MCT2 Breakdown – 7th Grade Reading and Language Released

MCT2 Breakdown – 7th Grade Reading and Language Released Test Items
Objective and Skill
Test A – Released 2008
Questions w/ specific skill and overlapping objectives
(# of questions total)
(Test A begins with “A Contest that Lasted 50 Years”)
Type of texts 1.
Nonfiction narrative (7 questions)
Extended poem (7 questions)
Fictional story (5 questions)
Nonfiction informative (7 questions)
Short formal letter (1 question)
Nonfiction informative (6 questions)
*28 & 29 are same question
34 – what is meaning of “foreword” based on prefix and
how it is used in a sentence
Test B – Released 2009
Questions w/ specific skill and overlapping objectives
(# of questions total)
(Test B begins with “Linen-An Ancient Thread”)
Type of texts –
Nonfiction informative (8 questions)
Fictional narrative (5 questions)
Extended poem (4 questions)
Extended poem (5 questions)
Flyer and timetable chart (10 questions)
Roots and affixes
Knowledge of word meanings
16 – choose correct meaning of word “sustain” (choices:
cease, hurry, support, measure)
9 –choose correct meaning of word “incredible” (choices:
phrases like “impossible or difficult to believe”)
Synonyms, antonyms and
Context clues
33 – which word is antonym for “gaunt” based on use in
sentence (overlaps with context clues)
17 – meaning of endure based on use in sentence
(choices: face, reveal, observe, tolerate)
Identify and interpret meaning
of figurative language
(simile, metaphor,
personification, hyperbole,
10 – choose meaning of idiom based on how it’s used in a
28 – choose meaning of “figurative expression” based on
use in a sentence
Using reference materials
Formal/informal language;
appropriateness of
Using text features
9 – which “literary device” is used (out of simile,
personification, hyperbole and idiom)
11 – which line contains example of personification
19 - explain why the author used personification
23 – choose meaning of idiom based on how it’s used in a
15 – which sentence is not correct based on
dictionary/usage/synonyms entry (overlaps with 1c)
24 – which sentence does not use word “amplify” correctly
based on dictionary entry
31 – justify whether a sentence is appropriate for letter
1 – justify use of text set off in box (which defines the
main vocabulary necessary to understand the text)
20 – justify whether suggested heading would be
appropriate for certain lines (overlaps with 2b1 & 2c)
Test C – Released 2010
Questions w/ specific skill and overlapping objectives
(# of questions total)
(Test C begins with “Washington D.C.: An Usual Capital”)
Type of texts –
Nonfiction informative (6 questions)
Persuasive/Instructional (6 questions)
Nonfiction informative (6 questions)
Extended poem (5 questions)
Fiction narrative (8 questions)
% of Test
% out of 120
reading questions
(total #)
31 – to which word can the affix –ive be added to make a
new word (choices ambitious, complicate, cooperate,
13 – which word is a synonym for “prominent” (choices:
vital, notable, dramatic, cooperative; overlaps with 1c, but
no context sentence is given so must know meaning
32 – which is an antonym for “unique” (choices: common,
distinct, popular, premium)
1 – which word can replace “endured” as used in a
sentence (overlaps with 1b: must know definition of
“sustained”, “suffered”, “presided”, & “persisted”)
30 – based on given context clues, which statement
justifies the definition of “compensation” as it is used in
the paragraph (overlaps with 1f – gives dictionary
40 – based on context clues, what is meaning of the word
“feigned” in certain lines (choices: expected, pretended,
understood, acknowledged)
11 – which does not use the word “extravagant” correctly
based on dictionary entry
15 – which dictionary entry gives definition for “tolerate” as
it is used in a sentence (must know meaning of permit,
endure, existence, resistance)
37 – which of the sentences fits the style and tone of the
given sentences
31 – choose accurate statement using a timetable (chart)
33 – interpret the meaning of symbols under a chart
34 – what information will a person not find on the chart
39 – what does a heading from a chart mean/represent
(overlaps with #25: author’s purpose of simple vocabulary
in poem)
19 – which is an appropriate heading to place before
certain lines
33 – which correctly evaluates the author’s use of
sequence for its effect on the text
2 – which word has same meaning as “examine” based
on how it is used in the passage (choices: check, inquire,
observe, study)
29 – which choice gives meaning of word “disband” based
on use in a sentence (low-level choices: find goals, break
apart, teach others, keep working)
30 – which choice gives meaning of word “abyss” based
on use in a sentence (choices: thrilling find, deep chasm,
hollow tube, unsolved mystery)
MCT2 Breakdown – 7th Grade Reading and Language Released Test Items
Objective and Skill
Test A – Released 2008
Test B – Released 2009
Test C – Released 2010
Questions w/ specific skill and overlapping objectives
(# of questions total)
Questions w/ specific skill and overlapping objectives
(# of questions total)
Questions w/ specific skill and overlapping objectives
(# of questions total)
Using parts of a book
Text structures
7 – which text structure is not used
31 – which pattern controls the organization of the
40 – which technique does the author use to structure
4 – how is the information organized in passage
Characteristics of genres
2 – which lines do not use cause and effect
11 – which text structure is used in particular part of text
17 – which sentence correctly explains the use of
sequential order in certain lines
22 – which text structure does the poet use to express the
main idea of the poem
Make inferences, predictions,
and draw conclusions
32 – what conclusion can be drawn about a chart
(overlaps with 2a1)
Determine main idea (of 1 or
more texts)
2 – which is an accurate inference
3 – which is an accurate prediction
14 - which is an accurate conclusion from certain lines
30 – what can be predicted based on “information in
36 – which is an accurate inference based on certain lines
Justify inferences, predictions
and conclusions with textbased evidence
4 – which lines justify the inference
22 – justify a conclusion based on passage
26 – justify an inference about the main idea
37 – which detail from passage supports a specific
21 – which is an accurate statement of an “implied main
idea” from 2 poems (synthesizing/text-to-text connections)
6 – justify determination about whether an inference is
7 – which quote from passage does not support the
opinion (overlaps with 2e1)
12 – which lines justify a conclusion about the passage
22 – which lines from poem 1 can the reader conclude are
consistent with the feelings expressed by the narrator of
certain lines in another passage
25 – which lines from poem support an “idea”/inference
35 – what is the justification for the author to mention a
piece of information
5 – which sentence summarizes the main idea
27 – which sentence summarizes certain lines
39 – which paragraph summarizes the entire nonfiction
27 – which sentence is an implied main idea in both the
poem and nonfiction text
3 – which is not a justification to include information in the
6 – which statement is a correct evaluation of the cause of
the described situation (must be from text and be a
causing factor of the effect)
8 – which statement does not justify a main idea
10 – which detail from the passage supports a particular
12 – which detail does not lead to a particular conclusion
28 – which line from poem does not support information in
certain lines from another text
38 – which lines from the passage emphasize the
narrator’s feelings
4 – which sentence effectively and accurately summarizes
the ideas expressed in certain lines
7 – which summary correctly captures the main idea of
the passage
19 – which sentence from the passage does not need to
be included in a summary
29 – which sentence makes the summary of both
passages combined more complete
37 – which summary correctly includes the main points of
the passage
Story elements (characters,
character traits, setting, plot,
conflict, resolution, point of
8 – which lines characterize the setting
21 – which of the following is accurate character trait
based on dialogue
1 – which idea from passage is not essential for a
summary of certain lines
8 – which piece of information is missing from a summary
about the passage
14 – which group of sentences are an appropriate
summary of certain lines
17 – which lines from poem do not contain information
important enough to be included in summary
26 – which sentence needs to be added to the summary
38 – which phrase effectively summarizes information
from a chart/timetable
16 – which lines from passage do not support an
inference about a character trait (overlaps with 2b2)
(some overlap with 2b2; plot and characterization)
% of Test
MCT2 Breakdown – 7th Grade Reading and Language Released Test Items
Objective and Skill
Test A – Released 2008
Test B – Released 2009
Test C – Released 2010
5 – which is an accurate evaluation of why certain lines
exhibit situational irony
18 – why is a certain paragraph an example of situational
23 – which statement correctly evaluates the poet’s use of
literary or sound devices in the poem (choices:
exaggeration, imagery, rhythm, verbal irony)
26 – which sentence accurately interprets the situational
irony in certain lines
39 – why is a particular sentence an example of
situational irony
24 – which sound device does the poet use in a certain
line (choices: alliteration, assonance, onomatopoeia,
9 – which will the reader logically infer to be the author’s
reason for providing certain information
20 – which sentence captures the author’s purpose for
writing the passage
25 – what effect is the poet attempting to achieve by using
simple vocabulary (overlaps with 1g)
16 – which sentence from the passage is a fact
Questions w/ specific skill and overlapping objectives
(# of questions total)
Questions w/ specific skill and overlapping objectives
(# of questions total)
Literary devices (identifying
and interpreting meaning of
imagery, exaggeration,
dialogue, and situational and
verbal irony)
18 – justify whether the lines show irony
3 – which explanation is an accurate evaluation of the
situational irony of the passage
15 – which statement justifies the author’s use of irony in
the passage
18 – which is an accurate evaluation of the situational
irony in certain lines
27 – which is a correct evaluation of the author’s use of
situational irony
Sound devices (identifying
and interpreting meaning of
rhyme, rhythm, alliteration,
onomatopoeia, assonance)
13 – which is an example of onomatopoeia
Identifying and interpreting
the author’s purpose for
writing (to inform, entertain or
persuade, and for what
intended outcome)
10 – purpose of structure of a line in poem
12 – interpret the purpose/meaning of words
25 – identify the author’s purpose for writing passage
19 – which is an accurate statement about the sound
devices in the poem
23 – which statement about sound devices in a certain
stanza is accurate
36 – which justifies including a certain piece of information
to achieve the author’s purpose
40 – what is the author’s purpose for including a section
on a chart
Evaluate the use of and
distinguish between fact and
Identify and evaluate the tools
of persuasion (name calling,
endorsement, repetition, air
and rebut other point of view,
association, stereotypes,
bandwagon, plain folks,
tabloid thinking, shock tactics
and fear, intertextual
references (allusion), card
stacking, slanted words)
6 – which statement is an opinion
38 – which statement from passage expresses an opinion
28 – which technique does the author use to convince the
reader (entire passage)
35 – what persuasive technique is used in certain lines
12 – which statement from the passage is an opinion
24 – which is a fact that is based on the passage
5 – which statement justifies the evaluation that the author
uses card stacking in the passage (overlaps with 2b2)
20 – which is an accurate evaluation of the poet’s use of
tools of persuasion (identify tool and its purpose in certain
lines from poem)
Questions w/ specific skill and overlapping objectives
(# of questions total)
14 – which persuasive technique is used in given
% of Test