Lee-Davis High School - Hanover County Public Schools

Lee-Davis High School
7052 Mechanicsville Turnpike
Mechanicsville, Virginia 23111
phone (804) 723-2200
guidance (804) 723-2201
fax (804) 723-2202
Mission Statement
Lee-Davis High School prepares students for success in
future academic, social, and business endeavors in a global
society by providing an atmosphere that supports the
cooperation of administrators, teachers, students, and
We believe that:
The faculty and staff provide a positive, safe, and supportive
learning environment where students are actively engaged
and student learning is the priority.
Teachers, administrators, parents, and the community share
the responsibility for empowering students to become
confident, self-directed, and compassionate lifelong learners.
Each student is a valued, unique individual whose needs are
best met when curriculum and instructional practices
promote rigor.
Students act with integrity, taking responsibility for their
own learning and future achievements.
Stakeholders demonstrate and advocate for the core values
of respect, honesty, responsibility, and accountability in the
pursuit of learning at its highest level.
Core Values
treating others as you want to be
treated; earning someone’s trust
Responsibility taking initiative for one’s own actions
to become a more independent
human being and for the good of
those around you
owning up to your faults; keeping
your conscience clean; when you are
honest, you get what you deserve;
showing respect and being truthful
Accountability being relied on for your own actions;
taking responsibility and ownership
for one’s own actions, thoughts, and
Clinic Hours
8:30 to 3:30 daily
Library Hours
7:30 to 4:00 Daily
Counseling Assignments
Karen Cole
Allie Smith
Stephanie McGuire
Amy Couillard
Administrative Assignments
Mr. Canady
Grade 10
Mrs. Hutchinson
Grade 11
Mrs. Williams
Grade 12
Lee-Davis High School Bell Schedule
The schedule alternates with A classes (blocks A1, A2, A3, and
A4) meeting one day and B classes (blocks B1, B2, B3, and B4)
meeting the next.
1 Hour
2 Hours
Bell to Begin
Block A1 or B1
Block A2 or B2
Block A3 or B3
1ST Lunch
2nd Lunch
3rd Lunch
4th Lunch
Block A4 or B4
Staying Connected
Students and parents have many avenues to stay connected
with what is happening in Hanover County Schools, at LeeDavis High School, and in each classroom. Please make use of
these as needed.
Online Activities Calendar – All school activities, concerts,
Blackboard – Students and parents can also access up-to-date
information about classwork, homework, notes, quizzes, and
tests via the Internet. The district-wide Blackboard website is
http://blackboard.hanover.k12.va.us. In order to login to the
Blackboard site, students must know their student number
and birthdate. The student number is the USER ID;the
birthday is the PASSWORD.
Student Number:
Birthdate (11/10/89) 
(However, if you were born between January and September,
you MUST drop the zero from the month when putting in your
password. EXAMPLE: June 1, 1989 becomes 60189 and not
E-mail Connection – Parents and students can receive
information about county and school events, including
cancellations and postponements, through e-mail. Please visit
this website, www.hcps.us, and click on the email connection
link at the bottom of the page to sign up for this service. Email
addresses for the staff can be located at the Lee-Davis
website, http://hcps2.hanover.k12.va.us/ldhs.
Family Connection – Parents and guardians can access
student information for their child using a secure internet site.
Records available include: student profile, class schedule,
attendance, discipline, grades and grade history. To activate
this service and receive further information, parents must see
the Registrar or Counseling Center Administrative Assistant.
PowerSchool -Each student is assigned a unique, secure
access code within PowerSchool. Student information in the
Parent Portal will only be available through this code. Your
student’s web ID access code and student web password can be
obtained through their school. Please utilize these access codes
to setup your Parent Portal access at:
Student Expectations and School Rules
Hanover County Public School policies regarding
prohibited behaviors for student conduct are as follows:
No student shall violate while on school property, while at any
school activity, or while under the supervision of school
authority (including going to and coming from school) any laws
or rules and regulations of the School Board and the school.
The following are general categories of prohibited conduct.
Additionally, the following list of
conduct violations is not meant to be all-inclusive.
1. Alcohol and Drugs- The unlawful manufacturing,
distribution, dispensation, possession, use, or being
under the influence of alcohol, anabolic steroids, any
narcotic drug, hallucinogenic drug, amphetamine,
barbiturate, marijuana or other controlled substance
as defined in the Drug Control Act, Chapter 34 Title
54.1 of the Code of Virginia, or as defined in
schedules I through V of 21 U.S.C. 812, or imitation
controlled substances or drug paraphernalia while on
school property or while engaged in or attending any
school sponsored or school approved activity or
event, shall result in suspension and/or expulsion
from school in accordance with all applicable laws and
School Board Policy.
2. Defiance of the Authority of School PersonnelStudents shall comply with any oral or written
instructions made by school personnel within the
scope of their authority as provided by School Board
policies and regulations.
3. Dishonesty- Honesty shall be practiced in the entire
educational experience. Cheating, plagiarism, forgery
(including computer forgery), lying, stealing, or any
other acts of dishonesty shall not be tolerated. This
includes unauthorized or illegal use of computers or
computer networks.
4. Disruptions- Students shall not behave in a disorderly
manner or in any other manner interrupt or disturb
the orderly operation of the classroom or any school
5. Gambling- Gambling in any form is prohibited on
school property or in association with any school
6. Medication and Prescription Drugs- No student may
have in his/her possession any medication or
prescription drugs, except those students with
diagnoses requiring the administration of medication
during the school day and who follow school rules for
self-administration of medicine.
This includes
students diagnosed with, but not limited to, asthma,
anaphylaxis, or both.
7. Sexual Harassment– As further outlined in School
Board Policy 7-1.2, students shall not sexually harass
another student or any school employee, volunteer,
student-teacher, or any other person present in
school facilities or at school functions.
8. STUDENT DRESS CODE- Students are to dress in
accordance with school policy, Reg. 7-3.1 (B) and
should be consistent with the educational mission of
Lee-Davis High School and should not interfere with
the orderly operation of the classroom or the school.
The principal has the final authority regarding the
appropriateness of clothing, footwear, and accessories
worn by students.
Specific guidelines for dress:
a. Hoods, hats, or head coverings of any kind (which
includes bandanas, do-rags, and scarves) are not to
be worn inside the school buildings during regular
school hours, unless prior written approval has been
obtained from the school principal. In addition, hair
picks, large combs, brushes, rollers, etc. should not
be worn.
b. Sunglasses are not to be worn inside the school
building unless prescribed by a physician.
c. Beachwear (which includes bathing suits and trunks),
pajamas, and bedroom slippers are not to be worn at
school or school functions.
d. Messages on clothing, jewelry and other personal
belongings that relate to drugs, alcohol, sex,
vulgarity, gang affiliation, or that reflect adversely
upon persons because of race, sex, color, creed,
national origin or ancestry, or that could reasonably
cause a substantial disruption to the learning
environment are not permitted.
Shirts shall not be see-through material, revealing,
or resemble undergarments, and should not allow
undergarments to be seen under them.
f. Tank tops are not permitted in school unless worn
under another shirt.
g. Shoes should be worn at all times while on school
grounds as a safety/health precaution. Soft-sole flip
flops or sandals are discouraged. Shoes with wheels,
also known as “wheelies”, may not be worn on
school grounds.
h. Dresses, skirts, shorts, athletic shorts, and other
similar clothing must be no shorter than 5 inches
above the knee, even when worn with yoga pants,
leggings, tights; etc.
i. Students may not wear cut-off jeans, cut-off sweat
pants or torn, ripped, or slashed clothing that reveals
undergarments or is located more than 5 inches
above the knee.
j. Students may not wear yoga pants, leggings, or
tights without a garment over top of the item that is
not more than 5” above the knee.
k. Shirts and blouses should be of a length that does
not expose the midriff while sitting or standing.
l. Pants and shorts should be worn so that
undergarments are not exposed.
Students in
violation of the dress code will have their pants
properly secured at the waist using plastic “zip ties”
attached to the belt loops. “Zip ties” provide a safe,
temporary solution and may be removed once the
student leaves school property.
The dress code will be enforced at the discretion of
the principal or designee.
Students out of
compliance with the dress code will be required to
contact the parent to bring appropriate clothing
for the student or the student will be removed
from class. Multiple violations of the dress code
may result in additional disciplinary consequences.
9. Threats – Students shall not make any verbal,
written, electronically communicated, or physical
threat of bodily injury or use of force directed toward
another person for the purpose of extortion, or for
any other reason.
10. Tobacco and Nicotine Vapor Products - The
possession and/or use of tobacco products or nicotine
vapor products by students on school premises
(including school vehicles) during the school day,
during after-school activities, or any school sponsored
activity is strictly prohibited.
Definition: Nicotine Vapor Products - Any
electronic cigarette, electronic cigar, electronic
cigarillo, electronic pipe, or similar product or
device that can be used to produce vapor or
smoke from nicotine in a solution or other form.
11. Trespassing-Trespassing on any school property is
12. Truancy - Students are to be in their assigned classes
and on the school grounds during the entire school
day. Students must obtain permission from the
principal or his/her designee to leave the school
grounds before the designated closing of the school
13. Vandalism - Students shall not maliciously or willfully
injure, deface, or destroy school property or the
personal property of others. In addition to criminal
sanctions against offending students, the Code of
Virginia allows the School Board to collect up to
$2,500 in damages from parents of
minors who destroy school property.
14. Verbal Abuse and Vulgarity - Students shall not
verbally or graphically curse or abuse anyone; use
vulgar, profane, or indecent language; or bear or
display any obscenity or indecency. (Code of Virginia
§18.2-416 provides punishment as a Class 3
misdemeanor under certain circumstances.)
15. Violence - Students shall not fight or display or
contribute to aggressive behavior that is disruptive or
16. Weapons - Students shall not use or possess any
dangerous weapons.
Additionally, students are responsible for doing their part to
maintain an orderly learning environment.
Students must
follow the conduct code in the Secondary Handbook for Parents
and Students, the expectations in this guide, and comply with
reasonable expectations and requests of staff members.
Students who do not follow school expectations may be subject
to suspension or other disciplinary action. Students may not
participate in school activities during a suspension.
Leaving school grounds without prior school permission
may result in in-school suspension or out of school suspension.
This rule and all others are effective as soon as a student
comes on the school grounds in the morning.
Classroom Expectations – Students must bring appropriate
materials to class and take an active role in learning.
Students may not sleep or lay their heads down in class.
Organizing for learning is encouraged through the use of threering binders, assignment books, and grade sheets.
Class Attendance Expectations – Students are expected to
report to class on time and stay for the full period. Students
must report directly to class and may not “drop in” other areas
such as the office, clinic, library, or guidance. Students may fill
out conference request forms available in the office and in
guidance to meet with counselors or principals. Students
must attend the majority of a period to be marked
Hanover County Public School policies
regarding attendance are as follows:
Hanover County residents of school age shall attend their
assigned schools during school days and hours in
accordance with the compulsory attendance laws of the
Commonwealth of Virginia, § 22.1-254 et seq. of the
Code of Virginia. Parents or guardians having control of a
child must comply with these laws and violation of the law will
subject the parent or guardian to prosecution.
The division superintendent or designee and the principal of
each school shall be responsible for maintaining accurate
records of attendance and for monitoring all absences.
Truancy is defined as the absence of a student for which
neither the parent nor the school had prior knowledge
and consent. The principal may exercise discretion in
identifying an absence as truancy, although the absence
occurs with parental knowledge or consent. When the
student is truant, the school authorities shall notify parents or
guardian(s) of this truancy. Corrective action will be taken by
the school authorities when truancy occurs.
Detention – Detention is used as a minor disciplinary
consequence. Skipping detention will result in an assignment
of in or out of school suspension. Students who have an
excused absence from school on a detention date should serve
on the day of return or see the appropriate assistant principal
to re-schedule. Detention is held at the discretion of the
teacher or the times assigned by an administrator. Detention
may be assigned on the following days and times:
 Tuesday and Thursday
7:30-8:20 AM
 Tuesday and Thursday
Participant’s Pledge – Students involved in extracurricular
activities must sign a pledge to represent the school as a good
citizen. The pledge requires following the code of conduct and
remaining free of alcohol and illegal drugs. Students must
attend all classes on the day of an activity to participate on
that day.
Fighting will result in up to ten days of out of school
suspension. Students who fight may also be charged with
assault or disorderly conduct.
Excuse Notes and Absence from School – Within two days
of returning to school, students must give the office an absence
excuse note signed by the parent/guardian. The office issues
excused admit slips for students to show teachers to receive
credit for make-up work. Students may not miss more than 10
days in a year-long block class, 20 days in a daily class, or 5
days in a semester class and receive credit for the course.
Virginia law requires compulsory school attendance until age
Late Arrivals/Tardiness – Students must be in class at 8:30
Students arriving at school after 8:40 a.m. sign in
through the office and turn in an excuse note before going to
class. Excuse notes will be verified. Students who are more
than ten minutes late to school or class may receive
consequences or disciplined. Oversleeping, missing the bus,
car trouble, or other transportation problems are not
excusable reasons for tardiness to school. Consequences
will be assigned for unexcused tardiness to class. The third
unexcused tardy will result in detention. Subsequent tardiness
will result in further disciplinary action through an office
Early Dismissals – Early dismissal requests must be turned in
to the office before school. Notes should include the student
name, ID number, reason for leaving school, parent’s
signature, and a phone number where the parent can be
reached to verify the note.
Students must sign out through
the office. Students with early dismissals must leave campus
promptly and may not return the same day without signing in
through the office. Students with early dismissals may not ride
the bus home unless they have signed back in through the
office and attended class. Hanover County Schools does
not allow early dismissals from exam periods. Parents are
encouraged to schedule appointments outside of school hours
when possible so that students do not miss instruction.
Leaving school grounds without prior school permission
will result in disciplinary consequences. This rule and all
others are effective as soon as a student comes on the school
grounds in the morning.
Authorized Areas - As soon as students arrive, they must
come inside and remain in authorized areas. Parking lots,
outside areas, and vehicles are off limits during the school day.
At lunch, students must be in the cafeteria, patio (12 th graders
only), school store, or restrooms. Hallways, classrooms,
lockers, parking lots, other outside areas, and vehicles are off
limits at lunch. The same rules for authorized areas apply to
early morning students. Students in early morning classes are
not allowed to go to their vehicles after early morning class.
SOL Testing - Virginia SOL tests are usually administered from
the middle of May through the end of May each year. Because
the SOL tests schedule requires that we adjust our schedule,
students are expected to attend school all day every
day. It is imperative that students arrive at school on time
each day and remain through the end of the day. Due to the
administration of SOL tests, many parents, students, and
community members may have the impression that students
will not be working in their non-SOL classes. Please be
reminded that most students are enrolled in more nonSOL classes than SOL classes. For example, students
enrolled in English, 9, 10, and 12, will not take an SOL test in
those classes, but students in English 9 and 10 are preparing to
take these tests in their junior year. Because Lee-Davis is an
academic institution, teachers are still teaching and students
are still highly engaged in the learning process, despite the
change in the regular bell schedule. Students are expected
to adjust dismissal times to accommodate the SOL bell
schedule. Schools must adjust the bell schedule to
accommodate the appropriate time for students to
complete SOL tests successfully. For example, a student
who is usually dismissed from school after A2/B2 at 11:50 a.m.
on a normal bell schedule is expected to adapt to the SOL
testing bell schedule and will be released from school according
to the SOL testing schedule. This expectation applies to all
students for all classes during the SOL testing weeks.
Failure to adhere to these expectations may result in an
attendance violation under the compulsory attendance laws of
the Commonwealth of Virginia, Section 22.1-254 of the Code of
Unscheduled Class Time - Seniors, Co-op students, and
students involved in alternative programs must leave the
grounds when their school day is over. If they wish to eat
lunch, they must eat during first lunch and then leave. They
may not return to ride the bus. Students who do not have a
ride home during unscheduled time will be assigned a
supervised location for quiet study where they must remain
until 3:30. Students may return for after school activities at
Loitering - Students may not loiter on school grounds. They
must be under the direct supervision of a sponsor, coach, or
staff member while on campus. This is in effect on school days
as well as weekends. Students who remain at school after
hours who are not under the direct supervision of a sponsor,
coach, or staff member may be issued a trespassing notice and
are subject to school disciplinary procedures. Only students in
faculty supervised after-school activities may be on campus
after 3:30 pm.
Parking Permits - Parking permits are available on a limited
basis. Seniors must pay class dues to be issued a parking
permit. Students who park on campus must display their
permit and may park in designated student parking areas.
Vehicles must be parked in a legal space. Violations may result
in the vehicle being towed at the owner’s expense. Permits
may be revoked for parking violations, improper driving, or
other disciplinary infractions. Vehicles must be moved from the
lower lot by 3:45 p.m. so the marching band can practice.
Students may not sit in their vehicles in the morning before
school begins. Once students arrive on campus they must go
to an authorized area inside the building.
School Logo, Mascot, and Name – The school logo, mascot,
and name are official trademarks that may not be used without
the written consent of the principal. Use of the name, mascot,
or logo without permission is a violation of school policy and the
law. Violators will be prosecuted.
Food and Drink – Food and drink should be consumed in the
cafeteria. Students who are late to class because they are
securing food from vending machines or eating in the cafeteria
after the tardy bell may be assigned detention.
Lunch - Due to the limited seating and time constraints for
each lunch, we are not able to accommodate parents and
guests. In addition, compulsory attendance laws of the
Commonwealth of Virginia, Section 22.1-254 and Hanover
School Board Policies require that students remain at school all
day long including the lunch period. Students are not permitted
to leave school during the lunch period. Lunch deliveries,
except for homemade bag lunches, are prohibited.
Playing Cards - Students may not have or use playing cards
at school.
Emergency Evacuations – During emergency evacuations
students must report to and remain with their teacher.
Evacuation routes and instructions are posted.
rollerblades are not permitted on school grounds at any time.
Electronic Devices (School Board Regulation 6-3.15(C) –
Student-owned Electronic Device Acceptable Use)
The following are not allowed when using a device on HCPS
1. Using a device during class time without teacher
2. Using a device to take photographs or videos without
teacher consent.
3. Sending text, images, sound or video files on a device
for the purpose of cheating.
4. Sending or displaying offensive messages or pictures on
a device.
5. Revealing personal information (last name, home
address, phone number, etc.) on a device.
6. Using obscene language on a device.
7. Using a device for commercial purposes, which means
using a device to offer, provide, or purchase products or
services via the HCPS network.
8. Using a device to harass, discriminate against, or attack
others, or to engage in an illegal act.
9. Using a device to knowingly post false or defamatory
information about an individual, business or
10. Using a device to post private information about another
11. Using a device to damage another electronic device,
computer system or computer network.
12. Using a device to violate copyright laws.
13. Using another individual’s password.
14. Using a device to trespass in another individual’s folders,
work, or files.
15. Using a device to access the HCPS network for any noneducational purpose.
The following is a list of disciplinary actions that may be taken
should this policy be violated:
1st Warning - item may be returned to the student after 3:30
in the front office.
2nd Warning –item must be picked up by parent(s) or guardian
after 3:30 in the front office.
3rd 2 Hour Detention is assigned and item must be picked up
by parent(s) or guardian.
4th or more may result in up to 3 day of suspension from
Failure to turn over electronic device may result in
suspension from school.
Lee-Davis High School Honor Code
At Lee-Davis High School, we strive to create an environment
wherein all act honestly. We believe it is the right, privilege,
and responsibility of each individual to contribute to and work
in an environment of trust. Honesty shall be practiced in the
entire educational experience.
Cheating, plagiarism, forgery (including computer forgery),
lying stealing, or any other acts of dishonesty shall not be
This includes unauthorized or illegal use of
computers or computer networks. The Honor Code of LeeDavis High School addresses cheating, plagiarizing, lying and
stealing. Violations of the Honor Code accumulate throughout
the student’s high school career.
Cheating encompasses, but is not limited to, the following:
• Willful giving or receiving of an unauthorized, unfair,
dishonest, or unscrupulous advantage in school work over
other students. For example:
1. Deception: the use of talking, signs or gestures to
indicate answers
2. Copying another student’s work, or allowing others to
copy assignments
3. Passing information from one class period to another
4. Pre-writing an assignment that is to be done in class
5. Illegally exceeding time limits on timed assignments
6. Unauthorized use of study aids
7. Computer fraud
8. Sabotaging the projects/experiments of other students
Plagiarizing encompasses, but is not limited to, the following:
• Presenting, as one’s own, the works or opinions of someone
else without proper acknowledgement.
• Borrowing of the sequence of ideas, the arrangement of
materials, or the pattern of thought of someone else
without proper acknowledgement. For example:
1. Having a parent or another person write an essay or do
a project submitted as one’s own work
2. Failing to use proper documentation and bibliography
Lying encompasses, but is not limited to, the following:
• Willful and knowledgeable telling of an untruth or falsehood
as well as any form of deceit, attempted deception, or fraud
in an oral or written statement. For example:
1. Lying or failing to give complete information to a teacher
2. Feigning illness to gain extra preparation time for
assignments or tests
Stealing encompasses, but is not limited to, the following:
• Taking without permission the school work or materials of
another student or the instructional materials of a teachers.
For example:
1. Stealing copies of tests or quizzes
2. Illegitimately accessing a teacher’s answer key
3. Stealing a teacher’s edition of the textbook
4. Stealing another student’s work