Length Lab

Length Lab
Answer the following questions in the spaces provided. Be sure to include units!
1. How many millimeters long is Line A? ___________________________
2. How many centimeters long is Line A? ___________________________
3. How many millimeters long is Line B? ___________________________
4. How many centimeters long is Line B? ___________________________
5. How many millimeters long is Line C? ___________________________
6. How many centimeters long is Line C? ___________________________
**Did you include the proper unit in
each of your measurements? If not, go
back and label them. **
1. With a meter-stick or metric ruler, make the measurements of various objects
listed in the Data Table 1. Some of the measurements are already provided.
Record your measurements to the nearest tenth of a centimeter in the Data
Table 1.
2. Convert the measurements from centimeters to meters and them to millimeters.
Record these measurements on the Data Table 1.
3. Now make the measurements listed in Data Table 2. To measure the distance
around a circular object, or its circumference, wrap the piece around the object,
keeping one end fixed. With your finger tip, hold on to the string where the free
end touched the fixed end of the string.
4. Remove the string and measure its length with a metric rules or a meter-stick.
Record your measurements to the nearest centimeter, meter and millimeter in
Data Table 2.
Data and Calculations:
Data Table 1
Length of chalkboard
214 cm
Width of chalkboard
100 cm
Length of bulletin board
190 cm
Width of bulletin board
100 cm
Length of lab table
Width of lab table
Height of lab table
Data Table 2
Circumference of your wrist
Circumference of your
lower arm at its widest part
Circumference of your
upper arm at its widest part
7. Is the meter, centimeter, or millimeter more useful for measuring the length and
width of your classroom? Why?
8. Which metric unit would you use to measure the thickness of a nickel? Why?
9. Answer the following:
a. How many millimeters are there in 1m? ____________________
b. How many centimeters are there in 1m? ____________________
10. How do you convert meters to centimeters?
11. How do you convert centimeters to millimeters?
12. How do you convert millimeters to centimeters?
13. How do you convert centimeters to meters?
14. Why is it easier to convert meters to centimeters or millimeters then it is to
change yards to feet or inches?
15. Using a metric ruler, student X measured the length of an object to the nearest
tenth (0.1) of a centimeter while student Y measured its length to the nearest
centimeter. Which measurement is more precise?