TM/WS on Topical Issues on Infrastructure Development: Managing the development of a sustainable national infrastructure for Nuclear Power Plants 24-27 January 2012 Board Room, Vienna International Centre, Austria 09,30 09,50 09,50 10,00 10,00 10,20 TUESDAY 24 JANUARY 2012 (DAY 1) MORNING IAEA Mr. Alexander BYCHKOV Opening remarks Deputy Director General Department of Nuclear Energy Mr. William RASIN (US) INTRODUCTION TM/WS Chairmen Mr. Ramon Mendez (Uruguay) IAEA Department of Nuclear Safety Recent development on the IAEA assistance TBD for nuclear safety to countries embarking on nuclear power COFFEE BREAK 10,20 10,50 SESSION 1: Lessons learned from Fukushima Dai-ichi Accident 10,50 JAPAN Ministry of Economy, Trade and 11,20 Facts, Lessons Learned and Nuclear Power Industry Policy of Japan after the Accident Mr Akira Izumo 11,20 China Department of Nuclear Power 11,40 Impact on the planning and construction of China National Nuclear Nuclear Power Plants Corporation Mr Zhang Qinghua 11,40 France Adjoint au Directeur de l'Agence 12,00 Response of the Government, Vendor and France Nucléaire (AFNI) Regulatory Body in France Mr Ponchet Marc 12,00 IAEA Department of Nuclear Safety 12,20 IAEA Action Plan on Nuclear Safety and its TBD Implementation 12,20 LUNCH BREAK 13,20 13,20 UAE Ambassador Resident 13,40 How to reflect lessons learned in the National Representative of the United Arab Nuclear Power Programme (Design, etc.) Emirates to the IAEA Mr Hamad Al Kaabi 13,40 Egypt TBD 1 14,00 14,00 15,00 Egypt How to reflect lessons learned in the National Nuclear Power Programme (Bids invitation specification etc) Plenary discussion, questions and answers All participants based on the guide to be prepared and send in advance to the participants - How newcomers to reflect lessons learned in different phases? 1) Consideration stage (phase 1) 2) Preparatory stage (phase 2) Session Chair’s Conclusion 15,00 15,10 15,10 COFFEE BREAK 15,40 SESSION 2: Development and implementation of Public Information program after Fukushima Dai-ichi Accident 15,40 IAEA Department of Nuclear Energy 16,00 Public communication- Who, What, How? TBD 16,00 16,20 16,20 16,40 16,40 17,00 17,00 17,30 17,30 17,40 17,40 18,00 WNA (World Nuclear Association) WNA Fact of Nuclear power (advantage and Jeremy Gordon disadvantage) – the message to the public Editor, World Nuclear News Writer & Analyst Vietnam Vietnam Atomic Energy Agency Communication programme with local people Mr Anh Tuan Hoang on the site Thailand Thailand Public communication programme- before and Nuclear Power Programme after Fukushima Accident Development Office Mr Pricha Karasuddhi Plenary discussions, questions and answers All participants based on the guide to be prepared and send in advance to the participants Session Chair’s Conclusion END OF THE DAY 1 WINE AND CHEESE PARTY AT VIC RESTAURANT WENSDAY 25 JANUARY 2012 (DAY 2) MORNING SESSION 3: Development of a national position on the introduction of Nuclear Power representing nationally and internationally long term commitments 09,00 IAEA IAEA consultant 09,20 IAEA document on the development of a TBD national position 09,20 Nigeria Nigeria Atomic Energy Commission 2 09,40 09,40 10,00 Intergovernmental Agreement and development of a national position Malaysia Establishment of NEPIO company expeditation of the process Mr Franklin Erepamo Osaiosai Malaysia Nuclear Power Corp. and Mr Mohd Zamzam Jaafar 10,00 10,20 TBD Philippine Development of a law to have a sustainable national nuclear power programme 10,20 10,50 10,50 12,50 COFFEE BREAK 12,50 13,50 13,50 14,35 BREAK-OUT SESSION on the development of a national position on the introduction of Nuclear Power representing nationally and internationally long term commitments - How to establish the process in developing a national position? - How to involve the political parties? - How to sustain the decision made for a long term? (Two presentation from Member States, followed by group discussions. Guide for discussions shall be prepared in advance) Group 1: TBD Moderator: TBD Reporter: TBD Group 2: TBD Moderator: TBD Reporter: TBD Group 3: TBD Moderator: TBD Reporter: TBD LUNCH BREAK WENSDAY 25 JANUARY 2012 (DAY 2) AFTERNOON Feedback from break-out sessions on the Reporter of each group should present development on national position (3 the group conclusion groups) Session Chair’s Conclusion 14,35 14,50 SESSION 4: Self-assessment experience and feedback of IAEA INIR missions, inlcuding action plans 14,50 IAEA IAEA 15,10 INIR Missions 15,10 Bangladesh Bangladesh Atomic Energy 15,30 Experience of INIR Mission for phase 1 and Commission phase 2 Mr Shawkat Akbar 3 15,30 15,50 15,50 16,10 16,10 16,40 16,40 17,10 Jordan Experience of INIR follow-up mission TBD Preparation of self-evaluation report COFFEE BREAK Jordan Atomic Energy Commission Mr Kamal Araj Ministry of Energy Ms Lilia Dulinets Plenary discussions, questions and answers All participants based on the guide to be prepared and send in advance to the participants Session Chair’s Conclusion 17,10 17,20 Demonstration and Exhibision 17,20 IAEA 17,50 Introduction of Cyber Network Platform 17,50 END OF THE DAY 2 Department of Nuclear Energy Ms Subannoni Monica THURSDAY 26 JANUARY 2012 (DAY 3) MORNING SESSION 5: How to develop the necessary capability of future owner/operator and the international assistance to such development? 09,00 IAEA IAEA Consultant 09,20 The key capabilities for future owner/ operator Mr Ioan Rotaru (in Phase 2) and the IAEA assistance programmes 09,20 WANO WANO CC London 09,40 Developing safety culture and management Programme Director sytem to incorporate the latest lessons learnd Mr Takashi Shoji over the world 09,40 Korea TBD 10,00 Capacity building for NPP operator (project management, construction, safety culture, etc.) 10,00 Vietnam-Russia/ Japan Cooperation Electricily of Vietnam 10,20 Soft Coordiantion among bilateral Vice President Mr. NGUYEN Cuong Lam cooperation and the IAEA assistance 10,20 Russia Central Institute for Continuing 10,40 Training Programme for newcomers and Education and Training Mr Vladmir Atrisyuk cooperation with the IAEA 10,40 COFFEE BREAK 11,10 11,10 China Department of Nuclear Power 11,20 Experience to manage different types of the China National Nuclear Corporation nuclear power plants Mr Zhang Qinghua 11,20 IFNEC Department of State 11,40 Recent Development for assitance to Mr. Alex BURKART newcomer countries 4 11,40 Leadership and Safety Culture and ‘Case France 12,00 study of BLAYAIS incident in 1999’ Ms Martine Griffon-Fouco 12,00 TWG-NPI TWG-Chair 12,10 TWG Discussion on soft coordination Mr Ramon Mendez Demonstration and Exhibision 12,10 12,25 IAEA Introduction of Regulatory Cooperation Forum 12,25 IAEA 12,35 Introduction of IAEA International Nuclear Library Network 12,35 IAEA 12,45 Introduction of PRIS and CNPP 12,45- Exhibision and Libruary Tour 12,45 14,00 14,00 15,30 Department of Nuclear Safety Mr. Russell Gibbs IAEA Library Mr. Thanos Giannakopulos Division of Nuclear Power Mr. Jiri Mandula LUNCH BREAK Break-out session on the international cooperation to expedite the national nuclear infrastructure development One presentation from Member States, followed by group discussions. Guide for discussions shall be prepared in advance. The topic includes, but not limited to; - International Cooperation for Human Resource Development; how to establish sustainable programme? - Managing different types of nuclear power plants - ‘Soft-coordination’ among bilateral assistance and the IAEA assistance Group 1: TBD Break-out session on the international cooperation to expedite the national nuclear infrastructure development Group 2: TBD Group 3: TBD 15,30 COFFEE BREAK 16,00 SESSION 6: Common technology issues for nuclear power newcomers (Small size of elctrical grid, water management) 16,00 16,20 Department of Nuclear Energy IAEA How to address the constraints (water supply, NPTDS grid size etc.) through technology 5 16,20 16,40 16,40 17,00 17,20 17,50 Nuclear Engineering Department, Mechanical Design, Palo Verde NGS Mr Hamid Mortazavi Indonesia Atomic Energy Commission Indonesia FS on small size reactors (BATAN) Mr Janli Saljon Plenary discussions, questions and answers All based on the guide to be prepared and send in advance to the participants TWG Chair Session Chair’s Conclusion US (Palo Verde NPP) Utilization of Waster Water for Nuclear Power 17,50 18,00 END OF THE DAY 3 09,00 09,45 FRIDAY 27 JANUARY 2012 (DAY 4) MORNING Feedback from break-out sessions on the Reporter of each group should present development on the internatinal the group conclusion cooperation (3 groups) Session Chair’s Conclusion 09,45 10,00 SESSION 7: Integrated Approach for Nuclear Infrastructure in Safety, Security and Safeguards 10,00 Thailand Office of Atoms for Peace 10,20 Integrated Approach for 3S- Advantages Mr Chaivat Toskulkao and challenges 10,20 US/ UAE Khalifa University USDOE Sandia National Laboratory 10,40 Education programme for 3S Mr Amir Mogagheghi 10,40 TBD IAEA 11,00 Challenges and future action plans 11,00 COFFEE BREAK 11,30 SESSION 8; Looking ahead for futures 11,30 11,50 IAEA IAEA’s approach to strengthen the support to the introduction of Nuclear Power 11,50 IAEA 12,10 IAEA’s new documents on security and emergency planning (TBD) SESSION 9: Key Note speaker 12,10 12,40 IAEA- Department of Nuclear Energy INIG leader Ms Anne STARZ TBD Poland Poland Experience in Building National Nuclear Deputy Minister of Economy and Infrastructure Plenipotentiary for Nuclear Energy Ms Hanna Trojanowska Conclusion 12,40 TM/WS CHAIRMEN’S SUMMARY 6 13,00 13,10 13,20 Director of Nuclear Power Division Mr J.K. Park IAEA Conclusions from the Agency Scientific Secretary: Mr. Masahiro AOKI IAEA INIG TM/WS Coordinator: Mr. Ioan ROTARU Romania/IAEA Consultant 7