Persepolis Study Questions Ch. 1-38

Block:_____ Date:_______
English 12: 21st Century Media Literature Persepolis Study Questions Ch. 1-5
These questions draw on your ability to recall and interpret material from the text. Your answers
should be as complete as possible, offering specific examples and quotations where appropriate.
Please write your answers on a separate sheet and attach it to these questions.
“The Veil” Chapter One
1. What does the veil symbolize?
2. Comment on the symbolism in the picture at the bottom of page 9. What three
attributes of God does Marji wish to embody as a prophet?
“The Bicycle” Chapter Two
3. Explain the simile on page 10.
4. What metaphor does the author use on page 11 to portray the Persian people during
2500 years of tyranny and submission?
“The Water Cell” Chapter Three
5. According to Marji, how was a king chosen? What was her rationale? What is her
father’s reaction? Why?
6. Comment on the image at the bottom of page 22. What change does it reflect?
“Persepolis” Chapter Four
7. How is the image of the Shah on the bottom of page 27 both symbolic and ironic?
8. Ironically, what happens when a second dead man is carried out on a stretcher during
a demonstration? What happens next that surprises Marji and amuses her family?
What do the widow’s actions show about the Persian people?
“The Letter” Chapter Five
9. What happened on Black Friday? Why? What painful lesson did Marji learn?
10. Identify the irony and symbolism in the last picture on page 39.
Block:_____ Date:_______
English 12: 21st Century Media Literature Persepolis Study Questions Ch. 6-10
These questions draw on your ability to recall and interpret material from the text. Your answers
should be as complete as possible, offering specific examples and quotations where appropriate.
Please write your answers on a separate sheet and attach it to these questions.
“The Party” Chapter Six
11. What story did Marji’s neighbor make up about the spot on her cheek? What did this
reflect about Iranian people?
12. Why does Ramin believe his father is not a murderer? How does his comment reflect
the attitude of other children?
“The Heroes” Chapter Seven
13. What lessons does Marji learn about “truth”?
14. According to Marji, what makes a hero?
“Moscow” Chapter Eight
15. What does the reader learn about the status of women in Iran?
16. How is the picture at the top of page 60 symbolic?
“The Sheep” Chapter Nine
17. What is the significance of the title? How does it help to characterize the people of Iran?
18. How does Sartrapi carry the symbolism through this chapter?
“The Trip” Chapter Ten
19. How did the new Islamic republic impact the educational system?
20. Comment on Marji’s statement, “There was a kind of justice, after all.”
Block:_____ Date:_______
English 12: 21st Century Media Literature Persepolis Study Questions Ch. 11-19
These questions draw on your ability to recall and interpret material from the text. Your answers
should be as complete as possible, offering specific examples and quotations where appropriate.
Please write your answers on a separate sheet and attach it to these questions.
“The F-14” Chapter Eleven
21. Why was it important to Marji’s father to listen to the BBC versus the Iranian news?
“The Jewels” Chapter Twelve
22. Describe the difference between Marji’s family and Mali’s family particularly Mali’s sons.
Give examples.
“The Key” Chapter Thirteen
23. What is the gold key and what does it symbolize?
24. What does the picture on pg. 95 represent?
“The Wine” Chapter Fourteen
25. What is the trouble/danger that lurks for people in this chapter? In other words, what are
people afraid of?
“The Cigarette” Chapter Fifteen
26. Marji says, “When I think we could have avoided it all. It just makes me sick.” (p.116)
What is she referring to and why?
“The Passport” Chapter Sixteen
(No Questions)
“Kim Wilde” Chapter Seventeen
27. What do the posters, recording tapes, and sneakers all represent?
28. What was the purpose of the Guardians of the Revolution?
“The Shabbat” Chapter Eighteen
29. What is the irony of the explosion that happened at the Baba-Levy’s house?
“The Dowry” Chapter Nineteen
30. Describe an Iranian dowry. How could this affect the fate of a young woman?
31. What does the picture on the bottom of p. 153 mean? What’s going on and why?
Block:_____ Date:_______
English 12: 21st Century Media Literature Persepolis Study Questions Ch. 20-26
These questions draw on your ability to recall and interpret material from the text. Your answers
should be as complete as possible, offering specific examples and quotations where appropriate.
Please write your answers on a separate sheet and attach it to these questions.
“The Soup” Chapter Twenty
32. What is the struggle for people in regards to their careers when they leave Tehran to live in
another country? Marji's father mentions it earlier to his wife when she suggest them moving to
33. What might be a true reason why Zozo puts Marji in a boarding house?
“Tyrol” Chapter Twenty-One
34. What does the picture on pg. 167 represent for Marji's life?
“Pasta” Chapter Twenty-Two
No Questions
“The Pill” Chapter Twenty-Three
No Questions
“The Vegetable” Chapter Twenty-Four
35. Explain the inner struggle MArjane was having especially when she talks to her parents.
“The Horse” Chapter Twenty-five
36. Marjane and her mother go through a series of emotions during her mother's visit. Why do
you think they do and SUPPORT your answer with an example from the story.
“Hide and Seek” Chapter Twenty-Six
37. Describe the dilemma Marji has expressed through the pictures on pages 209-210.
38. How did Marjane's "1st love of her life" change her and her values? Support your opinion
with something from the story.
Block:_____ Date:_______
English 12: 21st Century Media Literature Persepolis Study Questions Ch. 27-32
These questions draw on your ability to recall and interpret material from the text. Your answers
should be as complete as possible, offering specific examples and quotations where appropriate.
Please write your answers on a separate sheet and attach it to these questions.
“The Croissant” Chapter Twenty-Seven
39. Marjane comments on pg 229 how “these arguments marked the beginning of the end of our
story”. What was she referring to and why?
“The Veil” Chapter Twenty-Eight
40. What does the big picture on pg. 245 represent for Marjane?
“The Return” Chapter Twenty-Nine
41. Why were things so different for Marjane when she returned home? Refer to pages 250-251
for help.
“The Joke” Chapter Thirty
42. What became very real for Marjane while she visited her old friend Kia?
43. After Marjane’s visit, what personal lesson did she learn?
“Skiing” Chapter Thirty-One
44. Why did Marjane’s friends turn on her? What was the result?
45. Marjane makes the comment on pg 273 “From now on, I’m taking myself in hand.” Why
did she make the comment and give a couple of examples as to what she does to take herself “in
“The Exam” Chapter Thirty-Two
46. Who is Reza? How did Marjane meet him?
47. Why did Roxane stop talking to Marjane?
48. What is the importance of the picture on pg. 281? What do each item in the picture
Block:_____ Date:_______
English 12: 21st Century Media Literature Persepolis Study Questions Ch. 32-38
These questions draw on your ability to recall and interpret material from the text. Your answers
should be as complete as possible, offering specific examples and quotations where appropriate.
Please write your answers on a separate sheet and attach it to these questions.
“The Make-Up” Chapter Thirty- Three
49. Who’s reaction to Marjane’s “call for action” do you most agree with? Reza’s or Her
grandmother’s? Why?
“The Convocation” Chapter Thirty-Four
50. Name a couple of issues or pressure women had to deal with in school?
51. Who are Marjane’s friends at school? Give one interesting fact about them.
“The Socks” Chapter Thirty-Five
52. Describe at least 3 of the challenges that Marjane faced during her time at school.
53. What tragic event happened at the party Marjane and her friends?
“The Wedding” Chapter Thirty-Six
54. What were Marjane’s parents’ individual reactions to her getting married to Reza?
Why did they react as such?
55. What were some signs that Reza and Marjane’s marriade was in trouble?
“The Satellite” Chapter Thirty-Seven
56. What was the new phenomenon that people bought but couldn’t show that they had?
57. What was Marjane’s “usual conclusion”?
“The End” Chapter Thirty-Eight
58. Once divorced, how did men treat Marjane?
59. What is Marjane’s grandmother’s opinion about divorce?
60. On the last page 341, how is it’s meaning different from the page 153?