Prestained SDS molecular weight standard mixture AND Dalton mark VII-Lfor SDS Gel electrophoresis,both made up in sample buffer and urea(this may or may not be added,if added note additionasl risk phrases for urea. Prestained SDS molecular weight standard mixture. Urea Hazardous Substances Policy - Assessment 8M Urea CHEMICAL HAZARD AND RISK ASSESSMENT School of Biosciences Name of supervisor Dr. T. W. Young Assessor C.Sampayo Assessment Number* 1793 Date of Assessment 11-04-2001 Signature Signature -otes A School COSHH form in Word is available on the School Server. Available from the Health and Safety Unit. Guidance on making an assessment is given in Making a Chemical Hazard and Risk Assessment. Guidance is also available from Guidance on Completing the Chemical Hazard and Risk Assessment Form. Use a continuation sheet to expand any section of this form in hard copy version. 1 LOCATION OF THE WORK ACTIVITY 2 PERSONS WHO MAY BE AT RISK List names where possible Dr. T. W. Young, A. Wadeson, Ph.D. students 3 ACTIVITY ASSESSED 4 MATERIALS INVOLVED NAME Prestained SDS molecular weight standard mixture AND Dalton mark VII-Lfor SDS Gel electrophoresis,both made up in sample buffer and urea(this may or may not be added,if added note additionasl risk phrases for urea. Prestained SDS molecular weight standard mixture. Urea Laboratory G6 The use of Sigma molecular weight markers for SDS PAGE. AMOUNT max/stored 1.5ml max. 1vial of dry material. Attach copies of data sheet(s) HAZARD RISK PHRASES Toxic BIOHAZARD Potentially infectious R23/24/25-Toxic by inhalation ,in contact with skin and if swallowed R42-May cause sensitation by inhalation. Sigma recommend,treating as capable of transmitting infectious agents.May be Harmful by Inhalation,ingestion or skin absorption,toxicological properties not thoroughly investigated. If Urea addedthen include, Harmful R40-Possible risk of irreversible effects. R36/37/38-Irritating to eyes respiratory system and skin. BIOHAZARD Potentially infectious No risk phrases given by Sigma,treat as capable of transmitting infectious agents.May be Harmful by Inhalation,ingestion or skin absorption,toxicological properties not thoroughly investigated. R40-Possible risk of irreversible effects. R36/37/38-Irritating to eyes respiratory system and skin. Harmful HAZDAT NO*** BIOSCIENCESNO*** 8M Urea Harmful Dalton mark VII-Lfor SDS Gel electrophoresis 3.5mg Potentially HARMFUL 2-Mercaptoethanol 100mls Toxic Sample buffer(Sigma product S3401)Solution contains,4%SDS,20%Gly cerol,10%2Mercaptoethanol,0.004% Bromophenol Blue,0.125M Tris HCl,pH approx 6.8. 1ml vials Toxic 5 R40-Possible risk of irreversible effects. R36/37/38-Irritating to eyes respiratory system and skin. May be Harmful by Inhalation,ingestion or skin absorption,toxicological properties not thoroughly investigated. R24-Toxic in contact with skin. R20/22-Harmful by inhalation and if swallowed. R41-Risk of serious damage to eyes. R37/38-Irritating to respiratory system and skin. R23/24/25-Toxic by inhalation ,in contact with skin and if swallowed R42-May cause sensitation by inhalation. INTENDED USE** Give brief details and attach protocol/instructions To be used as unstained and prestained markers for molecular Weight identification on SDS PAGE gels. 6 RISKS to HEALTH and SAFETY from INTENDED USE From personal exposure or hazardous reactions. Refer to OELs, flash points, etc., as appropriate. Are pregnant women, breast-feeding mothers especially at risk? From the stock reagents there is a risk of skin and eye contact and risk of inhalation of dust and vapours which may also cause sensitisation in the case of sample buffer.There is a risk of skin and eye contact and inhalation of Aerosols from the solutions when handling and pipetting.There is also an additional BIOHAZARD risk with the Molecular weight markers,they have the potential to transmit infectious agents. After sample denaturation by heating in Sample buffer the Biohazard should be absent but up until this stage all materials coming into contact with the potentially infectious material should be autoclaved. 7 CONCLUSIONS ABOUT RISKS Is level of risk acceptable? Can risk be prevented or reduced by change of substance/procedure? Are control measures necessary? The risks associated with all the compounds and reagents are significant. Greater precautions than Good Chemical Practice should be followed ,the fume cupboard should be used especially when 2-mercaptoethanol is in use. All equipment , which contain potentially infectious agents, such as pipettes and assay waste should be autoclaved. NOTE- After sample denaturation by heating in Sample buffer the Biohazard should be absent but up until this stage all materials coming into contact with the potentially infectious material should be autoclaved. 8 CONTROL MEASURES Additional to Good Chemical Practice In addition to Good Chemical Practice,care should be taken to minimise inhalation of substances and aerosols especially where they contain potentially infectious agents and 2-Mercaptoethanol.Appropriate face masks should be used . The fume cupboard should be used when and if 2-Mercaptoethanol is added to the sample buffer. Waste containing molecular weight Markers which contain potentially infectious agents should be autoclaved, this includes such items as pipette tips, and contaminated equipment and glassware. NOTE- After sample denaturation by heating in Sample buffer the Biohazard should be absent but up until this stage all materials coming into contact with the potentially infectious material should be autoclaved. 9 INSTRUCTION/TRAINING Specify course(s) and/or special arrangements. General Laboratory Practice Only experienced laboratory personnel should be using these compounds and reagents. 10 MONITORING Performance of control measures, Personal exposure Health Surveillance 11 WASTE DISPOSAL PROCEDURE See School Server for Approved Procedure Document on specific Chemical Waste Disposal. Small quantities of reagents and solutions should be disposed of to the non-halogenated waste bottle. Chemicals can be disposed of according to the hazardous substances policy of the University. Autoclaved waste should be drained of any excess liquid, bagged and disposed of to the yellow bag laboratory waste bin. 12 REVIEW Enter the date or circumstances for review of assessment (maximum review interval 5 years) April 2006. 0r any change in protocol or amounts used. 13 EMERGENCY ACTION TO CONTROL HAZARDS To stabilize situation eg spread absorbant on liquid spill; eliminate sources of ignition, etc. Only adequately trained and experienced personnel should deal with emergency spills. Solutions involved are small volumes .A chemical spill kit can be used. TO PROTECT PERSONNEL Evacuation, protection for personnel involved in clean-up, Special First Aid Only adequately trained and experienced personnel should deal with emergency spills. Gloves and eye glasses should be worn to prevent contact with spills of the above solutions. Respiratory protection should be worn in the event of a major spill of 2-mercaproethanol. See attached Unicoshh Datasheet number 511 for further details. TO RENDER SITE OF EMERGENCY SAFE Wash spill site with soap and water and dry. CONTACT Clean-up/decontamination DR YOUNG/A.WADESON. PHONE 3523 10.10.00 * ** *** Prefix T is used for Teaching Assessment Number. Please include amount of chemicals used and how. Hazdat No is the UNICOSHH datasheet report number. Biosciences No is the Biosciences data sheet number. UNICOSHH IS A CHEMICAL DATABASE ON THE HEALTH AND SAFETY UNIT SERVER. BIOSCIENCES DATA SHEETS ARE AVAILABLE IN THE SCHOOL SAFETY OFFICE.