INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: PLEASE READ BOTH SIDES OF THIS SHEET BEFORE PROCEEDING! This CD-ROM contains 1099 Pro® 2000 Professional Edition software. This edition supports PAPER PROCESSING ONLY, includes a Corrections Module and allows up to 5,000 recipient records. Upgrades to 10,000 recipients or Unlimited recipients as well as Mag Media/Electronic filing functionality and Service Bureau Upload functionality are also available from 1099 Pro, Inc. This software may be installed as either: A no obligation DEMO which is fully functional with the exception of the print mechanism (one form of sample data will print at a time). The complete version when installed with your unique Activation Code. NOTE: If you have already purchased 1099 Pro® 2000 Professional, you will find your activation code at the bottom of your paid invoice or packing slip. This CD-ROM also includes the following: 1099 Pro® 2000 Professional Help Manual (PDF Format)* – also available within software via the <F1> key. 2000 IRS General Instructions for Forms 1099, 1098, 5498 & W-2G (PDF Format)*. 2000 IRS Specific Instructions for Forms W-2G and 5754, 1098, 1098-E and 1098-T, 1099-A and 1099-C, 1099-B, 1099-Div, 1099-G, 1099-Int and 1099-OID, 1099-LTC, 1099-MISC, 1099-MSA and 5498-MSA, 1099-PATR, 1099-R and 5498, 1099-S (PDF Format)*. Pub. 1586, Reasonable Cause Regulations and Requirements for Missing and Incorrect Name/TINs (PDF Format)*. *Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view these publications. Download Acrobat Reader for FREE at **IMPORTANT WARNING: FOR USERS INSTALLING TO WINDOWS NT WORKSTATIONS/SERVERS OR WINDOWS 2000, PLEASE CHECK WITH YOUR NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR BEFORE PROCEEDING TO ENSURE THAT YOU HAVE ADEQUATE USER RIGHTS TO INSTALL THIS SOFTWARE! (We recommend administrative privileges when installing software to Windows NT). TO INSTALL, FOLLOW THE STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONS BELOW: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Close all programs. We also recommend disabling any virus checkers. Insert CD-ROM into CD-ROM drive (or Disk 1 into floppy drive). In Windows 95/98/2000/NT click the Start button (located in the lower left corner of the desktop) and Run. Browse for SETUP.EXE on the CD or Floppy drive. Click "OK" to begin the installation. The Wise Installation Wizard will prompt you through the installation routine. When prompted, enter your activation code which begins with the letter “G”. If you do not have an Activation Code then type in the word “DEMO”. ROLL FORWARD OPTION: You will be prompted as to whether you would like to copy your Filer and/or Recipient information from 1099 Pro® 1999 (Final Version). Check the appropriate boxe(s) and click NEXT. If this is your first installation of 1099 Pro® Software, simply leave both boxes blank and click NEXT. When first opening 1099 Pro® 2000 Professional, you will be prompted for a password. See Password Options on reverse. Note: DEMO users are encouraged to disable password. If you selected the Roll Forward Option in Step 6, your 1999 filers may be selected at the Select Filer Screen. Your 1999 recipients may be accessed in the TIN field when adding a new record via the F2 key or by right clicking your mouse. PASSWORD OPTIONS: When opening 1099 Pro® 2000 for the first time the user will be prompted to create a password. User may opt at this point to enable or disable password functionality as follows: Option 1 - Disable Password: Leave the “Do Not Ask User for a Password” box checked and click "OK". The password function will immediately be disabled. (Password functionality may be re-enabled at a later time under File, Preferences, Password Options) Option 2 - Enable Password Unmark the “Do Not Ask User for a Password” box. At the New Password field enter your password and hit <Enter>. There is a 4 character minimum and 20 character maximum for passwords. Both alpha and numeric digits are acceptable. Passwords are case sensitive. Write your password in a safe place where you will be able to find it should you forget it! 3. At the Re-Type Password field re-enter your password and hit <Enter>. The password protection option will immediately take effect. 4. Each time 1099 Pro® 2000 is opened it will immediately prompt you for your password. Enter your password at the Password Required screen and hit <Enter>. 1099 Pro will allow the password to be entered up to three times. 1099 Pro will automatically close if after the third try the password is still incorrect. (Password functionality may be disabled at a later time under File, Preferences, Password Options) 1. 2. Uninstall and Reinstall Users often enter sample filer and recipient data while learning to use 1099 Pro® 2000. Use the uninstall utility for a "Fresh Start" of the software. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. In Windows 95/98/2000/NT click the Start button (located in the lower left corner of the desktop) and Programs. Locate the 1099 Pro 16 2000 folder and select the Uninstall 1099 Pro subfolder. Select “Custom” as the Uninstall method and click NEXT. Click “Select All” and NEXT for each screen until prompted to click FINISH. When uninstall is complete it may be necessary to manually delete the 1099Pr2k folder as residual files may remain. Follow Installation Steps 1-8 on page 1. Other Products / Services: This year 1099 Pro, Inc. introduces 1099 Pro® 2000 Enterprise Edition, as well as Year 2000 versions of our newest software products: W2 Pro®* and 1042-S Pro™. 1099 Pro® 2000 users automatically qualify for a BONUS copy of Tax Pro® 2000 for preparing Forms W-2/W-3 to preprinted forms. 1099 Pro, Inc. also offers a Service Bureau for those preferring to outsource printing and mailing of forms and/or filing with the IRS. For pricing and services offered please refer to *W2 Pro® supports paper filing of form W-2 and also formats files according to the SSA’s new MMREF format. Note: W2 Pro® has always used the MMREF format! Contact 1099 Pro, Inc.: 1099 Pro, Inc. hours are Monday through Friday 7am-5pm PST with extended hours in Dec. and Jan. including Saturdays 8am-12pm PST (Jan. only). Contact Sales and Technical Support at 888-PRO-1099 (776-1099) Ext. 1 or via Don’t forget to hit the <F1> key from within the software to access our Online HELP Screens! Page 2