Unit 6 Definitions Note carefully the spelling, pronunciation, and definition of each of the following words. Then write the word in the blank space in the illustrative phrase following. 1. marauder (mə ‘rôd ər) (n.) a raider, plunderer a village raided by _____________________ 2. lithe (līth) (adj.) bending easily; limber as _______________ and gentle as a ballet dancer 3. pauper (‘pô pər) (n.) an extremely poor person help for the ______________ in our community 4. pilfer (‘pil fər) (v.) to steal in small quantities ___________________ stamps from the cash box 5. rift (rift) (n.) a split, break. Breach an unfortunate _________________ in their friendship 6. semblance (‘sem bləns) (n.) a likeness; an outward appearance; an apparition tried to create a ___________________ of order 7. surmount (sər ‘ maůnt) (v.) to overcome, rise above struggle to ____________________ all obstacles 8. subversive (səb ‘vər siv) (adj.) intended to undermine or overthrow (n) one who advocates or attempts to undermine a political system confiscate the ________________ pamphlets 9. trite (trīt) (adj.) commonplace; overused, stale full of clichés and __________________ phrases 10. usurp (yü ‘sərp) (v.) to seize and hold a position by force or without right plot to ____________________ power Synonyms: From the words for this unit, choose the one that is most nearly the same in meaning as each of the following groups of expression. Write the word on the line given. 1. to conquer, overcome, triumph over _______________________________ 2. an appearance, air, aura, veneer, façade ____________________________ 3. to steal, rob, filch, swipe, purloin _________________________________ 4. a poor person, someone destitute _________________________________ 5. a crack, fissure, breach, gap, cleft ________________________________ 6. commonplace, banal, hackneyed, “corny”__________________________ 7. to seize illegally, commandeer, supplant ___________________________ 8. a raider, looter, pirate, freebooter _________________________________ 9. agile, nimble, supple ___________________________________________ 10. rebellious, defiant, disobedient __________________________________ Antonyms: From the words for this unit, choose the one that is most nearly opposite in meaning to each of the following groups of expressions. Write the word on the line given. 1. surrender, submit, yield ___________________________________ 2. loyal, dependable, dedicated _______________________________ 3. awkward, clumsy, inflexible _______________________________ 4. original, novel, fresh, innovative ____________________________ 5. to be vanquished, be defeated, succumb to ____________________ 6. a millionaire, tycoon _____________________________________ 7. to obtain or come to by right _______________________________ 8. a dissimilarity, contrast; a total lack _________________________ 9. a reconciliation; a closing of a gap __________________________ Unit 7 Definitions Note carefully the spelling, pronunciation, and definition of each of the following words. Then write the word in the blank space in the illustrative phrase following. 1. abscond (ab ‘skänd) (v.) to run off a hide ___________________ with the stolen money 2. hamper (‘ham pər) (v.) to hold back ______________ our efforts 3. anarchy (‘an ər kē) (n.) a lack of government and law, confusion a country suffering from _________________ 4. arduous (‘är jü əs) (adj.) hard to do, requiring much effort __________________ chores 5. auspicious (ô ‘spish əs) (adj.) favorable; fortunate under ____________________ circumstances 6. biased (‘bī əst) (adj.) favoring one side unduly; prejudiced a _______________________ decision 7. daunt (dônt) (v.) to overcome with fear, intimidate; to dishearten, discourage not _________________ by their threats 8. disentangle (dis en ‘taŋ gəl) (v.) to free from tangles or complications _________________ the fishing net 9. fated (‘fā tid) (adj.) determined in advance by destiny or fortune _____________________ to rise to the top 10. hoodwink (‘hůd wiŋk) (v.) to mislead by a trick, deceive attempt to ________________ the child DO NOT WRITE ON THIS SHEET! Synonyms: From the words for this unit, choose the one that is most nearly the same in meaning as each of the following groups of expression. Write the word on the line given. 1. promising, encouraging, propitious ______________________________ 2. prejudiced, unfair, partial, bigoted_______________________________ 3. to deceive, dupe, put one over on________________________________ 4. to intimidate, dismay, cow, discourage____________________________ 5. doomed, destined, preordained __________________________________ 6. to bolt, make off, skip town_____________________________________ 7. to unravel, unwind, unscramble, unsnarl___________________________ 8. hard, difficult, laborious, fatiguing _______________________________ 9. chaos, disorder, turmoil, pandemonium ___________________________ 10. hinder, obstruct, slow down ____________________________________ Antonyms: From the words for this unit, choose the one that is most nearly opposite in meaning to each of the following groups of expressions. Write the word on the line given. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. accidental, fortuitous, chance, random_______________________________ to tangle up, ensnarl, snag ________________________________________ to encourage, embolden, reassure __________________________________ easy, simple, effortless __________________________________________ law and order, peace and quiet ____________________________________ ill-omened, ominous, sinister _____________________________________ fair, impartial, unprejudiced, just __________________________________ to undeceive, disabuse, “clue in” __________________________________ Unit 8 Definitions Note carefully the spelling, pronunciation, and definition of each of the following words. Then write the word in the blank space in the illustrative phrase following. 1. inanimate (in ‘an ə mit) (adj.) not having life; without energy or spirit stones and other _________________ objects 2. incinerate (in ‘sin ər āt) (v.) to burn to ashes ____________________ the garbage 3. intrepid (in ‘trep id) (adj.) very brave, fearless, unshakable ______________________ explorers of the ocean 4. larceny (‘lär sə nē) (n.) theft found guilty of ________________________ 5. pliant (‘plī ənt) (adj.) bending readily, easily influenced a sapling’s _____________________ branches 6. pompous (‘päm pəs) (adj.) overly self-important in speech or manner; excessively stately or ceremonious a ______________________ and conceited fool 7. precipice (‘pres ə pis) (n.) a very steep cliff; the brink or edge of disaster peer cautiously over a _____________________ 8. rectify (‘rek tə fī) (v.) to make right, correct ___________________ a false impression 9. reprieve (ri ‘prēv) (n.) a temporary relief or delay; (v.) to grant a postponement receive a ________________ from the Governor 10. revile (ri ‘vīl) (v.) to attack with words, call bad names ___________________ their enemies Synonyms: From the words for this unit, choose the one that is most nearly the same in meaning as each of the following groups of expression. Write the word on the line given. 1. pretentious, highfalutin, bombastic _______________________________ 2. to postpone, to delay; a stay, respite ______________________________ 3. supple, flexible, elastic, plastic __________________________________ 4. a cliff, crag, bluff, promontory; a brink, ledge ______________________ 5. to correct, remedy, set right ____________________________________ 6. lifeless, dead; inert, spiritless ___________________________________ 7. inveigh against, malign, vilify, denounce __________________________ 8. to burn up, cremate, reduce to ashes ______________________________ 9. stealing, robbery, theft, burglary _________________________________ 10. valiant, courageous, audacious, daring ____________________________ Antonyms: From the words for this unit, choose the one that is most nearly opposite in meaning to each of the following groups of expressions. Write the word on the line given. 1. timid, cowardly, craven ________________________________________ 2. to praise, acclaim; to revere, idolize ______________________________ 3. to mess up, botch, bungle ______________________________________ 4. to proceed as scheduled _______________________________________ 5. rigid, stiff, inflexible, set in stone ________________________________ 6. living, alive; energetic, lively, sprightly ___________________________ 7. unpretentious, unaffected; plain _________________________________ 8. an abyss, chasm, gorge ________________________________________ Unit 9 Definitions Note carefully the spelling, pronunciation, and definition of each of the following words. Then write the word in the blank space in the illustrative phrase following. 1. sardonic (sär ‘dän ik) (adj.) grimly or scornfully mocking; bitterly sarcastic the satirist’s _________________ laughter 2. annihilate (ə ‘nī ə lāt) (v.) to destroy completely _____________________ the enemy forces 3. arbitrary (‘är bə trer ē) (adj.) unreasonable; based on one’s own wishes or whims without regard for reason or fairness an __________________ and domineering ruler 4. brazen (‘brā zən) (adj.) made of brass; shameless, disrespectful a __________________ liar 5. catalyst (‘kat əl ist) (n.) a substance that causes or hastens a chemical reaction; any agent that causes change act as a ________________ in the process 6. exodus (‘ek sə dəs) (n.) a large-scale departure or flight a mass __________________ of refugees 7. facilitate (fə ‘sil ə tāt) (v.) to make easier, assist _________________ the efforts of the rescue team 8. incorrigible (in ‘kä rə jə bəl) (adj.) not able to be corrected, beyond control an __________________ optimist 9. latent (‘lāt ənt) (adj.) hidden, present but not realized a ________________, unexpressed hostility 10. militant (‘mil ə tənt) (adj.) given to fighting; active and aggressive in support of a cause; (n.) activist a ________________ campaign against drugs Synonyms: From the words for this unit, choose the one that is most nearly the same in meaning as each of the following groups of expression. Write the word on the line given. 1. scornful; scathing; cutting_____________________________________ 2. an emigration, flight, escape, hegira_____________________________ 3. impudent, saucy, bold; shameless ______________________________ 4. unruly, intractable; incurable, inveterate _________________________ 5. dormant, inactive, undeveloped; hidden__________________________ 6. to obliterate, decimate, demolish _______________________________ 7. a stimulus, spur; an instigator __________________________________ 8. capricious; high-handed, autocratic _____________________________ 9. aggressive, truculent; an activist ________________________________ 10. to ease, smooth the way, simplify ______________________________ Antonyms: From the words for this unit, choose the one that is most nearly opposite in meaning to each of the following groups of expressions. Write the word on the line given. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. reasoned, rational; objective, equitable _____________________________ to foster, promote, encourage, nurture ______________________________ deferential, respectful; self-effacing ________________________________ sincere; genuine; heartfelt _______________________________________ an immigration, influx, arrival; an entrance __________________________ unassertive, peaceable; passive ____________________________________ exposed, manifest, evident _______________________________________ to hamper, hinder, obstruct, impede ________________________________ docile, tractable; curable, reparable ________________________________ Unit 10 Definitions Note carefully the spelling, pronunciation, and definition of each of the following words. Then write the word in the blank space in the illustrative phrase following. 1. morose (mə ‘rōs) (adj.) having a gloomy or sullen manner; not friendly or sociable found him in a __________________ mood 2. opaque (ō ‘pāk) (adj.) not letting light through; not clear or lucid; dense, stupid windows that were ________________ with grime 3. paramount (‘par ə maůnt) (adj.) chief in importance, above all others the ___________________ issue in the election 4. prattle (‘prat əl) (v.) to talk in an aimless, foolish, or simple way; (n.) baby talk the ___________________ of the child in her crib 5. rebut (ri ‘bət) (v.) to offer arguments or evidence that contradict an assertion, to refute easy to ____________________ his shaky case 6. reprimand (‘rep rə mand) (v.) to scold, find fault with; (n.) a rebuke ______________________ the unruly student 7. servitude (‘sər və tüd) (n.) slavery, forced labor penal _________________________ 8. slapdash (‘slap dash) (adj.) careless and hasty did a _____________________ job on the repairs 9. stagnant (‘stag nənt) (adj.) not running or flowing; foul from standing still; inactive, sluggish, dull bred in ____________________ pools of water 10. succumb (sə ‘kəm) (v.) to give way to superior force, yield _______________________ to pressure Synonyms: From the words for this unit, choose the one that is most nearly the same in meaning as each of the following groups of expression. Write the word on the line given. 1. gloomy, sullen, morbid, doleful ________________________________ 2. hazy, cloudy, foggy, murky; dull, obtuse _________________________ 3. a reproof, rebuke; to reprove, reproach ___________________________ 4. still, motionless, inert; foul, fetid ________________________________ 5. captivity, bondage, thralldom, slavery ____________________________ 6. cursory, perfunctory; sloppy, slipshod ____________________________ 7. to yield, give way, submit; to die, expire __________________________ 8. supreme, foremost, primary, dominant ____________________________ 9. to refute, disprove, confute, shoot holes in _________________________ 10. to chatter, babble; to purl; twaddle, gibberish _______________________ Antonyms: From the words for this unit, choose the one that is most nearly opposite in meaning to each of the following groups of expressions. Write the word on the line given. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. painstaking, meticulous; thorough, in-depth __________________________ cheerful, blithe, jaunty, buoyant ___________________________________ to confirm, corroborate, substantiate ________________________________ freedom, liberty ________________________________________________ flowing, running; fresh, sweet _____________________________________ secondary, subordinate, ancillary __________________________________ to overcome, master, conquer _____________________________________ to praise, pat on the back _________________________________________ transparent, clear; bright, perceptive ________________________________