Keyword Outline (Fused) - Happy Kids Cooking Healthy

Keyword Outline (Fused)
General Topic: Tigers
Paragraph Topic:
Description & intro
Source #1
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1. Part of the cat family (Felidae)
1. they can live up to 20 years in captivity
2. 1metre high 2.2meters long
2. they are carnivores
3. 160kg to 230kg
3. they eat deer, antelopes
4. Reddish tan with black vertical stripes
4. they live in Asia
Bibliography info:
5. beautiful animals
Encyclopedia Britannica
Bibliography info: book of mammals from
National geographic
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Tigers are Part of the cat family (Felidae) they live in Asia. They are 1metre high and 2.2meters long they weigh
160kg to 230kg in captivity tigers can live up to 20 years. They are Reddish tan with black vertical stripes which makes
them very beautiful animals. Tigers are carnivores they eat deer, antelopes.
Keyword Outline (Fused)
General Topic: Tigers
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Different species
Source #1
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1. The Bengal is the most common
2. The Siberian is the largest
1. extinct tigers; Caspian, Javan, Bali
2. past 70 years Indochinese, Malayan,
3. extinct tigers; Caspian, Javan, Bali
3. remaining tigers Amur, Bengal,
South China and Sumatran
Bibliography info:
4. there is only 3200 tigers left
Encyclopedia Britannica
Bibliography info:
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Three tigers have gone extinct in the past 70 years; Caspian, Javan, and Bali. The remaining 3200 tigers are; Amur,
Bengal, South China, Sumatran Indochinese and Malayan. Something that is interesting is the Bengal is the most
common and the Siberian is the largest!
Keyword Outline (Fused)
General Topic: Tigers
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Source #1
Interesting tiger facts
Source #2
1. They like water, swimming
2. Used in Asian art and folk lore
2. another name for the Siberian tiger is the Amur tiger
3. Tigers can live up to -40°c to 40°c
3. another name for the Bengal tiger is the Indian tiger
4. Used in Asian art and folk lore
Bibliography info:
Encyclopedia Britannica Bibliography info:
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Tigers like to swim in water which is weird because cats don’t line water. Tigers can live up to -40°c to
40°c, burrrrrrrrrrr. Did you know that another name for the Siberian tiger is the Amur tiger and another name
for the Bengal tiger is the Indian tiger? The tiger is used in Asian art and folk lore a lot.
Keyword Outline (Fused)
General Topic: Tigers
Paragraph Topic:
Tigers & humans
Source #1
1. Tigers eat people
2. Humans are taking the land
Source #2
1. Humans are; poaching tigers, taking the land
3. Killed for their body parts
4. Skins fear sport various body parts
Bibliography info:
Encyclopedia Britannica Bibliography info:
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Toe only thing that Tigers do is eating people. But Humans are; poaching tigers (killing tigers) and are taking the
land that the tigers are living in. some of the reasons that people are killing tigers is: for their body parts, for their Skins,
for fear and sport. The 2 reasons that people are taking land are for animal farms and for so many people.
Keyword Outline (Fused)
General Topic: Tigers
Paragraph Topic:
What we can do
Source #1
Source #2
1. Eat veggies save habitat
1. donate money to:
2. Quote from Happy Cow
2. don’t by things made with tigers
3. Quote from Science Daily
3. adopt a tiger at:
4. Quote from
Bibliography info:
my ideas
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Bibliography info:
I hope this quote will help you understand how much is wasted: “A meat-based diet requires 7 times more land than a
plant-based diet.” “The average agricultural land area in North America is 1.4 hectares (3.5 acres) per person after
adjusting for the export of grain. With a big cut in meat production, this area could easily be reduced to 0.2 hectares
(half acre), the rate in many Asian countries. This huge savings in land could be used for reestablishing wilderness.” from Some of the different ways we can help are: donate money to:, adopt a tiger at:, don’t by things made with tigers and Eat veggies to save habitat
“Sadly, rainforests are cut down to make room to raise cattle. Every second, one football field of rainforest is destroyed
in order to produce 257 hamburgers.” “According to the US Department of Agriculture statistics, one acre of land can
grow 20,000 pounds of potatoes. That same acre of land, when used to grow cattle feed, can produce less than 165
pounds of edible cow flesh.”
"A person following a low-fat vegetarian diet, for example, will need less than half (0.44) an acre per person per year to
produce their food," said Christian Peters, M.S. '02, Ph.D. '07, a Cornell postdoctoral associate in crop and soil sciences
and lead author of the research. "A high-fat diet with a lot of meat, on the other hand, needs 2.11 acres." Science Daily (Oct. 8, 2007)
“A meat-based diet requires 7 times more land than a plant-based diet.” “The average agricultural land area in North
America is 1.4 hectares (3.5 acres) per person after adjusting for the export of grain. With a big cut in meat production,
this area could easily be reduced to 0.2 hectares (half acre), the rate in many Asian countries. This huge savings in land
could be used for reestablishing wilderness.”