.0656, 0.6316, 0.7725) Py = 0.0009 Iz = (0.9917, -0.0442, 0.1204) Pz = 0.0012 Moments of inertia: ( kilograms * square meters ) Taken at the center of mass and aligned with the output coordinate system. Lxx = 0.0012 Lxy = 0.0000 Lxz = -0.0001 Lyx = 0.0000 Lyy = 0.0007 Lyz = -0.0001 Lzx = -0.0001 Lzy = -0.0001 Lzz = 0.0008 Moments of inertia: ( kilograms * square meters ) Taken at the output coordinate system. Ixx = 0.0015 Ixy = 0.0002 Ixz = -0.0001 Iyx = 0.0002 Iyy = 0.0008 Iyz = -0.0001 Izx = -0.0001 Izy = -0.0001 Izz = 0.0012 36 Appendix D: Mass Properties for Tilt Axis Output coordinate System: -- default -Density = 2766.6335 kilograms per cubic meter Mass = 0.3468 kilograms Volume = 0.0001 cubic meters Surface area = 0.0400 square meters Center of mass: ( meters ) X = 0.0760 Y = 0.0072 Z = -0.0135 Principal axes of inertia and principal moments of inertia: ( kilograms * square meters ) Taken at the center of mass. Ix = (0.9487, -0.1438, 0.2815) Px = 0.0002 Iy = (0.3156, 0.3774, -0.8706) Py = 0.0006 Iz = (0.0190, 0.9148, 0.4034) Pz = 0.0007 Moments of inertia: ( kilograms * square meters ) Taken at the center of mass and aligned with the output coordinate system. Lxx = 0.0002 Lxy = -0.0001 Lxz = 0.0001 Lyx = -0.0001 Lyy = 0.0007 Lyz = -0.0001 Lzx = 0.0001 Lzy = -0.0001 Lzz = 0.0006 Moments of inertia: ( kilograms * square meters ) Taken at the output coordinate system. Ixx = 0.0003 Ixy = 0.0001 Ixz = -0.0002 Iyx = 0.0001 Iyy = 0.0028 Iyz = -0.0001 Izx = -0.0002 Izy = -0.0001 Izz = 0.0026 37 Appendix E: Friction Identification Code 38 Appendix F: Velocity Estimation Using Finite Difference 39 Appendix G: Velocity Estimation Using Pulse Period 40 Appendix H: Model Linearization Code %pantilt_lin.m % % linearized pan-tilt system about theta=0 thetadot =26.565deg % % setup pan-tilt parameters pantiltmodel; % gravity g = 9.807; % get the linearized mass matrix theta1d=26.565*pi/180;theta2d=26.565*pi/180; M = massmatrix(mA,IA,pA,Im1,N1,mB,IB,pB,Im2,N2,theta1d,theta2d); % assume no friction for now d1=0.01; % viscuous friction for pan d2=0.01; % viscuous friction for tilt D = diag([d1 d2]); % get the linearized gravity term gradG=gravitylin(mA,IA,pA,Im1,N1,mB,IB,pB,Im2,N2,theta1d,theta2d); % define state space matrices A = [zeros(2,2) eye(2,2); -inv(M)*gradG -inv(M)*D]; B = [zeros(2,2) ; inv(M)]; C = [eye(2,2), zeros(2,2)]; D = zeros(2,2); G = ss(A,B,C,D); %disp('*** G ***'); %disp(['Open loop transfer function linearized about (',... % num2str([theta1d theta2d]),')']); %tf(G) 41 Appendix I: Statement of Contribution While specific subsections were written individually as shown below, all team members contributed equally in the completion of this report. Jason Duarte _____________________________________ - Range of Motion - Preliminary Model Development - Friction Identification - Nonlinear Model - Linear Model - Controller Design - Model Verification - Costs Azmat Latif ______________________________________ - Abstract - Introduction - Control System Design - Trajectory Generation - Inverse Kinematics Stephen Sundell ___________________________________ - Image Processing - Laser Control Tim Weidner ______________________________________ - Abstract - Professional and Societal Considerations - Velocity Estimation - Conclusions - Report Organization