ICANS-XVIII 18th Meeting of the International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources April 25-29, 2007 Dongguan, Guangdong, P R China The title is 12 point Times New Roman bold, centered. Paragraph spacing: 12pt above 12pt below. Title…. Authors are 11 point Times New Roman, centered. Paragraph spacing 0pt above and 12pt below. G.J. Russell1, E.J. Pitcher1, J. Majewski1, G. Muhrer1, T. Ino2 1 2 Lujan Center, Los Alamos National Laboratory, P.O. Box 1663, Los Alamos, New Mexico USA Neutron Science Laboratory, KEK, Oho 1-1, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki-ken 305-0801, Japan [Authors address is 10 point Times New Roman, centered]. Abstract The Abstract is10 point Times New Roman italic, and justified. Do not indent the first sentence. The body of the text would then continue as follows: We currently have no direct real time measure of the ortho/para-hydrogen ratio for the Lujan Center supercritical hydrogen moderators. The intent of this work was to try and infer this ratio by comparing calculated neutron spectra integral-fractions (as a function of the ortho/para-hydrogen ratio) with measured neutron spectra integral-fractions as a function of time after filling the hydrogen moderator loop (that is, the ortho/para-hydrogen ratio)………. 1. The subhead is 11 point Times New Roman bold, flush left. Indent the first sentence of each paragraph by 0.2”. The body text is 10 point Times New Roman and justified. The text would then continue as follows: Knowing the ortho/para-hydrogen ratio in a liquid hydrogen moderator at pulsed spallation neutron sources is important when optimizing the design. Indent the first sentence of each paragraph and do not leave spaces between paragraphs. The text would then continue as follows: The downstream (lower) target is solid and edge-cooled with light water. … The paper size shall be set to letter and portrait with the margins: top 1”, bottom 1”, left 1.25”, right 1.25”, gutter 0”, header 0.5” and footer 0.5” … 2. The subhead is 11 point Times New Roman bold, flush left. Equations shall be written as the following: C p T (OFF ) . Q (OFF ) m (2.1) The paragraph spacing shall be 9pt above and after. The numbering shall be Times new Roman 10pt and at the right. The numbering itself shall have the following format (a.b) where a is the number of the chapter the equation is in (do not use sub-chapter numbers) and b means that it is the b-th equation in this chapter. The equation itself shall be on the left with 0.7” indent. For those few who have pure theoretical papers with a lot of equations and therefore want to use LATEX instead of WinWord, please contact Gary Russell for further information. 2.1 The subtitle is 10 point Times New Roman bold italic, flush left. The body of the text would then continue as follows; We used an as-built Monte Carlo model shown in Figs. 1-2 in our calculations [4]. The model, Eq. 1, faithfully reproduces the detail and complexity of the as-built ………. 2.1.1 The sub-subtitle font and point size are the same as the subtitle. The body of the text would then continue as follows: The third flux-trap moderator is a high-resolution, poisoned, decoupled moderator, where the poison depth is 1.5 cm from the moderator viewed surface………. Figure 33: Figure captions are 10 point Times New Roman italic, justified. To align the text of the second and the following lines with the first one go to format paragraph and selected under Indentation Special: Hanging By: 0.63”. As an example, the figure caption would then continue as follows: Bob MacFarlane’s preliminary scattering kernel for 56Fe compared to ‘free gas’ kernel Measured data are plotted for ortho-hydrogen fractions corresponding to that which would occur only from natural conversion………. 3. The subhead is 11 point Times New Roman bold, flush left. Indent the first sentence of each paragraph with no spaces between paragraphs. The body of the text would then continue as follows: We used the as-built Monte Carlo model discussed above and shown in …. Table 1: The table title is 10 point Times New Roman italic, centered above the table. Use SI units. Flight Path Moderator Material Moderator Thickness [cm] Premoderator Thickness [cm] Poison Decoupler Liner 16,1,2 H2O 1.5 2.0 2 mils Gd 32 mils Cd 32 mils Cd 3,4,5 H2O 2.5 0 none 32 mils Cd 32 mils Cd 6,7,8 H2O 2.5 0 none 32 mils Cd 32 mils Cd 9,10,11 LH2 5.0 0 none none 32 mils Cd 12,13 LH2 5.0 0 none none 32 mils Cd 14,15 H2O 4.0 0 none none 32 mils Cd Use the above table as a format. Center the table, using 10 point Times New Roman. Acknowledgements are the same as the subhead style. We want to acknowledge the special effort of Lujan target systems operations team LANSCE-7, and the LANSCE accelerator operations team who also provided important support for these measurements. References are the same as the subhead style. [1] Referred Journal. J. M. Smith, R. Brown, and C. Green, Phys. Rev. B 26, 1 (1982). [2] Proceedings J. M. Smith, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Madison, 1958, edited by C. Brown (University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1958), p. 201. [published, use italic title; edited form as above] [12] Reports: J. M. Smith, Brookhaven National Laboratory Report No. 10, 1982 (unpublished). [Most reports are considered to be unpublished. Those reports considered as full publications should be designated without the parenthetical unpublished at the end of the reference.] [33] Books. J.M. Smith, Molecular Dynamics (Academic, New York, 1980), Vol. 2, p. 20 [published, use italic title; additional information (Vol., Chap., Sec., p., etc.) as appropriate] [44] Others J. M. Smith (private communication). or: J. M. Smith (unpublished). References are 10 point Times New Roman, justified.