The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
1. Welcome to the world of Tom Sawyer! While you read this novel,
you will be working through the materials in this packet. Please make
sure that you are reading and following all of the directions carefully
and that you complete each activity in the packet.
2. Make sure you ASK for help when you need it.
 Introducing the Novel
* What You Need
a. “Introducing the Novel” Article
b. The questions below
* Read “Introducing the Novel”. Once you have finished reading,
answer the following questions.
1. What anniversary occurred in 1876?
2. To Americans, what was smaller than the cities?
3. Mark Twain was a world-famous ___________ and
4. What name did Twain choose for the fictional version of his
hometown in the story?
5. Define idyll-
6. St. Petersburg is divided into strict social classes, from
_____________, ______________ people to penniless
______________, enslaved ______________
______________, and _________________ people.
7. What two things does Twain contrast in his writing?
8. What was one Mark Twain’s purposes for writing The
Adventures of Tom Sawyer?
9. In the novel, Tom’s greatest strength is his
10. Tom Sawyer represents ________________.
11. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is set in a Mississippi river
town called _________________. The time is the
 Reading The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
 While you read- You will need to complete ONE active
reading/holding thinking guide per chapter. In order to
receive full credit you must complete at least 8 dots on the
chart AND use AT LEAST 5 of the boxes. Please include
the page number next to EACH entry
 At the end of each chapter there will be several
questions for you to answer. Sometimes there will also be
other activities for you to complete. Make sure you are
following your directions closely and ASK if you need
 Now it’s time to start reading. If you would like, you
may choose a partner to read with. (Remember, partner
means two-no more!) Make sure the person you choose to
work with will be HELPING you understand the story, not
keeping you from making progress.
Chapter 1- Tom Skips out- And In (pages 1-7)
1.Where is Tom’s mother? _____________________________
2. Who is raising Tom? _______________________________
3. How did Aunt Polly discover that Tom was swimming instead of in
school? __________________________________________
4. Describe the confrontation between Tom and the new boy who had
moved into the village. ________________________________
New Vocabulary
1. Confrontation- a face to face disagreement
2. Seize (page 1)- to take hold of suddenly; grasp
3. Obliged (page 2)- required to do a service or favor for
4. Presently (page 4)- in a little while; soon
5. Rage (page 6)- violent anger
New Characters- Write any information that you have learned
about these characters (think about personalities, appearances,
actions). You may need to add to this sheet as you continue reading
the book.
Aunt PollyTom SawyerJimSid-
Chapter 2- Work Is Turned Into Play (pages 8-11)
1. How did Tom manipulate others to do his work? ___________
2. According to Tom, what is “the great law of human action”? ___
New Vocabulary
1. Whitewash (page 8)- a liquid used for whitening walls, woodwork
2. Chap (page 9)- a man or boy
3. Consent (page 10)- to approve or agree
4. Manipulate- to influence in an unfair manner
New Characters- Write any information that you have learned
about these characters (think about personalities, appearances,
actions). You may need to add to this sheet as you continue reading
the book.
1. Ben Rogers2. Billy Fisher3. Johnny Miller-
Chapter 3- Tom Falls in Love- Again (pages 12-17)
1. Describe Tom’s new love interest. (How does she look?)
2. How did Tom let the new girl know that he was interested in her?
3. How did she respond? ______________________________
4. Why did Tom get so upset when Aunt Polly punished him at the
dinner table?
New Vocabulary
1. Deserted (page 12)- left empty or alone
2. Seldom (page 12)- rare
3. Splendid (page 12)- excellent, fine, or very good
4. Hastened (page 13)- moving or acting quickly
5. Mischief (page 15)- behavior that causes annoyance
6. Thus (page 16)- as an example; in this way
7. Neglect (page 17)- to pay no or little attention to
New Characters- Write any information that you have learned
about these characters (think about personalities, appearances,
actions). You may need to add to this sheet as you continue reading
the book.
1. Amy Lawrence-
**Once you have completed
ALL of the activities and
questions for Chapter 3,
please see Miss Falk for the
Chapter 1-3 Quiz
**Do NOT start Chapter 4
until you have taken the
Chapter 1-3 Quiz
**You may NOT use the book
for the quiz. You MUST take
the quiz BY YOURSELF.
Chapter 4- Sunday School Comes- And Goes (pgs 18-23)
1. Who is Mary? ____________________________________
2. Why didn’t Tom want to go to church? __________________
3. Describe Tom’s behavior in church. ____________________
4. How do you think Tom got enough tickets to try to win the Bible?
5. Who do you think Amy Lawrence is? ____________________
New Vocabulary
1. Recite (page 18)- to repeat
2. Bureau (page 19)- a chest of drawers
3. Diligently (page 19)- constant effort to accomplish something
4. Daintily (page 20)- in a delicate manner
5. Quarrel (page 20)- an argument
6. Sheepish (page 23)- embarrassed or bashful
New Characters- Write any information that you have learned
about these characters (think about personalities, appearances,
actions). You may need to add to this sheet as you continue reading
the book.
1. Mary2. Mr. Walters3. Judge Thatcher-
Chapter 5- Church Has Variety in It (pages 24-26)
1. Why didn’t the other children like Willie Mufferson?
2. What was the commotion in church? ____________________
New Vocabulary
1. Commotion- noisy disturbance
2. Belle (page 24)- a woman or girl admired for her beauty or charm
3. Solemn (page 24)- serious
4. Clamored (page 26)- making a loud noise
New Characters- Write any information that you have learned
about these characters (think about personalities, appearances,
actions). You may need to add to this sheet as you continue reading
the book.
1. Willie Mufferson-
Chapter 6- Tom Meets Becky Thatcher (pages 27-38)
1. What did Tom do to try to get out of going to school?
2. Why did the other boys envy Tom at school? _______________
3. According to Tom and Huck, what are three things you can use to
cure warts? _______________________________________
4. Why did Tom confess that he was late to school because he stopped
to talk to Huck Finn? _________________________________
New Vocabulary
1. Envy- a feeling of jealousy
2. Foolish (page 29)- silly; stupid
3. Outcast (page 30)- a person who is rejected from a home or society
4. Hailed (page 30)- greeted; called out or yelled to catch attention
5. Switched (page 35)- whipped or beaten
6. Resist (page 37)- to go against or oppose something
New Characters- Write any information that you have learned
about these characters (think about personalities, appearances,
actions). You may need to add to this sheet as you continue reading
the book.
1. Huckleberry Finn-
2. Becky Thatcher-
In chapter 6, Tom and Huck talk about different
ways to cure warts. Many of the ways they
discussed are superstitions. A superstition is a
belief that an object, action, or circumstance not
logically related to a course of events, will
influence its outcome.
Superstition: “If you step on a crack you’ll break
your mother’s back.”
Is this true? NO! How many times have you
walked on the sidewalk and stepped on the
cracks…did you go home and find out your
mother had a broken back? Probably not! This is
an example of a superstition.
TO DO: Complete the next page to find out how
superstitious you are. After you have finished,
the next few pages will give you information
about different superstitions and how they got
started….watch out for black cats!
Stop! Please see Miss Falk to
take the chapters 4-6 quiz.
You may NOT work with a
partner on this.
You MAY use your folder to
help you.
You may NOT use the book.
Please ask if you have any
questions and take your time!
Chapter 7- Tom Engages- And Disengages (pages 39-44)
1. What did Tom and Becky break up?
New Vocabulary:
1. Slate (page 40)- a writing tablet made out of thin rock
2. Hesitated (page 42)- paused; stopped
3. Restless (page 44)- never at rest; uneasy
4. Possession (page 44)- something that is owned by
5. Suspect (page 44)- to doubt or mistrust; to guess about
New Characters: Write any information that you have
learned about these characters (think about personalities,
appearances, actions). You may need to add to this sheet as
you continue reading the book.
1. Joe Harper
Chapter 8- A Pirate Enters- But Robin Hood Leaves
(pages 45-49)
1. Describe the game that the boys played in the
woods. ________________________________
New Vocabulary:
1. Dodged (page 45)- moved quickly to escape
2. Unfurl (page 45)- to spread or open
3. Uttered (page 46)- spoke; said
4. Caitiff (page 47)- a coward
5. Slew (page 49)- killed by violence
6. Grieving (page 49)- feeling sadness
Chapter 9- Grave Events Open in the Graveyard
(Pages 50-56)
1. Who were the three men in the graveyard? _________________
2. Why did Injun Joe stab the doctor? _____________________
New Vocabulary:
1. Doze (page 50)- to sleep lightly or for a short time; nap
2. Sacred (page 51)- worthy of respect; special
3. Muddle (page 55)- to mix up or confuse
New Characters: Write any information that you have learned
about these characters (think about personalities, appearances,
actions). You may need to add to this sheet as you continue reading
the book.
1. Muff Potter-
2. Hoss Williams3. Injun Joe-
4. Dr. Robinson-
Chapter 10- The Night Ends Many Things (pages 57-62)
1. What did Potter think he stabbed the doctor? _______________
2. Why are the boys afraid to tell the authorities who killed the
doctor? __________________________________________
New Vocabulary:
1. Tannery (page 57)- a place where animal hides are tanned
2. Mum (page 58)- silent; not saying a word
3. Courage (page 61)- bravery
4. Authorities- police
New Characters: Write any information that you have learned
about these characters (think about personalities, appearances,
actions). You may need to add to this sheet as you continue reading
the book.
1. Bull Harbison-
Active Reading
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Chapters 1-10
Many new characters are introduced in the first section of Tom Sawyer.
Use the web diagram on this page to keep track of new characters and their
relationship to top. Go back through your packet to include the most
important characters. Write the names of these characters in the circle and
connect them to the “Tom” circle with a line. One the line, write a short
description of the character’s relationship to Tom. The first one has been
done for you.
Aunt Polly
Tom Sawyer
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Chapters 1-10
Personal Response
What was your first impression of Tom?
Make a list of words that you think describe Tom. (At least 10)
Analyzing Literature
Recall and Interpret
1. How does Tom get his friends to whitewash the fence for him?
According to Mark Twain, what “great law of human action” is he
following? ________________________________________
2. Who is Huckleberry Finn? Why does Tom find him appealing?
3. What do Tom and Huck witness in the graveyard? What agreement
do they make about what they have seen? ___________________
Stop! Please see Miss
Falk to take the
chapters 7-10 quiz
You may NOT work with a
partner on this.
You MAY use your folder to
help you.
You may NOT use the book.
Please ask if you have any
questions and take your time!
Chapter 11- Muff Potter Goes to Jail (pages 63- 66)
1. Who did Huck and Tom think Injun Joe’s master was?
2. How did Tom behave at home after the body was taken
away? __________________________________
New Vocabulary:
1. Eased (page 64)- freed from difficulty or great effort
2. Dreadful (page 65)-causing great fear or terror; terrible
3. Troublesome (page 66)- causing trouble, annoyance or
4. Inquests (page 66)- an investigation or inquiry
Chapter 12- Tom’s Heart Mends-And Breaks, Again
(pages 67-71)
1. Why did Aunt Polly give Tom the “water treatment”?
2. What do you think “pain-killer” was? ______________
3. How did Becky react when she finally saw Tom again after
her long absence? _____________________________
New Vocabulary:
1. Remedies (pg. 67)- things used to cure or relieve a disease
2. Switched (pg. 68)- jerked or swished sharply
3. Ails (pg. 69)- feeling ill or having pain
4. Cruel (pg. 70)- knowingly causing pain or distress to others
5. Sorrowfully (pg. 71)- sadly
New Characters- Write any information that you have learned about
these characters (think about personalities, appearances, actions).
You may need to add to this sheet as you continue reading the book.
1. Peter
Chapter 13- Three Pirates Set Sail (pages 72-77)
1. Why is Tom feeling so sorry for himself at the
beginning of this chapter? _____________________
2. Who is Joe and why was he also sad? ____________
3. What did Joe and Tom and Huck decide to do and
why? ___________________________________
Chapter 14- The Pirates Find They Are Drowned
(pages 78-81)
1. Describe the boys’ life on the island: ____________
2. What was the “boom” the boys heard? ___________
3. Why do you think the boys were starting to feel sad?
Chapter 15- A Pirate Steals a Visit Home (pages 82-85)
1. Why do you think Tom sneaked home? __________
2. Why did Tom hide when he was spying on his family?
3. What do you think Tom wrote on the piece of bark?
Stop! Please see Miss
Falk to take the
chapters 11-15 quiz
You may NOT work with a
partner on this.
You MAY use your folder to
help you.
You may NOT use the book.
Please ask if you have any
questions and take your time!
Chapter 16- The Pirates Smoke the Peace Pipe
(pages 86-93)
1. Describe what the boys ate while they were on the island:
2. What games did the boys play?
3. What happened when Joe and Tom smoked Huck’s pipe?
New Vocabulary:
1. Gradually (page 86)- taking place, changing or moving
little by little
2. Dainty (page 89)- pleasing to the taste and often delicate
3. Keel (page 90)- fall
4. Feebly (page 90)- physically weak
5. Boughs (page 92)- branches
Chapter 17- Tom’s Secret Comes Alive (pages 94-96)
1. Why do you think the whole village grieved over the boys?
2. What was Tom’s secret? _______________________
3. Describe the scene when the boys reappeared in the
church: ____________________________________
New Vocabulary:
1. Grief (page 94)- sadness
2. Ashamed (page 95)- embarrassed
3. Pitiful (page 95) – pathetic
4. Pulpit (page 95)- a podium in the front of the church
5. Envying (page 96)- jealous
Chapter 18- Everybody Loves a Hero- Except Becky
(pages 97-103)
1. Why do you think Aunt Polly didn’t punish Tom for
running away? _____________________________
2. Why did Aunt Polly think Tom didn’t care about her?
3. Describe how the other children reacted to our
“pirates” when they got back to school: ____________
New Vocabulary:
1. Pity (page 97)- shame
2. Dim (page 98)- not bright or clear
3. Seized (page 99)- grasp or grab with force
New Characters- Write any information that you have
learned about these characters (think about personalities,
appearances, actions). You may need to add to this sheet as
you continue reading the book.
1. Sereny Harper2. Mary Austin3. Alfred Temple-
Chapter 19- Aunt Polly Ends Her Doubts
(pages 104-106)
1. When Tom got home from school, why was Aunt Polly
2. How do you think tom really feels about Aunt Polly?
Why? ___________________________________
New Vocabulary:
1. Grieving (page 105)- experiencing great pain or sadness
Chapter 20- Tom Becomes Becky’s Noble Hero
(pages 107-111)
1. How was Tom a hero to Becky and why do you think he
did this? _________________________________
New Vocabulary:
1. Anatomy (page 108)- the human body
2. Noble (page 111)- very impressive in appearance;
New Characters: Write any information that you have
learned about these characters (think about personalities,
appearances, actions). You may need to add to this sheet
as you continue reading the book.
1. Mr. Dobbins-
Stop! Please see Miss
Falk to take the
chapters 16-20 quiz
You may NOT work with a
partner on this.
You MAY use your folder to
help you.
You may NOT use the book.
Please ask if you have any
questions and take your time!
Chapter 21- School Breaks Up-For Vacation
(pages 112-114)
1. What did the boys do to get back at their teacher for his
New Vocabulary:
1. Severe (page 112)- harsh; serious; stern
Chapter 22- The Boys Change- And Change Again
(pages 115-117)
1. Why do you think Tom wanted to “smoke, chew and
swear” more than ever once he agreed not to?
2. What happened during the summer that made everybody
“get religion”?
New Vocabulary:
1. Affairs (page 115)- events or performances
2. Duller (page 116)- more boring
3. Bedclothes (117)- sheets and blankets
New Characters: Write any information that you have learned
about these characters (think about personalities, appearances,
actions). You may need to add to this sheet as you continue
reading the book.
1. Ben Rogers-
2. Jim Hollis-
Chapter 23- Potter’s Trial Ends With a Crash
(pages 118-122)
1. Before he was in jail, how did Muff Potter help Huck and
Tom out? __________________________________
2. What did the boys give to Muff Potter while he was in jail?
3. Where do you think Tom went in the middle of the night?
4. After reading this chapter, what do you think will happen
now? _____________________________________
New Vocabulary:
1. Companion (page 122)- partner; friend
2. Ashamed (page 122)- embarrassed
Chapter 24- Injun Joe Haunts Tom’s Dreams
(pages 123- 124)
1. What was the town’s reaction over Tom’s confession?
2. How did Tom feel during the day? In the night? Why was
there a difference? ____________________________
New Vocabulary:
1. Glittering (page 123)- brilliant or showy
2. Glory (page 123)- a state of absolute happiness
Chapter 25- The Search for Buried Treasure Begins
(pages 125-130)
1. What new adventure did Tom cook up? _____________
New Vocabulary:
1. Pick (page 126)- a heavy tool used to loosen or break up
2. Satisfied (page 128)- content
3. Grit (page 129)- to grind or grate together
Stop! Please see Miss
Falk to take the
chapters 21-25 quiz
You may NOT work with a
partner on this.
You MAY use your folder to
help you.
You may NOT use the book.
Please ask if you have any
questions and take your time!
Chapter 26- Treasure-And Trouble- Are Found
(pages 131-138)
1. What superstitions kept the boys out of the haunted house
that Friday? _________________________________
2. Where do you think Injun Joe and the others got the
money they hid in the haunted house? ______________
3. What did the men find when they were hiding their
money? ____________________________________
New Vocabulary:
1. Courage (page 132)- fearlessness; bravery
2. Comrade (page 134)- a person who shares in one’s
activities; friend
3. Revenge (page 138)- providing a punishment in return for
one already received
Chapter 27- The Treasure Trail is Found Again
(pages 139-141)
1. Where was Injun Joe’s hideout Number 2? _________
New Vocabulary:
1. Tavern (page 140)- bar; pub
Chapter 28- Tom Enters Number Two
(pages 142-144)
1. Why didn’t Injun Joe wake up when Tom broke
into his room? _________________________
New Vocabulary:
1. Retired (page 142)- isolated; removed; solitary
2. Budged (page 143)- moved slightly; caused to
Chapter 29- Ton Picnics, but Huck-! (pages 145-151)
1. Who was Injun Joe and his gang going to harm and why?
2. What did Huck do to save the Widow Douglas? _______
New Vocabulary:
1. Straightway (page 145)- In a direct course
2. Plunged (page 148)- A sudden, violent pitching movement
3. Anxious (page 151)- Concerned, fearful, uneasy
Chapter 30- Becky and Tom Disappear
(pages 152-157)
1. Why do you think Huck was afraid to tell the Welshman
that Injun Joe was one of the men at the Widow Douglas’s?
2. Who never came back from the picnic? Where do you
think they are? _______________________________
New Vocabulary:
1. Apiece (page 152)- For each piece, thing, or person
2. Rascals (page 153)- dishonest person
New Characters: Write any information that you have learned
about these characters (think about personalities, appearances,
actions). You may need to add to this sheet as you continue
reading the book.
1. The Welshman2. Mrs. Thatcher3. Mrs. Harper-
Stop! Please see Miss
Falk to take the
chapters 26-30 quiz
You may NOT work with a
partner on this.
You MAY use your folder to
help you.
You may NOT use the book.
Please ask if you have any
questions and take your time!
Chapter 31- Lost, Found-And Lost Again!
(pages 158-163)
1. Who did Becky and Tom find in the cave? ___________
2. How did Tom keep track of how to get back to Becky?
New Vocabulary:
1. Hoarse (page 161)- harsh; throaty; rough
2. Weary (page 161)- physically or mentally exhausted by hard
Chapter 32- Tom and Becky Are Found
(pages 164-166)
1. When Tom was exploring the cave, what did he see that
helped him find his way out? ____________________
2. What happened to Injun Joe? _________________
New Vocabulary:
1. Grieved (page 164)- to have felt great sadness
2. Toil (page 165)- hard and continuous work
Chapter 33- Three Surprises Meet Tom and Huck
(pages 167-173)
1. Describe how Injun Joe looked when he was found in
the cave: ______________________________________
2. What did the boys do with the treasure that they found?
New Vocabulary:
1. Comrade (page 167)- companion; friend
2. Convinced (page 170)- moved by argument or evidence to
Chapter 34- More Surprises Await-Everyone
(pages 174-176)
1. What did the Widow Douglas plan to do for Huck?
New Vocabulary:
1. Ails (page 175)- to feel ill or have pain
Chapter 35- The Adventures End-With Plans for
(pages 177-180)
1. What happened to Huck? ____________________
2. What does Tom plan to do with his life now that he is
rich? ____________________________________
New Vocabulary:
1. Noble (page 177)- brave; honorable
2. Society (page 177)- a body of individuals living together
as members of a community
Stop! Please see Miss
Falk to take the
chapters 31-36 quiz
You may NOT work with a
partner on this.
You MAY use your folder to
help you.
You may NOT use the book.
Please ask if you have any
questions and take your time!