Helpful Resources For Families A Food Guide Pyramid for Kids The new Food Guide Pyramid for Kids, the first food pyramid specifically aimed at children 6 to 11 years old, is available along with games, helpful tips, and educational materials at Ideas for Healthy Snacks The Center for Science in the Public Interest, with input from experts and parents, developed two resources with healthy snack ideas for parents, teachers, after school programs, and other caregivers. There is a one-page version that can be used as a handout or model newsletter article at There is also a more extensive list of snack ideas for people and programs that want more detail at Increasing Activity - VERB VERB is a national, multicultural, social marketing campaign coordinated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that encourages young people to be physically active every day. This web site includes resources and information to make regular physical activity "cool" for young people and a fun thing to do. Fruits & Veggies – More Matters The CDC and the Produce for Better Health Foundation (PBH), have partnered with many other organizations to launch a new public health initiative Fruits & Veggies-More Matters. The new site offers the following: A calculator to find out how many fruits and vegetables you need each day, based on your daily calories needs Tips on how to include fruits and vegetables in your daily diet Information on exciting new fruits and vegetables to try Delicious recipes and much more! If you talk to Americans, there is hope. They say they generally know what will make them healthier, but they are confused about what specific information is credible and accurate. will be that source of credible, accurate information to help Americans choose to live healthier lives. Body and Mind (BAM) This site is an interactive tool for adolescents, providing up-to-date information and encouragement to increase their level of physical activity and establish fitness habits that will stay with them for life. Choosing Healthier Foods and Increasing Activity The risk of obesity among Asian-American children increases the longer they are in the United States. The School of Public Health at the University of California, Berkley, offers materials for families in English, Vietnamese, and Korean about making healthy choices and being active. For Professionals Legislation and Regulations The Child Nutrition and Women Infants and Children (WIC) Reauthorization Act of 2004 (P.L. 108-265) This act amends and renews the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act and the Child Nutrition Act of 1966. Section 204 requires that all local education agencies participating in the National School Lunch Program create local wellness policies before the start of the 2006-2007 school year. In response to this mandate, both federal and non-federal agencies have responded with tools and resources for schools to assist with developing local wellness policies. RI Senate Bill 565 SUB A, Chapter 79 / House Bill 5563 SUB A, Chapter 74 This law amends RIGL §16-2-9 and §16-7.1-2 and creates §16-21-28. The law: Broadens the powers and duties of school committees to include the health and wellness of students and employees; Requires that the school committee establish a school health and wellness subcommittee responsible for – but not limited to – the development of policies, strategies and implementation plans that meet the requirements of the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004. A member of the school committee must chair the committee. Membership must be a majority not employed by the school district, and include at least one parent; and, Requires that district strategic plans include strategies to decrease obesity and improve the health and wellness of students and employees through nutrition, physical activity, health education and physical education. Rules and Regulations for School Health Programs (R-16-21-SCHO) State of Rhode Island Departments of Education and Health (last amended June 2005) “The Rules and Regulations for School Health Programs are promulgated pursuant to the authority conferred under RIGL Chapters 16-21, 35-4, and 23-118(4) and are established for the purpose of adopting prevailing standards pertaining to school health programs.” For Professionals School Wellness Policy Tools and Examples Rhode Island Healthy Schools Coalition (These are included in Tools section of this toolkit) School District Nutrition and Physical Activity Model Policy Language Nutrition Guidelines for School Vending and A La Carte Foods RI Approved Product List: School Vending & A La Carte Foods in RI Schools U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Team Nutrition: Local Wellness Policy This clearinghouse contains reference materials to assist school districts with developing local wellness policies for physical activity and nutrition, tools and resources for implementation, and un-reviewed sample policies. Action for Healthy Kids Wellness Policy Tool This searchable database was developed by Action for Healthy Kids in partnership with CDC to compliment USDA's local wellness policy web site. This site helps districts identify policy options and write their own policies. Users can adapt or copy sample language from un-reviewed policies gathered from across the country. National Alliance for Nutrition and Activity (NANA) Model School Wellness Policies “The model nutrition and physical activity policies below meet the new federal requirement. This comprehensive set of model nutrition and physical activity policies is based on nutrition science, public health research, and existing practices from exemplary states and local school districts around the country. The NANA work group's first priority was to promote children's health and wellbeing. However, feasibility of policy implementation also was considered.” New England Dairy & Food Council School Wellness resources This site provides step-by-step resources for creating wellness councils and policies, including: The Law Getting Started Policy Development Tools Nutrition and Fitness Support Materials, and Wellness Resource Links Power point presentation “Developing A Local Wellness Policy” from the School Nutrition Association (see School Wellness on sidebar) School Health Programs This web site shows how important quality school health programs are for all children. The site provides information for parents, school personnel, and community leaders to help make sure that all children get the information they need to grow up healthy. Center for Health and Health Care in Schools This site provides information for school personnel, health professionals, parents and students on a wide variety of health topics related to schools. A list serve is available also. The American Cancer Society and School Health Councils Promoting Healthy Youth, Schools, and Communities - A Guide to CommunitySchool Health Councils This guide provides detailed instructions for creating and running a School Health Council, with chapters on creating a vision, developing an action plan, taking action, and maintaining momentum. ouncils.pdf National Association of School Boards of Education (NASBE) Safe and Healthy Schools Project “NASBE aims to assist policymakers and practitioners create safe, healthy, and nurturing school environments for all of the nation's children and youth. The Safe and Healthy Schools Project maintains a constantly-updated online database of state school health policies of all 50 states’ laws and policies regarding 39 major topics in school health. NASBE has also developed an array of landmark policy guides on a variety of issues concerning children, youth, and school health that have helped inform the development of education policies across the country.” Fit, Healthy, and Ready to Learn: A School Health Policy Guide, Parts I, II, III “The Division of Adolescent and School Health (DASH) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) asked NASBE to help states, districts, and schools develop policies that would help prevent long-term chronic diseases. The resulting policy guide complements CDC's school health guidelines, which provide state-of-the-art, scientifically reliable information on what constitutes effective school health programs.” For Professionals School Physical Activity & Nutrition Self-Assessment Tools Rhode Island Healthy Schools Coalition Physical Activity and Nutrition Survey (This is included in Tools section of this toolkit) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) School Health Index (SHI) “The SHI is a self-assessment and planning tool that schools can use to improve their health and safety policies and programs. It's easy to use and completely confidential… This popular self-assessment and planning tool for schools is now available online!… Just need a paper copy? Download the PDF, customize and print a copy, or order a printed copy.” U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Changing the Scene “USDA developed this kit of materials to help you take action to improve your school nutrition environment. A Guide to Local Action [PDF] is the centerpiece. The kit: Gives you general guidelines for establishing your team and planning for change Explains each of the six components of a healthy school nutrition environment Provides criteria for determining success Offers ideas for getting activities started Presents guidelines for identifying, contacting, and working with all the groups you want actively involved on your team Provides tips for attracting media attention and working effectively with the media Cites references and resources The kit also includes Support Materials and Other Resources” For Professionals Reports on Schools and Obesity, Nutrition, and Physical Activity Institute of Medicine Preventing Childhood Obesity: Health in the Balance “In 2002, Congress charged the Institute of Medicine (IOM) with developing a prevention-focused action plan to decrease the number of obese children and youth in the United States. The primary emphasis of the charge was to examine the behavioral, social, cultural, and other broad environmental factors involved in childhood obesity and to identify promising approaches for prevention efforts.” This web site contains a report about the action plans and childhood obesity facts. National Association of School Boards of Education (NASBE) State Education Standard, Vol. 5, No. 2, December 2004, “The Obesity Epidemic: What Schools Can Do” This edition includes articles on the role of schools, health policies, and more. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report “Public Health Strategies for Preventing and Controlling Overweight and Obesity in School and Worksite Settings: A Report on Recommendations of the Task Force on Community Preventive Services.” MMWR October 7, 2005 / 54(RR10);1-12.